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Romance 180°



She was running breathlessly, however, there was a slight grin on her face.

There was a group of policemen pursuing her, holding their guns and aiming at her. However, her face did not show fear and instead, seemed like she had been enjoying it.

“Faster!! Capture her!” The policeman ordered to his team, as some of them stumbled on their feet.

She stopped and turned as she laughed loudly. It was a dead end, with only one building on her back. I will have to climb this building, or get arrested. This was her thought. Of course, she wouldn't choose the latter.

“Criminal Han Yoon–Sae! Surrender now! You're under arrest!” The police shouted as they aimed their guns at her.

“What? That couldn't be the end... I wanted to play more...!” She said, “So I can't let this end yet...” She placed her arm behind her back, seemingly searching for something on her back pocket.

The police grew more wary as they shouted, “Raise your hands! Do not try to retaliate! You are surrounded!”

Surprisingly obedient, she raised her hand. But it was not one of the policemen's expectation as she pulled out something on her hair.



“Damn it! Catch her!!!” The policeman shouted as they ran while trying to get the smoke off their faces. None of them had expected that she had a bomb just behind her head.

Indeed, how psychotic she was.

Yoon–Sae breathlessly ran through the stairs as she jumped over it. It was a fifteen-story building, so it had taken her stamina. Even the police almost gave up as it had taken them many minutes to run after her.

However, even if the game had been extended, it was meant to end. She stood there on the rooftop in awe.

The moon is beautiful. A perfect day for the game to end, isn't it?

She laughed as she took a glimpse to what was waiting for her if she had just thought of jumping down the building.

It was too late to plan for anything, she could hear the police's footsteps growing loud, and it was a sign that they were near.

Her hair fluttered along the wind as she stepped even closer to the concrete that stood to prevent her from jumping.

But nothing can stop a psycho criminal, even if it was a police.

The last image of her that the police saw after tirelessly chasing her, was her hair that fluttered as she had already jumped once they have arrived.

Their eyes widened, in disbelief of what they had just seen. Immediately, they looked down from the building and what they saw was a pool.

Even if it was water, there was no way she could've survived that from the height. It was truly a horrific end for a criminal that took many lives.

“Damn it... I forgot I can't swim!!!” –was her last words.


It was all over the news. The people triumphed over this news. The many lives that she took was in the cost of her own.

Of course it was a joy for the civilians who had lived in fear.

But I... wasn't included in that celebration.

“Is this heaven?” I asked myself, as I found my feet in a very soft cotton. It felt like it was the atonement for all of my suffering.

I looked beside me, and it's a man with dashing blue hair and blue eyes that stared a hole into me. Oh, he seems familiar. “Excuse me...?” I asked, “Could you have been one of my previous victims?”

Well, that was the wrong approach. As what soon awaited me, was a strong punch in the face. I had initially thought this was heaven, however this could also be my hell.

Maybe this was because of the punch I have received earlier, however a blurry vision came upon me.

A blonde girl with red eyes, who strikingly looked like I did when I was on earth. Could this be my recollection of my past, when I was still alive? I don't remember dying my hair blonde, though.

It might have seemed that I have gone crazy. Well, I am crazy though. But my mind automatically thought of one thing. That the person I am right now, and the person I'm looking at in this vision, are the same person.

“What the hell?”

There was no way. But it felt like something was amiss. That I was incomplete. I'm neither psychotic right now, or a murderer. If I was the original Yoon–Sae, my first instincts are to kill the person in front of me.

However, I'm not having one those instincts. This pain... it was all too real. I have read it in a book back then, you couldn't feel any pain when you're on the afterlife.

So could this be... “One of those transmigration story?”

It was the only conclusion I came up on as I have observed my surroundings. It indeed looked like historical Korean drama.

This definitely is not Heaven, nor hell, nor modern earth. I can't have gone back in time, right...?

And all of my confusion was answered as a paper flew right in to my lap.




As if answering all of my confusions, a small paper came right in from the window onto my lap.

My instincts told me I had to read it right now, so my hand reached for it and opened it. As crazy as it sounds, when I looked back to the person who was with me earlier, she wasn't moving.

As if time stopped.

“Hello?” I snapped at him. She did not respond. “Are you really not moving?”

I felt a cold figure force my head to move and look at the paper. Just as I had thought, I was being controlled right now. Someone is trying to make this unknown by the people in this world.

I read the paper, and it had given me a lot of insights. Just as I have initially thought, this world is not heaven nor hell. This is a fantasy world that my soul had been wrongly sent on.

I, Yoon–Sae is the pre–psycho killer that I was back then. It means this was the sane version of me. My other part, is in the wild right now. Of course, that other part of me is the post–psycho killer. She's the insane version of me that is now in the wild and is murdering a lot of people.

The setting of this world is in the Sila Empire. I am a detective captured by the Duke of the South, and has been forcibly given poison that will kill me in three years.

For me to survive, I have to obey whatever my master orders me, or the poison kills me off.

According to what the paper said, my soul who was wrongly sent to this world instead of the underworld was split into two. The sane me, and the insane me.

Due to the mistake of the underworld's god, “Hades” who is according to the Greek mythology, is the son of Cronus and Rhea, He had bestowed upon us the ability.

I received the ability to be able to see a vision of where my other part is, or what the other part of me is seeing for ten minutes albeit, my other part can counterpart it by manipulating her own mind.

Her ability was to manipulate anyone's mind, or memory. So once she knows of my existence, or my ability, my power wouldn't work on her as she can manipulate the ten minutes that I saw into something else.

Meaning every vision that I will get from her are going to be forged.

“Well, that's complicated,”

“What is?”

I jumped as I heard the ominous voice from behind me. The man who was with me from earlier stood behind me, and was ready to throw another punch.

Fortunately, we heard an announcement from the maid who was inside our quarters.

“Ms. Detective, the Duke has requested to see you. Please hurry and prepare.”

I looked at the man behind me. I thought he was the Duke, but he might have been just a knight that was guarding me in case I flee.

Not that I have a choice. There's a freaking poison inside me.

The knight looked at me and briefly just said, “Follow me. I'll show you the way”

We walked through a dark hallway. Instead of looking like a Duke castle, it felt like a torture basement.

The screams I heard from walking was insanely brutal. As a killer from my past life, I know what they're going through. As shameful as it is, I loved to torture people, however their screams were not as brutal as this.

The knight soon stopped as he looked at me. His expression became dark as he opened the door for me. I gulped, not in excitement, but in fear as I stepped inside the dark room.

Surprisingly, the Duke was nowhere to be seen.

“Duke...?” I asked as I invited myself in his room. He was not on his table, and the last place I could look at was the bed.

“Is that you, detective?” I heard his voice. Contrary to the handsome deep voice I had expected, he sounded old and weak. His voice was fragile as if he was in deep illness.

I walked closer to him. “Yes, it's me,” I answered. I could hear his delight from knowing that I was there. The original detective might have been very close to the Duke.

He ordered me to come inside his chambers and I went even closer and saw his pale skin. He was lying on the bed, and he looked as fragile as glass.


“I'm fine, don't worry about me. This old man was fated to die soon anyway.” He said, as if it was a light thing to say.

Though indeed, I have taken lives for granted back then as well. Life was a light thing for me, as if it is as fragile as the Duke is right now.

“What are your orders?” I only asked him, as I knelt on one knee.

I heard his laugh and he finally opened his eyes. His blue eyes that resembled the sea, so calm and gentle. He looked at me and said, “This would be your last mission. Find the serial killer who killed my daughter, and along the way, seek for Count Mattheus,” He started. He coughed every sentence he said, showing how severe his state is right now.

“The knight that showed you the way earlier would give you the details...” He said. His smile soon slowly faded, as his eyes grew weak.

“Please... do this last thing for me...”

Is he dead?

I couldn't hear him breathe anymore. His hand and body was lifeless. He could've died, but I didn't really care much about him.

All I care about right now is my goddamn life that could end any second right now.

Damn it, they could have just sent me straight to the underworld!


I felt the poison grow stronger. Why? Damn it, really.

The last thing I saw was the knight hurriedly call for help, as the blood dripped down from my mouth. Ah, so this is how you faint.

I started to think that the Duke really had deserved that death.


The last thing I could remember was the knight rushing for my aide, and my shaking hands that wiped off the blood from my mouth.

I didn't wish to die yet, but I feel like I am going to die today. Although, the nether's God, Hades, would never allow me to do so. I have a mission to fulfill.

As crazy as it may sound, when I awoke, I was dressed in all black, with a knight's uniform.

What the hell did they do to me when I was unconscious?!

The people were gloomy, but I could hear some laughs from a distance. It did not take long for me to realize that all the guests were wearing black. This could be the Duke's funeral.

“Damn it... why'd he have to die so soon? My antidote...” As I was biting my nails, a hand caught my attention.

I looked back at whose hands that touched my shoulders belonged to. It was the knight from yesterday. He was wearing a gloomy expression on his face, as he handed me a Bouquet of flowers.

Feeling bewildered by all this sudden funeral, I did not accept the flowers and immediately ran to look for answers. I could feel the cold stares from the nobles glare a hole through me, but I couldn't care less.

“The successor has run away! Quick, capture her grace!” One of the female knights shouted as the knights in front of me unsheathe their swords.

What the hell? Which successor?

Letting out a sigh, “This is my past life all over again...!” Well, being chased is quite my specialty. From not so far away, I saw a dog hole, and nobles in the way.

Thinking that these nobles wouldn't be fending me off, I dashed, shoving the people who were in my way. I could hear their curses as they stood up, cleaning their dresses, and shouting my name like crazy.

I couldn't care less. Previously, I thought I'm only supposed to find my other half. However, I'm all of a sudden the successor?

Additionally, I'm also forced to live in fear within three years. I have experienced death already, and I must say it is indeed quite painful.

Experiencing death the second time from a wicked potion, would be insane and being captured... would be hurting my pride.

“Get out of the way!” I shouted, as the nobles scrambled. But then, as if I knew what would happen, I stopped as I felt a hand swung over in front of me.

His presence was intimidating. With his black suite, and cold stare, I could feel that this guy is somewhat influential and one I wouldn't dare mess with.


He came close to me as he peeked behind him. It seems he had realized that there was an escape route, and took the chance to apprehend me.

“Your grace, it's the Duke's funeral. As his Grace's daughter, I suppose you are heartbroken, however, this shall not be the reason to cause a ruckus in such an event.”

The voice was deep, as deep as his red eyes were. I didn't know who he is, nor who I am right now. I was the Duke's private detective, and then suddenly I'm his daughter?

“I'm his daughter...? How–?” Before I could finish, his gloves covered my mouth. His breath touching my ears, and his voice whispered a secret.

“You are publicly known as the Duke's daughter. If you dare say a word that will prove you to be an outsider, that poison inside you will kill you in an instant.” He said, as he took a step back and faked a smile.

He raised his hand in order to signal to the knights that the matter was taken care of, and the next thing I knew is I was being taken to an unfamiliar room.

“What the hell does this mean? I mean...” Lost in words, I panicked. I couldn't understand what everything has happened. As dumb as I admit being, this is hard to process.

The man from earlier was now wearing a more formal suite, which was blue, and he looked very Royal in that. I was sitting across him, and he leaned closer to me by bending on the table.

“Very well, let me start from the introductions,” He said calmly as he snapped. “I'm the count's older brother, Lean Agust,” He eyed me as he fixed his sitting position in a way that was comfortable.

If I remembered correctly, there were two people I had to find. Saeyun, my other half and, Count Mattheus. However, as far as I know from the historical times, the eldest are to inherit the county, however, Mattheus is titled the count despite Lean's age difference.

He let out a laugh as if he read my thoughts. “I'm the Duchess's husband, so I couldn't inherit the position of count.”

I nodded as I finally understood. “Then, could this be you're also involved with the problem at hand?” I asked. Truthfully, I don't know anything about this solving cases thing, that's why I'm trying to find information by interrogating this man.

“Well, indeed so. Before the Duke passed away, he had handed me the poison controller inside you. That means, I control your life.”

Just now, he sounded scary. Well, he's quite handsome to compensate for that attitude.

“As you may have already known, the Emperor had sent my younger brother to search for the serial killer who had killed his younger brother, His highness Lexus,” He started off, and I made sure to listen to everything. “However, it has been two years since my younger brother reported to the emperor. The Duke had complained a lot of times to the emperor, with suspicion that my younger brother had been lost, but he turned a deaf ear to it.”

I cut him off. “Why would he?”

Agreeing with my question, he snapped at me and sighed. “There was no way we would know. It would be treason to assume the intentions of the emperor.”

Indeed, it was strange that the emperor would turn a deaf ear to it. The count has a huge part to play in finding his younger brother. There was no reason not to send anyone to search for him.

“As someone who cherishes my younger brother, I approached the Duke, and asked him to help me find my younger brother, in exchange for finding out what the emperor was plotting.”

Wait, what?

Deep in my thoughts, I didn't notice that a maid had already entered to hand an artifact to the Duke in front of me. “So you've been acting as a double agent for the Duke of south?” I asked, abruptly.

The maid had just left the room, and that caused the Duke in front of me to briefly panic. “Tone it down, will you?” He said, aggressively.

Well, if he wasn't handsome, I would have given him my punch. Not that I can, anyway.

I laughed at my own thoughts, and he snapped at me, bringing me back to reality.

“Now that the Duke has passed away, We are trying to get you as the successor in order to make things work.”

“Why would I be needed to be part of this?,” I asked, as I couldn't get why I had to be the heir all of a sudden.

He simply smiled at me, and handed me the artifact that was on his hands since earlier. “This is something that the Duke had planned.”

I observed the artifact on my hand. Its shape is of a diamond, and its color was golden. It was indeed quite a sight to behold. If it was the old me, I would kill to obtain this treasure.

“What's this?”

The long and slender fingers of his tapped the golden artifact and looked at me straight in the eye. It caused me to blush all of a sudden with the sudden eye contact from a handsome man.

Thank you, oh Hades.

“That's an artifact of the South that the emperor has long coveted. Our plan was to send you to find the serial killer, and my younger brother. After you have found the both of them, we would interrogate them two and figure out the Emperor's intentions.”

I raised my hand. “But, wouldn't it be considered treason to be plotting something to the emperor without his knowledge?”

“Yes, that's why we're doing this exactly. Truth be told, His highness Lexus, before his death, was holding onto a fake copy of this artifact. It seemed like the serial killer was pursuing this, and once learned it was fake, disposed of his highness Lexus, and the artifact. Can you connect the dots yourself?”

I thought deeply, and finally I started to get it. The artifact is a bait.

“You're telling me that I have to act as the Duke's heir, and go missing all of a sudden, because of course, I have to find the serial killer. As the Duke with the power to manage the household's artifacts, the serial killer herself would find me making the job easier to be done. And...”


“Coincidentally, the emperor also seeks for the artifact, so you had suspicions that... uhm... I'm not really sure how to say this.” I hesitated.

What if I get beheaded by assuming too much?! I don't even know why my other me is going to kill for this arti– ahem.


“Say it.”

“So you had suspicions that... the emperor himself was the serial killer. The question is, why would he order the count to find the serial killer if he is the serial killer himself?”

He tapped on the table and spoke, “For formalities. People would suspect too much if he sent no one to investigate. That's why I suspect that my brother had gone missing because he figured it out too.” Then he added, “Actually, I haven't had suspicions that the emperor himself is the serial killer. The serial killer could be his underling or whatever. However, all I know is he's up to something not–so great.”

Has he ever not considered his brother to be dead? I think he's overthinking things too much, and he's just too delusional.

Well, I can't say anything against him as he's holding my life on his hands.


“Ugh!!” I collapsed to the ground and all I could see is the young Duke, come to aid me. Then a vision appeared.

Blonde hair... red eyes... however... it's a man? He was wearing a necklace... a shining necklace.

What was that?

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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