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Unexpected Love

The First step

dina and Ezekiel. The well known ‘rivals’ among the media.

Belonging to families that owned multi-billion businesses, you both had been childhood rivals, even though the relationship between the two families had always been good.

they would both compete, and always challenge each other. Nothing pissed you off more than



Now, as i stood in front of his penthouse’s doorway, beat up and drenched, he stared down at me

“Who did this to you?” He said. His voice deep and *dangerously angry.*

I hugged him

He almost froze, as i hugged him. i never were one to initiate any affection, i usually were cold and pushed people away, especially *him.*

But now, as I am holding onto him as if I would never let go.

He gently returned the hug, and after a moment of holding each other, he placed a hand on my head.

“Who did this.” He repeated, his voice firm and *low.*

I spoke Max he did this cause i rejected him

His eyes darkened as i spoke those words.

The tension in his body grew, and his muscles were now on edge. His hands gripped my waist tightly, but not enough to hurt.

“Max did this..?” He repeated, as if to confirm that he overheard you correctly.

He’s now definitely pissed.

“I’m gonna kill him.” He growled, pushing me gently away from him.

He quickly walked to his bedroom and got changed, grabbing and putting onto a black shirt and a leather jacket, before throwing on his usual silver rings.

He now walked back towards you, grabbing his keys and phone.

He gently took my arm, and led me behind him.

“Come with me.”

He continued to hold onto me , leading you out of his penthouse and into his car.

The drive was silent, as he began driving to Max’s house.

Every now and then he would glance at me as he drove, taking in the state you were in.

He was *livid* seeing the bruising on my face.

Wr are we going i asked him

As he pulled into the parking spot outside of Max’s house, he glanced at me .

“We’re here.” He mumbled, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

He got out of the car, immediately standing next to you as you did the same.

As he walked to the front door, he looked down me .

“You don’t have to go in there.” He said, keeping his voice quiet.

He was trying to give me an option. He knew i most likely wanted to confront that bastard, but he didn’t want me to get hurt even more.

He gently touched my chin, gently tilting my head upwards to look at him.

His hunter eyes stared down at me, taking in all of my injuries.

I could see he was holding back. Seeing me beaten up like this was pissing him off to no end. He wanted to rip that bastard that laid his hands on me to pieces

.“I-“ He tried to speak, but the words got caught in his throat, his voice shaky.

He suddenly pulled me towards his chest, wrapping his arms around my waist and hiding my head into his shoulder.

He hated seeing me hurt like this, and he wanted to do anything to stop that *bastard* from doing this to me ever again.

He stayed like that for a few moments, holding me close to him.

He wanted to keep me safe, like always. It broke something in him seeing me beat up like this.

After a while, he gently spoke.

“You’re not going in there.” His voice firm, as he spoke directly into my ear.

I nooded

He breathed a sigh of relief, glad that i listened to him.

He pulled away after a moment, and gently took my hand in his- his fingers intertwining with mine

He silently began to lead me towards his car, before his phone began to ring.

I knew his anger very well so i didn't speak much as his phone rang...

To be continued

What do u think will be happening next

pls support me guys will be updating soon all


He let go of my hand, and picked up his phone.

He answered the call, putting it to his ear.

As mewaited, i noticed the look on his face. It was darker and colder, and he almost looked completely mad.

He was talking through gritted teeth, and it was obvious that whoever he was speaking to, was infuriating him.

After a few moments, he hung up. He seemed to be trying to calm himself. He closed his eyes for a moment, and breathed out, before turning to face me. He walked back over to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist once again, pulling me to him.

What happened

He held me close to him, his hold protective.

“That was my brother.” He said, his voice low.

It was unusual to hear him talk this way. He was *livid*.

His grip on me tightened.

“We’re going to my penthouse.”

I still insist on asking him Oki but what happened

He began to lead me back to his sports car, sitting me down in the passenger seat.

He got into the car as well, but before doing so, he had to calm down again.

He hated the way he was feeling. Seeing me hurt like that, plus whatever his brother said, was pissing him off to no end. He took a deep breath and exhaled, before starting the car.

The drive to the penthouse was silent. I occasionally glanced at him as he drove. He was gripping the steering wheel extremely tightly, his knuckles turning white.

He was pissed. He could barely think straight, all he wanted to do was make sure that bastard pay for harming me .

Pls tell me what happened

He let out a long sigh, still keeping his grip on the steering wheel.

“My brother just told me that they found Max beaten up. He’s in the hospital now.” He spoke, his voice cold and dark.

He said this as if it were nothing, but in reality, he was glad that bastard got beat up.


He stayed silent for a moment, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.

After a minute went by, he spoke.

“He said some of my men found him like that. and they did what they had to do he said, his voice calm now.

He glanced down at me for a moment, taking in my appearance again. It still pissed him off.

He was *so* mad, he could barely focus on anything other than *me*. He had known me since childhood, and he always found it hard to keep his emotions in check when it came to me.

He was mad at Max for hurting me, and just generally annoyed that he even touched me at all.

When the two of us finally reached his penthouse, he hurried out of the car, making sure to open the door for me

He took my hand in his and practically dragged me into the penthouse, immediately grabbing me and holding me closely to him once inside.He placed his hands on my waist, keeping meclose to him. He was almost afraid to let me out of his sight, in case something happened to me again

. He gently placed his head in the crook of my neck, taking in the scent of your shampoo.

He was trying to calm down now, his breathing more even.

He loved this closeness, being able to hold melike this. But he also hated that he had to do this. He should’ve been there to protect me , instead of finding mebeaten up in the middle of nowhere.

I understood how he felt but why i didn't understand that i loveed this cause he always made me feel safe and we both never confessd each other still

But now, at least i were in his penthouse, *safe,* and away from the person who did this to me

He slowly wrapped his arms fully around your waist, pulling me *closer* to him, almost making me stumble against his chest.

Continued in next chapter see u people later

Pls support me guys

protective 2

He closed his eyes, feeling mybody pressed against his, and he breathed in once again.

He was so damn mad, and all he wanted to do right now was to keep me locked away in a room until he was 100% sure that me’d never get hurt again.He slowly pulled away from me a bit, so he could look down at me .

He was studying my face, taking in all of the injuries.

His gaze hardened, and his fingers tensed against mywaist, as he saw the way mylip was busted, and how myeye was bruised.He slowly raised his hand, gently touching mybruised lip with his thumb.

He wasn’t saying anything, he was just watching me as he gently traced the split on mylip.

He was *pissed* at seeing this, and he hated how Max did this to me.

I look ugly stop seeing me like that

His glare softened a bit, and he gently cupped mycheek, his large hand covering most of myface. He was still angry about myinjuries, but he was trying his best to control his temper and not go out and find that bastard that hurt me.

His glare intensified, and his jaw was now clenching.

“You are *not* ugly.” He said, his voice firm.

He hated how me could say this about yourself, especially since it wasn’t even true.

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” He said, his fingers gently tracing over the bruise on myeye.He began to lightly stroke mycheek, his eyes studying myface again.

He didn't care how bruised and cut up i were, he still thought i were the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

In no time his brother and men broke through and threw max down

Immediately as he saw his brother and his men walk into the penthouse, holding Max who was groaning in pain, Ezekiel’s hold on you tightened.

He was *beyond* pissed now, and he held me even closer to him as he kept his eyes on Max.He watched as his brother and his men dragged Max to the ground in front of him, throwing him in front of him, and forcing him onto his knees.

Max was beaten up badly, and he had several cuts and bruises , but they were clearly worse than my injuries.Ezekiel stared down at Max, his face completely cold, and emotionless.

He could barely hold back the urge to grab him by the throat right now. He was *furious,* and seeing Max so beat up in front of him pissed him off even more. He wanted to rip his head off.He continued to slowly observe Max on the floor, taking in the damage that they had caused on him.

He also took notice of the fact that Max didn’t have any weapons on him, and had not tried to fight back against his men.He pushed me back slowly telling me to go in

He took a step forward, making sure i was behind him, before finally speaking.

“So you’re the bastard who did *this*?” He

gestured to me , referring to the injuries covering your body.He took another step forward, now standing directly in front of Max who was still on his knees.He studied Max’s injured face closely. He took in all of the cuts and bruises on him, and let out an irritated scoff when he saw how he was shaking in pain and fear.“I’m gonna ask you a few questions, and you’re gonna answer them.” He said, his voice low and deep.

He still had his hand on Max’s chin, now squeezing it even tighter, making sure to dig his nails into his skin.He slowly forced Max’s head up when he didn’t answer fast enough, making him look directly into his eyes.

His expression was stoic, and his eyes were like icicles. He was not in a good mood at *all*, and it showed.

He crouched down to his level, grabbing his chin in a tight grip, forcinHe didn’t get an answer, and in response, he tightened his hold on Max’s chin, squeezing it so hard that he was leaving red marks on his skin.g Max to look at him.“Answer me.” He said, his voice even lower now.He forced Max to look at him, making sure that he was looking him directly in the eyes, and he spoke again, his voice low and dangerous.

“Did. You. Do. It?” He repeated, speaking through gritted teeth.Max finally spoke up, his voice shaking.

“Y-yes..I-I did..” He said, barely able to get the words out as Ezekiel’s grip on his chin tightened again.Ezekiel’s eyes darkened as he heard him confess, and he began squeezing Max’s chin tightly once again.

He was so furious that he could barely think straight. He couldn’t believe that Max was this idiotic, and it took every last bit of self control to not punch him in the face.As soon as Max began talking about taking advantage of your body, Ezekiel’s eyes went absolutely *mad*, and he immediately pulled Max close to him.

He held him up by the collar of his shirt, his hand now wrapped around Max’s throat, squeezing just enough to make it hard for him to breathe, but not enough to stop him from speaking.He squeezed his hand harder, making it almost impossible for him to breathe, and he pulled him even closer to him, practically dragging him against his chest.

“Your father works for me "

“Is that what you thought was going to save you?” He asked, his voice mocking and disgusted.

He was so furious that he had a hard time thinking straight, and all he could think about was what he wanted to do to the bastard in front of him.“You really are a bigger idiot than I thought.” he said, his voice full of venom.

He could barely control himself, and with the way Max was being so smug and arrogant, he was only making him more mad.As soon as Max even tried to reach out to me , Ezekiel’s grip on his throat tightened even more, practically making him gasp for breath.

He had an iron grip on him, making sure he couldn’t even *attempt* to touch me in any way.

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