Every Beautiful Thing Has Something Dark Behind It

Every Beautiful Thing Has Something Dark Behind It

Howling Winds

The empire of Barlow was decorated while the Empress was in the public hospital, her being pregnant was a big thing in itself, but she was going into labor, the people of the city held their breaths to know what life form the baby was. In private, after the baby had been born, the Empress was not impressed, "An Elf!?" she belted.

"Dear Empress, why do you seem upset?" The doctor asked, puzzled, "Our royal family includes only Angels and Humans, one Ghost too, we don't need an Elf! We can't have an Elf! Elves are notorious! Known for creating havoc!" the Empress exclaimed with fury, "What goes on in your mind, dear Empress? This is your own child, whether Elf or Human. It's your own blood!" the doctor protested. "I don't care for Elves, they should be locked up along with those cursed Demons!" She yelled, "Give me someone else's child, someone must have given birth now or then!" she added, the doctor stayed silent for a moment but then nodded and went out, he went across the hallway and opened the door to a room where a mother and her newborn were sleeping.

There was hardly any difference between their babies, so the doctor, switched them. The doctor proceeded to the Empress's chamber, "Dear Empress, this is a Human baby, would you like this one?" the doctor asked with hesitation, "Oh yes! Delightful!" she remarked happily, "Your name, my child, will be Neal." she continued, the doctor picked up the Empress's biological son and went to the same room as before.

He gently put the baby down next to the poor mother, while doing so, he accidentally woke in the baby, it started to cry furiously. He became worried, he thought the mother might wake up, but after a few moments, no signs of the mother waking up showed.

The doctor hushed the baby and checked the mother's pulse, her heart had stopped, the doctor's expression turned grave, this baby was taken away from his biological mother and now his adoptive mother had died. Fortunately, the mother's husband arrived in time, "Doctor, what happened?" he asked, "I have a neutral news and some bad news. . ." the doctor insinuated.

"Your son is an Elf, but your wife died. ." The doctor spoke with great regret, the husband broke down crying, he held the switched baby in his hands, thinking it was his own. He held the baby's hands and vowed to never let this baby yearn for his mother, he would take on the role of both parents, he would, he promised.

That day, the winds were especially cold for the husband, but comfortingly warm for the Empress, he went home to his old cottage in which his other son was waiting worriedly for them. "Son, your brother is here but your mother. . ." The father trailed off, unable to find words to describe this tragedy to a 6 year old, "Ooh! What's his name?" the young boy asked with vigour, "Name? Uhm. . Miureann. . ."



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