ep 18
Rai subordinate of moon
*kick that guy*
Rai subordinate of moon
Gaurds tie them on bed
Rai subordinate of moon
Go take fifteen prostitute boys and males here for one night
Gaurds become shocked what rai order ...but obey the order
Rai subordinate of moon
oh hello guys...one the table 50 gold has...you have to sex with them...those who..make them many come..they will take maky gold with them
Prostitutes are shocked but..greed of gold they agree
And remember one thing ...not a even one second...I don't want..their thing get alone ..got it*cold*
One Gaurds...is sir ray want give pleasure to them...
Second gaurd..are you fool...it's not a pleasure it's a ....hell... don't you hear what sir rai ...order
After 1hour .....they don't want it
After 2 hours ..please let go of us...
After 3hour they both in pain
Rai subordinate of moon
*look at them* hahah
bad guy
after 7hour ..please kai let us go
bad guy
We can't do this ...please
bad guy
Please forgive us*begging *
They begging but...not even for one second there dick was alone
After 12hour blood comming from their dick
One prostitute say..master kai..if we continue like this they will die
Rai subordinate of moon
Do you want gold or no *supper cold*
Rai subordinate of moon
If you want then don't stop*cold*
bad guy
please..ahh...let us go
Rai subordinate of moon
Hahah* laugh like insane*
Rai subordinate of moon
Do you know your torture became nightmare to me ..
Rai subordinate of moon
it's a very good punishment for you..even you remember it after your death..that... don't do rape someone
Rai subordinate of moon
*super cold*
bad guy
aaa*pain totally and die*
bad guy
*can't take pain and die*
rai ... didn't take away his eyes from them whole night..like he want to prove himself..that they can't do anything...
Those bad guys ..given ..pain ...never live rai to normal life...but now ...he is strong...
And can't be bully by other people...
He became stone...pleople always says... diamond...found in charcoal mine
And it's true..because rai is truly diamond to moon
for rai moon is his father mother ...master ....brother his friend .. everything to him
Rai subordinate of moon
I will save you.. please wait for me
I don't have time ...*running his horse
Rai subordinate of moon
Huf~ I take this insect
Sorry rai sir ..you are late
Rai subordinate of moon
Rai subordinate of moon
Lufan you say ..he will save
general moon cheng
No ..no..*die*
Rai subordinate of moon
*go near to him*please wake up
Rai subordinate of moon
*crying badly and faint*
Please like my story guy..
So Lufan became good and befriended Rai