For some people only a two or three slap means violence.
For some people even some harsh word means violence
But for me?? For me slapping or harsh word is nothing but a pinch.
The amount of violence I have faced in my life is nothing compared to these small slap or kick.
My whole life I knew nothing other than work or violence. Only these two things were allowed in my life.
I can never remember a day when I was happy after I grew up and started to understand everything.
I just want some peace. Nothing else. I want to go very far away from this violenced life where every other time I have to be scared if I will be able to remain alive the next day or not.
I don't want to die either. I want to leave. I want peace.I want someone to comfort me.
I just want someone's unconditional love and comfort. Where I will find my peace.
that's true... if I say even raising ur voice is violence... u might think I'm a dramatic... but I'm someone who never faced any sort of violence... not with my parents or sibling...friends also treat me like a sensitive person... looking at me is Enough to stop me from doing things... so even raising voice is unbearable for me... I will get scared of that person and gradually i will distance myself from them.... so based on people the word violence differs
🥺 buttercup 😽💜
that's true... if I say even raising ur voice is violence... u might think I'm a dramatic... but I'm someone who never faced any sort of violence... not with my parents or sibling...friends also treat me like a sensitive person... looking at me is Enough to stop me from doing things... so even raising voice is unbearable for me... I will get scared of that person and gradually i will distance myself from them.... so based on people the word violence differs
I feel you