Four cars arrived at the emergency centre and the doctors came running
Taehyung was taken to ICU and doctors surrounded his body…. After hours of struggling to stabilise his heartbeat and pressure they came out to find a panicking Apo
Jeon Apo (DA)
Doctor how is my baby 😥😥😥
It’s great that you brought him in time….. he’s stable now but he needs pheromones now since he’s a rare beta
Jeon Apo (DA)
…. *nods as yes *
Mrs Jeon….His heart condition is very bad thus needs extra care
Jeon Apo (DA)
We will do that
With that the doctor left….. the hospital belonged to Jackson Wang thus the Jeon family was known and given special care
Jeon Apo (DA)
*entered Tae’s room
Jeon Apo (DA)
*tears rolled down his cheeks *
Jeon Apo (DA)
Baby… mumma is sorry for not finding you sooner that you had to suffer this long…. Please forgive mumma 😭😭😭😭
Jeon Apo (DA)
Mumma will not leave you this time… please don’t hate mumma…
Jeon Apo (DA)
Everyone who made you reach this point is going to pay 😡😡😡😡😡
Jeon Apo (DA)
*caressing Tae’s hand *
Jeon Apo (DA)
*took his phone and made a call*
On the call
Jeon Apo (DA)
📱….Kookie….*at the verge of crying *
Jeon Jungkook (EE)
Jeon Apo (DA)
📱….*starts to cry *
Jeon Jungkook (EE)
📲…eomma please tell me what happened *worried*
Jeon Apo (DA)
📱Kookie… my baby….😭😭😭
Jeon Jungkook (EE)
📲What happened to him…*heart stops beating for a second *
Jeon Apo (DA)
📱He’s lying in the hospital….
Tutu tutu….Jungkook cut the call
cute author
Thanks for reading and motivation for me to share my imaginary world with you guys
He's Tae's mom ??
Rojitha Rajan
is he his child????