Rommel Cadell
*Trying to wake up Ray*
Ray Cadell
Ughh... Can I just skip one day ?
Rommel Cadell
No , you can't
Rommel Cadell
Get up and freshen up
Ray Cadell
Ughh.... you're so annoying
Rommel Cadell
I made your favorite pancakes
Ray Cadell
*Open his eyes* You're the best
Rommel Cadell
*Chuckle* Go and freshen up now
Ray Cadell
Aye aye sir *Ran towards the bathroom*
Rommel Cadell
I heard that you broke your skating board
Ray stopped on his track and looked back at Rommel
Rommel Cadell
Miky told me
Rommel Cadell
I have saved up some money , I'll buy you a new one
Ray Cadell
N.. No that's okay
Ray Cadell
I don't need one right now
Rommel Cadell
I know how much you like it
Ray Cadell
It's not a big deal
Ray Cadell
I know you saved up that money for something else
Ray Cadell
And besides... Schools has started
Ray Cadell
I'll be too busy studying to go skating
Rommel Cadell
You ? Study ?
Ray Cadell
*Glare at him* why can't I study ?
Rommel Cadell
Um... Is sleeping in classes everyday called studying now ?
Ray picked up a book from the shelf and threw it at him
Ray Cadell
I have my own ways of studying you nerd
Ray Cadell
*Show his tongue*
Ray Cadell
Why did you tell my brother that ?
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
Did he scold you or something ?
Ray Cadell
He'll never scold me
Ray Cadell
He's too nice for his own good
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
And you declined his offer of buying you a new skating board ?
Ray Cadell
Yeah , what else am i supposed to do ?
Ray Cadell
He definitely has no money
Ray Cadell
And i don't want him to overwork because of some stupid bastard who broke my skating board
Ray Cadell
Speaking of that bàstard.... isn't he in the same university as my brother ?
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
Why are you asking that ?
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
No no no no
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
You're definitely not planning on-
Ray Cadell
*Smile and look at him* I am
Miky Albert/Ray's bff
author....... please moreeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! I'm really loving this story
Christabel Jason
U have a plan 🥰
Jenblink 💜
the suspense......come on tell /Scream/