Almighty Military Wife

Almighty Military Wife

Almighty Military Wife Chapter:1

"My young seedlings, my heart and soul. You unscrupulous bunnies, with such a cruel heart, I only went back to my natal family. You will grind your sisters into this way. Did you get eaten by the eldest wife? With the white-eyed wolf who has forgotten her mother-in-law, I will kill you bastards!"

"Mom, no, the eldest sister's two or two dried sweet potatoes she ate early in the morning. She also ate a bowl of millet porridge."

"Fart, can you be hungry and faint after eating? My old lady doesn't count with you now, so I'll take Qingmiaoer to the county hospital quickly."

There was a cry, accompanied by the jumping and shouting, Su Qinghe slowly regained consciousness. Of course, she still couldn't open her eyes, it seemed that there was a power that made her unable to move. All I know is that I seem to be in a car or on a wooden board, bumping constantly.

She said silently in her head, "System, are you there?"

"The Almighty Army Sister System 01 is temporarily serving you." A mechanical sound rang in his head.

Su Qinghe said, "Where am I? Don't you say that you can survive by binding you? Where is this? Am I not at home?"

"This is May 11, 1960 in China. The host is now in a small village in the northern region. Because the map is not complete, it is impossible to point out the specific location. The host can ask for it by himself."

"...In 1960?"

"Yes the host."

Su Qinghe was excited, "You said you can live by binding, so you let me live like this? Don't bully me because of my lack of culture. In 1960 or the three-year Great Leap Forward, I will eat soil. Am I alive and starving to death?"

"This system is only temporarily bound, and the host can cancel it at any time."

"I can go back after the cancellation?" If the price of getting the so-called system is to stay in the 1960s, she would rather go back to the 21st century to be an ordinary otaku. At any rate, I can still eat a bite of fast food.

"The host is already brain-dead in the future, and you can see itself as a gray-like object after going back. Because there is no carrier to save the host's brain waves, the host will not exist for more than three seconds."

"..." Isn't this clearly bound to live, or not bound to die?

Su Qinghe looked unlovable.

As a senior housemaid, Su Qinghe does not go out easily. Everything he eats is called takeaway. When buying things, he finds Magnum Taobao for delivery. Three hundred sixty-five days a year can be spent at home for three hundred and sixty days, and the remaining few days are to go out in the sun daily to replenish calcium.

In this era of impetuous people, Su Qinghe feels that staying at home is the safest. This is the reason she has always given herself to stay at home.

However, it was her who said misfortune came from the sky.

During the holiday season, just in time for the property plumber's holiday, the light in the room at home was out of order. Su Qinghe can bear everything, but can't bear the darkness and the days without computers. So I searched at home and found a spare light bulb, and changed the light by myself, but the light bulb suddenly exploded... She was so scared that she fell back from the chair. The result can be imagined...

Just when Su Qinghe thought she was about to finish, a strange voice rang in her ears, "Find a qualified host, restart the system, hello temporary host, Almighty Military Sister System 01 is for you, and the host carrier is about to be checked. The energy is exhausted and disappear, please choose whether to bind this system to get a new carrier."

Who wants to die if she can live, especially for someone like Su Qinghe who is timid and afraid of death, she didn't even think about it, she said directly, "Agree!"

There was a burst of light, and Su Qinghe squinted his eyes subconsciously, feeling as if he was peeling from something, and then began to float...

Said that I knew that floating floating, the sixties have come.

In order to survive, this wave can only endure. After Su Qinghe exhaled and inhaled, he continued, "Where is the original owner of this body, is it dead? I have a bottom line!"

"The fixed DNA matching vector in this system is the host's current vector, and the original owner of the vector is difficult to understand this system. In-depth communication is not possible, so after consultation with the original owner, she was sent to the Interstellar Canteen to meet her daily meat-eating requirements. The carrier now belongs to the system. The host is only temporarily borrowing it. If the host refuses to formally bind the system, the host will leave the carrier and die after three seconds."

"..." She is still a spare part... Su Qinghe asked weakly, "Is there still a shortage of people in your cafeteria?"

"This problem is regarded as the host intentionally leaving the system. If the host persists after ten seconds, it will leave the carrier and die after three seconds."

! ! Su Qinghe immediately said, "Bind and bind, bind immediately!"

"Ding—The Almighty Army Sister System No. 01 is officially bound... the binding completion degree is 30%... 60%... complete! Please receive the information from the host."

As soon as the voice stopped, Su Qinghe felt that she was in a crashed state, a bunch of messy things burrowed into her brain, and the whole head felt filled.

The huge data reception was completely cured, and Su Qinghe felt that he had only half his life left. But seeing that the data was cured, she didn't regret binding to this system.

This all-around military sister-in-law system No. 01 was designed by the Galaxy A Corps, because in the interstellar age, wars between the major planets continue, soldiers can not take care of their families all the year round, and most of the soldiers become older singles. Even military soldiers who are married cannot devote themselves to the task because they care about their family.

So the Legion Research Department spent a lot of manpower and material resources to develop this all-round military system. The purpose is to cultivate all-round military sisters-in-law who can take care of the family, protect the family, go to the hall and the kitchen, and beat the bad guys for the soldiers who are going abroad. At present, her system is the first experimental system.

Seeing this, Su Qinghe couldn't help but said, "If there is this system, what else would my husband do? You are a single system, right?"

Such an answer has already been set in the system, and the answer is quickly given, "Only military members have the right to obtain this system. Non-military personnel cannot obtain this system."

Yeah, nothing wrong. Su Qinghe accepts this answer. If you want a horse to run, you have to graze the horse.

She continued to look at other functions. I found that this system is really powerful, what kind of storage space, system store, treasure box... everything. And there is even a skill enhancement function, each time you complete the corresponding task, you will get skill points. And the skill point is equivalent to Daigo's empowerment, injecting knowledge directly into her brain. Seeing this, Su Qinghe was beautiful in his heart. As a lazy person, he can get knowledge without studying. This is simply a pie in the sky.

"Open the skill column." Su Qinghe said silently.

Several lines of subtitles appeared in her head.

Introductory skills: Clothes: 0

Food: 0

Live: 0

Row: 0

Su Qinghe: "Isn't it omnipotent? Why do you just have so little skill points?"

"Host, you have just bound this system and have not completed any tasks. You are currently at the entry level. When the host completes the task and reaches a certain level, the corresponding skills will be unlocked. Please the host actively complete the task."

Su Qinghe felt like he was playing through the game, "Is there a gift pack for beginners?"

"It's shameful to get something for nothing. As an excellent military sister-in-law, you can't have this kind of lazy thinking!"

"..." Su Qinghe was defeated by this so-called artificial intelligence system, "Fine, I do the task, but what am I doing?"

"Task reminder: Primary main task: Marry a soldier and become a veritable military wife."

Su Qinghe stunned, "You can only marry a soldier?"

"Only the military sister-in-law is eligible to have the military sister-in-law system."

"Well, marry a soldier." Su Qinghe quickly agreed. Anyway, when to marry, she decides for herself. She didn't want to really marry someone, and then go to serve a big family.

Obviously, the system does not allow loopholes. "The host is now sixteen years old. According to the legal marriage age of this era, the host must become a military wife in the year of the legal marriage age. Otherwise, the task is deemed to have failed, and the system will look for the next host. , The host leaves the system for no more than three seconds."

Su Qinghe's numb face. "Besides this task, are there any other tasks? You can't let me just marry for two years, big brother, this is a three-year famine. I am worried that I will starve to death before I marry."

"Secondary task 1: cooking. As an all-round military wife, how can you not have a good cooking skill? The host, please cook a meal by yourself. The completion of the task will reward you with 1 point of cooking skill and a random ingredient. This task Repeatable. Side task two: Make clothes. As an all-rounder, how can you not know how to make clothes? Please make a piece of clothes. The completion of the task will reward you with 1 point for sewing skills, and you will be rewarded with a copy of clothing materials immediately."

Cooking, making clothes... Su Qinghe continued to numb his face. In her life as an otaku for 20 years, the only thing she could do was to cook instant noodles. The question was whether there were instant noodles here, obviously not! As for making clothes, she said that she can never sew buttons...

"Cough cough cough..." Su Qinghe finally couldn't help coughing.

This time it was the sound from this body, so it agitated the people next to me, and only listened to the sharp voice of a woman next to me, "Useless things, hold them steady, haven't you seen your sister uncomfortable?" Su Qinghe shouted, "Qingmiaoer, bear with me, we will go to the county hospital soon."

Su Qinghe opened his eyes in a daze, only to see the scenery in front of him swaying, this woman who claimed to be her mother should be the mother of this body.

She closed her eyes weakly. "System, will I show my stuff? I don't know what the original owner is like."

"The Almighty Army Sister System 01 serves you, transmitting the original brainwave memory."

Soon, Su Qinghe stuffed something into his head. Some are familiar and some are unfamiliar. It seems to be her memory, but she has no mood swings at all.

The former director of the specific body she now occupies is also Su Qinghe. Like her, she is a sluggish and lazy girl. As for why this girl can develop a lazy personality in this special age, I have to thank this girl and her mother.

After her mother, Gao Xiulan, married to Sujia Village at the age of eighteen, she had three children in four years, each of which was a son. With three sons, Gao Xiulan was very confident in Sujiacun, and she was also a strong man, and she had a good time during the war.

In 1944, Little Japan had not surrendered, and the two sides fought near Sujia Village. Gao Xiulan's man Su Dagen led the Eighth Route Army, but he died unexpectedly.

At that time Gao Xiulan was only thirty-three years old, and the country was still unstable. Suddenly there was no man. Gao Xiulan cried to death, she cried and fainted. When she woke up, she found that she was pregnant again. Gao Xiulan felt that the child in this belly would have no father before he was born. It was so pitiful. So cheered up and gave birth to the baby. The birth finally bloomed and gave birth to a damsel.

Gao Xiulan is patriarchal, but her patriarchy is only aimed at grandchildren, to her own daughter, and she is the only daughter who is a posthumous daughter, that hurts her heart.

Holding it in his hand, I'm afraid of falling away, and holding it in my mouth, I'm afraid of turning away. In addition to the work of three older brothers at home since she was young, Gao Xiulan never let her daughter move a finger outside the house. If there is anything delicious at home, it’s definitely a good thing to eat first. The three sons can only watch. According to Gao Xiulan, when your dad was there, you had enough to eat. Do you have the face to fight with your dadless sisters?

The three elder brothers were so brainwashed by Gao Xiulan. Every time there was something delicious, they couldn't bear to eat it outside, so they brought them back and contributed to their sisters.

After so many years of raising, Su Qinghe, the Su family's little sister, has developed a lazy temperament. Even in this famine era, others are hungry on the front and back, and she can still hold two dried sweet potatoes as snacks in her pocket.

The people in the village are envious and jealous of her, of course, they are more uncomfortable. However, as a woman with four children alone, Gao Xiulan is definitely not the master in the village. Whoever said that her daughter is not good, she can hold a club and go desperately. Someone bullied Su Qinghe, and her three brothers rushed forward and shook their fists.

Because of this kind of growth experience, the original owner did not have any concept of family affection. He only felt that the three elder brothers were responsible for taking care of her and helping her with her work. He only felt that his mother Gao Xiulan should be. So after contacting the system, she did not hesitate to abandon her relatives in order to eat meat every day.

Regarding this, Su Qinghe just wanted to say one thing, she also wanted to go to the canteen! Can lie down and eat every day, who wants to do missions in this famine age, everything is to live!

1 Almighty Military Wife Chapter:1
2 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 2
3 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 3
4 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 4
5 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 5
6 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 6
7 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 7
8 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 8
9 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 9
10 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 10
11 Almighty Military Wife: 11
12 Almighty Military Wife: 12
13 Almighty Military Wife: 13
14 Almighty Military Wife: 14
15 Almighty Military Wife: 15
16 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 16
17 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 17
18 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 18
19 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 19
20 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 20
21 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 21
22 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 22
23 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 23
24 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 24
25 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 25
26 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 26
27 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 27
28 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 28
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30 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 30
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33 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 33
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36 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 36
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40 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 40
41 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 41
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200 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 199
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211 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 210
212 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 211
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222 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 221
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231 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 230
232 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 231
233 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 232
234 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 233
235 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 234
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237 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 236
238 Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 237

Updated 238 Episodes

Almighty Military Wife Chapter:1
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 2
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 3
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 4
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 5
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 6
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 7
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 8
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 9
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 10
Almighty Military Wife: 11
Almighty Military Wife: 12
Almighty Military Wife: 13
Almighty Military Wife: 14
Almighty Military Wife: 15
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 16
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 17
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 18
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 19
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 20
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 21
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 22
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 23
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 24
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 25
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 26
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 27
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 28
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 29
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 30
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 31
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 32
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 33
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 34
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 35
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 36
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 37
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 38
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 39
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 40
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 41
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 42
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 43
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 44
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 45
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 46
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 47
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 48
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 49
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 50
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Almighty Military wife Chapter: 52
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Almighty Military wife Chapter: 55
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Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 179
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 180
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 181
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Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 187
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 188
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 189
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 190
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 191
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Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 193
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 194
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Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 201
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Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 210
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 211
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 212
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 213
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 214
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 215
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 216
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 217
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Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 219
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 220
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 221
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 222
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 223
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 224
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 225
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 226
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 227
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 228
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 229
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 230
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 231
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 232
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 233
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 234
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 235
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 236
Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 237


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