Queen Lila (Piece of Our Kingdoms)

Queen Lila (Piece of Our Kingdoms)


Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Queen Lila the First Daughter of Chen Palace, who married a king... many people say that Queen Lila is very valuable because she married a king because she has a blood heir so she was chosen as the king's first wife... but in his back beauty or kindness is also the king's destruction of him.... but no matter what happened he did everything to be a good leader for his people and his family...
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
King Naveed the king of Artihum is a good king and a good husband but he is a hurtful husband to his queen... he thought that the Queen would not give him an heir so he thought of marrying the Five Women because of hurting the Queen's feelings... The king only married the queen because of the friendship between the two kingdoms but the Queen loves him but that's what she doesn't like...
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali the Crown Prince of Chen Palace is the brother of the Queen of Artihum. He did everything to help the queen to be strong, even though the Queen has moved away from the country, he made a way for the queen to be by his side for a long time.
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
Old king of Artihum King Lujin is king naveed's father.
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
King Mo Chen Zhinyu from Chen Palace is the father of Queen Lila and Prince Ali of Chen Palace
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen Nathalia is the Queen of Chen Palace, the wife of King Zhinyu, the mother of Queen Lila and Prince Ali
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord of Chen Palace Lord Jian Lee the Lord who came from the Sky Kingdom became the leader of the Chen Dynasty
The Last Year 1867 In the Chen Dynasty there was a Princess who was a loving and modest gentle and respectful...
The royal family was in a meeting a private discussion regarding the upcoming marriage of the two heirs of Artihum and Chen Palace.
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
WHAT! Grandpa, you want my sister to marry the enemy, what kind of nonsense is that, grandpa, I will not agree to what you want to happen"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
But that's all your father and I thought to stop the conflict between the two countries now that the territory of the Artihum country is closer to the Chen country so there's nothing wrong with it. if Lila marries the Emperor of Artihum
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
And if you think that would be good for my sister, I won't allow it"
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
keep quiet Ali you can't do anything if that's what your father and grandfather want for the good of the two kingdoms
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
and you think that's all that should be done, mother, there's more to be done, i don't want my sister to marry the enemy
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Ali, I agree to our family's wishes, there is nothing you can do if the two kingdoms have already discussed, I am the way for the peace of the many...
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
but sister?"
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
PRINCE ALI, just shut up because there's no point in disagreeing if you're the only one who disagrees with all of us!"
Prince Ali sat down in his chair and didn't speak anymore, he just let him listen....
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
We are the ones who wanted reconciliation with Artihum so it is better that we go to their kingdom"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Natahlia is the one who wanted to conquer us but I think we are the ones who wanted it to not go on"
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
But dad I'm also worried about Lila"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
don't worry I'll take care of him"
One Day Later the siblings Princess Lila and Prince Ali are in military training
General Zhen of Chen Palace
General Zhen of Chen Palace
well done dear princess you used the sword well you really split all the plants"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Thank you very much Chief General"
General Zhen of Chen Palace
General Zhen of Chen Palace
And you, Prince Ali, showed great skill in making a case of a crime
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Thank you Master
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
My two grandchildren are just there...
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Good Morning to you my Grandfather King what is our service" I promised and knelt in respect...
General Zhen of Chen Palace
General Zhen of Chen Palace
Your Excellency, welcome and welcome to my camp"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Thank you very much for the warm welcome, I'm only here to talk to our princess"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
what do you want to say my grandfather?"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
follow me to the military garden first, I just want the two of us to talk"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
will follow"
the princess followed the Old King they reached the Military Garden which was deserted...
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Your Majesty, what do you want to say?"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lila, do you really agree with my plan?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
There's nothing I can do, Your Mystery, because that's your request, so I have to fulfill it, and I want to because it's for everyone."
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
That's My Princess,thank you because you are quick to understand no wonder why I chose you to represent being the Queen of the Two Kingdoms"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
and that is what I honor, Your Mystery, I will take care of the position you offered me"


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