Ray and Rommel were in their cafe~
Rommel Cadell
It's almost time to windup
Rommel Cadell
You can leave Ray
Ray Cadell
I was thinking ....
Rommel Cadell
Thinking something stupid again ?
Ray Cadell
*Throw a cupcake at him* No
Rommel Cadell
Um... You just realised that ?
Rommel Cadell
Okay fine , go ahead
Ray Cadell
So... I was thinking... Why don't I work overtime today ?
Ray Cadell
With Miky of course
Rommel Cadell
You really hate it when I ask you to cover for my shift and now you wanna work overtime ?
Rommel Cadell
What has gotten into you ?
Ray Cadell
Well..... I just wanna help you *smile*
Rommel Cadell
Is that all ? *Staring at him*
Ray Cadell
( I can't tell him that I'm afraid to go home. What if that guy is already at our house waiting for me ? (;ŏ﹏ŏ) )
Rommel Cadell
*Sigh* I know you're not telling the truth
Rommel Cadell
What's going on ?
Ray Cadell
I am telling the truth
Ray Cadell
I need money and that's why I told you I'll work overtime today
Rommel Cadell
Ray , are you in any kind of-
Noxen Ashford
*Walked inside the cafe* I'm here
Rommel Cadell
*Look at Noxen*
Noxen Ashford
*Walk towards them*
Ray Cadell
( For the first time.... I'm grateful that he's here )
Noxen Ashford
What's wrong ?
Ray Cadell
Brother was just about to call you
Ray Cadell
Are you guys going on a date today ?
Ray Cadell
You should leave now
Ray Cadell
I'll take care of everything here
Ray pushed Noxen and Rommel out of the cafe trying his best to convince them that he can take care of the shop alone
Noxen Ashford
That was suspicious
Rommel Cadell
Yeah , what has gotten into him ?
Ray Cadell
That was a lot of work
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
And now you're gonna work again
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
You were the one who told your brother that you're going to work overtime and make money
Ray Cadell
Come on man , do you seriously think that someone's going to stop by at the cafe in the middle of the night ?
Ray Cadell
I was just making some excuses
Ray Cadell
No one is crazy to go to a cafe at midnight-
Ray Cadell
*Look towards the door*
I'm sooo excited for next ep....
plzzz...... upload ✨✨
Cosmic Angel
bad boys bad boys watcha gonna , watcha gonna do when they come for u 😏🤔
i am the first one