Transmigrated In Rent A Girlfriend But Why Am I A Girl?[GL]

Transmigrated In Rent A Girlfriend But Why Am I A Girl?[GL]


A gym obsessed 18 year-old boy, I was walking down the street, my mind filled with thoughts of my next workout. Suddenly, a truck barreled towards me, giving me no time to react. As the impact hit, I found myself sprawled on the pavement, pain surging through my body. With my vision blurring and consciousness fading, I muttered, "Damn, because I've been obsessed with the gym, I didn't try dating at all. If there's a next life, I would date all the girls I want."

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Confusion washed over me as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. "Why am I still alive?" I wondered aloud. Feeling disoriented, I stumbled towards a mirror hanging on the wall.

As my reflection came into view, my heart skipped a beat. Staring back at me was not my own face, but that of a beautiful girl. Panic and disbelief set in as I exclaimed, "What the f*ck? Why am I a girl?"

I was shocked to see that my muscular body was gone, replaced by the slender, feminine form of a woman. My hands shook as I ran them over my new face and body, unable to comprehend what had happened. "This can't be real," I whispered, my voice unfamiliar and higher-pitched. How had I gone from being a gym obsessed guy to... this?

As I continued to stare at my reflection in the mirror, disbelief turned into a whirlwind of panic. My once muscular arms were now delicate and slender, and the hard-earned abs I was so proud of were replaced by smooth, toned skin. I touched my face again, tracing the delicate features that were so foreign to me.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered, my voice trembling. Just then, a soft chime sounded from somewhere in the room. I turned around, spotting a sleek, futuristic device on the bedside table. A holographic display flickered to life above it, showing a calm, soothing face.

"Good morning, Chizuru Mizuhara," the AI said in a melodic tone. "How are you feeling today?"

I froze, my mind racing. Chizuru Mizuhara? That name sounded familiar. It hit me like a bolt of lightning. Chizuru Mizuhara was a character from "Rent-A-Girlfriend," a manga I had read a while back. But how was I in her body? This had to be some kind of twisted joke.

"Who... what are you?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I am AI Assistance, your personal assistant designed to help you navigate your daily life," the hologram responded with a smile. "It appears you are experiencing some confusion. How can I assist you?"

"I... I don't understand," I stammered. "How am I Chizuru Mizuhara? I was just... I was hit by a truck, and now I'm here?"

The AI's expression softened, as if it understood my turmoil. "It seems you have undergone a unique experience of transmigration. Your consciousness has been transferred into the body of Chizuru Mizuhara."

"Transmigration?" I echoed, feeling even more bewildered. "You mean I've been reincarnated into her body?"

"Precisely," the AI confirmed. "This phenomenon is rare but not unheard of in certain realities. You have a new life now, with new opportunities and challenges."

I sank onto the bed, my mind spinning. This was beyond anything I could have imagined. I had wished for a chance to date all the girls I wanted, but I never thought it would lead to this. As I tried to process everything, the AI continued to speak.

"Do not worry," it said reassuringly. "I am here to help you adjust to your new life as Chizuru Mizuhara. Together, we can navigate this transition smoothly."

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at the hologram. "Alright," I said, trying to muster some semblance of composure. "Where do we start?"

"First," the AI said with a gentle smile, "we should get you familiar with your new identity and surroundings. Welcome to your new life, Chizuru."

As I nodded, a mix of fear and excitement swirled within me. My old life was gone, but a new one awaited. And in this new life, I was Chizuru Mizuhara.


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