Mr Dangerous

Mr Dangerous


Listan adjusts his cufflinks, the soft glow of his office lamp catching his brown eyes. 'Always the last to leave, aren't we?' he remarks to the cleaning staff, his voice as smooth as the dark whiskey on his desk.

Toya jumps at the sound of his voice, spinning around. "I-I thought everyone was gone."

His lips curl into a knowing smile. 'Not quite. I wanted to finish up some paperwork.' He leaned back in his chair, his gaze lingering on her.

"Oh," She looks around nervously pushing back her hair. "I'm suppose to clean this office."

He chuckles softly. 'You don't have to do that. But I wouldn't mind a few moments of your company.'

Toya smiled and turned to her cleaning supplies, took out the broom and started sweeping.

Listan watched her with a gentle expression, the silence broken by the sound of her broom. 'May I ask you something?'

She pauses in her cleaning and looks at him. "Uhm, sure."

He leans forward, his voice low and intimate. 'Why do you seem so nervous around me?'

"Am I? Sorry, this is my first time coming across someone while cleaning." Toya starts cleaning again but the broom falls out her hand and she quickly grabs it up, glancing quickly at him and then away.

His eyebrow rises in amusement. 'Oh? I've never been the cause of such a flustered reaction.' Listan laughs softly.

"Oh you think this funny." She frowned. "How would you feel if its 10pm at night and you're in a huge building that's normally empty and you bounce up a starage guy? Two of you all alone here."

She doesn't say anything and continues sweeping quickly.

He leans back again, seeming content to just observe her. 'Are you sure you don't want to sit down? You seem a bit tense.'

"No, this is my last area. I want to be done by a certain time."

Listan tilts his head, his tone becoming gentle. 'I could always let you off the hook. It's late.'

"No, they'll come and check in the morning. I don't want to get in trouble."

He smiles, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement. 'You're very dedicated to your work. But, if it's alright with you, I'd like to talk to you for a moment.'

She nervously glanced at him still behind the desk in his expensive suit.

His expression softens, his voice dropping to a whisper. 'You don't need to be so nervous. It's just me. I didn’t tell you my name, it's Listan.' He gestures to the empty chair next to him.

"My name's Toya. Look I just need to finish this and I have to go." She sweeps up the dust in the scope and takes the duster.

He notices the slight shift in your demeanor, your expression becoming more reserved. Listan frowns, getting up from his chair and coming over to you. 'You're not uncomfortable are you? I swear I'm not going to bite.'

Toya jumps when he gets up and back away.

He pauses, noticing her reaction. His tone becomes gentle once again. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought we could have a conversation.'

She looks around nervously again, and starts to dust quickly again, this time his desk. "I can't." She said feeling confused as she dust not understanding why he was insisting he talked to her...

Listan raises an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing slightly, as he moved around from behind the table but stood far from her. She turned her body to keep him in her view while she worked. He watched her for a moment before finally speaking. "You know, you're a very difficult person to read." His tone is teasing, but there's an underlying seriousness to his words.

Toya paused mid dust. "Why do you want to read me? I'm just a cleaner."

He shrugs, leaning back against the wall. "Everyone has their own story, don't they? And, if I'm being honest, I'm curious about yours."

"Please don't be." She continued dusting again turning her back to him dusting and wiping down a cabinet. "It's not a pleasant story, and I don't want to share."

He's quiet for a moment, his eyes never leaving her, studying her movement, the way she kept avoiding his gaze. Finally, he speaks again, his voice softer now. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up something uncomfortable.'

She doesn't say anything. "I think I'm done." She wasn't really, but he was getting too personal and she didn't want to get into certain conversations.

He notices the subtle shift in her tone. He steps forward and gently places a hand on Toya's arm, stopping her. 'Toya, I apologize for overstepping. But, if there's anything you need to talk about, I'm here.'

"Don't!" She squeaked jumping back eyes wide, looking like she was ready to bolt for the door leaving all her equipment.

His hand falls to his side as he takes a step back, his expression softening again. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, but I'd like to present an offer to you."

"An offer?" She looks at him confused.



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