To Hogwarts:Fanfic

To Hogwarts:Fanfic

The Hogwarts Express



The sun cast a warm glow over Platform 9 3/4, where students eagerly boarded the Hogwarts Express. Amidst the bustle, four young witches and wizards stood out, each with their own unique story.

Amber Lockwood, a bright-eyed and curious first-year, clutched her ticket and wore a proud smile. Her curly brown hair was tied back with a black ribbon, revealing a smattering of light freckles across her cheeks. Big round glasses perched on her small nose, giving her an endearingly bookish look. A small mole under her left eye twitched as she gazed up at the train in wonder.

Daemon Shaqui, a tall and enigmatic figure, stood apart from the crowd. His sharp features and piercing ocean blue eyes seemed chiseled from the sea itself. Jet black hair framed his face, and a small triangle-shaped scar on his left wrist hinted at a mysterious past. His cold demeanor was tempered by a subtle curiosity, as if sizing up his fellow students.

June Flipherd, a warm and bubbly young witch, bounced onto the platform, her fluffy chocolate brown hair tied up in a ponytail. Her bright smile and infectious laughter drew in those around her, making her an instant magnet for friends. A sprinkle of flour on her robes hinted at her love of baking, and the sweet scent of pastries wafted from her direction.

George Blackwood, a shy and unassuming first-year, clung to his ticket and tried to blend into the background. His curly messy hair stuck out in every direction, and his honey-colored eyes darted nervously about. A smudge of chocolate on his cheekbone betrayed his love of sweets, and his fingers fidgeted with excitement.

As they boarded the train, the four strangers found themselves in the same cozy compartment, surrounded by plush seats and large windows offering a glimpse into the passing countryside.

"Hi, I'm Amber Lockwood," said Amber, extending her hand. "I'm so excited to be here. I've always dreamed of attending Hogwarts."

Daemon nodded curtly, his ocean blue eyes narrowing slightly. "Daemon Shaqui. I'm here because... well, it's expected of me."

June bubbled over, her smile radiant. "I'm June Flipherd! I just love baking and trying new recipes. I hope they have a great culinary program here."

George stuttered, "G-George Blackwood. I-I love chocolate milk and... um, reading."

As they chatted, they discovered shared interests and quirks. Amber and June bonded over their love of books, while Daemon found himself drawn to George's quiet determination.

"I've always been fascinated by magic," Amber said, "especially Ancient Runes. I've been studying them for years."

"Really?" June asked, eyes wide. "I've been trying to learn more about Healing Magic. Maybe we can study together?"

Daemon raised an eyebrow. "You think you can handle the coursework? Hogwarts isn't easy."

George spoke up, his voice gaining confidence. "I-I think we'll be okay. We can help each other out."

As the train rumbled on, the four friends continued to talk, sharing stories and laughter. They were from different worlds, but Hogwarts was bringing them together.

As the Hogwarts Express pulled into the station, Amber, Daemon, June, and George gathered their belongings and followed the crowd of students out onto the platform. The cool evening air was filled with the sound of chatter and laughter, and the four friends couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and nervousness as they gazed up at the castle.

"First years, please follow me!" Professor Orion Nightshade called out, his emerald green eyes twinkling with warmth. He led them across the platform and onto a winding path that snaked through the trees, the castle's turrets and towers rising above them like giants.

As they walked, the four friends chatted excitedly about their first impressions of Hogwarts. "I can't believe we're finally here!" Amber exclaimed, her curly brown hair bouncing with each step. "It's even more amazing than I imagined!"

"I know, right?" June replied, her fluffy chocolate brown hair tied up in a ponytail. "I feel like I'm in a dream!"

Daemon smiled, his ocean blue eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's definitely a unique experience," he said. "I'm looking forward to seeing what Hogwarts has in store for us."

George nodded in agreement, his honey-colored eyes shining with excitement. "Me too," he said. "I've heard the classes are really challenging, but I'm up for it."

The path opened up to reveal the stunning vista of the Hogwarts lake, its waters glinting like diamonds in the fading light. A fleet of boats, each adorned with the crest of one of the four houses, bobbed gently on the surface.

"Ah, the lake," Professor Nightshade said, his eyes twinkling. "A place of serenity and contemplation. And, of course, the site of our sorting ceremony."

The students followed him down to the water's edge, where the sorting hat awaited. One by one, the first years were called forward to sit upon the stool and don the sorting hat.

When it was their turn, the hat proclaimed each of them a Gryffindor, and they made their way to the cheering Gryffindor table, where they were greeted with warm welcomes and congratulations.

After the sorting ceremony, Professor Nightshade led them into the Great Hall for the feast. The long tables groaned under the weight of golden plates, goblets, and an assortment of magical delicacies.

As they took their seats, the feast began, and the four friends indulged in the magical delights before them. They talked and laughed, getting to know their fellow Gryffindors and making new friends.

As the night wore on, they heard the sound of clinking glasses and the warm voice of Professor Nightshade, who stood up to welcome them to Hogwarts once more.

"To our new students, and to another year of magic, wonder, and discovery at Hogwarts! Cheers!"

The Great Hall echoed with the sound of clinking goblets and joyful shouts as the students celebrated the start of their Hogwarts journey.

After the feast, Professor Nightshade led them to the Gryffindor common room, a cozy space filled with comfortable chairs, warm fireplaces, and stunning views of the castle grounds.

As they settled in, they met their fellow Gryffindors, including their prefects, who showed them around the common room and introduced them to the house's traditions.

As the night drew to a close, the four friends sat together, exhausted but exhilarated by their first day at Hogwarts.

"I can't believe we're finally here," Amber said, snuggling into her chair.

"I know, right?" June replied, yawning contentedly. "It's been an amazing day."

Daemon smiled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "And it's only just beginning."

George nodded in agreement, his eyes shining with excitement. "I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings."

And with that, they drifted off to sleep, dreaming of magic, wonder, and adventure.

(End of Chapter 1 : Hogwarts Express)



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