cute author
Hello my manga people
cute author
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At the back of the Kim mansion in an old shed
Taehyung lay on his bed thinking about his life
Kim Taehyung (RB)
Why does it have to be me of all people *tears streaming down his face *
Kim Taehyung (RB)
I didn’t ask to be an intersex nor ask the moon goddess to be a rare beta
Kim Taehyung (RB)
What’s so wrong about wanting to be loved….what’s so wrong with being different 😭😭😭😭
Kim Taehyung (RB)
They’re my family but why can’t they love me… they treat me worse than a slave
Kim Taehyung (RB)
Even that time *remembers the horrifying past and curls in a ball as tears rolled out of his eyes nonstop *
Yes Taehyung is a Kim but his family treats him as a slave because of his nature
Betas are considered as nobodies to the society and they’re treated as slaves and servants because of their weak nature…. And for rare betas, they suffer more and in the end they die due to the cruel nature of other wolves since they can only survive on the love they receive from their families and mates
In the first stages of life rare betas depend on their families and when they meet their mates they depend on them for the rest of their lives
Rare betas can be strong as enigmas or even elite enigmas depending on how much love they receive from their mates and people around them
They can also survive throughout their early stages of life on hope that their mate will love them if they don’t receive love from their families but this comes with a great consequence … this weakens their heart and in the end have a heart disease
Kim Taehyung (RB)
But at least my mate will love me…*consoling himself but then * but what if he dislikes me because am an intersex…
Kim Taehyung (RB)
*breaks down again *
Intresexes are rare so some people dislike them and call them abnormalities in society while others want them to use them as s*x toys… those who produce intresexs sell them at every high prices to prostutite dealers
for Taehyung the situation is similar but also different (will be revealed later)
Like that Taehyung drowned in self pity which caused his heart to ache and start coughing blood
Kim Taehyung (RB)
*cleaned the blood from his mouth with the back side of his dirty sleeve and stood up to open the door *
cute author
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Siddhi Bhosale
can u please change the Taehyung's profile pic
what the hell is this 😭😭
what is going on with his hands 🥲