NovelToon NovelToon

I Thought I Didn't Have Long to Live!

Chapter 1

“I beg your pardon?”

Lariette spoke in a soft voice. Her pale fingers trembled hearing the doctor’s words. The sleepy old doctor lowered his brows apologetically.

“I am sorry, but it was a misdiagnosis.”


“Yes, Lady Blanche. There is no disease, you will not die!”

This was the absolute worst for Lariette Blanche.

‘I had been acting as though I only had three months to live. It was a terrible outcome with my fiancé cursing after me and my parents threatening to sell me out of the family registry. Most importantly, the Chief Prosecutor of the empire — Duke Kandel— was chasing after me.’

“My Lariette, wherever you are, I will find you. So, don’t make any plans to run away.”

Remembering his words and friendly gaze, her heart melted. At the time, she had assumed it was a gentle whisper tickling her ears. But now, after running away from him, she realized it was a definite threat. The doctor who had pushed her into this personal hellfire was laughing, not knowing the situation he had just put her in.

‘I’d rather die!' Lariette screamed in her head, barely holding back overflowing tears.


Everything started three months ago.

The place was the same. ‘Visiting Zakakov’s institution on the outskirts of the Capitol.’

Lariette was worried about her weak and sore body as of late. She had known the journey would be tiring. Yet, she only took one staff member and not informed anyone else. An old doctor had come to examine her.

He sighed several times, stroking his beard in silence. Lariette felt anxious holding her breath and waiting for news. The doctor, who had been quiet for a while, raised his head and faced Lariette. Seeing the deep sadness inside his green eyes, she knew that it was not good.

“Having trouble sleeping recently?”

“Yes, that is correct… Also, I keep craving strong flavors yet feel uncomfortable after I eat.”

“Does your heart race? It will sound as if you can hear your own heartbeat.”

Lariette nodded and the doctor looked at her with meaningful eyes.

“Yes doctor, how did you know?”

“Hah… how should I say this…”

His hands covered his face, a painful expression upon his features. The situation seemed to be worse than anything she had expected.

“It is a rare cardiac disease that appears in very few people who are born with too much mana. It usually manifests before adulthood, but fortunately it’s too late for Lady Blanche.”

“What is it? Is it incurable?”

“The mortality rate for Lokadura disease is 98%.”


“Lady Blanche, you will most likely die within three months.”

He had been hesitating to tell her this, but it seemed to be the truth.


Lariette returned to the mansion with a calm expression; not looking like someone who was just diagnosed with a time limit. It was all happening so suddenly that she didn’t know how to act.

‘How do people usually respond to time sentences?’

With the help of her maid, she changed into another dress.

In a daze, she thought ‘Should I cry? Or should I have shaken the doctor’s big belly and screamed at him to save me somehow?’

Lariette realized that she did not possess the energy to cry or carry the doctor’s weight. And in the first place, she had no great greed for life.

“Lady, you’re very quiet today. Was it tiring visiting the city?” asked Lariette’s personal maid with a smile.

Lariette wondered for a bit. “Anne, you know… What if?”

“What If’ game starts again.”

“I’m serious this time.”

Anne shook her head in a bored manner. It was common for Lariette to always ask about hypothetical situations.

“If you find yourself dying soon, what would you do?”

“Dying already? Lady, I’m barely into adulthood.”

“I mean, if you have a ‘rare disease’ for example.”

“I don’t know.”

Anne steadily combed Lariette’s hair in preparation for dinner. Her pink hair was dazzling, but it was difficult to manage because of its long length. The difficulty, of course, was maintained by the work of the maids.

“Wouldn’t it be sad? I’d feel sorry for the people who I would leave behind and for all the things I hadn’t done yet.”

“Things I hadn’t done before…”

“Yes, I would put together a bucket list and then die!”

“Bucket list?”

“A list of things to do before you die. For example, buy an expensive cake and eat every bite!”

Anne looked like she was dreaming of sweet cakes from a classic dessert shop. A bucket list seemed unfamiliar to her. Lariette became dazed and continued to mutter the word in her mind.

“But what would I do? I cannot even brush my hair by myself.”

Anne laughed playfully at her answer. Lariette grumbled, saying that she could comb her hair alone,

“I just do not feel confident about performing tasks on my own.”

After all, the maids were highly trained.

Suddenly, in the mirror stood a finely dressed lady Blanche. Her pink hair curled naturally and hung around the waist, her cheeks were tinted apricot, and her skin was smooth like dough. Under the long eyelashes, purple eyes shone like beautiful glass orbs. Her full lips were painted in elegant rose-red.

“Lady! Doesn’t your makeup look wonderful today?”

“Isn’t it just my face that’s good looking?”

“It’s just alright.”

Lariette went out of the room giggling earnestly. On the way to the dining hall, she reflected on Anne’s answer. Lariette, unlike Anne, did not feel sad about her situation

But it was truly unfortunate that she had not done many things in this life. Lariette had never lived for her own pleasure.

‘A bucket list… What should I do?’

She tried to think about what she desired, but there was nothing. Greed and desire came for those who had dreams. Those who were empty simply lived without expecting anything.

Lariette arrived at the luxurious and spacious mansion halls. The servants waited in front of the dining room door. The history of the Duke house was rich and grand.

‘Even though its traditions are outdated.’ Lariette thought cynically and put on a bitter smile. It was very different from how she acted around Anne.

“You’re late. Sit down.”

“To arrive after your parents. You must be out of your mind.”

“Yes, Father, Mother. I Apologies”

Lariette sat down calmly, responding with courtesy. Although she had arrived before the scheduled appointment time, it was not wise to talk back.

“Hm, are you doing well with the Marquis of Segreb these days?”

The Duke broke the silence with his many questions. Lariette forcibly smiled and pretended to be an obedient daughter.

“Yes, Father.”

“But, enough about that. It is rumored that he is going to buy a rather large mine soon.”

“Yes, it would seem so.”

“Good. Keep in mind that your marriage with him is the only way to prove your worth.”

Of course, that’s what her father cared about. Lariette elegantly drank her tea and swallowed a sharp answer. Sir Segreb had already been married twice. Fourteen years older than Lariette, yet he was picky about ugly women. However, that information was not important to Duke Blanche.

It was only important for Segreb to have a lot of assets — and the fact that he would pay a large amount of money to Duke Blanche, for Lariette. The Duke and Duchess have maintained their steadfast position as public figures, but money has become a difficult problem. It was because Lariette’s father, the Duke of Blanche, had supported a failing business. So, Lariette accepted a terrible engagement with the Marquis of Segreb. It was her responsibility and duty as a daughter.

‘For the family...’ The word fluttered in her empty mind.

She was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by a loud noise.

Someone had roughly slammed opened the door and entered the dining room. It was a rude gesture especially according to the rules of high society. Yet, the Duke and Duchess lifted their heads with a bright smile that Lariette had never been shown before.

“Raon, my son! You are here so soon, you must be hungry!”

“Go warm the food for my son, it has already cooled.”

“Ah, I don’t want to be bothered.”

Raon, the only heir of Duke Blanche. Lariette’s brother came home scratching his red hair. He was dressed casually, but carried an aura of pride and shamelessness.

Raon replied carelessly while Lariette sat with great intention and perfect posture.

“The business is going well. I’m probably going to sell soon. Since when did we have family dinners?”

“Why don’t you take an heir class if you have so much free time on your hands?”

Lariette’s eyes were gently curved, and her lips turned upwards with teasing. The exclusive wizard of the Blanche family, was responsible for educating Raon. Although, he also taught Lariette as a child. This did not continue as Raon along with their mother claimed that girls do not need to learn magic.

House Blanche was blessed and loved by a magical spirit. Many of the greatest wizards of all time had the name of Blanche. Duke Blanche had high expectations for Raon, but unfortunately he did not receive the gift of magic.

Raon’s face reddened with anger at Lariette’s words pointing out his lack of magical skill. He swiftly moved without thinking; Lariette’s body hardened like ice. Something was dripping from over her head: the sauce of the appetizer she was eating.

It oozed over her head, flooding her hair and beige dress. The head of the unnamed fish, which had a tux and a plate, dripped from her head down onto her knee. Empty eyes were looking back at her mockingly.

“Raon! Mind your manners!”

“Mother, I don’t want to eat with her. How can I sit in my seat while she acts like this!”

Lariette slowly lifted the napkin and wiped her head. Her slender finger holding the napkin trembled. No one in this place would offer any comfort to her.

“Why would you talk back to your brother? Lariette, go up to your room.”


Lariette called out to her mother in an earnest voice. The gaze Duchess Blanche returned to her was cold. The same was true when she turned her head to look at her father. The Blanche Duke and Duchess only cared for their sons. Lariette always tried to gain the approval of their parents by learning her manners and being obedient. But it was always Raon who soaked up recognition, respect and attention— despite making no effort. There was no happiness in store for Lariette.

‘I am going to die after three months.’

Her lips quivered, but only a small breath came out.

‘But you don’t care at all.’

Lariette stood and brushed off the fish and sauce on her. When the sauce hit the carpet, the Duchess finally reacted. She walked out of the dining room, ignoring the daily nagging of her mother. Red sauce flowed down the white dress like blood.

Her attitude was imposing and determined. Finally, she was going to do something.

“I will not die like this.”

Lariette declared in a whisper to herself. There was nothing to fear anymore, death was coming.

Chapter 2


Anne yelped as soon as she saw Lariette’s condition upon returning to her room. The other maids did not have such a close relationship with her, so they simply stared in surprise. It was a normal reaction. After all, their lady of the house had returned as a complete mess after a family dinner.

“That crazy man! What a jerk!”

“Shh~ What if someone hears it?”

“Please! He is a man without conscience! How could a brother do this to his sister…”

While helping Lariette bathe, Anne swore at Raon with the harshest words she knew. Lariette was afraid that someone might overhear and tell Raon, but she did not scold her. Anne’s hands, which were washing her hair, shook with emotion.

“I’m sure he is jealous of you, since you’re smarter and better off than him… right, Lady?”

“I’m alright.”

I’m used to it, Lariette swallowed her words quietly. There was no need to add anything as Anne knew the truth. It wasn’t until the bath was over that Anne calmed down. Lariette returned to rest, then she was finally left alone.

“Oh, so this was here…”

She mumbled as she went through an old wooden chest full of drawers. Obviously, she couldn’t find anything in it as she never recalled using it in the first place. After a long while of searching, Lariette groaned in frustration. Even having gone through all the drawers, she couldn’t find any spare money. She stared at the bottom of the drawer; something was hanging in-between the deep gaps.

“Found it.”

Lariette extended her arms and finally discovered what she had been searching for. It was a small notebook which revealed a luxurious cover as Lariette dusted it off. It was the first gift that she had received from her father. Her father had gone on a business trip and Lariette was so happy to receive a gift from him, even if it was something she hadn’t asked for.

‘Raon received a sword.’

Lariette smiled bitterly, reminiscent of her poor and pathetic childhood. However, she quickly put away her sad feelings and opened the notebook. The reason she looked for the book was not to remember her depressing childhood after all. She needed a memo book, so she chose the most beautiful one in her possession. Lariette lit a small lamp and sat at her desk. Then, with a fountain pen she began writing in her elegant handwriting.

< I was sentenced to a life limit of 3 months on April 3, 732 >

Firstly, she wrote the time and current situation. She thought of the name of the disease, but didn’t want to mention it.

< Bucket List of Things To Do Before I Die >

Lariette tilted her head, thinking intently. What came to mind was Anne’s face. Although it was misty in the bathroom, Anne’s emotional red-hot eyes continued to prick at Lariette’s guilt.

< 1. Gift Anne a cake >

Lariette felt sorry that she was going to leave Anne, so she wanted to repay her favor. It was exciting to imagine Anne jumping up and down while eating the cake.

< 2. Independence (Let’s Save Money!) >

< 3. Engagement to Marquis Segre >

These two items were things she thought of during the family dinner. Lariette no longer wanted to expect anything from the Duke and Duchess, nor stay with them anymore.

‘The shell of a lady is now broken. Before my death, I want to be Lariette first – not a Blanche. I don’t want to continue with the engagement of selling myself.’

But, the main problem would be the aftermath of her struggles. It was clear that her parents would be angry and Marquis Segre would never stand still. Lariette no longer wanted to sacrifice herself, but she also didn’t want to destroy her family and cause their ruin. Therefore, she timidly wrote an explanation next to item 3.

< 3. Engagement to Marquis Segre Kept ( due to good manners ) >

This was the last consideration Lariette would show to her parents. Although it may be deemed insufficient for the costs of raising her, she had fulfilled her responsibilities as a noble daughter so far and worked beyond all the interests they showed. Thus, there was no guilt.

< 4. Dating a Handsome Man>

Lariette underlined the most important part, ‘handsome’. It was a fact that no one knew, but Lariette loved pretty faces. If she was asked to choose between a rich man and a handsome man, she would pick the latter. She was also quite picky. Lariette had never met a man who looked handsome in her eyes. So, she had a small desire to go out with a gorgeous man before she died. However, there were conditions.

‘I’m a person who’s going to die in three months, so I can’t get too serious about it… I’m going to meet someone with lots of experience and be casual in these coming months.’

Lariette was conscious of the fact that she had a clock that was running out of time. So, unlike her usual preference of serious relationships with a stable man; she wanted to find a guy who was really good at dating (womanizer). Fortunately her illness, Lokadura, had no significant symptoms until her death.

‘My heart beats fast, but my body doesn’t hurt nor does my behavior change.’ However, when the time came her mana airflow would burst and cause her death. Lariette bit her lips, terribly imagining how her body would explode. In any case, it was a perfect condition to enjoy life comfortably until death.

Also, the doctor explained that her health was quite good. Hopefully, she could live up to 4 months, maybe even longer? Lariette struggled as she thought about it. Holding the pen, she reached a conclusion.

< 5. Travel >

A native in the capital, yet she had never traveled. It was not easy because of her status and identity.

‘Of course, Raon went several times.’

The only difference between him and herself was their gender. It was a very different life. She remembered Raon asking her parents to buy a countryside villa because of how heavenly his trip to the West had been. Though she doubted that’s where he had been since their business trips always ended up in ruin. It wasn’t reliable to hear Raon’s opinions, but she had wondered how good the West truly was. She added a small caption next to the item.

< 5. Travel – What the Hell is in the West? >

It was so small that you couldn’t read it without focusing.

Lariette, who was in a hurry, read the contents of the notebook for a while before closing it. For now, these agendas were all that came to mind.

It was bright as the morning sun shone through the windows of Lariette’s bedroom. She woke up and dressed herself as if she were in a daze. As the door slowly opened, Anne stared in amazement to find her master already awake and prepared.

“Lady, Are you feeling unwell?”

“Good morning, and no.”

“What is that outfit?”

Anne’s eyes narrowed as she checked Lariette’s attire. Unlike usual, it was too plain and simple of a dress.

“Do you have time today?”

Lariette asked the question with an open smile like a flower in bloom. Anne nodded with a silly expression on her face.

“So, let’s go.”

“Yes, w-where?”

“I’ll know when I am there.”

Lariette hurriedly grabbed Anne’s hand and led her away. The time she had was too short to accomplish everything she wrote in the bucket list. They arrived at Pienche, one of the most famous dessert shops in the capital.

“A-ah, my lady, no way…”

“Yes, indeed.”

The maid seemed to want to cry over Lariette’s answer, it was worrying.

“Our outfits…”

Pienche was a high-end dessert shop that only nobles could enter. The maid, Anne, was also of noble lineage but Pienche required high-ranking aristocrats not lower noblewomen like her. Also, Lariette and Anne’s outfits were too shabby to be considered a noble’s conduct of dress.


The waiter, dressed in a suit, greeted Lariette. Upon seeing their clothes, his glance turned into an unpleasant look.

“I’ll show you to your seats.”

The waiter spoke slowly and led them into a corner. It seemed that they couldn’t sit in a place where all the other nobles gathered and their outfits would be seen.

Handing over the menu to them, the waiter wanted to turn away. Lariette rejected the menu.

“You must look at the customer menu to order.”

“No, actually I don’t have to.”

Lariette smiled proudly and replied to the waiter. The smile was so disarming that the waiter became frightened at his lack of grasp on the situation. However, what was more surprising was the following…

“I’ll take one of everything on the menu.”

“W-what’s that?”

“Why am I not qualified enough to order a cake?”

His face became flushed at the cold voice and he immediately understood the situation. She was one of the three dukedom nobles in the empire, therefore not the kind of person to ignore.

“S-sorry, I shall bring it immediately.”

The waiter bowed deeply and apologized, leaving with a shaking menu board in hand. Anne looked at Lariette with a startled look.

“Lady! Is everything alright? That’s too many!”

“Take one bite of each and throw it away. Even a fallen noble would have enough money to buy you this.”

“Didn’t I teach you about not being wasteful?”

Lariette listened to Anne’s nagging with an unfocused, lazy look. Anne stopped only after having enough cake to fill her stomach. Lariette was glad to escape her long speech. The coachman was puzzled to see the return of the exhausted young lady from the cake shop.

On the way back to the mansion, Lariette and Anne chatted happily about the taste of cake. However, suddenly the conversation stopped.


The wagon tilted with a dull sound. Lariette’s body was held firmly by a trembling Anne.

“What happened?”

“Sorry, Lady. The wheel seems to be amiss. I’ll change it soon.”

When asked to open the door of the carriage, the coachman wore a difficult expression. Then, he whipped the horse to go faster a few times. The wheel seemed risky. When Lariette put her head out the window to inspect it, she saw a black wagon trailing behind. Due to the Blanche family carriage, the road was blocked off.


Lariette sighed slowly and wanted to get up. It was time for a direct confrontation. However, Anne resolutely stopped it with all her might.

“Miss! Just sit down!”


“That black wagon belongs to the Duke of Kandel! It’s better not to get off.”

Hearing the name Kandel, Lariette’s body hardened like ice. The Duke Kandels were the most powerful Dukedom in the empire and served as a home to the Duke deemed a ‘Monster’. In other words, as a lady of the Duke of Blanche, she was an opponent who had to protect face. Thus, in the end Lariette sat calmly without getting off the carriage.

The coachman struggled to pull off the wheel when a man came up behind him.

“Who’s coming from the black wagon? I’m afraid the driver needs help.”

Instead of Lariette, Anne poked out her head and explained the situation. Lariette was aware of her shabby outfit, so she stayed away from the window and only listened.

“I can’t see him very well… but he is very tall. Why are his clothes so dark?”

Anne muttered and narrowed her eyes. The blocking of the wagons made the male hard to see. However, even with such rough sight it was clear that he was a tall and broad man. He slowly reached out to grab the Blanche carriage. At that moment, the bottom of the carriage was lifted into the air. Flash!

“Oh my!”

Due to the sudden movement, the girls in the carriage shrieked. Looking flustered they said,

“Lifted with a single hand….!”

It was an incredible power. Lariette was shocked and forgot to hide her face; she looked out the window immediately. Then, she locked eyes with him – eyes which were as blue as the sea.

Time seemed as though it had stopped. The man, who had lifted the carriage with one hand, was wearing bandages under his eyes. Because of that, Lariette could not figure out what his face looked like. Lariette caught his gaze strangely. He was indeed tall and handsome like Anne described. Over his broad shoulders, a black coat swayed in the wind.

He stared at Lariette for a moment with intense eyes.

Then, he led the carriage to a flat road and left. Lariette kept her stare with a dull look.

“I’m surprised….”

“Wow, how amazing is his strength? The Duke of Kandel has great power.”

“Right, indeed.”

Lariette muttered with her mouth wide open. With his bandaged face, he looked like a sick person. But, his strength was of no ordinary man. She thought of the blue eyes that she had seen. His eyes had been so beautiful that they were distracting – almost blinding.

However, this was an accident on the road and they wouldn’t meet again anyway. So, she quickly wanted to erase it from memory. Meanwhile, as the Blanche carriage left, the man dressed in black hopped onto his own wagon and ordered with a cold voice,

“Depart now.”

“Yes, Duke.”

The Duke of Kandel, who is known as the War Ghost and Monster, Asrazan closed his eyes slowly as he felt the carriage leaving.


Upon arriving at the manor, the sun was already halfway in the sky (afternoon). Lariette had barely climbed the stairs to her house when the doors burst open. The sharp voice of the Duchess was screaming at her.

“Lariette! Where have you been?”

“….. Mother, did you call me? I have finished my duties, so I went out.”

“Don’t say a word! Follow me right now! Oh, my god. What’s the use of having a daughter? You must’ve made up your mind to shame me.”

The Duchess grabbed Lariette’s arm roughly. The long nails dug into her soft skin which made her wince, but the Duchess only pushed her further.

Without explanation, Lariette was dressed by her mother’s maids. They adorned her with the most colorful decorations and sprayed dark perfumes on her body. Lariette clenched her fist and endured the uncomfortable time.

The strict attitude of the Duchess was not understood until after Lariette was guided by the maid to the patronage of the man standing in front of her.

“Lari, it’s been a long time.”

Lariette looked up at the guest with a stiff face and remembered not giving him permission to call her by a nickname. Yet, he naturally called her Lari and kissed her hand with his thick, rough lips.

“….. Marquis Segreb, it’s been a while.”

A man with beady dark eyes, a squared jaw, and a bulging large belly; he was the Marquis of Segre, Lariette’s fiancé.

“I have waited a long time, my legs hurt.”

“If you had sent a message in advance, I wouldn’t have gone out.”

“What requires you to go outside? You should have stayed home quietly. You’re walking around outside like a mangy dog and it causes me concern.”

The Marquis patted his stomach and clicked his tongue disapprovingly. Lariette was furious at his words, but only muttered in her heart what she had promised to herself last night.

‘There’s no need to use manners for a person like this!’

‘I thought it’d be easy to put up with, but after facing the Marquis I realize that’s an illusion.’

He was a man who spoke without thought or consideration. Even his grumpy face and fat, oily body irritated her anger.

‘It’s annoying… but it’s even worse when he’s ugly.’

“There was something I wanted to say to the Marquis. You’ve come at a good time.”

“What do you want to say? It’s useless for women to chatter away.”

Then, with a bored look he stroked Lariette’s hair with his hands. When a sloppy, rough finger touched her neck Lariette’s entire body erupted in goosebumps.

“What’re you…”

“Don’t be stingy, it’ll all be mine anyway.”

The Marquis laughed and held her chin firmly with his fingers. He touched her smooth cheek, almost as if paying a compliment.

“I really do enjoy your pretty face very much. Though, I don’t like the color of your eyes.”

“It’s a product worth my money.” the Marquis lowered his head and whispered into her ear. Lariette’s face turned red with disgrace and anger. On the other hand, her purple eyes stared at him in sinking cold disgust.

“That’s quite a provocative look. Are you like that in bed too?”

“… That’s it.”


Lariette murmured a few words. Then, at that moment, a huge tree trunk burst through the ground and grabbed the Marquis’s ankle.

“No more proper manners.”

Chapter 3 (I hate ugly man)

Even when Lariette was very young, her relationship with Raon wasn’t too bad.

He received only overflowing love from birth, and although he was arrogant at a young age, he was quite fond of his one and only younger sister. Of course, it was such shallow affection, giving her a toy he got tired of.

It was from the moment she was educated with him that Raon hated Lariette so much.

Parental love, full support, the Duke who will be mine. He had all these things, but magic talent was something he couldn’t have.

And Lariette, who did not have all of them, was born with a tremendous magical talent as if it were a reward.

Although she was not outstanding in all fields, she was outstanding enough to be unmatched in some fields. The wizards did not spare their praise, saying that a true ‘Blanche’ that would dominate the times was born, although the field was disappointing.

And when Raon heard it, he immediately told his mother so that Lariette could not attend the class. Since then, there has been no more shallow affection that was rarely offered.


That was the moment when Raon disliked Lariette.

* * *

“Ahhh!! Hey, what is this!”

“So noisy, shut up.”

Lariette looked down at the Marquis hanging upside down with a terrified expression. She even snapped her finger once.

“Shut up, What did you say!!”

“Marquis. I’m only going to explain it once, so listen carefully.”

Marquis Segreb wanted to scream, but strangely, his lips were stuck together and he couldn’t say anything.

“I have no intention of marrying you. So the engagement ends today.”

“Ugh! Ughh!”

Lariette stretched out her long, white finger and tapped the Marquis’ cheek. It was in return for his actions.

“I just hate ugly men.”

She smiled bitterly, shaking her hands as if she had touched something dirty. The Marquis’s face, which was still drenched in blood, grew even redder with shame.

It was a moment of exhilaration to see the situation, and a tearing voice hearing from afar.


“My God, Marquis of Segreb!”

After hearing about the situation from the butler, the Duke and Duchess rushed there. The Duchess screamed when she saw the Marquis of Segreb hanging upside down, and the Duke moved his hand in a hurry to cast a disarmament spell.



Due to the sudden release of the magic, Marquis Segreb pounded his head on the dirt floor and moaned. Seeing that ridiculous scene, Lariette couldn’t help but laugh.

As soon as the Duchess heard her laugh, she glared at Lariette frantically. It looked like she would slap her.

“Marquis, are you okay?”

The Duke hurriedly tried to support the Marquis of Segreb, but he let go of his hand and got up on his own.

“This disgrace… I will never, never forget.”

“Marquis, our daughter is still young, so please… ”

“No! Let’s think that this deal never happened!”

The Marquis of Segreb answered the Duke of Blanche’s words firmly, cutting off his words. Then, he sent a vicious look toward Lariette and continued speaking as if threatening.

“Princess Blanche, just see. There will come a day when you will beg and kneel to me

“Well, I don’t want to see that ugly face again.”

I have a weak stomach. Lariette smiled and added, and the Marquis sharpened his teeth. The Duchess grabbed Lariette’s arm roughly, asking if she was crazy, but Lariette calmly shook it off.

‘This is now over.’

In the end, the Marquis left the place in spite of the opposition of the Duke and Duchess.

Because of that, flaming eyes were focused on Lariette. Suddenly, Raon joined in and looked at her with contempt.


The first to break the silence was the Duchess. Her high voice trembled with anger.

“Have you finally gone crazy, Lariette!”

“Yeah, a little late. I should have done it right away.”


“Isn’t it strange that this family hasn’t gone crazy until now?”

The Duchess let out a low sigh as if it was ridiculous. Then, with a sharp voice, he started admonishing.

“Do you know what you have done now? It’s not that bad doing it for the family! Did you even plan to put the Duke of Blanche into debt!”

“Who brought the debt?”

“Now you dare…!”

“I don’t think so, it’s strange. Why do I have to pay the debt someone else made?”

It was a reference to the record of the Duke of Blanche, who was arrogantly doing business here and there and ruined it.

The Duke of Blanche couldn’t believe that his obedient daughter had said this. At the same time, anger erupted at him who dared to challenge her father’s authority.

“It’s not someone else! Isn’t that right and that’s natural for a daughter to do that…”


Ha! Lariette snorted as if she had heard a funny joke.

“Even though I’ve been acting absurd, father doesn’t really care what the Marquis did to make me do this.”

“No matter how rude he was, you should…”

“Have you ever been interested in me in the first place?”

“Lariette! What are you talking about!”

When the Duchess heard it, she screamed out that she couldn’t continue.

“The dress you wear, the carriage you ride, the food you eat! You enjoyed it because you were our daughter. If so, shouldn’t you be responsible for that?”

“Yeah, I thought so too, and I tried to take responsibility. Originally, I did all the management, which my mother had to do, and the visits to the estates that Raon’s had to do. I even accepted the marriage to that sleazy bastard to pay off the debt my father has.”

“Then why come now and you do this!”

It was a high-pitched voice. Lariette bit the inside of her lip in the bitter glance of hatred.

To them, Lariette’s devotion was too natural. It was a fact I knew, but when I checked it again, my chest felt heavy as if it were pressed.

“Mother and father don’t take on my responsibilities as a parent, so why do you want me to do that? As much as there is a way to become a child, there must be a way to become a parent….”

“Where do you think all your enjoyment came from!”

The Duchess shouted, saying it was absurd. Lariette let out a small sigh and continued.

“It is not only the responsibility of parents to take responsibility for food, clothing, and everything. If you had been kind to me at least half as much as you did to Raon, I would have just done my part and died.”

“Haha! You’re not even a baby, it’s funny that you’re still squeezing for affection.”

Raon giggled and mocked Lariette for mentioning him. Lariette glared at him indifferently and responded softly.

“Shut up, Raon. Don’t you still know that a newborn baby is more useful than you?”

“This girl…!”

Raon, who was excitedly insulting Lariette, came to her with enthusiasm when he was insulted. But not faster than the Duke.


The Duke’s rough hand slap Lariette’s cheek without any regrets. His face heated up from the sharp friction, and then he began to tingle like mad.

Lariette stood stunned, not even thinking of turning her head back to her original position.

The Duke opened his mouth in an angry voice. Words that hurt more than the stinging cheeks continued.

“I raised you, but your arrogance has crossed the line.”

Lariette was still wondering.

“I don’t need a chaotic bitch like you anymore. I will erase you in the family register, so leave immediately!”

“Honey, that’s…”

The Duchess, who heard the stormy declaration, put her hand on the Duke’s shoulder with a bewildered expression as if she had not wished for that far. However, she soon found his poisonous eyes and quietly shut her mouth.

Lariette slowly turned her head to the front and looked at her father standing in front of me. He daunted her with purple eyes that looked just like her.

“… Father, the family register means nothing. It doesn’t matter to me that a piece of paper will burn quickly.”


“What I was afraid of was not being removed from the family register, but from the hearts of my parents. It was stupid. Not knowing that I would never be embedded.”

“Lariette, don’t do that and apologize to your father right away….”


Lariette cut off the Duchess’s words. And she said her final goodbyes with a straight voice without shaking.

“Thank you so far. The Duke and Duchess of Blanche.”

She slowly lowered her head and turned around. And she just walked away, never looking back.

“Don’t even think about taking anything from the Duke mansion!”

These were the last words of the Duke of Blanche to his daughter. Lariette smiled bitterly, saying he was ignorant father to the end.

* * *

“Oh, my lady. What’s going on! Gosh…”

“I’m sorry, Anne.”

“Why are you sorry for me! How is the Duke doing, my darling, what about my lady? Ugh, hic….”

Anne worried about me, who had never left the Duke’s family, and lived obediently. Lariette patted her on the back, trying to ease her worries.

“Don’t worry, I have a plan. Anyway, I’m worried about Anne. I don’t know if you’re going to be fine without me.”

“What does a young lady who has never done chores do? Do you know how dangerous it is to be outside?”

“You know, Anne. I’m not going to be so fussy.”

Lariette said playfully, hugging Anne with her arms. However, facing Anne’s sharp gaze, she pretended to rush out for nothing.

“Anyway, thank you for lending me your clothes. I will pay you back someday.”

“It pays off! Do you really want to go with those little pockets? Please take this too, Lady.”

“Because it’s enough. Why did you give me the money you worked for?”

Anne, restless, held out a bag of money that she must have been collecting for a long time. However, Lariette simply waved her hand saying she absolutely hated it.

Anne had no choice but to worry. She couldn’t bring any clothes, so she borrowed Anne’s clothes, and all she got was a small pocket that could hold only a few coins. It was not strange at any time to die.

“It’s still chilly in the morning and evening….”

Anne shed tears and put the shawl over Lariette. The rage against the cold-hearted Duke couple who drives their daughter to death continues to rise.

“Well then, see you next time, Anne.”

In fact, Lariette smiled with a carefree face. At the declaration of parting that she never thought she would hear in her lifetime, Anne finally burst into tears.

Lariette patted her on the shoulder a few times and then walked out of the room that used to be her.

After going down the stairs and passing the main hall, Lariette could not find a shadow of the Duke and Duchess until she reached the main gate.


But as soon as she left the Duke’s gate, someone called her name out loud. It wasn’t the voice she wanted to hear, so Lariette looked back with an annoyed expression.

“… I don’t need you to see me off, Raon.”

“You are talking terribly. I won’t see you off even if you die.”

At Raon’s words, which pointed to the very core, Lariette slowly stared into his eyes. She didn’t seem to know what he wanted.

“I guess you didn’t come all the way here to say such nonsense. Just tell me.”

“Is there still something left between us?”

Raon seemed to have kept the words of Lariette, who insulted him earlier, into the present situation.

With a provocative expression on his face, he approached her, step by step. Mana wrapped around his hands, and exhilarating sparks began to flow.

“… Jealousy and you made me unable to attend class. Do you feel a little more confident now?”

“It’s good enough compared to your level of earth magic.”

At Raon’s confident voice, Lariette burst into laughter. He even admitted his words outright.

“Yeah, I have no talent for earth magic. What about the other elemental magic, I just finished learning it.”

“If you had known, you shouldn’t have been so cocky!”

Raon shouted in a harsh voice and emitted a strong electricity at her.

Although Lariette was slightly better in childhood, she has been an educated person since then and he wasn’t. So he believed he would be enough to overwhelm her.

“By the way, Raon.”

Lariette swung her fingers lightly, turning the direction of the electricity pouring into her. At the same time, when she raised her other hand upwards, a huge vortex appeared on the ground just below Raon.


Raon was quickly sucked into the vortex of tremendous suction power. When he opened his eyes, he found himself buried in the ground except for his head.

“I’m stronger than you.”

As she finished speaking, she tapped Raon’s head with her foot. Enraged, he yelled at her, but she didn’t care, so she continued to ignore him.

Lariette hummed and took another step. Now it was a real goodbye.

* * *

A quiet cafe in the city.

Lariette sat by the window, sucking the strawberry smoothie with a straw and waving the fountain pen in her hand.

<1. Give Anne a cake>

<2. Be independent (Let’s save money)>

<3. Getting engaged to the Marquis of Segreb (with moderate courtesy)>

<4. Dating a handsome man>

<5. Travel around the world>

It was just yesterday that I made a bucket list, but I have already accomplished more than half of it in one day. However, from 1 to 3, it was only possible because it was easy, but after that, it seemed quite difficult.

‘If it’s dating… Where are you going to find a handsome man?’

Lariette moaned and tapped the notebook with her pen tip.

It was very difficult to find a handsome man who satisfies her taste. Lariette thought blankly that maybe a handsome man might be just a fantasy.


At that moment, the sound of a rattling bell was heard and someone opened the door of the cafe and entered.

Lariette’s gaze, who had been spinning the fountain pen here and there, went up, and when she found the man who had entered, her eyes widened.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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