Sweet Hidden Omega

Sweet Hidden Omega

chapter - 1

Fate took everything from me in my previous life, perhaps because I was destined to meet you, the one who is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
—- Taehyung.
“I don’t have much time left with my condition. If I miss this chance, I might never get a heart with Bombay Blood again in my life. Mom, I don’t want to die, I really don’t…”
Park sun-a(B)
Park sun-a(B)
“But he saved your life once before…”
“So what? Mom, haven’t you realized what a vile person he is? He’s not clean in his private life, he’s so fickle, and he even drove away the man I loved most! He owes me everything, and he can repay that debt with his heart! That’s his destiny, mom, I really don’t want to die, I don’t want to leave you…”
Lying on the hospital bed in the Intensive Care Unit, Taehyung, who had been stabbed and had been in a coma for two months, suddenly heard a voice.
Lee Taehyung(O)
Lee Taehyung(O)
(Whose voice was this? Could it be Hyunjin?) * mind *
Hyunjin had been suffering from congenital heart disease, but due to his rare blood type, he had never been able to receive a heart transplant. The doctors had determined that he wouldn’t live past his 25th birthday.
But he himself also shared the same rare blood type. Was he saying that he wanted Taehyung’s heart?
Summoning all his strength, Taehyung forced his eyes open.
Lee Taehyung(O)
Lee Taehyung(O)
(He wasn’t dead. He wasn’t going to let him take his heart.) *mind*
Park sun-a suddenly seeing the young man in the bed opening his eyes, turned pale with shock.
Park sun-a(B)
Park sun-a(B)
Hyunjin’s expression instantly changed. He spun around to look at the young man in the bed, his face filled with terror. When did he wake up? How much did he hear?
Taehyung tried to speak, but his throat was so dry that no sound came out. Having faced numerous threats before, Taehyung's family had always kept him protected. He had barely made any friends, and Hyunjin was the only friend he had ever had. Because he had always been so frail, Taehyung had tried his best to fulfill all of Hyunjin's wishes, wanting to be a good brother so he wouldn’t have any regrets in life.
But now, at this very moment, Hyunjin was trying to kill him just to take his heart? Hyunjin’s fear slowly faded as he took in Taehyung’s current state. A cruel smile spread across his pale, sickly face. In an instant, he grabbed a syringe from Kim Sun-a’s hand.
“Taehyung, you always said we were best friends and that you’d do anything to make me happy. Well, I want to live, so help me now by giving me your heart.”
Park sun-a(B)
Park sun-a(B)
Kim Sun-a tried to pull her son back, attempting to dissuade him.
But Hyunjin’s face grew even darker as he glared at Taehyung.
“Mom, would you really choose someone like him over your own son? It’s either him or me! I have no other choice!”
Ignoring his mother’s pleas, Hyunjin injected the drug into Taehyung’s arm.
“If Lee Do-hyun finds out he’s awake, he’ll never let me have his heart.”
He couldn’t live or be with Lee Do-hyun unless Taehyung was dead. Taehyung wanted desperately to survive and struggled against the situation. But after being in a coma for two months, he was too weak to fight back.
He saw the fierce determination in Hyunjin’s eyes, and Hyunjin was no longer the weak boy he had always seemed to be. Hyunjin injected the drug into Taehyung’s arm, slowly pushing the plunger down. Taehyung’s strength faded, and his eyelids grew heavy. Just before his eyes closed, he thought he saw the door to the room open, and a handsome, elegant man in a protective suit entered. That figure was so familiar, approaching slowly but surely.
Lee Taehyung(O)
Lee Taehyung(O)
(It was Lee Do-hyun! Lee Do-hyun, save me!) * mind *
As Lee Do-hyun entered, Taehyung felt a flicker of hope. He fought to stay conscious.
Lee do-hyun(E)
Lee do-hyun(E)
“How is he? Still in a coma?”
“He’s still unconscious. Mom and the nurses said time is running out.”
After a moment of silence, a low, raspy voice filled the room.
Lee do-hyun(E)
Lee do-hyun(E)
“Schedule the surgery and prepare to remove the heart.”
That one sentence shattered Taehyung’s last hope.
His consciousness faded until he finally succumbed to the darkness.
Taehyung had been lost in the darkness for what felt like an eternity when he suddenly opened his eyes.
He found himself not in a hospital bed as he expected but in a bedroom with a cold, minimalist decor. The sound of running water indicated someone was taking a shower in the adjoining bathroom. He massaged his head, feeling the sticky wetness of blood, and looked down to find himself dressed in nothing but a silk robe that barely covered his body. Fearful of this unfamiliar room, Taehyung quickly got up, steadying himself on a nearby shelf as he tried to stagger toward the door.
Just then, the bathroom door swung open, and Taehyung collided with a man emerging from the steam, his upper body glistening with water droplets, a towel wrapped around his waist.
The man was muscular, with a strikingly handsome and chiseled physique. Taehyung lifted his gaze and instantly froze in terror as he recognized the man's face. It was... Jeon Jungkook? What was he doing here with him?
Jeon Jungkook was the head of the Jeon Family’s finance empire and the top tycoon in business in the Hua Land.
And the Lee Family’s sworn enemy.
Jungkook grabbed the young boy’s slender arm, his dark, intense eyes filled with anger
Jeon Jungkook(E)
Jeon Jungkook(E)
“You’re still trying, aren’t you?”
Lee Taehyung(O)
Lee Taehyung(O)
“Trying what ?”
Taehyung struggled, his arm aching from Jungkook's firm grip.
What was happening? He wasn’t in the hospital anymore, and now he was with this man?
Jungkook’s expression darkened as he roughly dragged Taehyung to the bed and shoved him onto it. The forceful action made Taehyung cry out in surprise, his face growing paler by the second.
He fought desperately to free himself, but Jungkook held him down firmly on the bed. Jungkook’s voice was cold and accusing.
Jeon Jungkook(E)
Jeon Jungkook(E)
“You’ve pulled this stunt too many times. Isn’t this exactly what you wanted?”
Lee Taehyung(O)
Lee Taehyung(O)
“No, it wasn’t me, this isn’t what I want...”
Taehyung protested, his voice trembling. What was going on?
He hadn’t died at Hyunjin’s hands, but now he was here with Jeon Jungkook. How had this happened?
Later, Taehyung was woken by a loud noise, unable to sleep any longer.
Jeon Yoongi(A)
Jeon Yoongi(A)
“Kim Taehyung, the doctor already said you’re out of danger. Stop pretending!”
Jeon Yoongi(A)
Jeon Yoongi(A)
“Grandma only let you stay here out of pity! But you’re so shameless that you actually want to become my brother’s partner!”
Taehyung was bewildered as he looked at the unfamiliar person in front of him and took in the strange surroundings.
Before he could make sense of the situation, he was shoved into a bathroom where he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror. The sight made him gasp for air in shock. Staring back at him was a very young man, probably 18 or 19 years old. But this wasn’t his face. Suddenly, unfamiliar memories flooded his mind. Taehyung stared at the young man in the mirror, hardly able to believe what had happened to him. He had died.
But he had been reborn in another person’s body, someone named Kim Taehyung, an 18-year-old boy who happened to share the same name as him. The boy bore a resemblance to Him, yet there were clear differences that set them apart. While he had a mature presence with sharp features, this boy appeared more beautiful in a softer, more delicate way. Unlike him, who had no mole on his nose or face, this boy had a charming mole on his nose and another on his lips, adding to his beauty. Taehyung had two birthmarks behind his ears, and his eyes were a striking gray, whereas the young boy's eyes were a warm hazel
And the trouble he was in now was because of something the original Kim Taehyung had done. Kim Taehyung had tried to take advantage of Jeon Jungkook when he was slightly drunk after a banquet. He had drugged Jungkook’s soup, intending to seduce him while wearing the revealing silk robe. However, Kim Taehyung had died before his plan could succeed. And now, Lee Taehyung found himself reborn in Kim Taehyung’s body, left to deal with the consequences of his actions.




sorry but why do I find it funny 🥲🤭



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