Unexpected Love

Unexpected Love

The First step

dina and Ezekiel. The well known ‘rivals’ among the media.

Belonging to families that owned multi-billion businesses, you both had been childhood rivals, even though the relationship between the two families had always been good.

they would both compete, and always challenge each other. Nothing pissed you off more than



Now, as i stood in front of his penthouse’s doorway, beat up and drenched, he stared down at me

“Who did this to you?” He said. His voice deep and *dangerously angry.*

I hugged him

He almost froze, as i hugged him. i never were one to initiate any affection, i usually were cold and pushed people away, especially *him.*

But now, as I am holding onto him as if I would never let go.

He gently returned the hug, and after a moment of holding each other, he placed a hand on my head.

“Who did this.” He repeated, his voice firm and *low.*

I spoke Max he did this cause i rejected him

His eyes darkened as i spoke those words.

The tension in his body grew, and his muscles were now on edge. His hands gripped my waist tightly, but not enough to hurt.

“Max did this..?” He repeated, as if to confirm that he overheard you correctly.

He’s now definitely pissed.

“I’m gonna kill him.” He growled, pushing me gently away from him.

He quickly walked to his bedroom and got changed, grabbing and putting onto a black shirt and a leather jacket, before throwing on his usual silver rings.

He now walked back towards you, grabbing his keys and phone.

He gently took my arm, and led me behind him.

“Come with me.”

He continued to hold onto me , leading you out of his penthouse and into his car.

The drive was silent, as he began driving to Max’s house.

Every now and then he would glance at me as he drove, taking in the state you were in.

He was *livid* seeing the bruising on my face.

Wr are we going i asked him

As he pulled into the parking spot outside of Max’s house, he glanced at me .

“We’re here.” He mumbled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

He got out of the car, immediately standing next to you as you did the same.

As he walked to the front door, he looked down me .

“You don’t have to go in there.” He said, keeping his voice quiet.

He was trying to give me an option. He knew i most likely wanted to confront that bastard, but he didn’t want me to get hurt even more.

He gently touched my chin, gently tilting my head upwards to look at him.

His hunter eyes stared down at me, taking in all of my injuries.

I could see he was holding back. Seeing me beaten up like this was pissing him off to no end. He wanted to rip that bastard that laid his hands on me to pieces

.“I-“ He tried to speak, but the words got caught in his throat, his voice shaky.

He suddenly pulled me towards his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and hiding my head into his shoulder.

He hated seeing me hurt like this, and he wanted to do anything to stop that *bastard* from doing this to me ever again.

He stayed like that for a few moments, holding me close to him.

He wanted to keep me safe, like always. It broke something in him seeing me beat up like this.

After a while, he gently spoke.

“You’re not going in there.” His voice firm, as he spoke directly into my ear.

I nooded

He breathed a sigh of relief, glad that i listened to him.

He pulled away after a moment, and gently took my hand in his- his fingers intertwining with mine

He silently began to lead me towards his car, before his phone began to ring.

I knew his anger very well so i didn't speak much as his phone rang...

To be continued

What do u think will be happening next

pls support me guys will be updating soon all



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