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Push- Up System

re awaken

He was a normal middle class boy,he is very good at studies and good at sports. But because of his financial problems he had a very hard time. Thus,he never respect his only family his mother,for such as not giving him good life. And can't afford the financial money for him. And when he realised that family is most important in life,But now when reached successful life but not having anyone near him, he feel dissatisfied. And then memorized his mother,who worked throughout the life just to give good life for her son, without her husband she worked various kind chores for her son. She never had the chance to see her son successful be because he kept his from her . Thus, she died without her wish come true. Now he start the car to go his mother house, but sudden accident greet him. When he finally awake his was in a room size of bathroom bleeding blood from his hand on floor, in a panic he immediately apply frist aid and try to grasp situation, suddenly surge of memories played and grasp the situation that he died and reborn as SI Yeva who is commit suside due to financial trouble and love failure. But the common thing is his mother and his previous mother are same in appearance . Now he promised himself to make his mother happy because his situation and si Yeva situation are almost identical hating his mother and run after successful life by neglecting his mother

start of new life

Push-up system

Situation at apartment room when crossing

As he stood there, adrenaline coursing through his veins and the warmth of blood sleep from his hand “what the heck is happening whats with the blood am I not dead “ he said to himself

After applying frist aid, a wave of confusion washed over him. He had entered the body of si yeva, a student with same name and a student whose life had tragically ended far too soon, “ what a pathetic death same as my life” he muttred

His mind racing to grasp the situation. With each passing moment, vivid memories of si yeva flooded his consciousness-his laughter, his aspirations, his wrong doing towards his mother, his neglecting ness towards his mother health and causing her death, all his wrong doings, “sob… sob… sob… maa sorry.. sorry maa all because of me, you have to work all various kinds of chores , don’t ever forgive me” sob.. sob…he cried

But amidst the chaos, he stumbled upon an unsetting realization: si yeva*s mother bore an uncanny resemblance to his own mother. The same gentle smile, the same nurturing spirit-everything was striking identical. As he pieced together the fragments of both their lives, the lines between his past and this new reality began to blur, “was there a deeper connection at play, a thread that linked fates” he thought

Then he promised himself that he will care of his mother and cherish her in this life even its mean selling his soul.

Then looked at body “d*mn.. this body sucks, b*st*rd what the hell did you do to this boy, its seems I will have to do excercise and workout to get this body best condition”, si yeva claimed.


“what the hell was that”, he panicked.

“Binding the push-up system to host processing…. 1%...24%...39%....58%...79%..89%.... 100%, Binding the push-up system to host completed”,.

“system how the system works?”, He asked the system.

“host will get 1 yuan per 1 push-up” system replied.

Si yeva completely lost in thoughts “…..”.

Blue coloured window showed up in front of si yeva

Push-up system

Name \= si yeva

System level \= LV 1+ ( 0/500 yuan)

Current blance in host account \= 56 yuan

No of push ups completed \= 0

Si yeva couldn’t belive his luck. Just when he thought he hit rock bottom with his fitness.” Let tryout”, he thought.

Sense of purpose, the rhythmic sound of his ears, blending with the the pulse of his heart, each beat a reminder of the transformation taking place within him. Si yeva could feel the energy surging through his veins, fueled by the prospect of financial gain and physical improvement. ”D*mn never I through this feels good “ . he says to himself.

“four, five, six, seven….” He counted, not just increasing digits in his bank account, but also the pride that come with personal achievement. He recalled the times he had felt defeated the movements he had considered giving up . but now, with every push-up he was reclaiming his strength-both physically and mentally.

As he reached twenty, fatigue began to set in, but the thought of what awaited him on the other side of challenge kept him going. “just a few more,” he urged himself each repetition felt like a stepping stone for future where he was both fit and financially secure and a frim base to kept his promise.

By the time he thirty, si yeva was dripping with sweet, but he felt invigorated. The push-up system was more then simple exercise routine; it was a gateway to self-discipline and resilience. He envisioned himself not just a few weeks from now, but months ahead, standing tall and confident,living a life where fitness and finances aligned

“mom, your son going to make you happy and I will wash away 1/100th of my shame,” he shouted.


“who the hell is the b*st*rd shouting in the middle in the noon”

“ its seems we have to call ambulance “

“ d*mn, it seems I have decrease my volume,” he says to himself.

“ Ding , congratulations 40 yuan has been successfully deposited in your account, please check your account,”

“ d*mn, its real …its real , system show my push-up system” he said.


Push-up system

Name \= si yeva

System level \= LV 1+ ( 40/500 yuan)

Current blance in host account \= 96 yuan

No of push ups completed \= 40

He checked the room “ d*mn, this is smaller than bathroom size, and there is nothing to eat, well I had 96 yuan so the best choise is buy chocolates because it contain calaris which is best for my situation,” he thought.

He went to store in the neighbourhood.

“welcome sir, how can I help you,” shopkeeper asked.

“well I need chocolates and 2 eggs,” he said.

“sir, its total 40 yuan,” he said.

Si yeva paid 40 yuan through online and after went to his room and ate chocolates and omelette “ d*mn, that’s it’s the spot, now I have total 56 yuan so I have to do push-ups minimum 250,” and begin to grit his teeth and clenched the fists and begin doing push ups “ 1..5..9…15…….uhh…53….59… ahhh..78……um…121….ahhh…umm..157… 176…. Umm…ahhh… 194….221…245….250.. d*mn, I thought I was ganna die umm…ahh.umm…haa.h “ he panting cragy with body full swet and floor drenched in swet.

Then went to shower room and finished “ status system,” he said.


Push-up system

Name \= si yeva

System level \= LV 1+ ( 290/500 yuan)

Current blance in host account \= 346 yuan

No of push ups completed \= 290

“ Its seems I have work hard even more to keep my promise,” he thought.

He check his contacts and dailed.

“ ti…ti…ti… hello,” his mom si gaga said,

“ maa.. hic…hic….” He cried.

“son, is anying troubling you, just say and don’t cry, do you need money for studies,” she asked.

“ no mom, its just you suddenly remember, well I am coming home and to say that I called you, there is no need get tension and well you know your son get work with good pay ,” he said.

“ you brat, you given me a tension for second there . its seems you are still acting like elementary brat, and don’t do any hard jod and keep a good health and study well ,sweetie,”she said.

“ Maa did you finish your dinner?. And same for you, don’t do any hard works, I have money so don’t do hard jobs for sake ok my queen,” he said.

“yes,yes, I did finish my dinner, what about you and don’t about my work and its seems you inherited your father personality like flirting haaa. Well bye I will call you later,” his mom said and ended call.

*don't forget to give your advice 😁😁😁

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