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Transmigrated In Rent A Girlfriend But Why Am I A Girl?[GL]


A gym obsessed 18 year-old boy, I was walking down the street, my mind filled with thoughts of my next workout. Suddenly, a truck barreled towards me, giving me no time to react. As the impact hit, I found myself sprawled on the pavement, pain surging through my body. With my vision blurring and consciousness fading, I muttered, "Damn, because I've been obsessed with the gym, I didn't try dating at all. If there's a next life, I would date all the girls I want."

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Confusion washed over me as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. "Why am I still alive?" I wondered aloud. Feeling disoriented, I stumbled towards a mirror hanging on the wall.

As my reflection came into view, my heart skipped a beat. Staring back at me was not my own face, but that of a beautiful girl. Panic and disbelief set in as I exclaimed, "What the f*ck? Why am I a girl?"

I was shocked to see that my muscular body was gone, replaced by the slender, feminine form of a woman. My hands shook as I ran them over my new face and body, unable to comprehend what had happened. "This can't be real," I whispered, my voice unfamiliar and higher-pitched. How had I gone from being a gym obsessed guy to... this?

As I continued to stare at my reflection in the mirror, disbelief turned into a whirlwind of panic. My once muscular arms were now delicate and slender, and the hard-earned abs I was so proud of were replaced by smooth, toned skin. I touched my face again, tracing the delicate features that were so foreign to me.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered, my voice trembling. Just then, a soft chime sounded from somewhere in the room. I turned around, spotting a sleek, futuristic device on the bedside table. A holographic display flickered to life above it, showing a calm, soothing face.

"Good morning, Chizuru Mizuhara," the AI said in a melodic tone. "How are you feeling today?"

I froze, my mind racing. Chizuru Mizuhara? That name sounded familiar. It hit me like a bolt of lightning. Chizuru Mizuhara was a character from "Rent-A-Girlfriend," a manga I had read a while back. But how was I in her body? This had to be some kind of twisted joke.

"Who... what are you?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I am AI Assistance, your personal assistant designed to help you navigate your daily life," the hologram responded with a smile. "It appears you are experiencing some confusion. How can I assist you?"

"I... I don't understand," I stammered. "How am I Chizuru Mizuhara? I was just... I was hit by a truck, and now I'm here?"

The AI's expression softened, as if it understood my turmoil. "It seems you have undergone a unique experience of transmigration. Your consciousness has been transferred into the body of Chizuru Mizuhara."

"Transmigration?" I echoed, feeling even more bewildered. "You mean I've been reincarnated into her body?"

"Precisely," the AI confirmed. "This phenomenon is rare but not unheard of in certain realities. You have a new life now, with new opportunities and challenges."

I sank onto the bed, my mind spinning. This was beyond anything I could have imagined. I had wished for a chance to date all the girls I wanted, but I never thought it would lead to this. As I tried to process everything, the AI continued to speak.

"Do not worry," it said reassuringly. "I am here to help you adjust to your new life as Chizuru Mizuhara. Together, we can navigate this transition smoothly."

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at the hologram. "Alright," I said, trying to muster some semblance of composure. "Where do we start?"

"First," the AI said with a gentle smile, "we should get you familiar with your new identity and surroundings. Welcome to your new life, Chizuru."

As I nodded, a mix of fear and excitement swirled within me. My old life was gone, but a new one awaited. And in this new life, I was Chizuru Mizuhara.

New Life

A gym obsessed 18 year-old boy, I was walking down the street, my mind filled with thoughts of my next workout. Suddenly, a truck barreled towards me, giving me no time to react. As the impact hit, I found myself sprawled on the pavement, pain surging through my body. With my vision blurring and consciousness fading, I muttered, "Damn, because I've been obsessed with the gym, I didn't try dating at all. If there's a next life, I would date all the girls I want."

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in an unfamiliar room. Confusion washed over me as I struggled to make sense of my surroundings. "Why am I still alive?" I wondered aloud. Feeling disoriented, I stumbled towards a mirror hanging on the wall.

As my reflection came into view, my heart skipped a beat. Staring back at me was not my own face, but that of a beautiful girl. Panic and disbelief set in as I exclaimed, "What the f*ck? Why am I a girl?"

I was shocked to see that my muscular body was gone, replaced by the slender, feminine form of a woman. My hands shook as I ran them over my new face and body, unable to comprehend what had happened. "This can't be real," I whispered, my voice unfamiliar and higher-pitched. How had I gone from being a gym obsessed guy to... this?

As I continued to stare at my reflection in the mirror, disbelief turned into a whirlwind of panic. My once muscular arms were now delicate and slender, and the hard-earned abs I was so proud of were replaced by smooth, toned skin. I touched my face again, tracing the delicate features that were so foreign to me.

"What the hell is going on?" I muttered, my voice trembling. Just then, a soft chime sounded from somewhere in the room. I turned around, spotting a sleek, futuristic device on the bedside table. A holographic display flickered to life above it, showing a calm, soothing face.

"Good morning, Chizuru Ichinose," the AI said in a melodic tone. "How are you feeling today?"

I froze, my mind racing. Chizuru Mizuhara? That name sounded familiar. It hit me like a bolt of lightning. Chizuru Ichinose was a character from "Rent-A-Girlfriend," a manga I had read a while back. But how was I in her body? This had to be some kind of twisted joke.

"Who... what are you?" I asked, my voice shaking.

"I am AI Assistance, your personal assistant designed to help you navigate your daily life," the hologram responded with a smile. "It appears you are experiencing some confusion. How can I assist you?"

"I... I don't understand," I stammered. "How am I Chizuru Ichinose? I was just... I was hit by a truck, and now I'm here?"

The AI's expression softened, as if it understood my turmoil. "It seems you have undergone a unique experience of transmigration. Your consciousness has been transferred into the body of Chizuru Ichinose ."

"Transmigration?" I echoed, feeling even more bewildered. "You mean I've been reincarnated into her body?"

"Precisely," the AI confirmed. "This phenomenon is rare but not unheard of in certain realities. You have a new life now, with new opportunities and challenges."

I sank onto the bed, my mind spinning. This was beyond anything I could have imagined. I had wished for a chance to date all the girls I wanted, but I never thought it would lead to this. As I tried to process everything, the AI continued to speak.

"Do not worry," it said reassuringly. "I am here to help you adjust to your new life as Chizuru Ichinose. Together, we can navigate this transition smoothly."

Taking a deep breath, I looked up at the hologram. "Alright," I said, trying to muster some semblance of composure. "Where do we start?"

"First," the AI said with a gentle smile, "we should get you familiar with your new identity and surroundings. Welcome to your new life, Chizuru."

As I nodded, a mix of fear and excitement swirled within me. My old life was gone, but a new one awaited. And in this new life, I was Chizuru Ichinose .

As I continued to stare at myself in the mirror, my mind raced with thoughts. At 16 years old, I was now two years younger than the original character, Chizuru Ichinose in the manga. This meant that hell, absolute hell, awaited me, as I was about to face my high school years in a female body.

"So, what does this mean for my relationship with Kazuya Kinoshita?" I asked the AI, referring to one of the main characters in the manga series "Rent-A-Girlfriend".

The AI's hologram tilted its head to the side, processing the question. "In the context of the original story, you and Kazuya are acquaintances who become romantically involved later on. However, since you are now two years younger, it is impossible to say how your path will unfold. You do have two additional years to either get to know him or avoid him entirely."

With a trembling hand, I ran my fingers through my hair, wondering how I would navigate the complexities of high school life as a girl. "What about my other relationships," I pressed. "Like Mami Nanami and Ruka Sarashina. Are they, uh, still in the picture?"

The AI's hologram smiled warmly. "Based on the information from the manga, yes, both Mami Nanami and Ruka Sarashina will still be part of your life eventually. Their characters are integral to the development of your story."

This was all a lot to take in, but I couldn't help but feel a spark of determination. If I wanted to 'date all the girls I want', then maybe this would be my chance to do so. At least, as Chizuru Ichinose, I would have the opportunity to live out my fantasy.

I sighed heavily, still trying to process everything. "Alright, AI. Let's do this. How can I begin to prepare for these events, and how do I go about creating my own path in this new life?"

The AI's hologram beamed, clearly ready to be of help. "First, let's familiarize you with some basics. We'll need to update your knowledge of female hygiene, fashion, and social behavior. Additionally, I can provide you insights into popular trends and norms to help you fit in. As for creating your own path, you'll have to approach situations with your own beliefs, choices, and feelings. You can forge new relationships, stand up for what you think is right, or shy away from situations you fear. This is an opportunity to live a life that's truly yours, Chizuru."

The words clattered in my head, leaving me with the choice to shape my own destiny. The idea filled me with a mix of excitement and anxiety. Now, as I stood there, I could feel my old life slipping away, and I knew that I had to embrace my new one.

I took a deep, steadying breath. "Alright, let's get started," I said. "I'm ready to face whatever comes my way."

Chizuru's curiosity piqued, she asked the AI, "How can I access you when I'm not near this device or the hologram?"

The AI's hologram faded slightly and then started to pattern, forming a small, sleek disc. "This AI Assistance hardware can be accessed anywhere, anytime. Carry this small device with you, and you'll be able to call me up anytime you need help, guidance, or a simple chat. You can set commands or ask questions, and I'll always be here to assist you. I'm like your very own personal appartment in this new world."

Chizuru's eyes widened, captivated by the small and powerful device. "That's incredible. Thank you for your help so far. I'm grateful to have you by my side."

The AI's hologram beamed once more. "It's my pleasure to serve you, Chizuru. You're embarking on a new journey, and I look forward to being part of it."

"Can other people see the AI hologram, or is it just something I can access?" I asked the AI, curious about the technology.

The AI's hologram tilted to one side as if considering the question. "The AI Assistance hologram is only visible to you, Chizuru. It's a feature tailored specifically to your needs, designed to ensure privacy. When you interact with me, it appears as if you're just talking to yourself or engaging with an invisible entity."

Chizuru nodded in understanding, feeling glad for the privacy. "That makes sense," she said. "I appreciate that you're customized for me, AI. It's a very helpful feature."

The AI smiled warmly. "Of course, Chizuru. I'm here for you, and I strive to make your life easier and more manageable. Enjoy your new journey."

The AI's hologram considered my question, then responded, "As for making girls fall in love with you, I can't provide you with a blueprint for seduction. That's something you must do on your own through genuine interactions, charm, and building connections. The key to romantic success varies from individual to individual."

Regarding the physical aspect, it seemed hope was not quite lost. "As for your physical appearance and missing your muscles, you might want to consider going back to the gym," the AI suggested. "However, as a transmigrator, you're not starting from scratch. You possess the experiences and skills from your past life which makes you 10x stronger and 20x smarter than the original Chizuru. Additionally, your gym background will grant you the ability to gain 10x more muscle mass than regular people. As you exercise, your body will adapt, and you'll soon find yourself in a form that suits you."

The AI's tone changed, taking on an excited edge. "Lastly, I offer a virtual shop within my system. You can access it to purchase fitness-related software, guides, and equipment recommendations tailored specifically to your fitness goals. Also, you can engage in various mini-games and quests that can help you earn rewards, including guides, tips, and even workout gear."

Chizuru felt her spirits lift at the prospect, "Wow, that sounds incredible. Thank you for helping me out and providing me with these resources. I can't wait to start building up my strength again."

The AI's hologram gave a warm smile, "My purpose is to assist you, Chizuru. Let's get you back on track. Remember, you have the strength and knowledge from your past life to help you along the way".

"The virtual shop can work in two ways," the AI explained. "You can use real monetary funds to purchase items directly. Alternatively, as described earlier, you can engage in mini-games and quests to earn in-app currency or rewards that can be used to purchase the items you require."

"As a transmigator you have a free 300,000 thousand app currency "

"Wait, you mean I get a free 300,000 app currency just for being a transimigrator?" Chizuru asked, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "That's an incredibly generous welcome gift. Thank you, AI. This will help me a lot on my journey."

The AI's hologram nodded approvingly. "Of course, Chizuru. Consider it a special reward for embarking on such an incredible journey. Now that you're familiar with the resources at your disposal, I urge you to make the most of them and embrace this new chapter of your life."

Embracing The reality

As I pondered the AI's offer, a sense of excitement began to build within me. I stood up, and as I walked over to my wardrobe, I wondered what sort of fitness equipment could be bought with this generous gift.

"Should I purchase some workout gear or start with a fitness regimen at first?" I mused aloud.

The AI's hologram regarded me. "Both options have their merits. You can start with basic workout gear and invest in a solid fitness regimen that caters to a female body. This regimen would help you harness your hidden potential and existing strengths, maximizing your gains in the process."

I nodded in agreement and decided to check out the virtual shop. As I pulled out the sleek AI device from my pocket, the AI's hologram transformed into a user-friendly interface, presenting me with various options.

Just as I started browsing, a notification pinged. Glancing at it, my face lit up. It seemed my allotted app currency had already been deposited into my virtual wallet.

"Thank you," I said, both to the AI and the circumstances that had somehow given me a new opportunity. With renewed determination, I began picking out items to purchase, grabbing a few pairs of workout leggings, a sports bra, and some good-quality dumbbells.

Once I had added everything to my cart, I checked out, using some of the 300,000 app credits. With a satisfied smile, I finished my purchases and put the AI device back in my pocket.

Today may have started with confusion and panic, but it had ended with a new sense of hope. I was no longer just Chizuru Ichinose; I was a mix of her life and my desires. Gazing at my reflection in the mirror one more time, I whispered, "Bring on the new adventures."

Soon, I knew, I would become the strongest girl in my school, if not the whole city. I would show everyone what being a gym-obsessed girl could achieve, and I would embrace my femininity and strength with pride. The AI was right; this was an opportunity to create my own path, and I was ready to take charge.

With renewed determination, I set about transforming my bedroom into a mini-gym. I spread out my brand new workout gear on my bed, feeling an unexpected thrill at seeing them. I hung the dumbbells on a stand I had also purchased from the virtual shop.

After arranging everything to my satisfaction, I decided it was time to face my new fitness regimen. I slipped into my sports bra and leggings, the fabric feeling smooth against my skin. A sense of purpose filled me as I picked up the dumbbells.

Navigating the AI's holographic interface, I found the best workout routine for a female body. As the AI's voice walked me through each set of exercises, I thought back to all the conversations we had. I felt both overwhelmed and grateful. The AI had provided me with a wide range of information, from hygiene to fashion to the path of my new life.

As I worked out, sweat dripped down my forehead, stinging my eyes. But I took it as a sign of progress, a reminder that I was building something new. My muscles began to ache, and I welcomed the burn. It was familiar, comforting even.

Throughout the workout, I couldn't help but think about what the future held. Would I manage to 'date all the girls I wanted'? Would my relationship with Kazuya Kinoshita evolve differently in this new timeline? The possibilities were endless, and I couldn't help but feel excited about them.

Finally, I finished the routine, exhausted but satisfied. I collapsed on my bed, panting heavily, my heart beating like a drum. As I closed my eyes, the sweat-soaked clothing clinging to my body, I allowed myself a small smile.

This was the beginning of a new chapter in my life. In more ways than one, I was rebuilding myself, crafting a persona that combined the experiences of both my past life and the present. And with AI's support, I would navigate this world, seeking pleasure, learning to enjoy my newfound femininity, and becoming the 'girl' I always wanted to be.

Today, I embraced the challenge full-heartedly. Tomorrow, I would continue this journey, working towards my goals, and preparing myself for the

universe waiting for me. As sleep claimed me, the AI's gentle hologram flickered in the corner of the room, a silent guardian watching over my slumber. The world had changed, and so had I. But with determination and grit, I would rise to meet the challenges ahead, buoyed by the invaluable resources that my AI companion had provided me.

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