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Push- Up System

re awaken

He was a normal middle class boy,he is very good at studies and good at sports. But because of his financial problems he had a very hard time. Thus,he never respect his only family his mother,for such as not giving him good life. And can't afford the financial money for him. And when he realised that family is most important in life,But now when reached successful life but not having anyone near him, he feel dissatisfied. And then memorized his mother,who worked throughout the life just to give good life for her son, without her husband she worked various kind chores for her son. She never had the chance to see her son successful be because he kept his from her . Thus, she died without her wish come true. Now he start the car to go his mother house, but sudden accident greet him. When he finally awake his was in a room size of bathroom bleeding blood from his hand on floor, in a panic he immediately apply frist aid and try to grasp situation, suddenly surge of memories played and grasp the situation that he died and reborn as SI Yeva who is commit suside due to financial trouble and love failure. But the common thing is his mother and his previous mother are same in appearance . Now he promised himself to make his mother happy because his situation and si Yeva situation are almost identical hating his mother and run after successful life by neglecting his mother



waiting for death

waiting for death

the above story is just introduction real chapter release later



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