Romance 180°

Romance 180°



She was running breathlessly, however, there was a slight grin on her face.

There was a group of policemen pursuing her, holding their guns and aiming at her. However, her face did not show fear and instead, seemed like she had been enjoying it.

“Faster!! Capture her!” The policeman ordered to his team, as some of them stumbled on their feet.

She stopped and turned as she laughed loudly. It was a dead end, with only one building on her back. I will have to climb this building, or get arrested. This was her thought. Of course, she wouldn't choose the latter.

“Criminal Han Yoon–Sae! Surrender now! You're under arrest!” The police shouted as they aimed their guns at her.

“What? That couldn't be the end... I wanted to play more...!” She said, “So I can't let this end yet...” She placed her arm behind her back, seemingly searching for something on her back pocket.

The police grew more wary as they shouted, “Raise your hands! Do not try to retaliate! You are surrounded!”

Surprisingly obedient, she raised her hand. But it was not one of the policemen's expectation as she pulled out something on her hair.



“Damn it! Catch her!!!” The policeman shouted as they ran while trying to get the smoke off their faces. None of them had expected that she had a bomb just behind her head.

Indeed, how psychotic she was.

Yoon–Sae breathlessly ran through the stairs as she jumped over it. It was a fifteen-story building, so it had taken her stamina. Even the police almost gave up as it had taken them many minutes to run after her.

However, even if the game had been extended, it was meant to end. She stood there on the rooftop in awe.

The moon is beautiful. A perfect day for the game to end, isn't it?

She laughed as she took a glimpse to what was waiting for her if she had just thought of jumping down the building.

It was too late to plan for anything, she could hear the police's footsteps growing loud, and it was a sign that they were near.

Her hair fluttered along the wind as she stepped even closer to the concrete that stood to prevent her from jumping.

But nothing can stop a psycho criminal, even if it was a police.

The last image of her that the police saw after tirelessly chasing her, was her hair that fluttered as she had already jumped once they have arrived.

Their eyes widened, in disbelief of what they had just seen. Immediately, they looked down from the building and what they saw was a pool.

Even if it was water, there was no way she could've survived that from the height. It was truly a horrific end for a criminal that took many lives.

“Damn it... I forgot I can't swim!!!” –was her last words.


It was all over the news. The people triumphed over this news. The many lives that she took was in the cost of her own.

Of course it was a joy for the civilians who had lived in fear.

But I... wasn't included in that celebration.

“Is this heaven?” I asked myself, as I found my feet in a very soft cotton. It felt like it was the atonement for all of my suffering.

I looked beside me, and it's a man with dashing blue hair and blue eyes that stared a hole into me. Oh, he seems familiar. “Excuse me...?” I asked, “Could you have been one of my previous victims?”

Well, that was the wrong approach. As what soon awaited me, was a strong punch in the face. I had initially thought this was heaven, however this could also be my hell.

Maybe this was because of the punch I have received earlier, however a blurry vision came upon me.

A blonde girl with red eyes, who strikingly looked like I did when I was on earth. Could this be my recollection of my past, when I was still alive? I don't remember dying my hair blonde, though.

It might have seemed that I have gone crazy. Well, I am crazy though. But my mind automatically thought of one thing. That the person I am right now, and the person I'm looking at in this vision, are the same person.

“What the hell?”

There was no way. But it felt like something was amiss. That I was incomplete. I'm neither psychotic right now, or a murderer. If I was the original Yoon–Sae, my first instincts are to kill the person in front of me.

However, I'm not having one those instincts. This pain... it was all too real. I have read it in a book back then, you couldn't feel any pain when you're on the afterlife.

So could this be... “One of those transmigration story?”

It was the only conclusion I came up on as I have observed my surroundings. It indeed looked like historical Korean drama.

This definitely is not Heaven, nor hell, nor modern earth. I can't have gone back in time, right...?

And all of my confusion was answered as a paper flew right in to my lap.


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