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Queen Lila (Piece of Our Kingdoms)


Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Queen Lila the First Daughter of Chen Palace, who married a king... many people say that Queen Lila is very valuable because she married a king because she has a blood heir so she was chosen as the king's first wife... but in his back beauty or kindness is also the king's destruction of him.... but no matter what happened he did everything to be a good leader for his people and his family...
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
King Naveed the king of Artihum is a good king and a good husband but he is a hurtful husband to his queen... he thought that the Queen would not give him an heir so he thought of marrying the Five Women because of hurting the Queen's feelings... The king only married the queen because of the friendship between the two kingdoms but the Queen loves him but that's what she doesn't like...
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali the Crown Prince of Chen Palace is the brother of the Queen of Artihum. He did everything to help the queen to be strong, even though the Queen has moved away from the country, he made a way for the queen to be by his side for a long time.
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
Old king of Artihum King Lujin is king naveed's father.
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
King Mo Chen Zhinyu from Chen Palace is the father of Queen Lila and Prince Ali of Chen Palace
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen Nathalia is the Queen of Chen Palace, the wife of King Zhinyu, the mother of Queen Lila and Prince Ali
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord of Chen Palace Lord Jian Lee the Lord who came from the Sky Kingdom became the leader of the Chen Dynasty
The Last Year 1867 In the Chen Dynasty there was a Princess who was a loving and modest gentle and respectful...
The royal family was in a meeting a private discussion regarding the upcoming marriage of the two heirs of Artihum and Chen Palace.
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
WHAT! Grandpa, you want my sister to marry the enemy, what kind of nonsense is that, grandpa, I will not agree to what you want to happen"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
But that's all your father and I thought to stop the conflict between the two countries now that the territory of the Artihum country is closer to the Chen country so there's nothing wrong with it. if Lila marries the Emperor of Artihum
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
And if you think that would be good for my sister, I won't allow it"
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
keep quiet Ali you can't do anything if that's what your father and grandfather want for the good of the two kingdoms
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
and you think that's all that should be done, mother, there's more to be done, i don't want my sister to marry the enemy
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Ali, I agree to our family's wishes, there is nothing you can do if the two kingdoms have already discussed, I am the way for the peace of the many...
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
but sister?"
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
King of Chen Palace King Mo Zhinyu
PRINCE ALI, just shut up because there's no point in disagreeing if you're the only one who disagrees with all of us!"
Prince Ali sat down in his chair and didn't speak anymore, he just let him listen....
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
We are the ones who wanted reconciliation with Artihum so it is better that we go to their kingdom"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Natahlia is the one who wanted to conquer us but I think we are the ones who wanted it to not go on"
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
Queen of Chen Palace Queen Natahlia
But dad I'm also worried about Lila"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
don't worry I'll take care of him"
One Day Later the siblings Princess Lila and Prince Ali are in military training
General Zhen of Chen Palace
General Zhen of Chen Palace
well done dear princess you used the sword well you really split all the plants"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Thank you very much Chief General"
General Zhen of Chen Palace
General Zhen of Chen Palace
And you, Prince Ali, showed great skill in making a case of a crime
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Thank you Master
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
My two grandchildren are just there...
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Prince Ali From Chen Palace
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Good Morning to you my Grandfather King what is our service" I promised and knelt in respect...
General Zhen of Chen Palace
General Zhen of Chen Palace
Your Excellency, welcome and welcome to my camp"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Thank you very much for the warm welcome, I'm only here to talk to our princess"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
what do you want to say my grandfather?"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
follow me to the military garden first, I just want the two of us to talk"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
will follow"
the princess followed the Old King they reached the Military Garden which was deserted...
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Your Majesty, what do you want to say?"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lila, do you really agree with my plan?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
There's nothing I can do, Your Mystery, because that's your request, so I have to fulfill it, and I want to because it's for everyone."
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
That's My Princess,thank you because you are quick to understand no wonder why I chose you to represent being the Queen of the Two Kingdoms"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
and that is what I honor, Your Mystery, I will take care of the position you offered me"

Episode 1

The Chen Family went to Artihum to arrange a marriage between two heirs...
The King and Queen of the Chen Dynasty ride a Royal Carriage while their princess and the Grandfather of the Chen Dynasty ride a horse...
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Grandpa I'm nervous about this plan should we go ahead with it?"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
You're thinking twice now Lila but there's nothing you can do now, our dynasty needs you more so that it can live in peace"
Princess Lila just nodded and followed their flight to Artihum Palace....
on the other hand while the Chen Dynasty was on a flight the Emperor of the Artihum Palace was in a pleasure house...
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
why are you so beautiful and sexy that I'm attracted to you"
The Emperor embraced the two women as he kissed her on the lips.
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
the kiss you're going to enjoy is never boring"
the two women began to seduce their Emperor.
The emperor feels extremely happy because there are two women who give him pleasure.
one of the women threw a stone at the Emperor, the Emperor was lying on the bed looking at the two beautiful women.
on his head was a woman without clothes causing the emperor to drool because of that.
suddenly the woman who was stoned to him lay down, she lay down from being stoned and kissed him strongly, the Emperor grabbed a nipple of another woman on his head.
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
while the Emperor was having fun with the two women, the Chen Family reached Artihum.
the maids of Artihum greeted the Chen Family they went straight to the king's guest office.
when they arrived at the king's office, the King of Artihum stood up and made the Lord of the Chen Family sit on his throne, the Lord of the Chen Family the Grandfather of the Chen Family is only one.
The King of Artihum Palace paid respect to the Old King or Lord of Chen Palace...
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
Your majesty, you have reached my kingdom"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
everyone sit down first"
Each royal family had taken their seats, but the Lord of the Chen Family noticed something.
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
where is your son King Lujin, he doesn't seem to be here, doesn't he know we are coming?"
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
he's just busy managing outside the kingdom, there are only a few people because he made me do it"
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
then allow me to introduce you to my only granddaughter"
Lord Jian pointed at Lila.
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Lord Jian Lee of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila is my granddaughter, she is the one I want to be your son's wife"
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
very beautiful princess modest"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Good day to you Dear King I am Princess Lila of the Chen Dynasty I'm 19 Years Old"
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
can you be beautiful and young, don't worry, Lila, your marriage will not be rushed, I want to challenge you first"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
whatever challenge you give me, I will accept it"
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
polite and not proud, the way you are raised is good, that's the kind of person I like, that's the way I like it"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
so your majesty what do you want me to do to challenge you?"
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
from now on you can leave your family in Artihum Palace don't worry because it has been agreed and always remember that you will not be harmed in Artihum, because I won't let my son's future wife get hurt.
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
I'm ready for your first challenge, Your Mystery"
The Emperor did not think as he was next to the two women hugging him without clothes, there was another woman sitting on a beautiful chair across from where he was lying,while the Emperor was sleeping soundly with the two women, the other woman in the chair was reading with her brain so that the sleeping ones would not wake up.
the girl reads the rules in the Artihum palace what exactly she should do to be a good Empress when she is married to the Emperor...
A woman woke up and was surprised because of the woman who was sitting, the woman who was sitting on the chair was very beautiful and her clothes were also very beautiful.
a woman woke up another woman, she also woke up and greeted her, she was surprised, they immediately got ready and ran out of the room but the woman who was sitting gave no reaction,to the two women next to the Emperor.
It was only a few minutes before the girl stopped waking up the Emperor, she felt that he had woken up, but she didn't pay attention to it, she was just focused on what she was reading.
The emperor sat on the bed and wondered as he looked at a beautiful young woman in front of him.
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
who are you what are you doing here introduce yourself"
The Emperor asked the girl one after another but the girl ignored him.
The king stood up and took the book the girl was holding but he still didn't look at the emperor. The emperor looked at what the girl was reading and he was surprised by what he read.
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
why do you have this, do you know that this policy is too important that only the Royal Family of Artihum should know" the girl looked at the emperor.
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
I know I need to read that so I know where I'll be placed It's not like you who already know the rules but your attitude is like trash"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
am i trash it looks like you're new to us so you should respect me"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
I will respect you Emperor Naveed?"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Wait, how did you know my name and purpose?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
because I'm the only woman who will marry you"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
are you Princess Lila of the Chen Dynasty?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
I am your majesty"
his majesty was surprised because of what he found out...

Episode 2

Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Wait, tell me you're the girl my father wants me to marry?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
I am Your Majesty"
The Emperor put on his Hanfu Pajamas and approached the Princess.
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
do you really think you're going to marry me now that you've seen me with another woman?"
The Princess stood up and paid respect to the Emperor before he arranged for us.
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Your majesty, having sex with many women is not a reason to stop our parents' Plan"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
The peace of the two kingdoms depends on us, so no matter what you want or want, you must follow their orders"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
and you still want to marry me now knowing that I will not be a good husband for you?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
I don't need a good husband or a loving and caring one, all I want is a good Emperor who can command order in his people,and that's you, you won't even be good to me, but I liked your management"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
then whatever I do that hurts you I can do?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
as long as you're not crowned king you can do whatever you want"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
even if I marry another woman again?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Lila sighed and looked into the Emperor's eyes "you can do that because one of the rules is for a King to have many wives so that he can have many heirs"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Wait, you know that policy?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
yes majesty as your first Wife and destined to be the Queen of your Throne,I will also play the role of organizing and being the leader of your other Wife and being the leader of another princess who is the Wife of the Children of Artihum"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
very well and it seems that everything you will do in my kingdom is planned"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
It is necessary to be advanced rather than slow"
The Emperor grinned because of what the Princess said.
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
so you still want me to take you around my country?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
there is also a time for that, your majesty, the important thing is that we return to your kingdom to start the celebration"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
then just wait for me outside this room, I'll just get dressed"
the princess nodded, she first respected the Emperor before he left the room,.
while Lila was waiting outside the room, a lady approached her and the Royal Guard blocked the lady so that she could not approach the Noble Princess.
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
don't block him like he won't hurt me"
The Royal Guards moved aside and gave way to a lady who wanted to approach the Royal Princess, the Lady was accompanied by a Personal Maid.
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
What's your name?"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
I am Lady Farrah of Xiao Mansion the Eldest Sister of Crown Princess Xiao"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
then you are the Sister of my Brother-in-law's Wife Nice to meet you Lady Farrah"
Lady Farrah respected Lila, Lady Farrah suddenly fell to her knees when she saw the Emperor come out of the Room.
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
Greetings your Mystery"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Farrah why are you here?"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
I'm just here to encourage you to go for a walk if you're not busy, Your Mystery"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
sorry but we have an event My Princess needs to go to"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
In that case, I have received the invitation from the Palace, so I will also come with you when you go to the kingdom"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
then come and let's go back to the palace"
they walked out of the entertainment house next to the Emperor with his Princess while walking and the Lady was behind the Emperor with her Personal Maid,The Royal Guard walked with them.
They had already left the Entertainment House and were greeted by the Emperor's Ancient Carriage.
the Emperor entered the Carriage first followed by the Princess and the Lady and Lady Farrah's Personal Maid was outside while the other Royal Guards were outside the Carriage.
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Lady Farrah, even if you don't tell me, I know your secret, I can read people's minds because my dynasty has a hidden talent"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
I don't understand"
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Princess Lila is the Eldest Daughter of the Chen Dynasty with unique magic and talent"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
it's amazing that you have such power, Your highness"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
before I agreed to Marry the Emperor I first studied About him so you are a matter of study"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
What is that princess?
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
you are one of the Emperor's women who is always with him and always sleeps next to him so how can I imagine your relationship with the Emperor"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Lila what are you talking about?"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
I want to have the sin that will happen to the two women of the Emperor, me and Farrah
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
I don't understand what you're saying Lila"
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
Princess Lila of Chen Dynasty
there will be a sin that will happen tonight, the King will marry two women, Me and Farrah, I am the Empress and Farrah is the Empress Consort"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
Your highness, may I be the Empress?”
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
Emperor Naveed of Artihum Palace
That can happen if the Royal Couple wants Am I right Lila?"
Lila nodded in agreement.
A few hours passed and Chambers was with her while arranging their wedding dressed.
while Farrah is being fixed up in her Chambers…
of an alluring traditional weeding dress…
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
My lady, here are your shoes to wear"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
I feel so beautiful right now, I didn't know I was going to marry the man I love the most"
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
But My Lady you know that the Emperor has another wife and that is the Empress"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
I don't care about the Empress now, I will use the Empress first to get the position I want in the palace"
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
I thought the position as Empress was enough for you"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
I want to be the Queen when I become the Queen. The real Queen must be lost in our kingdom so that I can rule the entire Artihum and only I should be loved by Naveed"
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
Maid Tahlia The Personal Maid of Farrah
My Lady"
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
after tonight I'll be called Empress Farrah it feels so good"
while at the Event the guests are already arriving.
King Lujin of Artihum Palace
Second Son of Artihum The Crown Prince Lu Min
His Wife is Crown Princess Xiao
Third son of Artihum Prince Lu Han
And her Fiance Lady Khan of Khan Mansion
after the Royal Family of Artihum came, the Royal Family of the Chen Dynasty came next.
The Grandfather of the Chen Dynasty was their mighty Lord Jian.
The king of Chen Dynasty us King Mo Zhinyu the son of Lord Jian.
And her wife Queen Natahlia of Chen Dynasty
And the last of Chen Family is Crown Prince Ali the Youngest Son of King Zhinyu
when all the guests arrived, the Pride began to ride in their Carriages.
the Emperor first went to the Interior Palace where the Royal Families of the two Countries and the royal leaders.
Emperor Lu Naveed the First Son of King Lujin.
while everyone was waiting, Lady Farrah arrived first.
there were few who respected her except the Royal Family, Crown Princess Xiao would have stood up to support her sister but she couldn't because the Royal Family didn't stand up to respect his sister.
that Farrah was disappointed but she didn't make it obvious that her father was not at that event but her Mother was there so Lady Farrah still insisted that her marriage to the emperor goes ahead.
he approached the Emperor...
Lady Farrah
Lady Farrah
The Emperor looked at her and gave her a sweet kiss on the forehead.
there was an Eunuch who shouted from outside "The Noble Empress is Here" all the people at that event stood up and paid their respects,Congratulations to the crown princes and crown princesses and princesses and princes of the two kingdoms the kings and the Queen paid their respects to Princess Lila.
They are all so beautiful because of the beauty of their new Empress. Farrah seems to be disappointed again because Lila is so beautiful than her. Her outfit is so beautiful that it fits her to him.
The Emperor was amazed and greeted his beautiful Empress.
"Greetings your Majesty"Everyone Said.

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