I Thought I Didn't Have Long to Live!

I Thought I Didn't Have Long to Live!

Chapter 1

“I beg your pardon?”

Lariette spoke in a soft voice. Her pale fingers trembled hearing the doctor’s words. The sleepy old doctor lowered his brows apologetically.

“I am sorry, but it was a misdiagnosis.”


“Yes, Lady Blanche. There is no disease, you will not die!”

This was the absolute worst for Lariette Blanche.

‘I had been acting as though I only had three months to live. It was a terrible outcome with my fiancé cursing after me and my parents threatening to sell me out of the family registry. Most importantly, the Chief Prosecutor of the empire — Duke Kandel— was chasing after me.’

“My Lariette, wherever you are, I will find you. So, don’t make any plans to run away.”

Remembering his words and friendly gaze, her heart melted. At the time, she had assumed it was a gentle whisper tickling her ears. But now, after running away from him, she realized it was a definite threat. The doctor who had pushed her into this personal hellfire was laughing, not knowing the situation he had just put her in.

‘I’d rather die!' Lariette screamed in her head, barely holding back overflowing tears.


Everything started three months ago.

The place was the same. ‘Visiting Zakakov’s institution on the outskirts of the Capitol.’

Lariette was worried about her weak and sore body as of late. She had known the journey would be tiring. Yet, she only took one staff member and not informed anyone else. An old doctor had come to examine her.

He sighed several times, stroking his beard in silence. Lariette felt anxious holding her breath and waiting for news. The doctor, who had been quiet for a while, raised his head and faced Lariette. Seeing the deep sadness inside his green eyes, she knew that it was not good.

“Having trouble sleeping recently?”

“Yes, that is correct… Also, I keep craving strong flavors yet feel uncomfortable after I eat.”

“Does your heart race? It will sound as if you can hear your own heartbeat.”

Lariette nodded and the doctor looked at her with meaningful eyes.

“Yes doctor, how did you know?”

“Hah… how should I say this…”

His hands covered his face, a painful expression upon his features. The situation seemed to be worse than anything she had expected.

“It is a rare cardiac disease that appears in very few people who are born with too much mana. It usually manifests before adulthood, but fortunately it’s too late for Lady Blanche.”

“What is it? Is it incurable?”

“The mortality rate for Lokadura disease is 98%.”


“Lady Blanche, you will most likely die within three months.”

He had been hesitating to tell her this, but it seemed to be the truth.


Lariette returned to the mansion with a calm expression; not looking like someone who was just diagnosed with a time limit. It was all happening so suddenly that she didn’t know how to act.

‘How do people usually respond to time sentences?’

With the help of her maid, she changed into another dress.

In a daze, she thought ‘Should I cry? Or should I have shaken the doctor’s big belly and screamed at him to save me somehow?’

Lariette realized that she did not possess the energy to cry or carry the doctor’s weight. And in the first place, she had no great greed for life.

“Lady, you’re very quiet today. Was it tiring visiting the city?” asked Lariette’s personal maid with a smile.

Lariette wondered for a bit. “Anne, you know… What if?”

“What If’ game starts again.”

“I’m serious this time.”

Anne shook her head in a bored manner. It was common for Lariette to always ask about hypothetical situations.

“If you find yourself dying soon, what would you do?”

“Dying already? Lady, I’m barely into adulthood.”

“I mean, if you have a ‘rare disease’ for example.”

“I don’t know.”

Anne steadily combed Lariette’s hair in preparation for dinner. Her pink hair was dazzling, but it was difficult to manage because of its long length. The difficulty, of course, was maintained by the work of the maids.

“Wouldn’t it be sad? I’d feel sorry for the people who I would leave behind and for all the things I hadn’t done yet.”

“Things I hadn’t done before…”

“Yes, I would put together a bucket list and then die!”

“Bucket list?”

“A list of things to do before you die. For example, buy an expensive cake and eat every bite!”

Anne looked like she was dreaming of sweet cakes from a classic dessert shop. A bucket list seemed unfamiliar to her. Lariette became dazed and continued to mutter the word in her mind.

“But what would I do? I cannot even brush my hair by myself.”

Anne laughed playfully at her answer. Lariette grumbled, saying that she could comb her hair alone,

“I just do not feel confident about performing tasks on my own.”

After all, the maids were highly trained.

Suddenly, in the mirror stood a finely dressed lady Blanche. Her pink hair curled naturally and hung around the waist, her cheeks were tinted apricot, and her skin was smooth like dough. Under the long eyelashes, purple eyes shone like beautiful glass orbs. Her full lips were painted in elegant rose-red.

“Lady! Doesn’t your makeup look wonderful today?”

“Isn’t it just my face that’s good looking?”

“It’s just alright.”

Lariette went out of the room giggling earnestly. On the way to the dining hall, she reflected on Anne’s answer. Lariette, unlike Anne, did not feel sad about her situation

But it was truly unfortunate that she had not done many things in this life. Lariette had never lived for her own pleasure.

‘A bucket list… What should I do?’

She tried to think about what she desired, but there was nothing. Greed and desire came for those who had dreams. Those who were empty simply lived without expecting anything.

Lariette arrived at the luxurious and spacious mansion halls. The servants waited in front of the dining room door. The history of the Duke house was rich and grand.

‘Even though its traditions are outdated.’ Lariette thought cynically and put on a bitter smile. It was very different from how she acted around Anne.

“You’re late. Sit down.”

“To arrive after your parents. You must be out of your mind.”

“Yes, Father, Mother. I Apologies”

Lariette sat down calmly, responding with courtesy. Although she had arrived before the scheduled appointment time, it was not wise to talk back.

“Hm, are you doing well with the Marquis of Segreb these days?”

The Duke broke the silence with his many questions. Lariette forcibly smiled and pretended to be an obedient daughter.

“Yes, Father.”

“But, enough about that. It is rumored that he is going to buy a rather large mine soon.”

“Yes, it would seem so.”

“Good. Keep in mind that your marriage with him is the only way to prove your worth.”

Of course, that’s what her father cared about. Lariette elegantly drank her tea and swallowed a sharp answer. Sir Segreb had already been married twice. Fourteen years older than Lariette, yet he was picky about ugly women. However, that information was not important to Duke Blanche.

It was only important for Segreb to have a lot of assets — and the fact that he would pay a large amount of money to Duke Blanche, for Lariette. The Duke and Duchess have maintained their steadfast position as public figures, but money has become a difficult problem. It was because Lariette’s father, the Duke of Blanche, had supported a failing business. So, Lariette accepted a terrible engagement with the Marquis of Segreb. It was her responsibility and duty as a daughter.

‘For the family...’ The word fluttered in her empty mind.

She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by a loud noise.

Someone had roughly slammed opened the door and entered the dining room. It was a rude gesture especially according to the rules of high society. Yet, the Duke and Duchess lifted their heads with a bright smile that Lariette had never been shown before.

“Raon, my son! You are here so soon, you must be hungry!”

“Go warm the food for my son, it has already cooled.”

“Ah, I don’t want to be bothered.”

Raon, the only heir of Duke Blanche. Lariette’s brother came home scratching his red hair. He was dressed casually, but carried an aura of pride and shamelessness.

Raon replied carelessly while Lariette sat with great intention and perfect posture.

“The business is going well. I’m probably going to sell soon. Since when did we have family dinners?”

“Why don’t you take an heir class if you have so much free time on your hands?”

Lariette’s eyes were gently curved, and her lips turned upwards with teasing. The exclusive wizard of the Blanche family, was responsible for educating Raon. Although, he also taught Lariette as a child. This did not continue as Raon along with their mother claimed that girls do not need to learn magic.

House Blanche was blessed and loved by a magical spirit. Many of the greatest wizards of all time had the name of Blanche. Duke Blanche had high expectations for Raon, but unfortunately he did not receive the gift of magic.

Raon’s face reddened with anger at Lariette’s words pointing out his lack of magical skill. He swiftly moved without thinking; Lariette’s body hardened like ice. Something was dripping from over her head: the sauce of the appetizer she was eating.

It oozed over her head, flooding her hair and beige dress. The head of the unnamed fish, which had a tux and a plate, dripped from her head down onto her knee. Empty eyes were looking back at her mockingly.

“Raon! Mind your manners!”

“Mother, I don’t want to eat with her. How can I sit in my seat while she acts like this!”

Lariette slowly lifted the napkin and wiped her head. Her slender finger holding the napkin trembled. No one in this place would offer any comfort to her.

“Why would you talk back to your brother? Lariette, go up to your room.”


Lariette called out to her mother in an earnest voice. The gaze Duchess Blanche returned to her was cold. The same was true when she turned her head to look at her father. The Blanche Duke and Duchess only cared for their sons. Lariette always tried to gain the approval of their parents by learning her manners and being obedient. But it was always Raon who soaked up recognition, respect and attention— despite making no effort. There was no happiness in store for Lariette.

‘I am going to die after three months.’

Her lips quivered, but only a small breath came out.

‘But you don’t care at all.’

Lariette stood and brushed off the fish and sauce on her. When the sauce hit the carpet, the Duchess finally reacted. She walked out of the dining room, ignoring the daily nagging of her mother. Red sauce flowed down the white dress like blood.

Her attitude was imposing and determined. Finally, she was going to do something.

“I will not die like this.”

Lariette declared in a whisper to herself. There was nothing to fear anymore, death was coming.

1 Chapter 1
2 Chapter 2
3 Chapter 3 (I hate ugly man)
4 Chapter 4 (Bucket list man)
5 Chapter 5 (Date me for only three months)
6 Chapter 6 ( I Fell In Love At First Sight)
7 Chapter 7 ( Respond To Date Request )
8 Chapter 8 (A trap!)
9 Chapter 9 (Two Wild Beasts)
10 Chapter 10 (I Want You To Like Me)
11 Chapter 11 (Take It Off)
12 Chapter 12 ( It’s Called Operation Jealousy)
13 Chapter 13 (Not a woman)
14 Chapter 14 (There’s No Way I’m Jealous)
15 Chapter 15 (Two interpretations of confession)
16 Chapter 16 (Can I do whatever I want?)
17 Chapter 17 (Asrazan, take it off)
18 Chapter 18 (This Is A Kiss)
19 Chapter 19 (Superior field)
20 Chapter 20 (I’ll Cut Off This Family!)
21 Chapter 21 (Who Are You Messing With?)
22 Chapter 22 (Now it’s Asrazan turn)
23 Chapter 23 (The Reason I Have Mercy On You)
24 Chapter 24 (We Can Do It Here)
25 Chapter 25 (I’ll Always Protect You)
26 Chapter 26 (Can you help me with the bath?)
27 Chapter 27 (Kiss me in a pretty place)
28 Chapter 28 (Ah, it was that door again)
29 Chapter 29 (The Duke of Kandel is Here!)
30 Chapter 30 (Our house)
31 Chapter 31 (Long first kiss)
32 Chapter 32 (How to purify the lower body?)
33 Chapter 33 (I’ll just hold your hand)
34 Chapter 34 (A Sleepless Night)
35 Chapter 35 (A Demon like Priest)
36 Chapter 36 (Once you have slept together, forever you will be sleeping together)
37 Chapter 37 (Don’t you want to sleep with me?)
38 Chapter 38 (Can’t we kiss one more time?)
39 Chapter 39 (A Bed Night Fight)
40 Chapter 40 (There’s another handsome person here!)
41 Chapter 41 (The class starts now)
42 Chapter 42 (Stay still. I’m going to take it off)
43 Chapter 43 (That cat is my cat!)
44 Chapter 44 (Alpaca’s confession!)
45 Chapter 45 (Will you sleep with me?)
46 Chapter 46 (Kill me)
47 Chapter 47 (Under the shower robe)
48 Chapter 48 (The result of lower body purification)
49 Chapter 49 (First night)
50 Chapter 50 (Is it called Snowbird?)
51 Chapter 51 (Falling In Love For The First Time)
52 Chapter 52 (I’m Leaving Now)
53 Chapter 53 (Shall we take a bath together?)
54 Chapter 54 (Who will win)
55 Chapter 55 (Misunderstanding leads to jealousy)
56 Chapter 56 (I don’t love anyone)
57 Chapter 57 (Just focus on me)
58 Chapter 58 (Let’s catch a mouse)
59 Chapter 59 (Unreasonable demands)
60 Chapter 60 (Sweeter than anything)
61 Chapter 61 (Promise)
62 Chapter 62 (It’s a really nice day)
63 Chapter 63 (Discovered)
64 Chapter 64 (I hate it that my teeth tremble)
65 Chapter 65 (A reason why I must live)
66 Chapter 66 (A serious misunderstanding)
67 Chapter 67 (I’ll take it off myself)
68 Chapter 68 (Peekaboo)
69 Chapter 69 (Lariette has disappeared)
70 Chapter 70 (Stab in the heart)
71 Chapter 71 (The man who appeared from the bracelet)
72 Chapter 72 (Decision)
73 Chapter 73 (Come with me)
74 Chapter 74 (See you again)
75 Chapter 75 (The departure day)
76 Chapter 76 (You are not a time limit!)
77 Chapter 77 (We met again)
78 Chapter 78 (What business do you have with my wife?)
79 Chapter 79 (The War Is Over)
80 Chapter 80 (To The West)
81 Chapter 81 (One bed, two people)
82 Chapter 82
83 Chapter 83
84 Chapter 84
85 Chapter 85
86 Chapter 86
87 Chapter 87
88 Chapter 88
89 Chapter 89
90 Chapter 90
91 Chapter 91
92 Chapter 92
93 Chapter 93
94 Chapter 94
95 Chapter 95
96 Chapter 96
97 Chapter 97
98 Chapter 98
99 Chapter 99
100 Chapter 100
101 Chapter 101
102 Chapter 102
103 Chapter 103
104 Chapter 104
105 Chapter 105
106 Chapter 106
107 Chapter 107
108 Chapter 108
109 Chapter 109
110 Chapter 110
111 Chapter 111
112 Chapter 112
113 Chapter 113
114 Chapter 114
115 Chapter 115
116 Chapter 116
117 Chapter 117
118 Chapter 118
119 Chapter 119
120 Chapter 120

Updated 120 Episodes

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 (I hate ugly man)
Chapter 4 (Bucket list man)
Chapter 5 (Date me for only three months)
Chapter 6 ( I Fell In Love At First Sight)
Chapter 7 ( Respond To Date Request )
Chapter 8 (A trap!)
Chapter 9 (Two Wild Beasts)
Chapter 10 (I Want You To Like Me)
Chapter 11 (Take It Off)
Chapter 12 ( It’s Called Operation Jealousy)
Chapter 13 (Not a woman)
Chapter 14 (There’s No Way I’m Jealous)
Chapter 15 (Two interpretations of confession)
Chapter 16 (Can I do whatever I want?)
Chapter 17 (Asrazan, take it off)
Chapter 18 (This Is A Kiss)
Chapter 19 (Superior field)
Chapter 20 (I’ll Cut Off This Family!)
Chapter 21 (Who Are You Messing With?)
Chapter 22 (Now it’s Asrazan turn)
Chapter 23 (The Reason I Have Mercy On You)
Chapter 24 (We Can Do It Here)
Chapter 25 (I’ll Always Protect You)
Chapter 26 (Can you help me with the bath?)
Chapter 27 (Kiss me in a pretty place)
Chapter 28 (Ah, it was that door again)
Chapter 29 (The Duke of Kandel is Here!)
Chapter 30 (Our house)
Chapter 31 (Long first kiss)
Chapter 32 (How to purify the lower body?)
Chapter 33 (I’ll just hold your hand)
Chapter 34 (A Sleepless Night)
Chapter 35 (A Demon like Priest)
Chapter 36 (Once you have slept together, forever you will be sleeping together)
Chapter 37 (Don’t you want to sleep with me?)
Chapter 38 (Can’t we kiss one more time?)
Chapter 39 (A Bed Night Fight)
Chapter 40 (There’s another handsome person here!)
Chapter 41 (The class starts now)
Chapter 42 (Stay still. I’m going to take it off)
Chapter 43 (That cat is my cat!)
Chapter 44 (Alpaca’s confession!)
Chapter 45 (Will you sleep with me?)
Chapter 46 (Kill me)
Chapter 47 (Under the shower robe)
Chapter 48 (The result of lower body purification)
Chapter 49 (First night)
Chapter 50 (Is it called Snowbird?)
Chapter 51 (Falling In Love For The First Time)
Chapter 52 (I’m Leaving Now)
Chapter 53 (Shall we take a bath together?)
Chapter 54 (Who will win)
Chapter 55 (Misunderstanding leads to jealousy)
Chapter 56 (I don’t love anyone)
Chapter 57 (Just focus on me)
Chapter 58 (Let’s catch a mouse)
Chapter 59 (Unreasonable demands)
Chapter 60 (Sweeter than anything)
Chapter 61 (Promise)
Chapter 62 (It’s a really nice day)
Chapter 63 (Discovered)
Chapter 64 (I hate it that my teeth tremble)
Chapter 65 (A reason why I must live)
Chapter 66 (A serious misunderstanding)
Chapter 67 (I’ll take it off myself)
Chapter 68 (Peekaboo)
Chapter 69 (Lariette has disappeared)
Chapter 70 (Stab in the heart)
Chapter 71 (The man who appeared from the bracelet)
Chapter 72 (Decision)
Chapter 73 (Come with me)
Chapter 74 (See you again)
Chapter 75 (The departure day)
Chapter 76 (You are not a time limit!)
Chapter 77 (We met again)
Chapter 78 (What business do you have with my wife?)
Chapter 79 (The War Is Over)
Chapter 80 (To The West)
Chapter 81 (One bed, two people)
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120


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