The Commoner

The Commoner

Early years in my life

Question Dear Reader,

What would you do if you had a second chance at life?

Early years in my new life

I wasn’t the best good-looking kid in my class. But that doesn’t mean I was popular. When I was in school, I was friends with the baseball team because I went to their games to keep scoring. But I also helped them practice. So having the baseball team behind me, I wasn’t afraid to join other groups. Did I get picked on by the baseball team? Of course, I did. I was with the nerds; the wrestling team and I was good friends with the people who worked out after school. Even with all of that, I wasn’t good with females. I had female friends but not any who I wanted to date. But some had boyfriends who I wanted to date. The saying There are plenty of fish in the sea, I still have no luck. It’s not like I’m trying. And I know it’s not about my weight. I try all my friend’s tricks to get a girlfriend. I got laughed at one time. another time I got beat up from asking this one girl out. But this one girl named Kayla was a little sister to me and yes, I knew she had feelings for me but like I said little sister to me. But I think she knew that. That’s why she did things to make me blush or get a reaction out of me. I didn’t mind it. Honestly, I kind a enjoyed it. Like one time she barged in while I was changing, that was a fun time.

“I’m so confused on what I’m writing about.” As I crumpled up the piece of paper that was apparently about my life. “The paper should be about your life. So, write about anything. As my teacher told us earlier in class.”

If it’s about my life, then there are no wrong answers. But why am I having a hard time on writing the paper? As a pondered my thoughts, something got my intention. So, I looked up and I saw a girl on the tracks. What is she doing. I walked closer to the commission and there was a girl around thirteen years of age who fell on to the tracks and there was a train coming. No one was helping the little girl out. As I looked closer, I saw that her foot was stuck on something, and she couldn’t get it freed. Fuck it I said, and I hoped down there.

“I’m stuck! Help me! I don’t want to die!” she yelled at me.

“I’m going to help you, my names Josh.”

“My name is Megan.”

“Megan let's get you out of here.” I said with a smile on my face.

The train was coming in quickly. I had probably a minute to save her. Reached down and started to get her foot unstuck.

“Why did you come down here?”

“I dropped my phone. I know it was stupid. But I just got that phone, and I don’t have enough money to buy me another one.” I just shook my head.

“You can replace your phone. Your parents can’t replace you.” She looked away from me, crying. “When you get home, tell them that you love them so much. Life is precious and you only get one. Don’t waste it.”

As I said that, I got her foot unstuck. And I managed to get her out of there.

“Thank You! Now please come up!”

“No Megan, I don’t have the arm strength to pull me up. I just got done having surgery. I don’t have the arm strength because of it.”

“You got to save yourself josh! I want my parents to know who saved me!”

“Like I said don’t waste your life, Megan. Because I haven’t.

I looked at the train and I smiled. I’m going to die happy knowing that I saved a little girl.

“NOOOOOO!” I heard Megan screaming as the train hit me.

Mom, Dad, I lived a good life, be proud of your son. Don’t hate this little one. Because I don’t. And for Kayla I think I did love you. And now you won’t ever know it, I’m sorry. And it went black.

“Hello Josh.” It was a female voice.

“who’s there?”

“You had put your life on the line for a little girl and had died. Here is you reward; you will be born again in a different world while able to learn magic. Now you want to be born as a noble, correct?”

“Noble? Honestly, I don’t want to become a noble.”

“Like a holly knight? Blacksmith? A merchant?” she said.

I smiled, I want to be a commoner and work my way up. I don’t want an easy life. I want to work for it.”

“Oh, I wasn’t expecting that answer. I haven’t gotten that answer in over a million years. As you wish! I will give you this. And good luck in your adventure.”

“Thank You goddess.” And with that it went dark again for a couple of seconds then I heard talking.

“It’s a boy!” I heard a female voice.

“Yes honey. His name will Hunter.”

“Hunter, I love it.”

My new parents. I’m a baby with fifteen years of experience. This is going to be fun.

Now I was in a new world with magic. When I was five, I went to church to see what my mana and magic abilities that I had.

The church wasn’t big. But it was decent sized for my town. They have paintings of a female goddess. Maybe that’s the goddess who brought me here? As I made my way the statue, “hello again.” A female voice. It must be her. I placed my hand on the crystal ball. The unexpected happened. It exploded.

The priest, “It-It exploded? That has not happened in the time of me being a priest.”

“What does that mean?

“It means you have all lot of mana young boy.”

“I do?”

“Yes, you have a bright future of ahead of you.”

“What’s my ability?”

“Place your hand on this stone. Don’t worry this stone won’t explode.”

Wind, Earth, Fire, water, light and dark. The stone said.

“You have six! Abilities!”

After that I left with a smile on my face. I’m going to be the next hero, I said to myself. I sighed, I wanted a difficult path, but you made it easier for me. Oh well.

I entered my house.

“WHAT DO YOU HAVE! My father excitedly asked me.

I did one of each.

“HONEY! Our son is a prodigy! He went off to go find my mother.

A year passed; I went to my room with books that I borrowed from the local library. Twenty books in total. Half beginner magic spells and ten advance spells books. But what I read first was a book that I found couple of months ago in a cave. It was an old dusty book. I didn’t read it when I found it because I didn’t know if was going to use magic or not. I didn’t want to get my hopes up for nothing.

I cracked open the book. And to my surprise it had all sorts of interesting spells. One wasn’t a spell, but it was for making pocket dimensions for storing items. It kept food from spoiling. Kept food hot like you just got done cooking it. Same thing with cold foods.

What I got excited about was wordless chanting. The old book went step by step to use magic without chanting. But one spell stokes out to me the most. It was called soul merge.

In order to use the spell both people must have absolute trust in each other. In order for it to work. What is soul merging? Soul merging is when two souls merge together to fix one’s soul. I’ve heard stories from my father that some weapons actually hurt the soul.

When I was five, I started to learn how to use a sword. By the guild master himself.

His name was Baker. Serve in the holy knights for twenty years but retired after an accident. So now he’s a guild master.

For hours he would train me. If I wanted to be the best, I had to train. But how lucky I was though. In my previous life my grandfather taught me how to use a sword. So, when I have my previous memories and a holy knight that was training me, I’m going to be pretty much set for sword maneuvering. Plus, I have my scares to show. Even though I enjoy the sword, I love the bow. My father had pass down to me a bow.

It took me a while to get decent at it. But I am getting better. After the fourth month, I was adding fire to the arrows. And I was using the wind to direct the arrows after leaving the bow. But it was extremely difficult to do it. So, I stopped after a week of trying it.

“What are you doing?” It was my sister.

“I’m practicing my wind cutter ability against those targets.”

“Are hitting them?”

“Kind of? I’m getting better though.”

“I thought you were training with the bow?”

“I mean I was. I can’t just rely on it all of the time. Besides I can’t use a bow in a dungeon.”

“You still going on about the dungeons?”

“Of course, I want to go exploring. So, until then I’m going to be training. I want to get better.”

“Good luck, I’m off to the baths.”

“Have fun.”

Coming to this world is very difficult. They didn’t have the normal food I was used to eat. No chocolate, no coffee. I figured when I’m exploring if I find those plants, I will be rich. The meat is really good though. But they do have foods that I know. Like steak, eggs, hamburgers. Not pasta though. I feel like pasta would be popular here. All the food I can “discover” I would be so rich. Send a lot of money back to father and mother.


“Hi Clare.”

“I just saw your sister. Looks like she’s going to take a bath.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what’s she doing.”

“Aren’t you going to take a bath, also? It’s almost time.”

“Oh, the festival. I completely forgot about the festival. Been busy practicing with my magic, I’ve completely forgotten about it.”

“Let’s go then.”

“Let’s go where?”

“I’ve need to bath also, so let’s get going.”

The festival was once a year. The festival was for the goddess that looked over this world. It brought many different caravans. They sold all sorts of different goods that they brought from the capital. Swords to armor to jewelry. Of course, they sell the stuff way more than what they normally sell in the capital. Greedy people. But people still buy them. And this year is no exception. As we are walking around the town.

One caravan had gotten Clara’s attention, “Come Hunter! They are selling jewelry!” She didn’t wait for my answer and pulled me along for the ride.

“Ow do you have to pull so hard!”

“Oh, don’t be such a wussy.”

They had all sorts of different jewelry. Rings, necklaces, pendants, and watches.

“Hey there, young lady!” The shopkeeper said to Clara.

“How much for this?” It was a blue cross.

“It’s five silver coins.” Five! That’s way too much! Normally they cost one two silver coins at least. But five! That’s asking way too much for it. I only had ten silver coins anyways. I could buy that for her. Now my family wasn’t rich rich. But we had decent income between my mother and I. My father had saved enough money when he was an adventurer. And my mother was the guild receptionist, so she makes decent amount of money. So that’s why I could buy the blue cross for Clara.

“How about the ring?”

“That ring? Mmmm.” It was white mythril. In this world there are six different kinds of mythril white, green, red, gold, black and blue. Blue and black are the rarest of them. Even though black and blue they have the same type of hardness all lot of people like blue better. But it’s the opposite with white and green. They have the weakest hardness, but they are still way stronger than steel.

“Five silver coins and that’s the normal price back in the capital.” Five? That’s a steal honestly for a white mythril ring. And she’s being honest also. I went to the capital one time, and I saw the same rings for the same price.


“Here.” I pulled out five silver coins from my pocket.

“Oh, the boyfriend is paying? Such a wonderful boyfriend you have here miss.” We were taken aback by what she said. We both looked away from each other. Redder than a tomato. “Such young love!” She said with a smile.

She took my hand and lead us somewhere else.

“I’m hungry.”

“Then pick a stall.”

“How about this one?” Its meat on a stick.

“If that’s what you want.”

Clare walks over to the man. In this world they don’t have soda. They have juice but it’s not as good as back on earth. I don’t mind it but I really want soda. I miss drinking soda. Making pasta is a lot easier than making soda. But I will definitely try to make it here in this world.

She comes back with two meat sticks and two cups of apple juice.




“Yeah, it’s pretty good Clara.”

By now the adults should be drunk. I sighed tomorrow will be difficult.

“Hey you two!”

“Hey sis.”

“You guys enjoying the festival?”

“Yes.” I replied.

My sister was eyeing something, I could tell. I knew that look. She saw something and was looking at it. On cue like always.

“Nice ring! It’s white mythril isn’t it? How much was it?”

“Yes, and your brother brought it for me!

“Oh he, did he?” She was giving me a grin. “Did he also put it on the ring finger also? If he did then you too must be getting married, then!”

We both looked at the ring. And sure enough, the ring is on her ring finger. Clara must’ve accidentally put it on her finger without looking at the finger.

“Hopefully one day!” Clare said. I spit out my drink.

“Maybe I don’t want to get married! Besides I’m too young! I still have things that I want to do!”

“We will get married one day!”

“What? You're claiming me?

“I think she is, brother.”

“Yes, I am!”

“Maybe I want a harem!” I said jokingly.

“If I’m one of them I don’t care!

Boom! We looked up and saw fireworks.

“Fireworks!” Clara yelled. We watched the fireworks for some time.

Just like back on earth. This brings back so many memories. Fun memories. Sigh memories with Kayla. I miss her so much. I wonder how’s she doing? It’s been five years since my death. And how’s that young girl, I wonder what she’s doing. I hope she’s enjoying her second life I gave her. Fuck. She kissed me during the last fireworks show. Kayla told me how she felt. And I couldn’t respond to her. I told her I would think about it. But I couldn’t give her my response. I went into surgery the following day. And you know the rest. Fuck. I wish I could have told her my feelings. I did like her; I just couldn’t see it at that time. Mom, dad. How are you doing? I miss you guys.

“Hunter? Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m sorry Clara. And yes, I’m fine.”

“But you're crying.”

“Just thinking about some good memories that’s all.” And I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. Technically I’m only six but this girl I’ve only known for a year reminds me of Kayla. And I don’t know if I feel the same. But for now, looking at her, feelings for her or not I’m going to cherish this girl.

I took her hand and gentle stroked her hand with my thumb. Clara looked away. I think I made her blush. I will remember this day.

“Aww the fireworks are stopping.”

“Wait? Where’s my sister?”

“She left like a while ago.”


“I’m going home now; it’s been fun Hunter. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“You want me to bring you home?”

“No thank you Hunter.” She leans up and kisses me on the cheek.

“Why you gotta do that!”

“What? You want a kiss?”

“No, I-I-I wasn’t expecting it.”

“Hehe, I got you squirming.” She ran away after that.

“What am I supposed to do with that girl.”

“You cherish her.”

“Fu- You scared me sis, but yeah you’re right I got to cherish her.”

“You like her?”

“Maybe, I don’t know. I’m all confused at the moment.”

“You better make up your mind before she changes.”

“Let’s go home.”

The following morning.

“Hey! Wake up!”

“Couple more minute's mom!”

“No, you got to wake up now! It’s an emergency!”


I got up and got dressed. Ate and I followed my mother. It was an emergency, but she wouldn’t tell me anything about it. I kept asking but she gave me the same answer, “I will tell you soon.” And it really didn’t satisfy me.

We walked along the path to the mayor's house.

We entered the house and to my surprise Clara’s father and mother was there. And so was my father.

“What’s-What’s going on?” I asked nervously.

“Now Hunter, you were with Clara all last night?” It was the mayor. Was he asking me this? What happened? A chill ran down my spine.


“That’s what we are trying to figure out Hunter. She didn’t come home last night.” Clara's mother spoke up. “And we found this ring, near our house. I don’t recognize it. Do you recognize it? Of course, I recognize that ring. I bought it last night for her. She-She wouldn’t leave it on the ground. I started to cry.

“I-I-I had brought that ring for her last night.” I had broken my promise again. I couldn’t tell how I feel about her. I leaped into my mom's chest. And just cried.

After that I wouldn’t come out of my room. I cried and cried until I couldn’t. Didn’t eat for days.

Knock knock.

“Hunter.” It was the guild master.

“Hunter, I’ve written a letter of recommendation for the magic school. They are starting this in two weeks. Get stronger and find Clara. Do you understand? Go and find Clare. Do it for her sake.” Go and find Clara? Can I even do that? Can I find Clara? I held up the ring. I must. I must find Clara!

“I’ll do it.”

“Great, you will leave tomorrow for the capital.”


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