NovelToon NovelToon

The Commoner

Early years in my life

Question Dear Reader,

What would you do if you had a second chance at life?

Early years in my new life

I wasn’t the best good-looking kid in my class. But that doesn’t mean I was popular. When I was in school, I was friends with the baseball team because I went to their games to keep scoring. But I also helped them practice. So having the baseball team behind me, I wasn’t afraid to join other groups. Did I get picked on by the baseball team? Of course, I did. I was with the nerds; the wrestling team and I was good friends with the people who worked out after school. Even with all of that, I wasn’t good with females. I had female friends but not any who I wanted to date. But some had boyfriends who I wanted to date. The saying There are plenty of fish in the sea, I still have no luck. It’s not like I’m trying. And I know it’s not about my weight. I try all my friend’s tricks to get a girlfriend. I got laughed at one time. another time I got beat up from asking this one girl out. But this one girl named Kayla was a little sister to me and yes, I knew she had feelings for me but like I said little sister to me. But I think she knew that. That’s why she did things to make me blush or get a reaction out of me. I didn’t mind it. Honestly, I kind a enjoyed it. Like one time she barged in while I was changing, that was a fun time.

“I’m so confused on what I’m writing about.” As I crumpled up the piece of paper that was apparently about my life. “The paper should be about your life. So, write about anything. As my teacher told us earlier in class.”

If it’s about my life, then there are no wrong answers. But why am I having a hard time on writing the paper? As a pondered my thoughts, something got my intention. So, I looked up and I saw a girl on the tracks. What is she doing. I walked closer to the commission and there was a girl around thirteen years of age who fell on to the tracks and there was a train coming. No one was helping the little girl out. As I looked closer, I saw that her foot was stuck on something, and she couldn’t get it freed. Fuck it I said, and I hoped down there.

“I’m stuck! Help me! I don’t want to die!” she yelled at me.

“I’m going to help you, my names Josh.”

“My name is Megan.”

“Megan let's get you out of here.” I said with a smile on my face.

The train was coming in quickly. I had probably a minute to save her. Reached down and started to get her foot unstuck.

“Why did you come down here?”

“I dropped my phone. I know it was stupid. But I just got that phone, and I don’t have enough money to buy me another one.” I just shook my head.

“You can replace your phone. Your parents can’t replace you.” She looked away from me, crying. “When you get home, tell them that you love them so much. Life is precious and you only get one. Don’t waste it.”

As I said that, I got her foot unstuck. And I managed to get her out of there.

“Thank You! Now please come up!”

“No Megan, I don’t have the arm strength to pull me up. I just got done having surgery. I don’t have the arm strength because of it.”

“You got to save yourself josh! I want my parents to know who saved me!”

“Like I said don’t waste your life, Megan. Because I haven’t.

I looked at the train and I smiled. I’m going to die happy knowing that I saved a little girl.

“NOOOOOO!” I heard Megan screaming as the train hit me.

Mom, Dad, I lived a good life, be proud of your son. Don’t hate this little one. Because I don’t. And for Kayla I think I did love you. And now you won’t ever know it, I’m sorry. And it went black.

“Hello Josh.” It was a female voice.

“who’s there?”

“You had put your life on the line for a little girl and had died. Here is you reward; you will be born again in a different world while able to learn magic. Now you want to be born as a noble, correct?”

“Noble? Honestly, I don’t want to become a noble.”

“Like a holly knight? Blacksmith? A merchant?” she said.

I smiled, I want to be a commoner and work my way up. I don’t want an easy life. I want to work for it.”

“Oh, I wasn’t expecting that answer. I haven’t gotten that answer in over a million years. As you wish! I will give you this. And good luck in your adventure.”

“Thank You goddess.” And with that it went dark again for a couple of seconds then I heard talking.

“It’s a boy!” I heard a female voice.

“Yes honey. His name will Hunter.”

“Hunter, I love it.”

My new parents. I’m a baby with fifteen years of experience. This is going to be fun.

Now I was in a new world with magic. When I was five, I went to church to see what my mana and magic abilities that I had.

The church wasn’t big. But it was decent sized for my town. They have paintings of a female goddess. Maybe that’s the goddess who brought me here? As I made my way the statue, “hello again.” A female voice. It must be her. I placed my hand on the crystal ball. The unexpected happened. It exploded.

The priest, “It-It exploded? That has not happened in the time of me being a priest.”

“What does that mean?

“It means you have all lot of mana young boy.”

“I do?”

“Yes, you have a bright future of ahead of you.”

“What’s my ability?”

“Place your hand on this stone. Don’t worry this stone won’t explode.”

Wind, Earth, Fire, water, light and dark. The stone said.

“You have six! Abilities!”

After that I left with a smile on my face. I’m going to be the next hero, I said to myself. I sighed, I wanted a difficult path, but you made it easier for me. Oh well.

I entered my house.

“WHAT DO YOU HAVE! My father excitedly asked me.

I did one of each.

“HONEY! Our son is a prodigy! He went off to go find my mother.

A year passed; I went to my room with books that I borrowed from the local library. Twenty books in total. Half beginner magic spells and ten advance spells books. But what I read first was a book that I found couple of months ago in a cave. It was an old dusty book. I didn’t read it when I found it because I didn’t know if was going to use magic or not. I didn’t want to get my hopes up for nothing.

I cracked open the book. And to my surprise it had all sorts of interesting spells. One wasn’t a spell, but it was for making pocket dimensions for storing items. It kept food from spoiling. Kept food hot like you just got done cooking it. Same thing with cold foods.

What I got excited about was wordless chanting. The old book went step by step to use magic without chanting. But one spell stokes out to me the most. It was called soul merge.

In order to use the spell both people must have absolute trust in each other. In order for it to work. What is soul merging? Soul merging is when two souls merge together to fix one’s soul. I’ve heard stories from my father that some weapons actually hurt the soul.

When I was five, I started to learn how to use a sword. By the guild master himself.

His name was Baker. Serve in the holy knights for twenty years but retired after an accident. So now he’s a guild master.

For hours he would train me. If I wanted to be the best, I had to train. But how lucky I was though. In my previous life my grandfather taught me how to use a sword. So, when I have my previous memories and a holy knight that was training me, I’m going to be pretty much set for sword maneuvering. Plus, I have my scares to show. Even though I enjoy the sword, I love the bow. My father had pass down to me a bow.

It took me a while to get decent at it. But I am getting better. After the fourth month, I was adding fire to the arrows. And I was using the wind to direct the arrows after leaving the bow. But it was extremely difficult to do it. So, I stopped after a week of trying it.

“What are you doing?” It was my sister.

“I’m practicing my wind cutter ability against those targets.”

“Are hitting them?”

“Kind of? I’m getting better though.”

“I thought you were training with the bow?”

“I mean I was. I can’t just rely on it all of the time. Besides I can’t use a bow in a dungeon.”

“You still going on about the dungeons?”

“Of course, I want to go exploring. So, until then I’m going to be training. I want to get better.”

“Good luck, I’m off to the baths.”

“Have fun.”

Coming to this world is very difficult. They didn’t have the normal food I was used to eat. No chocolate, no coffee. I figured when I’m exploring if I find those plants, I will be rich. The meat is really good though. But they do have foods that I know. Like steak, eggs, hamburgers. Not pasta though. I feel like pasta would be popular here. All the food I can “discover” I would be so rich. Send a lot of money back to father and mother.


“Hi Clare.”

“I just saw your sister. Looks like she’s going to take a bath.”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what’s she doing.”

“Aren’t you going to take a bath, also? It’s almost time.”

“Oh, the festival. I completely forgot about the festival. Been busy practicing with my magic, I’ve completely forgotten about it.”

“Let’s go then.”

“Let’s go where?”

“I’ve need to bath also, so let’s get going.”

The festival was once a year. The festival was for the goddess that looked over this world. It brought many different caravans. They sold all sorts of different goods that they brought from the capital. Swords to armor to jewelry. Of course, they sell the stuff way more than what they normally sell in the capital. Greedy people. But people still buy them. And this year is no exception. As we are walking around the town.

One caravan had gotten Clara’s attention, “Come Hunter! They are selling jewelry!” She didn’t wait for my answer and pulled me along for the ride.

“Ow do you have to pull so hard!”

“Oh, don’t be such a wussy.”

They had all sorts of different jewelry. Rings, necklaces, pendants, and watches.

“Hey there, young lady!” The shopkeeper said to Clara.

“How much for this?” It was a blue cross.

“It’s five silver coins.” Five! That’s way too much! Normally they cost one two silver coins at least. But five! That’s asking way too much for it. I only had ten silver coins anyways. I could buy that for her. Now my family wasn’t rich rich. But we had decent income between my mother and I. My father had saved enough money when he was an adventurer. And my mother was the guild receptionist, so she makes decent amount of money. So that’s why I could buy the blue cross for Clara.

“How about the ring?”

“That ring? Mmmm.” It was white mythril. In this world there are six different kinds of mythril white, green, red, gold, black and blue. Blue and black are the rarest of them. Even though black and blue they have the same type of hardness all lot of people like blue better. But it’s the opposite with white and green. They have the weakest hardness, but they are still way stronger than steel.

“Five silver coins and that’s the normal price back in the capital.” Five? That’s a steal honestly for a white mythril ring. And she’s being honest also. I went to the capital one time, and I saw the same rings for the same price.


“Here.” I pulled out five silver coins from my pocket.

“Oh, the boyfriend is paying? Such a wonderful boyfriend you have here miss.” We were taken aback by what she said. We both looked away from each other. Redder than a tomato. “Such young love!” She said with a smile.

She took my hand and lead us somewhere else.

“I’m hungry.”

“Then pick a stall.”

“How about this one?” Its meat on a stick.

“If that’s what you want.”

Clare walks over to the man. In this world they don’t have soda. They have juice but it’s not as good as back on earth. I don’t mind it but I really want soda. I miss drinking soda. Making pasta is a lot easier than making soda. But I will definitely try to make it here in this world.

She comes back with two meat sticks and two cups of apple juice.




“Yeah, it’s pretty good Clara.”

By now the adults should be drunk. I sighed tomorrow will be difficult.

“Hey you two!”

“Hey sis.”

“You guys enjoying the festival?”

“Yes.” I replied.

My sister was eyeing something, I could tell. I knew that look. She saw something and was looking at it. On cue like always.

“Nice ring! It’s white mythril isn’t it? How much was it?”

“Yes, and your brother brought it for me!

“Oh he, did he?” She was giving me a grin. “Did he also put it on the ring finger also? If he did then you too must be getting married, then!”

We both looked at the ring. And sure enough, the ring is on her ring finger. Clara must’ve accidentally put it on her finger without looking at the finger.

“Hopefully one day!” Clare said. I spit out my drink.

“Maybe I don’t want to get married! Besides I’m too young! I still have things that I want to do!”

“We will get married one day!”

“What? You're claiming me?

“I think she is, brother.”

“Yes, I am!”

“Maybe I want a harem!” I said jokingly.

“If I’m one of them I don’t care!

Boom! We looked up and saw fireworks.

“Fireworks!” Clara yelled. We watched the fireworks for some time.

Just like back on earth. This brings back so many memories. Fun memories. Sigh memories with Kayla. I miss her so much. I wonder how’s she doing? It’s been five years since my death. And how’s that young girl, I wonder what she’s doing. I hope she’s enjoying her second life I gave her. Fuck. She kissed me during the last fireworks show. Kayla told me how she felt. And I couldn’t respond to her. I told her I would think about it. But I couldn’t give her my response. I went into surgery the following day. And you know the rest. Fuck. I wish I could have told her my feelings. I did like her; I just couldn’t see it at that time. Mom, dad. How are you doing? I miss you guys.

“Hunter? Are you okay?”

“Oh, I’m sorry Clara. And yes, I’m fine.”

“But you're crying.”

“Just thinking about some good memories that’s all.” And I’m not going to make the same mistake twice. Technically I’m only six but this girl I’ve only known for a year reminds me of Kayla. And I don’t know if I feel the same. But for now, looking at her, feelings for her or not I’m going to cherish this girl.

I took her hand and gentle stroked her hand with my thumb. Clara looked away. I think I made her blush. I will remember this day.

“Aww the fireworks are stopping.”

“Wait? Where’s my sister?”

“She left like a while ago.”


“I’m going home now; it’s been fun Hunter. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“You want me to bring you home?”

“No thank you Hunter.” She leans up and kisses me on the cheek.

“Why you gotta do that!”

“What? You want a kiss?”

“No, I-I-I wasn’t expecting it.”

“Hehe, I got you squirming.” She ran away after that.

“What am I supposed to do with that girl.”

“You cherish her.”

“Fu- You scared me sis, but yeah you’re right I got to cherish her.”

“You like her?”

“Maybe, I don’t know. I’m all confused at the moment.”

“You better make up your mind before she changes.”

“Let’s go home.”

The following morning.

“Hey! Wake up!”

“Couple more minute's mom!”

“No, you got to wake up now! It’s an emergency!”


I got up and got dressed. Ate and I followed my mother. It was an emergency, but she wouldn’t tell me anything about it. I kept asking but she gave me the same answer, “I will tell you soon.” And it really didn’t satisfy me.

We walked along the path to the mayor's house.

We entered the house and to my surprise Clara’s father and mother was there. And so was my father.

“What’s-What’s going on?” I asked nervously.

“Now Hunter, you were with Clara all last night?” It was the mayor. Was he asking me this? What happened? A chill ran down my spine.


“That’s what we are trying to figure out Hunter. She didn’t come home last night.” Clara's mother spoke up. “And we found this ring, near our house. I don’t recognize it. Do you recognize it? Of course, I recognize that ring. I bought it last night for her. She-She wouldn’t leave it on the ground. I started to cry.

“I-I-I had brought that ring for her last night.” I had broken my promise again. I couldn’t tell how I feel about her. I leaped into my mom's chest. And just cried.

After that I wouldn’t come out of my room. I cried and cried until I couldn’t. Didn’t eat for days.

Knock knock.

“Hunter.” It was the guild master.

“Hunter, I’ve written a letter of recommendation for the magic school. They are starting this in two weeks. Get stronger and find Clara. Do you understand? Go and find Clare. Do it for her sake.” Go and find Clara? Can I even do that? Can I find Clara? I held up the ring. I must. I must find Clara!

“I’ll do it.”

“Great, you will leave tomorrow for the capital.”

The capital

Chapter 2

The capital.

I said my goodbyes to my family. But I couldn’t say goodbye to Clara’s mother. But her father was there to send me off. I still couldn’t say goodbye to him. They said it wasn’t my fault that she disappeared, but they were wrong. It was my fault. It was my fault that she had disappeared. Only if I walked her home, she would be here still. We would be playing around right now. Having fun right now. But she disappeared. And it’s all my fault! I have these powers, but I couldn’t save her! I clenched the ring that was around my neck. I will find her! And I will bring her home! I will tell her how I feel! With this sword, my bow and my powers I promise, I PROMISE I will bring her home safely.

I will do whatever I take to bring her back.

It will take a week and a half to get to the capital. And then I will learn everything that I can learn about magic to bring her back. The magic school that I will be learning about magic is named The Sacred Heart School. It was founded by five different mages. They were immensely powerful to say the least. You would think there would be five different houses, right? Wrong. How you know what classes to take depends on if you’re a commoner or not. If you are a noble you will get the best education there is. And if you’re a commoner you will get decent education but not the greatest. But there are diverse ways to get into the good classes if you’re not a noble.

One way is how I’m going to be able to get into those nobles' classes, by a letter of recommendation from someone who’s a noble. Since the letter was from a Holly night, I got accepted pretty quickly.

Second way is to to win the tournament that they have each year. And if you win you move up.

Third way is that you have to get acknowledged by someone at the school. That happens quite frequently.

The fourth is of course by the headmaster but that rarely happens.

I was pretty excited to learn about magic even though I had practiced it already. I don’t know all lot about it but I’m ready to learn. Technically I got the basics, but I want to learn advanced magic. But mastering the basics is the only way to get better. And I don’t even know the basics of magic. The simple spells sometimes be more effective than powerful spells, someone once told me.

The best way to win a battle is to be unpredictable. I took out my sword. I need to master this. My bow, my powers I need to master. I can’t lose.

Can’t I use magic techniques from the anime that I used to watch? Mmm. I always wanted to try this technique. I can teleport so I think I can do this technique. It’s risky but if I manage it, no one will touch me. I took my sword and placed it on my arm. Okay. Okay. Let the sword fall through my arm. Let the sword fall through my arm. I took a deep breath. To my surprise the sword fell through my arm. I heard a gasp.

“Oh, I’m so sorry I was testing something.”

“Did that sword go through your arm and you aren’t even hurting a bit?” It was my companion that was riding with me to the capital. I didn’t bother to learn her name.

“I flexed my arm. No, I’m not hurt at all.

“Spells these days. You are a wonderful mage.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

“And so polite.”

“Yes, my momma raised me with manners.”

“She did a wonderful job.”

“Yes, she did.”

“Here.” She pulled a book from her purse.”

“What’s this?”

“Beginner guide to magic.”

“You're giving me this?”


“Oh, cool Thanks.”

I started to read the book. It had some interesting spells. But mostly spells that I wouldn’t use at all. Like one of them was for tying up shoelaces. Why would I ever need to learn that spell? Whatever.

But when spell caught my eye it’s just a simple spell, but it’s called appear. It only works on objects and not human beings. If you know what it is you’re looking for and say the spell the object will appear in your hand. Now for granted it will only work if the object is or smaller than your hand. But it still amazed me. Spells for changing your hair color and things like that were also in the book. I don’t know why I would need those spellings.

The first day of the trip has end. We had arrived at an inn. It was a fancy inn. I think it was two golds for the night. Extremely expensive. But hey I get a bath with the room so. And I’m not paying for it.

It was the driver and I in one room while the lady was in the other room.

It’s going to be a long journey, as I slide down in the bath. Man, only if I was by myself, I could just teleport there.

Knock, “We will be eating in twenty minutes.”

“Okay! I’ll be right out!” I finished and got changed into some fresh clothes.

We made our way down the main floor. That’s where we at the restaurant was.

“Hey sis, who’s that kid that’s next to Principal Reina?”

“I don’t know, Isabella. Why don’t you go up and ask.”

“You know that I don’t talk to strangers.”

“Then we won’t know.”

“But why do I have to ask! Can’t you ask?”

“I always ask for you. You can do it this time.”

“No, I don’t want to. I’m shy.”

“He’s pretty cute tho.”

“Hmm yeah, you’re right he’s pretty cute.”

“Is he a noble?”

“Mm I don’t know Trin. I don’t recognize him.”

“He’s probably a commoner.”

“Mm Your probably right.”

“We can’t associate with commoners though.”

“Yeah, your right, Trin.”

“Shhh. We can hear them talking.”

“What are they talking about?”

“Something about meeting the king and school.”

“He wants to meet father. About school?”

“Yeah, something about a recommendation for the noble class.”

“The noble class? So, he is a commoner. What’s so special about him?

“Ask him, Isabella.”

“We went through this already, I’m shy.”

“If he wants to go to school here, he’s still needs to take the entrance exam.”

“You think he can pass it?”

“For the commoner test yes. But for the noble class? No way.”

“I’ll think he pass the noble exam test.”

“You think Isabella?

“Yeah, there’s something about him. I’ll think he will pass.”

“Mm we will see.”

“He’s leaving.”

“We will meet him anyways; he wants to speak to father.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

Days went by. Honestly, it’s pretty boring journey. The only thing that I’ve been doing is reading that beginners book. But other than that, it’s boring.

What’s this I’m sensing. It’s danger? Twenty monsters? What’s going on?

“Ma’am there’s monsters ahead. And they are attacking people.”

“What? Monsters? I don’t sense any.”

“Trust me, I don’t have to explain.” And with that I took off.

A barrier? White carriages? Must be the royal family. Oh, they are being attacked. Goblins?

I should probably help.

Fire arrow! Two goblins down. Looks like some soldiers ended up getting injured. That’s why they have a barrier up? They must have gotten ambushed.

I landed, and I slashed the nearest goblin. They turned their attention to me. One by one I slashed the goblins. These weapons are looking almost new. Did they steal them from adventurers? Or does someone give the swords to them? Something is fishy.

“What’s going on?”

“Hey! Trin! That’s the kid from the other night.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“And he’s defeating these goblins like it’s nothing.”

“He’s strong.”

“See I told you there’s something strange about that kid.”

“He doesn’t look like he needs help either.”


“Wait! Is that fire magic?”

“He can use magic?”

“Air! Magic? He can use both wind and fire magic?”

“What’s going on with this kid.”

“He’s even cuter now.”

“He is still a commoner.”

“I don’t care, he’s going to be mine.”

“Father won’t allow it.”

“I’ll ask anyways.”

“He will say no.”

“I don’t care, I’m going to ask anyways.”

“Shh he’s coming over.”


“Hey! You two all right?”

“Yes! Because of you”

“Yes, thank you for saving us.”

“Hey what are you doing?”

“I’m healing them.”

“You can heal people!”

“I can do all lot of things.”

“So, what’s your name?”


“Hunter? My names Isabel Steele.”

“I’m the older sister, Trinity Steele.”

“Oh, princesses.” Mm the younger one is cute. I mean both of them are cute. Isabella, long blonde curly hair. While the older sister had long brown hair with hazel eyes. Both wear similar clothes. Isabella pink dress that went to her knees. While Trinity was wearing a light greenish dress.

“Yes hunter, and you were amazing!”

“Thank you, Miss Isabella.”

“Oh, you can just call me Isabella.” While blushing.

“Looks like they are here.”

“Who’s here?”

“The people who I’m traveling with, Miss Trinity.”

“Yes, just call me Trin.”

“Hunter! Are you all right?”

“Yeah, I’m alright Reina.” Reina got all flustered when she saw who was with me.

“Reina! Nice to meet you again!”

“Who’s this kid Miss. Reina?”

“Hello girls and this is Hunter. He’s going to your guy's school when it starts.”

“He is!” Isabella yelled.

“Yes, and we have a recommendation from a holly knight. So, he can learn in the noble class.”

“So, he’s a commoner?”

“You watched what he just did? And you are more concerned about if he’s a commoner or not.”

“Yeah! Sis, don’t be such a bully.”

“It didn’t bother me.”

“And yes, he’s a commoner but he’s strong for six years old.”

“He’s younger than us!”

“Only by a year Isabella.”

“Miss Reina, can he ride with us! In case something happens again!”


“What sis!”

“You don’t ask that!”

“It’s up to Hunter.”

“Please! Hunter!”

Sigh, “if it makes you feel any safer.”

“Yay!” Isabella yelled. She grabbed my hand and led me to her carriage.

I was in the middle between the two girls. Isabella basically grabbing my hand.

“I was so scared!”

“I bet you were, Isabella.”

“Those goblins were pretty ugly.”

“Yeah, those goblins had pretty good weapons.”

“You saw that too, Trin?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Was it an ambush?”

“Yes, they came out of nowhere and attacked us.”

“So strange.”

“Hey! Hunter! What else can you do?”

“Oh um, here’s earth. And here’s water.”

“You can use all for elements?”

“Yeah, I can. And I can do some other things as well. Like teleportation and gate.”

“You can teleport?”

“Yes, I can Trin.”

“Your pretty strange, Hunter.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“You have a girlfriend?”

“Isabella, you don’t ask that question.”

“I’m curious!”

“Look! He’s all embarrassed now.”

“No, I don’t have a girlfriend. I’m only six.”

“So! You can have a girlfriend at this age!”

“Isabella leave him alone!”

“She’s not bothering me. But I do like someone.”

“Aw is she cute!”

“Yes, she definitely is.”

“Did you tell her!”

“No, she disappeared couple of weeks ago.” Seeing me grab my necklace.

“Was that her ring?” she asked me while holding back tears.

“Yes, I bought it for her the day before she disappeared.”

“That’s so sad!” Finally letting the tears fall.

“That’s why I’m going to school. I want to get stronger so I can find out what happened to her. I won’t stop looking.”

“That’s terrible!” Isabella hugged me.

After that we talked about everything. Mostly about my life. And somehow both girls ended up falling asleep on my shoulders. Well, what am I going to do now? Clara, where are you?

“That one!” An old woman said. The woman would make any guy turn gay. To say the least.

“Okay, five hundred gold.”

“Five hundred gold! That’s too high!”

“She’s a virgin and she’s seven years old. You will have a wonderful time making your money with this one.”

“Mmm four eighty.” The woman said in an angry tone.

“Four Eighty is a deal.”

The woman gave the slave trader the fifteen golden coins.

“Come on! Move!” Yelled the man at the girl that he just sold.

The young girl was stripped down. After the woman examined her, the slave trader had put the woman’s slave crest onto her chest. Now slavery was illegal in Yoflines kingdom, but they were not in that kingdom. But due west in the Espus kingdom.

The woman loaded the girl up into the carriage and they were off to the woman’s business.

“Now, you will be my slave until you make me money. You won’t like it but after a while you will grow numb to it. What you will be doing is prostitution.” The girl’s eyes widen. She wanted to speak but couldn’t. The slave crest made it where the slave couldn’t speak until told to. “If you cooperate with me, you will get better pay. But if you don’t life will be hell for you. So, you better cooperate with me.”

The girl was scared. She had been kidnapped and was put into slavery and then sold into prostitution. Her life hit rocked bottom. The girl wanted to scream. She wanted to go back home with her family. To be with hunter. Now she can’t go back to a normal life after this. Who knows how long she will be a slave.

It was an hour-long ride. But they made it to where the old woman business was. It was in the capital. In the heart of the enemy territory but Hunter didn’t know it yet but the King of Espus is going after him. The building was four stories tall. It didn’t stand out, but everyone knew what the building was. Thousands of silvers are earned in that building. Some clients earned gold coins but those who earned them are reserved for special clients. Or the woman who are willing to do special favors. The ladies they are called, they want to be freed as soon as possible. They are willing to do whatever they can to achieve their freedom.

Now some ladies are unfortunate. Some will even take their own lives before they will do anything with a man. Roughly twenty girls commit suicide each year under the women’s “protection”. The king does nothing about it. If he gets a share of the profits, he will look the other way. Honestly if the king gets some money, he will look the other way. That’s why so many tournaments are rigged. Besides two people the royal family is dirty. The princess and the prince, they don’t like what their father is doing. The queen can’t do anything about it without hard proof. If she can get hard evidence, then she can innate the fifth law. The fifth law dictates that if a noble of a family is shady the king or the queen can force the person to get a slave crest and order to find out the truth. While having the crest on your body forces you to not lie. If you do you will get shocked.

“Kaira!” The woman yelled.

“Yes madam.”

“Take this one to her room and make sure she eats and drinks. Show her everything. She starts tomorrow.”

“Yes madam.”

“Follow me.”

The two girls walked past the lounge. The young woman noticed young different girls all sitting around.

“They are waiting for clients.”

“Oh, you can speak now.”

The young girl opened her mouth, but nothing came out.

After going up two flights of stairs and walking past several rooms, some opened, and others were closed. They could hear noises coming from the ones that were closed.

“This is your room.”

It was a bare room. A bed in the middle of the room. A dresser and a mirror so she could do her makeup.

“What’s your name?”


“This is your new life until your debt is paid. I would get used to this work pretty quickly.”

“Now I will show you how to do your makeup.” Kara spent an hour on Clara’s makeup.

“There you look wonderful.”

Clara just wanted to cry. She didn’t want to be in this situation. The only hope she has remaining is hoping that hunter will come and rescue her.

“This is a pill that allows you to have sex without getting pregnant and getting any disease from the clients.”

“That’s all for now, here’s your food and drink. Please eat.”

I don’t want to eat. She said to herself. But she took the glass of water and immediately drank it. Please save me hunter. And that’s all she remembers saying before everything went black.

When she woke up. She couldn’t move her arms and hands. Clara released that she had been drugged and tied down to the bed.

“Your chained up until you cooperate with me. You need to be willing to do this. If not, you will be chained until other ways. Your first client is a special one. She said with a smile. The woman walked over, and she grabbed the pill that was on the dresser. Walked over and slipped it in her mouth. And then forced water down her throat. In order to make sure she swallowed the pill.

“Is she ready?” A voice called out from the doorway.

“Yes, you can come in.”

“Wow, she’s a lovely one. She’s definitely worth the five gold.” With an evil grin.

“Have fun you two.” The lady said with an evil smile on her face as she left the room.

Clara started to cry.

“Oh, don’t cry, I’ll be gentle.” As he takes off his clothes.

She was squirming and screaming but nobody heard anything because a gag was in her mouth preventing her from speaking.

Client after client, Clara was being used like a toy. She was an object. Couldn’t move or speak her mind. All she could do was lay there and take on clients after clients. Some clients were genuinely gentle with her. But others were not. She thought to herself, hunter won’t love me anymore. I’m dirty. Nobody will want me. Knowing that hunter wouldn’t love her anymore, she started to cry again. The client didn’t care, he made with his way with her. He didn’t care if she was crying or not. All he cared for was some young attractive girl. The clients left the tips in a box after each session. By the end of the night, it was completely filled with money.

“I’m impressed that your box is filled with in the day.” The old woman said.

“Now I take half of your money each night. Your money will be in a bank account. I’m a fare lady. I don’t take more than half. You can trust me or not. Lol I said you will be chained until you are willing to. You will break eventually. They all do eventually. Someone will be in a couple of minutes to wipe you down.”

On cue Kara walks in with a bucket of warm water and a rag.

Day after day, Clara being violated by client after client. She did break as the old woman said she would. No, she grew stronger. But she did cave only because she didn’t want to be tied up anymore.

“Since you are willing to cooperate with Megan. You will get freedom bit by bit. Eventually you’ll get to go out and by things for yourself. But that takes a while to earn. You can go downstairs and sit in the lounge with everyone else. And you have the choice to pick your clients.

Clara just sighed and went downstairs.


The first week of the trip has come and gone. We still had four more days to go before we would arrive at the capital. Besides the goblin attack everything is going smoothly. After the first four days of the trip, we talked so much we ran out of things to talk about.

“Hey driver! Can you stop!” Trinity yelled at the guy driving the carriage.

“Why are we stopping, Trin.”

“There’s a natural hot spring, nearby.” Isabella cut in before Trin could answer me.


“Don’t peek at us!” Trin yelled at me.

“Wasn’t going to, I’m going to take a nap. Wake me up if you girls need me.”


“You think he won’t peek at us?”

“I don’t think he will. He looks like he’s very trustworthy.”

“Mm I don’t trust him that much yet.”

“That’s fine, but I trust him.”

“We just met him. How can you trust him that much already.”

Isabella shrugged, “I don’t know, to me he’s trustworthy.”

“This water feels amazing!”

“I have to agree with you Trin. This is amazing.”

A tree branch snapped. “Hey, did you just hear that?”

“No Isabella. Are you hearing things?”

“It sounded like a tree branch snapped.”


Instead of someone answering, ten men walked out of the forest.

“That’s not hunter.”

“I wish it was Isabella.”

Look what we have here guys. To lovely girls, swimming by themselves. The leader of the group said.

Yes, and they are even naked. One responded. Two girls swimming naked? Without a bodyguard? Who does that? Another said.

“We are the princess of the king, leave us alone!” Trin yelled.

Princesses? Oh, such a good ransom you two will be. The leader said with a smile.

“Come out, and we won’t hurt you.”

“No! We aren’t coming out.”

“Yeah! Leave before you guys get serious hurt!”

“You are talking about the kid in the carriage? He’s dead! We killed him.” He said laughing.

“No hunter!”

“That’s not true!”

“Oh, sweetie it’s very true. I had ten men ambushed the carriages. And the rest are with me.”

“No, you're lying!” Trin yelled.

“It’s very tr- “Just then an arrow struck the leader of the group.

“Huh! Where did that arrow come from?”

“It came- “Another arrow hit his mark.

“Who’s doing that?

“Hunter! It’s definitely hunter Isabella.”

He can’t be! He’s dead!

“Am I though?” Another arrow left the bow and made its way into another bandit's head.

He’s alive! Said a bandit.

“Now, here’s what’s going to happen, if you want to live you will surrender. If you don’t surrender, I’ll kill you.”

“Get him!”

“Okay. This is going to be fun.”

I instantly used a paralyzed spell to neutralize the enemy.

“Yeah, I lied, you guys aren’t going to be killed yet. You will tell us everything.”

“You are a monster!”

“I have my mission, and nobody is going to stop me from achieving it.”

So, to make a long story short, someone had paid them to abduct two girls that were going to be around the hot spring. And apparently, they didn’t know that they were going to be two princesses. I couldn’t get anything else from them, the guards took them away. Now we were back on the road to the capital.

“You have amazing aim with your bow.”

“Yeah! And the paralyze spell was splendid.”

“Thanks, you two.”

“We are in your debt.”

“No, you girls aren’t. I did what anyone else would’ve done.”

“You saved us twice, hunter. Twice you put your life on the line for us.”

“Yeah, Trin is right hunter, we got to pay you back for with something!”

I shrugged my shoulders; “I don’t really want anything.”

“Well, my father will give you something for saving us twice!”

“Yeah! Maybe he will let you take the exam for the Royal class.”

“Hopefully, Trin. That’s basically what I want.”

“He can make that happen.”

“Yeah, I hope.

“How did you know that we were in danger?”

“Oh, that’s simple, I sense enemies nearby and I had a feeling that you guys were in trouble.”

“You can sense enemies?”

“Well yeah.”

“How old are you?”



“Your only six years old? What will you be capable when you’re older!”

I shrugged my shoulders again; “I don’t know.”

“You are so talented at a such young age!”

“Thank you Trin.”

The rest of the trip went smoothly. For capturing the kidnappers, I had gotten some really good amount of money. It was six gold coins per person. And there was six of them. I was well over the hundred thousand dollars rang. It was really enough money to buy a house in the capital and live comfortably for fifteen, twenty years. But I wouldn’t be doing that. Not yet at least. I was lost in thought until Trin yelled.

“HOME! We are almost home!”

And sure enough, the capital was in our sights. The guards saw the carriage and immediately started to open the gate. Fifty feet high walls. Guards protecting the outer wall. Arches were standing on top of the wall. In case any monsters were to show up. When we entered the capital, people were everywhere. It was like New York City on News year. Shops lining the side of the road. Selling all sorts of different things. Food, armor, you name it. They are probably selling it. But what made me smile was, nobody was selling slaves.

People watched us make our way through the streets. Some even wave to us. But the most important thing was that everyone had smiles. Trin’s and Isabella’s father really took care of his citizens. Even the Royal guards are well respectful to their citizens.

“They look so happy.”

“Yes, hunter. Our father treats them so kind and wonderful.” Trin responded.

“Yes, I see that. I might just live here.”

“With me!” Isabella yelled.

Ow! “Why did you hit me!”

“You don’t say that! You know he’s looking for his girl.”

“Hehehe, it’s fine Trin it didn’t bother me.”

“You need to put your foot down with her. You might send the wrong message to her.”

“Too late.”


“Wow the castle.”

“Yeah, isn’t it gorgeous!”

Two towers lined next to each other with a gate between them. Just like the entrance to the capital. But with much higher walls. Windows were lined up neatly on the walls. A flag with their emblem hanged flashing in the wind. Their emblem was a lion with a sun in the background. We finally arrived at the castle.

We stopped in front of the castle door. The lead maid was waiting for us. Isabella, Trin and then I came out of the carriage.

“Miss. Silvia, this is hunter please show him to a private room. My sister and I need to talk to father about the trip.”

“As you wish, ma’am. Hunter follow me.”

I followed her through the huge castle. Looking at all of the decorations. I was stunned. As I walked through the halls maids and servants were seen cleaning. Waving to me as I passed. After five minutes of walking, we finally made it to a room.

In the room, was couple of couches, couple of chairs, and a table with some flowers on it. White curtains hanged in-front of the windows. It felt warm and lovely in the room.

“You want some tea or water?”

“Water, please.”

I waited for what seemed forever in that room. And then there was a knock on the door. Then the same maid who brought me here led me to where the king was.

Now the room was pretty much the same as the one that I was in. Not only was the king being there but so was the sisters and the queen.

“He does look young.”

“Yes, very young.”

The king and queen said.

“I heard you saved my girls twice on the trip here.”

“Yes, once against a pack of goblins and some kidnappers.”

“You have our respect. Young man, is there anything that you want?”

“I originally came here with a letter of recommendation from a holy night to learn magic in the in noble class. And that’s what I wish.”

“Mmm you’re a commoner? With such skill and power? Your only six years old young man. Is that what you truly wish?”

“Yes, your honor. If that’s not a problem.”

“Haha, it’s not a problem young man. But you know you will be an outlier in class.”

“I’m completely fine with that, you’re honor. I’m willing to put up with some bullies in order to each my mission.”

“And what is your mission?”

“Three weeks ago, my friend disappeared from my town. I want to get stronger so I can find her. Even if it takes me ten years, I will find her.”

“I see, but the odds of her surviving for that long are slim. She probably got kidnapped and probably sold into slavery.”

“You’re probably right, but that’s not going to stop me.”

“Your will is strong, you put yourself on the line twice for my daughters. I will grant your wish. Your future will be a dangerous one.”

“And this friend is she a girl?” The queen finally spoke up.

“Yes, she’s special friend to me. And on the night of her disappearance, she had dropped this.” I pulled the ring out of my shirt. This is her ring. It’s my reminder of her. I can’t forget about her.”

“Why do you feel so strongly about finding her?

I sighed, “it’s my fault that she had disappeared that night. If only I had walked her home that night. She would be here.”

“That’s terrible, that’s why you are willing to go to such great lengths to find her. I’m glad that you’re willing to get stronger to find her but if she been sold into slavery, I hate to say this, but she’s probably been sold a prostitution ring.”

Hearing that, my blood ran cold. Mana was seeping out of me. I couldn’t get my anger under control. The windows had broken with such force. And just like that I passed out.

When I came too, I was in a bed that I didn’t recognize.

“Oh, great you’re awake.” It was the queen.

“I’m sorry, I lost my temper and broke your windows.”

“I shouldn’t have told you that. And we were very shocked that just showing you mana like that broke the windows. The king doesn’t have that amount of mana to do that. So, king let it go.”

“No, you told me the harsh truth of reality. I didn’t think of that possibility.”

“Then it was the right choice to let you in the noble classroom.”

“Yes, thank you so much.”

“If I’m right about your friend, would you still see her as a friend?”

“I wouldn’t see her as a friend, I see her as my future. She confessed to me before she disappeared. But when I find her, I’m going to tell her how I feel about her.”

“So, you’re also finding your future wife?”

“Yes, I am. And why would I change my feelings because of something she had no control of?”

She smiled but also had a sad look on her face.

“But don’t worry, she’s willing to let me have more than one wife.”

“How, did you know I was thinking that?”

“Oh, because I know Isabella likes me. But I’m not Royal so I can’t marry her.”

She blushes, “yes, she couldn’t stop talking about you. It seems that you had a great impact on her. And Trinity as well.”

“So, both of your daughters in love with me? When I only meet them three weeks ago?”

“It seems like it, hunter. Your friend might be in the kingdom of Espus. Are you willing to make a kingdom your enemy?”

“You know that answer.”

She gave me a smile.

“But I’m not marrying anyone until find her or her body. Either way my mission comes first. I don’t want to put anyone I know in danger. If you want me to marry both of your daughters. I’m okay with that but let’s leave this conversation between us for now.”

“Yes, I agree with you, but you definitely need a royal title to marry them.”

“Yes, that’s not going to be easy.”

“You will make it possible. But for now, you have two girls that are waiting for you.”

“Before you let them in. I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?”

“I see, you can let them in.”

Trin and Isabella rushed in as the queen left the room.

“Are you okay!”

“Yeah! You scared us!”

“Thank you, girls, for worrying about me, I’m now.”

“Dinner will be ready in an hour, if you want to stay for dinner.”

“Will you please stay for dinner tonight?”


“How can I say no to those puppies' eyes of yours.”

“Is that a, yes?”

“Yeah, is that a, yes?”

“Yes, I can stay for dinner.”

Both girls hugged me.

Hour later it was the five of us eating dinner. Both girls sat down next to me. Trin was on my left, Isabella was in my left. Delia was smirking. Richard was smiling. It was a freshly caught boar that they had hunted earlier in the day. Now in this world, there’s isn’t great cooking. Not all lot of people use spices while cooking. Which is a shame. But luckily for me, I know how to cook. I haven’t tried to cook yet because I’m currently six. But hopefully my cooking skills came with me. With the boar that we were currently eating, there was some type of fish I haven’t seen before. And believe it or mashed potatoes. Yes, in this world they have plenty of food that came from my world. But I still haven’t found pasta or chocolate. I haven’t found those plants yet. Or plants that look like them. But I’m still looking for them.

“How’s your food?”

“Really good.” And I wasn’t lying. I know I just said that all lot of people don’t use spices, but Royal cooks uses them. And they know how to use them. And this boar is delicious. Only if I had ranch of a1 sauce. But whatever.

“Now hunter where are you will be staying at?”

“At an Inn. Probably.”

“That’s not the right answer. The answer is here.”

“Here? Oh no I can’t do that Delia. King Richard already gave me plenty.”

“We already talked about it. And it’s final.”

“But I’m just a commoner.”

“It doesn’t matter, just giving you your wish hadn’t fulfilled what you did. Letting you stay here will satisfy me even more hunter.” King Richard spoke up.

I sigh, “I don’t want to be treated like royalty when I’m outside of these walls. That’s all I’m asking then.”

He smiled, “that’s alright with me.”

“Then sure, I’ll stay here.

“Yay!” Both sisters were overly excited.

“How are you going to get to school?”

“Oh, I smile; I will use the teleportation skill. And just teleport me to the school.”

“You can use the teleport skill? Such an interesting young man.”

“Indeed, honey.”

“I can do all lot things.”

“I can’t wait to see them. Ten years from now will you be competing in the tournament?”

“Yes, I will be. Both of them actually.”

“Both? Can’t wait to see that.”

I smiled, “I’m going make a name for myself.”

“That’s how you do that kiddo.”

Did. Did he just calls me a kiddo? Whatever. But at least the girls are happy with me staying over.

“Going back to the previous conversation, me staying here for how long?”

“Until you become of age.”

Sigh, “okay.”

Great. Until fifteen great.


“So many shops.” I forgot how many shops there are here in the capital. Twenty times the number of shops here than back home. And that’s just the food stalls. The smiths' shops in the capital were one of the best in the kingdom. Actually, the smiths in the Yoflines kingdom are better than most in the world. They are well known. And the dwarfs that made the swords are definitely the best. Only five dwarfs in the kingdom can work with mythril. I’m not looking to buy anything but dam these swords are fine. But they are pretty pricey. A blue mythril could cost you around fifty to hundred gold coins. Half up front. And that’s not even enchanted swords. Enchanted swords are triple the amount and not much people can even do that.

Random: “Hey did you hear about the dungeon?”

Random 2:” Yeah, they are letting people in. So far, they only gotten to level fifteen.”

Random:” We don’t know much about it yet. I wonder how many levels it is.”

Random2:” A lot probably.”

Mmm a dungeon. I’m too young to enter but I could definitely beat it.


“Tomorrow is our first day of school. You excited?”

I shrugged my shoulders,” Yeah, I am. The entrance exam is going to be difficult, Isabella.”

“I’ll believe that you will pass it.”

“You think?”

“I know you will pass.”

“Thanks Isabella. And you will pass too.”

She blushed. “Aww thank you.”

Yeah, I can see it. She totally likes me.

“Want to walk to school together tomorrow?”

“Uhhh sure? I guess but won’t your sister get mad?”

“Probably, but oh well!”

“This isn’t going to end well.”

“What’s not going to end well?”

“Oh, speaking about your sister, here she is.”

“You two were talking about me?”

“Yeah, we were sis.”

“About what?”

“About Hunter and I walking together to school tomorrow.”

“Ahh I was going to ask him that!”

“Girls, girls, it might get me killed but I can walk both of you girls to school tomorrow.”

“Yes, I like that idea.”

“Me too, sis.”

I’m definitely going to die before my first week is up. When they find out that I’m a commoner then I’m definitely getting killed.


” Are you guys ready?”

“I’m ready.”

“I’m ready also.”

“Then let’s get going:”

We were halfway there, and we were getting looks. Everyone knows that the queen had two girls. So, every kid wanted to know who this boy that’s sandwiched between the two princesses. Interlocked with arms. Everyone must be thinking he’s got to be Royal. Well, everyone is wrong. I’m just a commoner living in the castle. I truly hate this. But I can’t turn back now. Hearing the whispers. It’s not making me uncomfortable but it’s definitely making the sisters uncomfortable.

“I’m used to people staring at us, but this is on a different level.”

“Yeah, I know sis. This is on a different level.”

“We don’t have to walk together.”


“No! We will definitely walk to school together.”

“Then you two better get used to all of the attention then.”

“Hey you!”

“Me?” It was a random boy that I had never seen before.

“Yeah, what are you doing with the two princesses!”

“Oh, walking them to school.”

“How do you know them!”

“That’s none of your business.”

“It is my business!”

“Ugh I don’t think so. If it was your business the king would have brought you to the meeting or at least mentioned, you before today. So, yes, I don’t think it’s your business.”

“You will hear from my father! You don’t know who you’re messing with!”

“I really don’t care.”

“Are you even royalty!”

“Nope, I’m not.”

“Hahahah, you can’t take the Royal exam test.”

“Damien, he- “

“See you on the test exam!”

“Sorry. That’s Damien. He has a crush on Isabella.”

“Yeah, he totally creeps me out.”

Ten minutes later, on the training ground there was around hundreds of young kids. Only thirty kids will pass. Even money can’t buy you a way into the class. Many has tried too but none has been successful. Then that kid Damien found me. And he was mad.

“Hey! How come you’re here taking the Royal exam! You shouldn’t be here! You're just a commoner!”

People were gossiping about it. But I didn’t care.

“King gave me the opportunity to take the Royal exam. So now I’m here.”

“You won’t pass the exam!”

I shrugged:” Yeah, that’s a possibility but I don’t think I will fail.”

“Oh? You already know that you will pass?”

“Yes, with flying colors.”

“We will see!”

“What’s wrong with him?”

“You’re a commoner taking the test.”

“Yeah, what sis said.”

One by one everyone showed their stuff. Some had couple of diverse types of elements. Plenty of people had one element. Some people could summon demons and beasts. Some even made contracts with the animals that they summoned. Of course, the two sisters had pass. And so did Damien. He cracked an evil grin at me. But honestly, I didn’t care. Then it was my turn.

“Good luck!”

“You can do it!”

First, they had to measure my mana. It’s not like the one I exploded. It tells you high. it is. The lowest mana was a thousand. And the highest was Trinity with seven thousand. We train and train and as we get older our mana increases. The Holly knight that i trained with had ninety thousand for his number.

I placed both of my hands on the crystal ball. And couple of seconds later nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand showed up. I couldn’t believe it. The two instructors couldn’t believe their eyes. And now the numbers you get are secret. They write it down but nobody else see the numbers. Only reason I know the lowest and the highest is well because they are sisters. That’s right, Isabella had a thousand for her mana reserves. And now honestly there could have been a higher number than Trinitys number before mine. I just won’t know unless someone outright says his number.

The second exam was using the elements that you can use. They have stones or dummies that you can fire on. Now I walk up, at the dummies. The first dummy I aim and fire my wind cutter and slice the dummy clean through. The second dummy I shot a fire arrow at it.

And the third and the fourth dummies I used water and earth magic. Every was surprised when the found out the commoner can use the four elements.

And then I walked to the summoning circle. I poured some of my mana and it lit up. It took a minute or two, but a demon showed up. Now technically it was happening all day, but this demon wasn’t a normal demon, it was the princess of the demon king.

She was looking beautiful. Honestly. Of course, the long red hair that went down to the middle of her back. Looking beautifully. She has a sleek body with decent size breast. I’m surprised that I didn’t summon the demon king himself. I’m not fighting the demon war. But we’re definitely training for it. Mmm maybe I can end thing’s peacefully between the humans and the demons. I mean there are demons who made contracts with humans. So maybe I can end things for good.

Now she didn’t say anything. She was just looking at me. Maybe she’s surprised that a mere six-year-old summoned her. I would be. I was looking at her cautiously and I couldn’t make my mouth moved. Everyone was quiet. They didn’t dare to make a move against the princess. Then all of the sudden she walked over to me.

“Hi! You're going to be my husband!” Before I could even respond to what she said, she leaned in and kissed me on my lips. And we disappeared from the training grounds.

When we reappeared, we were in a throne room. The demon king and queen were there. The demon king had the typical demon look honestly. They need to have a better design; it’s getting tired of the same look. The princess definitely took on her mother looks. But hotter. When I looked closer, they were sitting on a throne was made out of human bones. I mean it did scare me a little bit.

“Father, this is who summoned me.”

“A mere child summoned you?”

“Yes, father he did.”

“Then he must have all lot of mana to summon you.”

“Yes, well over a million.”

A million! I have that much mana! Then the test went up to six digits. I was excited knowing I have that amount of mana. I could keep on going for days and not run out.”

“Boy, how old are you?”

“I’m six, sir.”

“Hahahahahaha a six-year-old summoned my daughter. Your young boy has a bright future ahead of you.”

“Thank you, but she said that I was going to be her husband?”

He chuckled;” Yes, you are correct. She is to be married to the one who summoned her.”

“Because I summoned her, we get married?”

“Yes, it’s been thousands of years, and no one summoned her. Until your young boy.”

I looked at her. Now I was definitely thinking about it. Marrying the demon king's princess. That would be great. But I would know the kid who married her.

“Why are you letting a human marry your daughter, demon king.”

“Why? Even though you humans think I that I started the war. It was her choice, that’s why.

“Wait, wait back you are telling me that you didn’t start the war?”

He chuckled again, “why would I start a war with the humans. I don’t need too. But my subordinate is though with a human king.”

“You’re telling me that you’re subordinate, and a king started the war?”

“Well ex subordinate but yes.”

He actually has plenty of proof of the subordinate and the king. But I don’t recognize the king.

“So, young boy, what’s your decision.”

“Mmm. Two things. One I don’t want to get married right now. And secondly there are three women who would fight her.”

“Hahaha, I don’t mind you having a harem.”

“I accept your first request and obviously my daughter accepts the second request. Now are you willing to marry my daughter?”

I looked at the princess. She was waiting nervously.

“Your hundred percent sure that you are willing to marry me?”

Without hesitation;” Yes.”

“Then let’s set the date when I become of age.”

The princess came running to me and plowed into me.” I’m so excited! We will make a great couple!” She kept on kissing me. She definitely tasted sweet. Like vanilla for some reason.

“Ten years from now?”

“Yes, I truly want to get to know her.”

“Are you fine with that daughter?”


“Then it’s settled then. We you become sixteen you will marry my daughter.”

“By the way? What’s your name? I completely forgot to ask about her name.

“Oh, my name is Sophia.”

“That’s a lovely name, and my name is Hunter.”

“Well Hunter, let’s send you back!”

“Coming with me?”

“Oh! I can come with you?”

“I don’t see why not? Other people have demons with contracts.”


We said goodbyes to the Demon King and Queen.

“This should be fun, teleport us outside of the king’s castle. There will be commotion and he’s going to want an explanation.”

“Yes! Honey!”

And just like that. We teleported in front of the gates.

“I need to talk to the king.”

“Oh, there you are Hunter, yes follow me.”

“Wow, fancy castle.”

“Yeah, I know right.”

We may our way through out the castle. Sofia looking all around excitedly.

“By the way, the marriage is a secret. Only the king and the queen will know about.”

“How come?”

“I can’t be distracted I need to stay focused on my mission.”

“What’s your mission?”

“I need to find my friend. She’s missing.”

“Oh my.”

“Yes, I need to find her.”

“I’ll help you!”

“Thank you.”

“A kiss will be fine!”




“Hunter! There you are! My daughters said you had disappeared from the training grounds.”

“Yes. I sighed. So. When I went to summon a monster. I actually summoned the princess of the demon king.”

“Is that her?”

“Yes, this is the princess of the demon king. And there’s more. When I summoned her, without knowing I’m bound to get married to her because I summoned her.”

“Wait. What are you saying? You're bound to marry her?”

“Yes, she said that if anyone who summoned her, she would marry that person.”

“And you said yes? Even though we are at a war with their kind?”

“Well, you see your honor. The demon king didn’t start the war.”

“You’re telling me that the demon king didn’t start the war? Then who did?”

“His ex-subordinate and a king.”

“A king! You say that one of our own is a traitor!”

“I don’t hundred percent believe in him, but he gave me proof.”

“He gave you proof?”

“Yes, here’s the video.”

“A video?”

“Yes, your honor.”

“Mm let take all look at this video.”

Sofia waved her hands and a projective of the ex-subordinate and the king.

“Is that king, Kyron Robles? The king of Uthya kingdom?”

“Yes, you are correct dear.”

“We need to get more evidence. We need to send spies into that kingdom now!”

“Honey, if they find out that you sent spy’s it’s going to start a war.”

“We are already at war that is possible something more than a war. He’s planning on something.”

“Sadly, I think you’re right, your honor.”

“But before we ask him hunter, we need to be hundred percent sure that he’s a traitor. And if he’s possible a traitor then theirs likely going to be more.”

“Yes, we should be careful going forward, your honor.”

“Oh, by the way Hunter congratulations on passing the test. Tomorrow is the first day.”

“Tomorrow’s going to be an interesting day.”

“You will be fine, Hunter. And guards let them in.”

“Who- “

Before I could even finish the door opened up, and Isabella and Trin came running in and tackled me.

“Ouch that hurt you two.”

“That’s what you get for disappearing from us!”

“Yes! Isabella’s right! You scared us!”

“Where did you even go!”

“What did that woman say about you being her husband!”

“You can’t marry a demon!”

“Yeah, that’s wrong!”

Looking at Sophia, “Girls, she’s right there.”



“Hi girls” Sophia had gotten their attention.



“Oh, so you two want to marry him?”

They kept on stuttering and getting flustered.

“Hey Sophia stop picking on them.”

“It’s too easy, Hunter.”

“Well, knock it off.”

“Why do you sound like you’re a grown man inside of a child.”

Shrugged my shoulders; “maybe because that’s the truth.”

“Oh, there’s all lot of things I don’t know about my future husband.”

“She said it again!”

“Why does she have her hands around his neck!”

“Such young love!” I heard Delia say.


” Why!”

“Because I don’t even know if you are allowed to come with me Sophia.”

“If I can! Can I go!”

“If only if you are allowed.”

“Yes! I’m so happy!”

“Don’t get your hopes up.”

“Too late! And I have to say that uniform looks adorable on you.”

“Thanks, but you saw me in it yesterday.”

“I did, but I didn’t compliment on it yesterday.”

“It’s too bad that I can’t sleep with you.” Sophia said with a sad expression.

“I’m six years old Sophia, that’s highly illegal.”

“But you are my future husband!”

“They know that, but you still can’t sleep with a six-year-old.”

She got all mad.

“I have to go; I’ll be back later. Or I’ll just telepathically call for you if you’re allowed to come.”

“I will be waiting for that message!”


” These looks are more dangerous than yesterday.”

“Well, you did disappear from the exam yesterday with a pretty woman who said that she’s going to be your future husband.”

“Yeah, some boys were talking bad about you.”

“Mm they can fight me.”

“That’s all?”

“Of course. Trin. If they want to do something they can do something about it.”

“Bold words.”

“Yes, they are Isabella.”

“Where is she anyways?”

“Sophia? I left her at the castle.”


“I didn’t think I could bring her Trin.”

“She can definitely come because she has a contract with you right?”

I froze.

“What hunter?”

“Yeah, what happened.”

“You guys have a contract, right?”

“Please tell me you two have a contract.”

“I-I, we-we didn’t make the contract.”


“Hunter, you guys need a contract in order for her to go with you.”

“I know Isabella, but it’s not that contract I have with her.”

“What contract do you have with her then?”

“Yeah! Tell us!”

“I-I- can’t it’s a secret. But I do have a contract with her.”

“You're truly going to marry her, aren’t you?” Isabella asked.

Sighed, “Yes.”

They both started arguing with me.

“Girls, girls, I didn’t say that I would only be marrying her.”

“What! You are marrying two people!

“Yeah! Who else!”

“I already told you. I made a promise to my best friend. Now let’s get to class before we are late.” “Oh, Sophia you- “

Poof!” I’m here!”

“Everyone is here now, let’s get going.”


The building only three stores tall. But half of it was for the commoners and the other half was for the royals. Now when I was saying I was getting stared at it was from both of them. Especially from the commoners. They think that I’m just a normal royal person. But they are wrong. I just had an opportunity, and I took it. And they think I’m going to marry one of them. I mean they aren’t wrong. I’m probably going to marry both. Sigh. Four girls. Kill myself now. I only wanted one but now possibly I’m going to have four. I’m getting off topic. But the school, well the Royal side was kept nice. The commoner's side was all torn down. The walls had holes in them. Paint was falling down. All of them had cracks in them. At least they used both of same exam site. And the same proctors. Some commoners even went into the Royal classes. But I still stand out as a sore thumb. Not only I know the two princesses very well but at least thirty people knew that I summon the demon princess. And I really can’t deny that.

And specially while she’s walking next to me. Just smiling like it’s not affecting her. Honestly probably used to it.

“Oh HUNTER! Nobody told you but you're giving a speech at the beginning of the school.”

“A speech! I’m giving a speech! Trin! You're just telling me this now!”

“Sorry! It slipped my mind!”

“It slipped my mind too. Whoever gets the top score gives a speech.”

“Great Isabella, how long do I have?”

“Well, if you were paying attention, you would have noticed that we were heading towards the auditorium. So about thirty minutes. And you will be on stage until your time.”

“This isn’t good. I’m not good at giving speeches.”

“You be fine!”

“Yes, you will be fine.”

“Darling, you will be wonderful!”


“Did you just say darling!”

Sophia just smiled. She knew what she was doing. That twinkle in her. Knowing that she’s getting on their nerves.

“Behave yourself Sophia.”

“Only because you asked me too!”

Sigh: “You three better get along.”

All three:” okay!”

“That’s not assuring but okay.”

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! I’m your headmaster Valerie Yasbeck. She definitely is hot. Long black hair. Nerdy glasses look that what makes her hot. The uniform blocks how big her chest is. Which is sad. A nice round butt. Oh god why am I think this about her. I’m a fifteen-year-old in a six-year-old boy body. I’ve been at this academy for over thirty years. I’ve seen many, many talented students in this school. I know you guys will have long nine to ten years. So, in these coming years I hope to see many students achieve their dreams and goals. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing who will win the tournaments in the last year of school. But let’s worry about that later, for now let’s our new teacher come fourth and introduce herself!”

Wow brief introduction but whatever. This teacher was short like me. With curly sliver with a hint of purple in her hair. And she was pretty cute. With glasses. Her name is Emilia Clarke. And supposedly she’s Royalty. Some family, I honestly wasn’t paying attention because I was stunned by her beauty. More stunned than the headmaster.

“Now we have one more speaker, and he’s the one who got top scores on the Royal examination the other day. He is unique but that doesn’t mean that other people can’t stand out. And that’s already happened before school even started. We had five commoners who stood out and were transferred to the Royal exam rooms. Or I totally forgot about that well never mind that, you guys already know how to achieve that same reward. But let’s have the last speaker of today, Let’s have a warm welcome for Hunter!” Ok it’s my time. Going to keep a short and simple.

And now there was people clapping but not all lot.

“Before I say anything, thank you Miss. Yasbeck for having me here. Now I’m not going to give you a fifteen-minute speech and secondly you guys and girls wondering why did she say my first name only? Well, unbelievably, I’m a commoner.” There was a loud commotion. “Now, you can unbelievably, I don’t care honestly. Yes, you guys have seen me walk around school with the two princesses. That’s because not only once but I saved them twice. I’m not toting my around horn, I just happened to be in the right place at the right at the right time. Anyone would be in my position if anyone else saved them. And that’s why I’ve been staying in the castle. That is my reward for saving them. And yes, the rumors are true I do have a contract with the demon lord’s daughter. I honestly hope we have a good nine years together and lastly when we are ready to have regular practice fights its open season. If you think you can challenge me then do it. I want the competition. And I will not be going easy. It will be good for each other. That’s all, have a good follow classmates.”

“Wow, what a bold statement from hunter at the end. I love it! And yes, he is a commoner. Yes, he did save the princesses twice. He’s not lying. Now that’s the end of the speeches. Let’s have a great first day for everyone.”

“That was a good speech!”

“Were you nervous?”

“See I told you would be fine.”

“Thank you Trin. No, I wasn’t nervous Isabella and yeah, I was as fine.”

And we headed off to our class. And to my surprise the teacher was my teacher. So basically, there wasn’t needed for introduction. I sat in the back. Like normal. I did this back in my old life. Only because I didn’t want to get called on and because I take a nap when I need too. But knowing the two princesses they won’t let me sleep. And the third reason I’m sitting in the back is because of Sophia. How she dresses it’s getting the boys to stare at her. Getting a closer look at Emilia she’s way prettier than on the stage.

“Hey quite staring.”

“Can’t help it she’s pretty, Trin.”

“I know but enough with the staring.”

“Are you going after her?”

Confused, “why would I be going after her? Sophia. We don’t even know how old she is.”

“How many girls you want in your harem?”

Both girls started to get red. Oh, so they genuinely want to get married to me. Mm, I do want a harem and Sophia does have a good question how many do I want?

“I don’t know Sophia. Maybe I just want my childhood friend and you? I shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe I want seven? I’m only six, I’m not looking to get married right away anyways.”

“Hi there!” Now this little girl was wearing what Isabella and Trin was wearing, fancy clothes. Red hair like Sophia’s but not as long. And brown eyes. She was definitely cute. I wonder what she wants.


“I will destroy you.”

“Ughhhh okay? Who even are you?” Both girl's gasp.

“My name is Violet Robles the daughter of Kyron Robles.”

“Doesn’t ring a bell, sorry.”

“Go away, you going to lose to him anyways.” Suddenly voice came behind us. We turned to see another girl. More stunning than Violet but not as stunning as Trin.

“Stay out of this Rose, this isn’t your conversation.”

“If he can use all four elements, you’re out class in every category.”

She huffs and puffs and walks away.

“Sorry about that, Violet is stubborn. My name’s Rose. Let’s be friend's hunter!” As extends her hand for a handshake.

“Sure, Rose nice to meet you.”

“You know Hunter she’s a princess.”

“Wait she is?”

The three girls, “Yes!”

“Well, I didn’t know. And to be honest I don’t care.”

“I’m a princess too!

“Oh cool.”

“So, you really don’t care.”

“I just don’t care about status. Besides kings and queens.”

“So, hunter which one do you like?”

“Huh? Which one do I like? What do you mean?”

“Oh, come on, you know what I mean!” She said with a smile.

“Who knows Rose. Who knows Rose.”

“Aww you’re not going to answer!”

“I did you just don’t like the answer.”

Isabella and Trin were not the brightest in the bunch because they were looking at us like they didn’t know what we were talking about.

The first couple of weeks were fine. Just boring school life again but with magic. She taught us how we can use magic. Apparently, we have an organ in our brains that allows us to use magic. And some people can actually see the magic. Like I can. I can see spirits also. Emilia went through our world history. There are in total nineteen different kingdoms. And one forest called the dark forest that separates The Espus kingdom and the Yaflon kingdom. Violet, she’s from the Espus kingdom. I’m just confused on why she’s in the Yaflon kingdom to learn about magic. Now for magic with have beginners, intermediate level, advanced level, master level and then empire level of magic. There is a six-level called lost magic like teleportation and like my storage system I have. Now with my teleportation only I can teleport sadly. That’s the one drawback. It’s all been lost. Until I found the book when I was five. The difference between master level and empire level is the destruction of your spells. Empire magic can literally destroy empires. But there are only a few people in the entire world who can actually accomplish that stuff. Now master level isn’t a joke either. Master level is when you have complete mastery of your elements. That can take years! Specially if you have more than one element.

Apparently, the war with the demons only started seven years ago. It hasn’t been happening for a long time. I need to find out more information on that situation.

The first two months of school has come and gone. I’m seven now. I’m still supposed that this world also has twelve months. Practically it’s earths months. Mine is in the ninth month. I didn’t really do much, the girls gave presents. Isabella gave me a necklace. Trin gave me a fancy pen so I can write back home and pendant for my necklace. Sophia gave me a sword. I’ve been practicing with one of the demon's Royal guards whenever I’m free. And I’ve been improving. Even though I was already decent with the sword. Rose gave me some money. Honestly, I didn’t need the money, but I wasn’t going to turn it down. We didn’t have a big celebration because I wasn’t Royal, but I didn’t care. Besides, we had a big celebration coming up anyways, Trins turns eight at the end of the year. Even though it’s still months away, she’s pretty nervous and excited about it. I honestly still getting used to this world and honestly, I still miss my old life. But I can’t go back to that world unless someone manga bullshit happens. Just like a recent anime show did. And now they are making it into a movie. The whole arc. Well, I was going to watch it but now I’m here.

Well, I’m not in a world where some shady organization is trying to get demon power and kidnapping woman. I have no idea what this world is going to throw at me but whatever it is I’m going to handle it. These powers I have, I didn’t want them. I wanted to work my way up, but the goddess had other plans. I guess the problem is truly a threat. Sigh. Maybe I could find my own slim suit. Nah I’m not going to hide my identity. Well hopefully. Sense I can see magic, wouldn’t a certain Jutsu be possible because I know how to use air magic? From a certain ninja? I bet it won’t be as powerful, but it should be decent. Nah, No never-mind. I already stole a technique from that anime. Sigh, still no leads to find my friend. Oh yes Violet and I have gotten better but she still sees me as her rival.

“Hey, you are paying attention?”

“Not really Isabella.”

“Something is on your mind?”

“There’s always something on my mind.”

“What’s on your mind.”

“Just stuff.”

“Oh, come don’t look at me like that. I’m just not ready to talk about it.”

“You will though?”



“Promise.” Like they won’t believe me. Oh yes, I’m sorry I’m not originally from this world. And I have different knowledge about power and other things. Oh yes, I’m a seventeen-year-old trapped in a seven-year-old body. Sigh.

“I’m fine, Trin. Don’t worry about me.”


I know you like me that’s how, “secret.”

Sigh, Couple of months have passed. Nothing has really been happening. And it’s the end of the year. Trin’s birthday was a success. Plenty of Royal figures had shown up. There was a lot of food for the feast. And honestly at the end of the night it was hauled off for the food pantry. Trin’s father is such a good king. It was very boring for me. I don’t really like dances. So, I just stood there leaning next to a wall, whenever I wasn’t dancing with the girls.

“Your majesty. There is a problem.”

“What is it? I’m busy.”

“There is someone who’s stronger than the demon king.”

“What! That’s outrageous!”

“But he’s only seven years old.”

“Seven! That’s just a kid!”

“Yes, but he can use all of the elements. And he’s very very excellent at each element.”

“He’s going to be a pain in the ass to deal with.”

“He needs to be killed.”


“Who’s there!”

“I’ll go check.”

“There’s no one here.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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