ep 16
also they using...wood toy on..please understand it your majesty..
His bones are damage ...
I don't think he will alive
little moon
*listening to doctor and tears drop from his eyes*
little moon
Father what is sexually harrassed
little moon
*ask innocently*
wei cheng(father of moon
wei cheng(father of moon
it the thing which can destroy his or her life
little moon
Father please give him justice...
little moon
*and go doctor* please sir.. ..make him alive*
little moon
*praying from God in temple *
it's true that God hears pray of children and little kai was out of dangerous
But..is it easy ...to live sexually assaulted person to live common life
Why can't people see other people to human just like they...whay
Can't they understand that when they feel pain do other also feel pain
This is sour reallity of human life
wei cheng(father of moon
*gave order to gaurd * find out who did this to this little boy...and find out who is he which family he belongs
wei cheng(father of moon
*look at kai *whom did this to ..you...I will make their life hell*angry*
it's a five days that moon prayer for god to save kai
He didn't even ate food nor water
your majesty that boy wake up
wei cheng(father of moon
*happy to hears this and go to temple*
wei cheng(father of moon
Moon ...baby he wake up..god hears your prayer
little moon
*happy and stand up but faint*
wei cheng(father of moon
Hold him* doctor
Your majesty.. crown prince faint because he didn't take any food or water
Please give him food oky
wei cheng(father of moon
How is that boy
your majesty please go and check him...😔😔
wei cheng(father of moon
little moon
*wakeup* father I want to see him*
wei cheng(father of moon
Baby first eat something oky they go to see him
wei cheng(father of moon
little kai 6years
don't touch me..😭😭
little kai 6years
Please let me go
eat food ..*angry tone*
little kai 6years
Please live me🙏🙏
Then suddenly king and moon come
little moon
How dare you talk to him like this*angry*
*scared*please forgive me crown prince
wei cheng(father of moon
gaurd give 10 slap to this maid
little moon
Hello*go near to kai and gentle tone*
little kai 6years
Please go away...*feared*
little kai 6years
Plese don't hurt me 🙏🙏🙏
little moon
*hurt to see him like this*
wei cheng(father of moon
*feeling hurt*
little moon
no ..no you are not..
little kai 6years
*shocked to hear his words *
little moon
*then suddenly hug him*
little kai 6years
aaaaa*crying in pain*
little kai 6years
You will be hurt me*bite moon neck*
little moon
Hiss* blood come from his neck*
wei cheng(father of moon
little moon
Father please ..it's nothing serious
wei cheng(father of moon
So he eventually recovers and swore allegiance to Moon for saving him 😌 and the trash that hurt him will pay