To Be With You

To Be With You

Where it began

Sereena was lost in thought as she looked over the data on her computer screen, trying to find the error in her calculations.

"Arrghh, what seems to be the problem"

She was a data analyst at a large financial firm, and she was known for her accuracy and attention to detail. But today, the numbers just weren't adding up. As she started to feel frustrated, she heard a ringing noise coming from her cell phone. It was her best friend, Emma, who was also a book editor.

"Hey, Emma! What's up?" Sereena said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Sereena, I know it's been a while, but I have a new project for you. It's a romance novel, and I know you love those things. The manuscript is already finished, so we just need to get the finishing touches before the book goes to press."

Sereena felt a thrill of excitement run through her. She loved editing romance novels, and she knew this one was going to be a real treat.

"Sure, Emma, I'd love to work on it! Just let me wrap up this project first and I'll get right to it."

"Gee thanks Sereena! You're the best!" Emma said she hang up the call.

As she finished typing up her final report, Sereena took a deep breath and looked out the window at the city skyline. She thought about her favorite romance novels, the ones that took her away from her everyday life and brought her into a world of passion and adventure. What would it be like to live inside one of these stories?

"Well enough of this daydreaming, i still have a lot work to do"

Just then, a bright flash of light filled the room, and Sereena felt herself being pulled away from her desk.

"What the-"

She could feel the ground disappearing beneath her, and then everything went black.

When she opened her eyes, Sereena found herself in a forest she didn't recognize. The trees were unlike any she had ever seen before, and the air was filled with the sound of birdsong.

As she looked around, she noticed a book lying on the ground nearby. It was her favorite romance novel, the one she had been reading before she was pulled into this strange world.

Without thinking, Sereena picked up the book and began to read. As she turned the pages, she found herself being pulled into the story, and before she knew it, she was living inside the story itself.

"This is not real"

"This is not real"

"This is not real"

Sereena said to herself.

As Serena tried to convince herself that she was not, in fact, living in a romantic novel, she suddenly heard the sound of footsteps approaching.

"Oh no this is bad"

She quickly hid behind a nearby tree and peered out, attempting to get a better look at who was coming.

She saw a group of men, wearing what looked like medieval-style armor, making their way through the forest. They were carrying swords and shields, and they seemed to be searching for something. And then, right in front of her, she saw him.

The dashing, brooding hero she had always admired, the one she had been reading about just minutes ago. He was walking next to the leader of the group, a tall, muscular man with a short beard and piercing blue eyes.

"Lucas!! My favorite!"

As the hero glanced around, almost as if he could sense her presence, Serena felt her heart race.

"Oh gosh I almost caught! Stupid self!!"

She wanted to scream out to him, to tell him that she was real, that this was all just a misunderstanding, but she couldn't find her voice. Instead, she watched as they suddenly began to run towards her, their swords drawn.

"I have to help him!"

Without thinking, Serena reached out and grabbed the nearest weapon - a bow and arrow - that was lying on the ground nearby. She took aim and released the arrow, hitting one of the men in the leg.

"Looks like i still got my skills"

Sereena was learning archery during her high school days but then eventually she stopped doing archery when she finished college.

The group stopped in their tracks, shocked at what had just happened. The hero was the first to recover, grabbing his sword and running towards Serena.

"Oh crap- this is bad"

He was quickly followed by the rest of the group, who charged at her with their weapons drawn.

But Serena was not about to give up easily. She drew her own sword and began to fight back, determined to protect herself from these strange men.

"What in the world?"

Sereena was surprised when she knows how to use swords.

For what felt like hours, they fought, with Serena using all of her strength and training to dodge their attacks.

And then, just as Serena thought she might be defeated, she noticed something odd happening to the herself. She was beginning to fade away, as if there was some kind of magic at work. Serena quickly realized that he was the key to her escape from this strange world, and she knew that she had to act fast before it was too late.

With a final burst of energy, she lunged forward, using all of her skill and training to disarm the hero. And then, just as he was-

"Earth to Sereena hello? Aren't you done with your work??"

Sereena found herself Infront of her computer while she's being scolded by her team leader.



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