NovelToon NovelToon

Almighty Military Wife

Almighty Military Wife Chapter:1

"My young seedlings, my heart and soul. You unscrupulous bunnies, with such a cruel heart, I only went back to my natal family. You will grind your sisters into this way. Did you get eaten by the eldest wife? With the white-eyed wolf who has forgotten her mother-in-law, I will kill you bastards!"

"Mom, no, the eldest sister's two or two dried sweet potatoes she ate early in the morning. She also ate a bowl of millet porridge."

"Fart, can you be hungry and faint after eating? My old lady doesn't count with you now, so I'll take Qingmiaoer to the county hospital quickly."

There was a cry, accompanied by the jumping and shouting, Su Qinghe slowly regained consciousness. Of course, she still couldn't open her eyes, it seemed that there was a power that made her unable to move. All I know is that I seem to be in a car or on a wooden board, bumping constantly.

She said silently in her head, "System, are you there?"

"The Almighty Army Sister System 01 is temporarily serving you." A mechanical sound rang in his head.

Su Qinghe said, "Where am I? Don't you say that you can survive by binding you? Where is this? Am I not at home?"

"This is May 11, 1960 in China. The host is now in a small village in the northern region. Because the map is not complete, it is impossible to point out the specific location. The host can ask for it by himself."

"...In 1960?"

"Yes the host."

Su Qinghe was excited, "You said you can live by binding, so you let me live like this? Don't bully me because of my lack of culture. In 1960 or the three-year Great Leap Forward, I will eat soil. Am I alive and starving to death?"

"This system is only temporarily bound, and the host can cancel it at any time."

"I can go back after the cancellation?" If the price of getting the so-called system is to stay in the 1960s, she would rather go back to the 21st century to be an ordinary otaku. At any rate, I can still eat a bite of fast food.

"The host is already brain-dead in the future, and you can see itself as a gray-like object after going back. Because there is no carrier to save the host's brain waves, the host will not exist for more than three seconds."

"..." Isn't this clearly bound to live, or not bound to die?

Su Qinghe looked unlovable.

As a senior housemaid, Su Qinghe does not go out easily. Everything he eats is called takeaway. When buying things, he finds Magnum Taobao for delivery. Three hundred sixty-five days a year can be spent at home for three hundred and sixty days, and the remaining few days are to go out in the sun daily to replenish calcium.

In this era of impetuous people, Su Qinghe feels that staying at home is the safest. This is the reason she has always given herself to stay at home.

However, it was her who said misfortune came from the sky.

During the holiday season, just in time for the property plumber's holiday, the light in the room at home was out of order. Su Qinghe can bear everything, but can't bear the darkness and the days without computers. So I searched at home and found a spare light bulb, and changed the light by myself, but the light bulb suddenly exploded... She was so scared that she fell back from the chair. The result can be imagined...

Just when Su Qinghe thought she was about to finish, a strange voice rang in her ears, "Find a qualified host, restart the system, hello temporary host, Almighty Military Sister System 01 is for you, and the host carrier is about to be checked. The energy is exhausted and disappear, please choose whether to bind this system to get a new carrier."

Who wants to die if she can live, especially for someone like Su Qinghe who is timid and afraid of death, she didn't even think about it, she said directly, "Agree!"

There was a burst of light, and Su Qinghe squinted his eyes subconsciously, feeling as if he was peeling from something, and then began to float...

Said that I knew that floating floating, the sixties have come.

In order to survive, this wave can only endure. After Su Qinghe exhaled and inhaled, he continued, "Where is the original owner of this body, is it dead? I have a bottom line!"

"The fixed DNA matching vector in this system is the host's current vector, and the original owner of the vector is difficult to understand this system. In-depth communication is not possible, so after consultation with the original owner, she was sent to the Interstellar Canteen to meet her daily meat-eating requirements. The carrier now belongs to the system. The host is only temporarily borrowing it. If the host refuses to formally bind the system, the host will leave the carrier and die after three seconds."

"..." She is still a spare part... Su Qinghe asked weakly, "Is there still a shortage of people in your cafeteria?"

"This problem is regarded as the host intentionally leaving the system. If the host persists after ten seconds, it will leave the carrier and die after three seconds."

! ! Su Qinghe immediately said, "Bind and bind, bind immediately!"

"Ding—The Almighty Army Sister System No. 01 is officially bound... the binding completion degree is 30%... 60%... complete! Please receive the information from the host."

As soon as the voice stopped, Su Qinghe felt that she was in a crashed state, a bunch of messy things burrowed into her brain, and the whole head felt filled.

The huge data reception was completely cured, and Su Qinghe felt that he had only half his life left. But seeing that the data was cured, she didn't regret binding to this system.

This all-around military sister-in-law system No. 01 was designed by the Galaxy A Corps, because in the interstellar age, wars between the major planets continue, soldiers can not take care of their families all the year round, and most of the soldiers become older singles. Even military soldiers who are married cannot devote themselves to the task because they care about their family.

So the Legion Research Department spent a lot of manpower and material resources to develop this all-round military system. The purpose is to cultivate all-round military sisters-in-law who can take care of the family, protect the family, go to the hall and the kitchen, and beat the bad guys for the soldiers who are going abroad. At present, her system is the first experimental system.

Seeing this, Su Qinghe couldn't help but said, "If there is this system, what else would my husband do? You are a single system, right?"

Such an answer has already been set in the system, and the answer is quickly given, "Only military members have the right to obtain this system. Non-military personnel cannot obtain this system."

Yeah, nothing wrong. Su Qinghe accepts this answer. If you want a horse to run, you have to graze the horse.

She continued to look at other functions. I found that this system is really powerful, what kind of storage space, system store, treasure box... everything. And there is even a skill enhancement function, each time you complete the corresponding task, you will get skill points. And the skill point is equivalent to Daigo's empowerment, injecting knowledge directly into her brain. Seeing this, Su Qinghe was beautiful in his heart. As a lazy person, he can get knowledge without studying. This is simply a pie in the sky.

"Open the skill column." Su Qinghe said silently.

Several lines of subtitles appeared in her head.

Introductory skills: Clothes: 0

Food: 0

Live: 0

Row: 0

Su Qinghe: "Isn't it omnipotent? Why do you just have so little skill points?"

"Host, you have just bound this system and have not completed any tasks. You are currently at the entry level. When the host completes the task and reaches a certain level, the corresponding skills will be unlocked. Please the host actively complete the task."

Su Qinghe felt like he was playing through the game, "Is there a gift pack for beginners?"

"It's shameful to get something for nothing. As an excellent military sister-in-law, you can't have this kind of lazy thinking!"

"..." Su Qinghe was defeated by this so-called artificial intelligence system, "Fine, I do the task, but what am I doing?"

"Task reminder: Primary main task: Marry a soldier and become a veritable military wife."

Su Qinghe stunned, "You can only marry a soldier?"

"Only the military sister-in-law is eligible to have the military sister-in-law system."

"Well, marry a soldier." Su Qinghe quickly agreed. Anyway, when to marry, she decides for herself. She didn't want to really marry someone, and then go to serve a big family.

Obviously, the system does not allow loopholes. "The host is now sixteen years old. According to the legal marriage age of this era, the host must become a military wife in the year of the legal marriage age. Otherwise, the task is deemed to have failed, and the system will look for the next host. , The host leaves the system for no more than three seconds."

Su Qinghe's numb face. "Besides this task, are there any other tasks? You can't let me just marry for two years, big brother, this is a three-year famine. I am worried that I will starve to death before I marry."

"Secondary task 1: cooking. As an all-round military wife, how can you not have a good cooking skill? The host, please cook a meal by yourself. The completion of the task will reward you with 1 point of cooking skill and a random ingredient. This task Repeatable. Side task two: Make clothes. As an all-rounder, how can you not know how to make clothes? Please make a piece of clothes. The completion of the task will reward you with 1 point for sewing skills, and you will be rewarded with a copy of clothing materials immediately."

Cooking, making clothes... Su Qinghe continued to numb his face. In her life as an otaku for 20 years, the only thing she could do was to cook instant noodles. The question was whether there were instant noodles here, obviously not! As for making clothes, she said that she can never sew buttons...

"Cough cough cough..." Su Qinghe finally couldn't help coughing.

This time it was the sound from this body, so it agitated the people next to me, and only listened to the sharp voice of a woman next to me, "Useless things, hold them steady, haven't you seen your sister uncomfortable?" Su Qinghe shouted, "Qingmiaoer, bear with me, we will go to the county hospital soon."

Su Qinghe opened his eyes in a daze, only to see the scenery in front of him swaying, this woman who claimed to be her mother should be the mother of this body.

She closed her eyes weakly. "System, will I show my stuff? I don't know what the original owner is like."

"The Almighty Army Sister System 01 serves you, transmitting the original brainwave memory."

Soon, Su Qinghe stuffed something into his head. Some are familiar and some are unfamiliar. It seems to be her memory, but she has no mood swings at all.

The former director of the specific body she now occupies is also Su Qinghe. Like her, she is a sluggish and lazy girl. As for why this girl can develop a lazy personality in this special age, I have to thank this girl and her mother.

After her mother, Gao Xiulan, married to Sujia Village at the age of eighteen, she had three children in four years, each of which was a son. With three sons, Gao Xiulan was very confident in Sujiacun, and she was also a strong man, and she had a good time during the war.

In 1944, Little Japan had not surrendered, and the two sides fought near Sujia Village. Gao Xiulan's man Su Dagen led the Eighth Route Army, but he died unexpectedly.

At that time Gao Xiulan was only thirty-three years old, and the country was still unstable. Suddenly there was no man. Gao Xiulan cried to death, she cried and fainted. When she woke up, she found that she was pregnant again. Gao Xiulan felt that the child in this belly would have no father before he was born. It was so pitiful. So cheered up and gave birth to the baby. The birth finally bloomed and gave birth to a damsel.

Gao Xiulan is patriarchal, but her patriarchy is only aimed at grandchildren, to her own daughter, and she is the only daughter who is a posthumous daughter, that hurts her heart.

Holding it in his hand, I'm afraid of falling away, and holding it in my mouth, I'm afraid of turning away. In addition to the work of three older brothers at home since she was young, Gao Xiulan never let her daughter move a finger outside the house. If there is anything delicious at home, it’s definitely a good thing to eat first. The three sons can only watch. According to Gao Xiulan, when your dad was there, you had enough to eat. Do you have the face to fight with your dadless sisters?

The three elder brothers were so brainwashed by Gao Xiulan. Every time there was something delicious, they couldn't bear to eat it outside, so they brought them back and contributed to their sisters.

After so many years of raising, Su Qinghe, the Su family's little sister, has developed a lazy temperament. Even in this famine era, others are hungry on the front and back, and she can still hold two dried sweet potatoes as snacks in her pocket.

The people in the village are envious and jealous of her, of course, they are more uncomfortable. However, as a woman with four children alone, Gao Xiulan is definitely not the master in the village. Whoever said that her daughter is not good, she can hold a club and go desperately. Someone bullied Su Qinghe, and her three brothers rushed forward and shook their fists.

Because of this kind of growth experience, the original owner did not have any concept of family affection. He only felt that the three elder brothers were responsible for taking care of her and helping her with her work. He only felt that his mother Gao Xiulan should be. So after contacting the system, she did not hesitate to abandon her relatives in order to eat meat every day.

Regarding this, Su Qinghe just wanted to say one thing, she also wanted to go to the canteen! Can lie down and eat every day, who wants to do missions in this famine age, everything is to live!

Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 2

Su Qinghe was woken up by Gao Xiulan when he arrived in the hospital. This time her consciousness was completely restored, not as dizzy and weak as before. On the contrary, I still feel a little bit energetic.

After all, her current body is a bit malnourished compared with the previous body, but she is not really hungry. The old sister-in-law of the Su family really didn't lie, the original owner really ate dried sweet potatoes and a bowl of millet porridge. The reason for the fainting was because the consciousness was sent by the system to the space cafeteria to eat meat, didn't he fainted?

Now that she completely matched the body, she also gained control of the body.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Gao Xiulan pulling a middle-aged man in a white lab coat, shouting loudly, "My daughter is all right, she is hungry and fainted, malnourished, she should get an injection, what she can do Regardless?"

The doctor was caught out of breath, and the nurses and doctors next to him came to help.

Gao Xiulan yelled directly at her two sons, "Boss and second, what are you doing standing stupidly, come over and help."

Two tall and thin men rushed over to help.

Su Qinghe saw that things were going to make a big mess, so he couldn't worry about being in a daze, so he hurriedly shouted, "Stop making trouble, making trouble, what's the matter?"

Hearing her daughter's voice, Gao Xiulan subconsciously let go of the doctor's clothes, turned around and ran to the bedside, shouting with red eyes, "Qingmiao'er, you can wake up, oh hey, but this is for your mother. I'm so anxious. My baby has a pimple, how can you live if I don't have it?"

While crying, he put Su Qinghe's head in his arms. "Our widows and orphans have a hard life, and we won't be treated at the hospital. Isn't this going to be communism?"

"..." Su Qinghe was almost suffocated. He quickly got out of her arms and yelled awkwardly, "Mom, stop yelling, my ears hurt."

"All right, I won't shout." Gao Xiulan immediately wiped her tears.

Nurse and doctor: "..."

"Sister, you are really fine, are you hungry, brother will get you some food."

The Su family's eldest and second child also came over. The three sons of the Su family, the eldest of the Su family, Su Aiguo, the second child, Su Aihua, and the third child, Su Aidang. Of course, this name was changed after the founding of the People’s Republic of China. It is Su Aiguo, who is talking to Su Qinghe now. His sallow national character face is full of anxiety and guilt. He obviously feels that it is his responsibility for the eldest sister to faint this time.

The second brother Su Aihua rolled his eyes, "When you get something, the elder sister is already starving." He took out two pieces of dried sweet potatoes from his pocket, "Come on, elder sister to eat, brother will go to the field today, and keep it for you. Now."

Su Aiguo is even more guilty. He is not a good eldest brother.

This is the first time Su Qinghe has been treated like this, and feels a little confused.

She didn't respond, but Gao Xiulan reacted very quickly, and directly took the dried sweet potatoes, broke them into pieces and stuffed them into Su Qinghe's mouth. "If you have a conscience, you still know to leave a bite for your poor girl."

Su Qinghe subconsciously opened his mouth to take it, chewed it a few times, and it didn't taste at all... That's it, it's a rare grain in memory.

Why did she run here, her life is suffering.

System, I want to ask you to eat dried sweet potatoes!

Seeing that Su Qinghe was able to eat, Gao Xiulan believed that her daughter was okay, and she was not ready to continue making trouble in the hospital. After all, there is still a lot of work at home, and a half-day delay is half a day's work points.

Of course, the advantage is that you can't avoid it. My daughters are fainted due to malnutrition, even if they don't provide sugar, three or two soy beans are always indispensable.

So I arranged for the eldest son and the second son to lift the bamboo bed to lift the people, and went to the nurse to make trouble, "Our farmers are suffering, saying that it is for us to live a good life, but my daughter is sick in the hospital, and even stutters. I can't eat it. You are trying to deprive our poor peasants. My child's father is still a martyr, and we are family members of the martyrs!"

All staff in the hospital: "..."

Soon, Gao Xiulan came back with three or two soybeans, with a look of joy.

Here, Su Qinghe was lying on the bamboo bed with a numb face, "Can't I walk back by myself?"

Gao Xiulan held the soybeans in her arms, wiped her tears and nose, and said, "What are you doing, you are all fainted, how tired to go back. Let your brother carry them, or else what do they do for dinner? "

Su Qinghe felt that Gao Xiulan's words were like her son was a long-term worker in the landlord's family.

The key is that these two long-term workers are quite self-conscious, Su Aiguo said, "That is, don't worry, sister, brother is strong, you can sleep peacefully, and you will be there when you wake up."

Su Aihua said, "Second brother is not too strong, elder sister, take a good rest."

Gao Xiulan was very satisfied with the performance of her two sons and waved her big hand, "Go, go home."

So Su Qinghe was carried out of the hospital, enjoying the same treatment as an eight-carriage sedan chair... Why is this so wrong?

Not to mention, this way of lifting people is still very comfortable. The bamboo bed that sleeps in the summer is reversed, with two sticks on the four corners, one quilt and one quilt on the inside.

Even if it was comfortable, Su Qinghe felt very uncomfortable, pulling on the quilt and covering his face.

Gao Xiulan was still beside her with a smile and coaxed her, "Qingmiao'er take a good rest, and I'll be here later." She also solemnly told her two sons, "Be steady, and don't push your sister."

Su Qinghe closed his eyes and chatted with the system, "System, can I collapse the system?"

"The host is a free body, and you can choose a variety of personal settings. However, according to the matching results of this system, the behavior of the host and the original host are highly consistent. It is recommended not to change too much to avoid unpredictable consequences."

Su Qinghe: "..." Doesn't it mean she is lazy? She is lazy, who is she getting in the way? Without these lazy people, how should the future big Taobao develop?

She didn't want to chat with the system at all.

I don't know who created this artificial intelligence. It's not cute at all.

Chatting with the system one by one, Su Qinghe finally arrived at her current home, Sujia Village under the Yellow River production team.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the house, the family ran out, "Mom, you are back, what's wrong with the eldest sister, this is really pitiful, if you want me to say, the eldest sister is too bad at taking care of people, so she starved like this. NS."

Su Qinghe recognized it when she heard the voice. This is her current second sister-in-law, Ding Guihua, who would please Gao Xiulan the most. Of course, Gao Xiulan didn’t eat her set and pushed her away, “Let’s let me stop arguing with Qing Miao. The doctor said, she’s malnourished, she needs to take a good rest. You hurry up and give Qing Miao’s an egg. , And make some brown sugar water to make up for the young crops."

After explaining Ding Guihua, Gao Xiulan immediately turned around and looked at Su Qinghe with affection, "Come on, Mom will help you out to rest."

Su Qinghe looked at her dozing eyes, the goose bumps were about to come out. Trembling, she reached out and put her hand on Gao Xiulan's, letting her pull herself a hand, and then came out of the bamboo bed.

Inside the room, sister-in-law Lin Shuhong had already made up the bed, watching Gao Xiulan support Su Qinghe into the room, and immediately stood aside honestly.

Gao Xiulan kept her face straight when she saw her. When she went back to her mother's house this time, she asked Lin Shuhong to take good care of her precious girl, but when she came back, she watched her girl sleep in the bed and did not move. Qingmiao'er still doesn't know what will happen. What a hackneyed thing!

Lin Shuhong was glared at by her mother-in-law, shivering with fright, and immediately stood straight.

Su Qinghe couldn't stand her like this, so she said to Gao Xiulan, "Mom, what about it, let your sister-in-law go out and work. I will rest in the house. I don't need anyone to take care of it anymore."

Gao Xiulan hurriedly said, "Is it annoying you? I just said, I don't have any vision at all. Seeing you so tired and still sticking here, are you trying to give Geying me this old man?"

Lin Shuhong held back the tears, wiped the tears and ran out.

Su Qinghe: "..." She really didn't mean that.

She just wanted to say, if it wasn't her mother... well, luckily it was her mother, if it were her mother-in-law, she would definitely fight.

As soon as Lin Shuhong went out, her daughter-in-law Ding Guihua came in with bowls and chopsticks. Brown sugar water eggs, this is what people don't get during confinement. Ding Guihua held back her saliva and directly sent it to the sister-in-law. "Sister, come and taste it, it's sweet."

Su Qinghe was really hungry right now. This is a natural reaction of the body, and it cannot be done.

So he reached out and took it. Just about to take a sip, I saw Ding Guihua looking at her with straight eyes.

She suddenly felt that the bowls and chopsticks were a little unbearable.

Gao Xiulan snorted, "What are you doing with the pestle? I don't need to do the work at home? Go cooking quickly. Are the few mouths at home not eating?"

Ding Guihua immediately ran away with oil on the soles of her feet. I'm afraid that her mother-in-law Gao Xiulan will stop eating if she doesn't want to make it. That's really hungry.

"They are all things that only eat in their eyes." Gao Xiulan snorted, then looked at her daughter, "Qingmiao'er, eat quickly. There are still ten sparrow eggs in my mother's place. Your third brother will dig out bird eggs. There is no shortage of this in our family. Eat more and take care of it."

Listening to Gao Xiulan's arrogance, Su Qinghe felt that if she hadn't had the memory of the original owner and knew what other people in the family ate, she would have thought that she was living in the 21st century rural area.

Seeing the contents in the bowl, she was still somewhat uncomfortable. After all, she is not the real Su family girl. When her parents and brothers ate the chaff and thinner, they gave her eggs. She felt that what she was eating was only a little bit of morals left.

"Why don't you eat it, eat it quickly."

Su Qinghe said, "Mom, should we eat together?"

When she said lightly, Gao Xiulan's eyes flushed, and she cried with her head in her arms, "My dear, when I grow up, I still hurt my mother—"

Then he urged Su Qinghe, "Mom doesn't eat it, you eat it, and you eat it, it's what mom eats."

Su Qinghe didn't want to listen to the Lafayette crying, so he ate quickly. Sure enough, people can't collapse casually, or they will cause a big reaction. It's better to listen to the system, star in the true colors, and be a good, lazy kid.

Seeing that Su Qinghe had eaten cleanly and even drank the sugar water, Gao Xiulan was contented to go out of the room with the tableware and chopsticks. She also told Su Qinghe, "Good sleep in the afternoon, and I'll cook soybeans for you at night. The hospital will give it to you. Let’s make up for the supplements you distributed."

"Mom, I can't sleep. I'll get up and sit with you for a while." Su Qinghe is a nice housemaid, but that's also the case with a mobile phone and a computer. Sleeping in this dark earthen house, she worried that she would have nightmares.

When Gao Xiulan heard this, she suddenly realized, "Look at me, I'm confused, I'm going to have lunch soon. The eggs and brown sugar water are definitely not enough, you can make do with some food. Later, Mom will cook you two sparrow eggs for you. Eat hungry."

Su Qinghe thinks that her mother has a big brain.

When the mother and daughter arrived in the hall, the family sat on the table in a formal manner. There was always an empty bowl in front of everyone. The bowl was clean and obviously not eaten.

This is the rule of the Su family, and Gao Xiulan must distribute the food. According to Gao Xiulan, there is not enough food these years, and if the elderly in the family can't help it, the next thing is not to be overwhelmed by a bite.

This is very righteous, but Gao Xiulan said to her daughter in private, "If Mom doesn't care, you won't be able to eat a bite."

Watching Gao Xiulan distribute food to the family, Su Qinghe also saw the rest of the family. The third brother, Su Ai Dang, is participating in the steelmaking task in the team, so he won't come back to eat at noon. And he himself is not yet married, so now sitting at the table are the eldest brother and the second elder brother's family.

The eldest brother Su Aiguo is twenty-eight years old this year. He got married the earliest and gave birth to three children, two daughters and one son. The eldest daughter is ten years old, and the youngest son is only two years old now. For this reason, Gao Xiulan was very upset. She felt that Lin Shuhong would not have children. In good years, she gave birth to girls. Only when the years were bad, did she give birth to her son, causing her grandson to suffer.

The second brother Su Aihua is only one year younger than the eldest brother, 27 years old, and gave birth to two children, one son and one daughter. The son is now eight years old and the daughter is only three years old.

Su Qinghe looked at the bitter and thin faces of the family, and then looked at the children's severe malnutrition, and he became more and more unhappy about the future life. I don't know if her system can be useful. At least solve the problem of food and clothing. She knew that someone in the village starved to death.

No, no, I still have to think about it. Or try to cook a meal secretly at night to see if there is any magical effect.

Su Qinghe is still thinking, Gao Xiulan has already allocated the food.

Su Qinghe glanced at him. There was a bowl of dried wild vegetables and sorghum in his bowl, and the other people's bowls were either half bowl, half dry, half thin, or sparse vegetable leaves. Even Gao Xiulan, the head of the family, only had half a bowl of slurs. Her nieces only have a little broth in their bowls...

"Mom, I'm sleepy, I'm not hungry suddenly, share these with others. I'll go back to my room and sleep."

Su Qinghe felt that if she had eaten this meal without stress, it would really be out of discipline.

Watching her get up and walk, Gao Xiulan thought she didn't like to eat these, so she said, "Okay, when you wake up, mom will cook soya beans for you."

"Milk, I also want to eat soybeans." Su Manyue, Su Aiguo's little girl, said. The little girl was only five years old. Although she was afraid of grandma in her heart, she still couldn't help being greedy.

"Eat and eat, you know what to eat. I don’t even have a bite to eat. I don’t even have a bite to eat! Your aunt is hungry for things with no conscience. Damn her." Gao Xiulan cursed directly.

Almighty Military Wife Chapter: 3

Su Qinghe heard Gao Xiulan's curses as soon as she entered the room, and her face suddenly stiffened.

She has an impulse again, if it weren't for her mother...

It's a pity that this is her mother. Although she disagrees with Gao Xiulan's behavior, Su Qinghe is still a little touched by this mother in her heart. She is not a good mother-in-law, not a good grandma, but for the original owner, she is so good that she has nothing to say. However, the original owner abandoned her, and now he owns this body. She will be the one who will receive Gao Xiulan's unrestricted maternal love in the future.

She is still very rare for people like Su Qinghe who are disgusted and abandoned by both families after their parents divorced. Yes, she lacks love. Part of the reason why she was so house in the previous life was because she didn't want to go out to see other people's family happiness, and she was alone. She would rather live in her own world. I earn some manuscript fees by writing some articles by myself every day, so I can maintain a normal life like a day for ten years.

She also wants to enjoy the missing family warmth. And in this difficult sixties, this family is still very important to her.

Of course, this kind of deformed warmth is not enough. So Su Qinghe felt it necessary to talk to Gao Xiulan.

But now she has to talk to the system, and now the most important issue is food and clothing. Can't eat sparrow eggs every day.

Su Qinghe immediately lay on the bed to chat with the host, "System, if I do work, do I get rewards?"

"The host can get corresponding immediate rewards for completing the side tasks." The system quickly answered.

Su Qinghe looked at his side mission. Both cooking and making clothes are fine.

She asked again, "There are no tasks for living and traveling?"

"After the host completes the first two side missions, new side missions will be released one after another."

"That living, won't let me build a house. This is an impossible task for me at all!"

"After the host has completed the two side missions, new side missions will be issued one after another."

The system repeats the words just now.

"..." Su Qinghe gave up asking these questions, her system is not cute at all. "Then if I complete the task of cooking, will I get the food of your interstellar age? It's the kind of magic potion that will never be hungry for a sip."

"Host, it is shameful to do it once and for all!"

Su Qinghe discovered that the creator of this system must be a very shrewd person, so she couldn't find any loopholes!

Since he couldn't find any loopholes, Su Qinghe was going to do a task and try it out to see what use the system was. It's impossible to make clothes. With her current craft, she doesn't even know the correct way to hold scissors. It’s better to cook, the simplest one that only needs to be cooked and eaten.

Su Qinghe just sat up and was about to go out to find her mother Gao Xiulan. I heard Gao Xiulan yelling at the door of her house, "Why don't you go to work? I'm all waiting to eat rice."

"Mom, Shuhong is uncomfortable." Big brother Su Aiguodao.

"What, uncomfortable?" Gao Xiulan smiled, "I gave birth to you in the morning and went to work in the field in the afternoon. Why didn't I say uncomfortable? I gave birth to three sons and didn't say uncomfortable! Don't! I thought I didn’t know, was it just watching Qing Miao’er not going out to work, so I just chanted like this. Pity my daughter had no father since she was born, and said that the eldest brother is the father, I think it’s a fart. Married a daughter-in-law and forgot. Mother's stuff!"

Su Aiguo quickly said, "Mom, don't be angry, Shuhong and I will go right away. Shuhong, go to work."

Lin Shuhong immediately followed with a sickle.

Ding Guihua smiled and said, "Mom, if I want to tell you, Sister-in-law is a lot of things, but I and Aihua are obedient."

"Fuck off, it's not something to worry about. What are you doing at home." Gao Xiulan didn't listen, and hurried away. She doesn't eat this set, she just likes to listen to her daughters.

Seeing that his mother was angry, Su Aihua immediately grabbed Ding Guihua and left.

After the noise was over, I heard Gao Xiulan explain to several children to work, "Dah, go to wash your aunt’s clothes, and second to collect firewood. San... Sanya sweeps the floor. Don’t be idle, the girl’s film is idle. What are you doing?"

After a while, Gao Xiulan came with a small bowl of boiled soybeans. "Qingmiao'er, come, eat something. I haven't eaten just at noon. It's just that they are black-hearted. You will clean your food as soon as you leave. You're welcome."

Su Qinghe looked at the boiled soybeans inside and swallowed his mouth water. She is indeed a little hungry. There is nothing oily in this body, and the egg and brown sugar water is not up to the stomach at all. She brought it over and took a sip, which was still sweet.

Gao Xiulan said, "I know that you like sweets, so I put the sugar. I asked your uncle to get it. He works in a supply and marketing agency, and this thing is easy to handle."

Just as Su Qinghe was about to talk to her about family affairs, Gao Xiulan took out five sparrow eggs from her pocket again, "Come on, eat and drink. Just cooked."

"..." This day is not like a famine.

Su Qinghe ate a sparrow egg and said, "Mom, it's not my sister-in-law's business that I am sick this time. I fainted myself. I did eat that thing in the morning. Don't be angry with her."

Hearing Su Qinghe's words, Gao Xiulan looked surprised, "Qing Miao'er, did they scare you?"

"...Mom, how could it be possible, who frightened me?"

"Then why are you helping them to speak, it's really nonsense. It's impossible for the sister-in-law to be nice to the sister-in-law!" Gao Xiulan cut her gold. "Have you forgotten the virtue of your aunt?"

Regarding this point, Su Qinghe is also aware that her grandmother's old Gao family did not even have a son after giving birth to her eldest uncle. Therefore, after the aunt walked in, she almost suppressed the Quartet. Of course, the good days are not long. Her eldest aunt gave birth to three daughters in a row before giving birth to a son, and the son is not in good health. On the other hand, Gao Xiulan, although married to someone else's house, gave birth to three sons, full of confidence. Even speaking at her natal house is very important. Although she was not the son of Lao Gao's family, she gave him the face of Lao Gao's family anyway!

Gao Xiulan felt that her daughter was sick and confused, "Qingmiaoer, don't be fooled by them. All the good mother-in-laws in this world are going to be bullied by their daughter-in-law. If I don't die, they will be stunned when I look back. Your brothers are separated. How can Mom feed you when that happens. How can I make you live a good life? When I think about you doing such a tiring work in the wind and rain, it hurts me here." She touched herself Heart. Looks like meat hurts.

Damn it, Su Qinghe felt that what the old lady said made sense. She felt that she had some great potential. Because she, like the original owner, doesn't want to do farm work!

This aunt is really brainwashing, and every word of it comes to my heart.

Okay, she won’t say anything about the daughter-in-law and the mother-in-law, "Mom, the girls and the girls, they can’t be too bad at ordinary times. Are they the children of our Su family? What about your granddaughter... and I’m worried. My brother feels uncomfortable, they should still..."

"They dare!" Gao Xiulan was immediately excited. "If they dare to have opinions, I can't scold them!"

She looked at Su Qinghe as if she was facing an enemy, and she saw Su Qinghe with a guilty conscience, and wondered if she had just collapsed, so the old lady saw something.

In the end, I heard Gao Xiulan say, "Did your brothers be dissatisfied with their performance in front of you? Tell me, I'll go find them. It's all overwhelmed!"

"...No!" Su Qinghe didn't want to cause a family war.

Gao Xiulan didn't believe it, "There must be, or you wouldn't say this! It must be those rascals who were born uneasy. One or two have no conscience. You are a girl who has no father since childhood. They were raised so much by their father. If you're full and warm, you can't tolerate this girl. It's all black-hearted things."

Su Qinghe: "..." She will never collapse again!

"Mom, my brother and them are very honest with you, don't worry. I just joked with you when I said that. If they dare to treat me badly, I'll be the first to tell you!"

She said with a firm face.

Gao Xiulan was very happy when she heard it, and she stretched out her hand and hugged her daughter, "I knew that our mothers have two hearts in this family."

Su Qinghe felt that if they wanted to continue doing this, the two of them would really have one mind in this family. Her sister-in-laws, who have been oppressed for a long time, could not resist.

This is totally unrealistic, unless her brothers are all brain-dead.

Lin Shuhong thinks that her man has a brain problem. Speaking badly, I can't listen to it.

She shed tears as she walked, "Anyway, we can't live this day. You see, today we are going to eat a bite of soybeans in the full moon, and we are scolded like that by my mother. I know it must not be eaten. You can't always scold like that, what's wrong with the girl movie, isn't the eldest girl also a girl movie?"

"What are you talking about, let me smoke you again!" Su Aiguo raised his hand angrily. So scared Lin Shuhong suddenly forgot to cry. Immediately he reacted again, "You smoke, I forget it if you smoke to death!"

Su Aiguo was embarrassed for a moment, and withdrawn his hand in a slanderous manner, and said solemnly, "Anyway, don't speak ill of the eldest sister. She is pitiful, and our father is gone when we are in our mother's stomach. Our brothers don’t hurt. Who hurts? Before we got married, I said that I would take care of my sister. You agreed. Why are you arguing with me now?"

"I didn't expect your family to be able to care for people in this respect," Lin Shuhong cried aggrievedly. She was aggrieved. Why did she want to marry Su Aiguo at the beginning. Seeing that he was tall and honest, and he still loved his sister very much, she felt that she was a real person, but it turned out to be something wrong. "Anyway, if you don't tell mom about the things that we've been alone, I'll go back to my mother's house."

Hearing that Lin Shuhong was still reluctant, Su Aiguo couldn't help quarreling with her, and followed her, "Well, you can go back and live for a few days."

Lin Shuhong: "..."

Behind the two, Ding Guihua and Su Aihua were also secretly watching them make a fuss. Su Aihua watched it with gusto, but Ding Guihua had a lot of ideas. However, her family's conditions are poor, and Su Aihua is chasing backwards. In addition, Su Aihua's temper is not as honest as Su Aiguo, she does not dare to make trouble like Lin Shuhong.

"Hey, Aihua, do you think the sister-in-law can succeed?"

Su Aihua crooked her mouth, "How is it possible, my elder brother can't be separated. Our family won't be separated. What's wrong, you don't want to fight with me too."

"...I'm not saying it's wrong for mom to care for the elder sister, but mom is really bad for you sons. Others treat their sons as treasures."

Su Aihua nodded, and then sighed, "I blame you and sister-in-law. Before my brother and I got married, my mother was very nice to us. Always tell us about childhood. After you walk in, you always annoy your mother, she It's annoying to look at us now."

Ding Guihua almost choked to death with her anger.

At home, Su Qinghe smoothly took the key to the kitchen from Gao Xiulan. The excuse is to cook something when you are hungry.

Gao Xiulan is of course no objection. He gave her the key without saying anything, and told her not to be deceived by the two sisters-in-law. "The food at home is in the big urn in my room. When you are hungry, look for it. You can't cook, so you can eat dried sweet potatoes to cushion your stomach. When your sister-in-law comes back, let your sister-in-law make it. Keep your eyes on it. Don’t let them hide the food secretly. The food at home can’t stand up to their spoils.”

Su Qinghe nodded solemnly.

In fact, she did not dare to defeat the food at home. At the moment, many places are in a wasteland. Like the Yellow River production team, the wheat output this year is very low. After visually paying the public grain, every household basically has no grain. It's not yet autumn, and there is not much left in the family's surplus. This time there is no food, and we have to survive until autumn. But looking at the year of this year, there is no expectation in autumn. The old farmers in the village can see that everyone tightens their belts and is reluctant to eat food. They go to dig wild vegetables or pick up bark to make soup. Today Su’s lunch is made of various wild vegetables mixed with corn husks.

After Gao Xiulan was carrying her little grandson and leading her grandson and granddaughters to find wild vegetables, Su Qinghe went to Gao Xiulan's room to get some sorghum noodles, and then secretly opened the family kitchen.

The kitchen is very simple and pitiful with few things, and the stove is all cultivated in soil. The big iron pot at home was also used to make steel, and now it's just a clay pot for cooking.

This environment is really bitter.

"System, when I'm cooking, there won't be any magical scenes. I'm worried about being burned as a monster."

"Host, please rest assured to work. Host's level of craftsmanship can't make food that can glow."


The strongman Su Qinghe broke his wrist, rolled up his sleeves and walked under the stove, ready to light the fire. However, she quickly discovered the problem. She can't light it! There were a few matches, but none of them struck. "System, what's this going on?"

"The Almighty Military Sister System No. 01 is for you. May I ask if you start the cooking device."

"There is this kind of operation?" Su Qinghe was shocked. She tried, "Fire."

As soon as the voice fell, the firewood stuffed in the stove was ignited.

As soon as the fire was lit, Su Qinghe hurriedly put the water in the clay pot, and then threw the sorghum noodles into the pot and boiled it together.

Su Qinghe didn't know how to cook this thing at all, so he let the fire cook like this. When the water boils, the sorghum noodles inside are cooked. The brown sticky object made her look no appetite at all. However, this thing is the staple food at this time. No wonder the original owner went to the big canteen to eat meat, and she really wanted to go to the big canteen to eat meat.

"Ding... The cooking task is completed, and you will get a little cooking skill, and you will be rewarded with a pound of pork belly."

Su Qinghe suddenly felt his head crashed for a second. Then the storage box in the system interface lights up, and a number 1 appears on it.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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