Black Drama

Black Drama

Chapter 1


“Dad, let me go!” Khy protested, his voice rising in desperation as his father dragged him through the bustling school gate, the eyes of curious students and teachers following their every move.

“No,” his dad replied curtly, his grip like iron around Khy's arm as he continued to haul him forward.

A sleek, black Porsche waited at the curb, gleaming in the afternoon sun. Without a word, his father yanked open the door and shoved Khy inside.

“Get in. We need to talk,” he commanded, his tone leaving no room for argument.

As soon as Khy was inside, the car roared to life, the powerful engine humming beneath them.

“Argh, what is it now?” Khy muttered, rubbing the back of his head in frustration as he glanced out the tinted windows at the receding school.

“I don’t like your behavior at school today. What’s up with you? How many times do I have to be called to the principal’s office? You’re making this hard for me,” his father’s voice echoed in the confined space, each word laden with disappointment and anger.

“Well, it’s not my fault that those crazy fuckers started it,” Khy shot back, his voice simmering with defiance.

“Watch your mouth! That’s not how I raised you,” his father snapped, the tension between them crackling like static electricity.

They continued to argue, their voices overlapping and growing more heated, until the car finally pulled up to the grand entrance of their mansion. The ornate gates swung open smoothly, revealing the sprawling estate beyond.

“Get out. We’ll continue this after dinner. Prepare yourself,” his dad ordered, slamming the car door shut behind him and striding towards the entrance of the mansion, his shoulders rigid with controlled anger.

“Great,” Khy mumbled to himself, kicking at the gravel as he reluctantly followed.

A few moments later.

The dinner was enveloped in an oppressive silence. Neither Khy nor his father dared to break it, the only sounds punctuating the stillness were the clinking of utensils against porcelain plates.

Vladimir, Khy’s father, kept his gaze fixed on his son, his eyes cold and unyielding. His mind replayed the events of the day, the confrontation at school still fresh and raw.

“I’m done,” Khy announced abruptly, rising from his chair and carrying his plate towards the kitchen.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Vladimir's voice cut through the air, stopping Khy in his tracks.

“I’m done eating. What do you want?” Khy shot back, his voice edged with irritation.

“Didn’t I tell you that we’d talk after dinner? I guess you need to be taught a lesson for not listening,” his father said with a chilling calmness, his piercing gaze boring into Khy.

Khy fumbled, his father's intimidating presence sending a shiver down his spine. He felt the weight of Vladimir's authority pressing down on him, making it hard to stand his ground.

“Fine,” he muttered, his defiance wilting under his father's stare.

“Good. Meet me in the study,” Vladimir commanded, turning his attention back to his meal as if nothing had happened.

Khy clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white as he watched his father calmly resume eating. Fury and frustration churned within him, and he turned away, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. He knew what awaited him in the study, and he steeled himself for the confrontation that was to come.



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