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Mr Dangerous


Listan adjusts his cufflinks, the soft glow of his office lamp catching his brown eyes. 'Always the last to leave, aren't we?' he remarks to the cleaning staff, his voice as smooth as the dark whiskey on his desk.

Toya jumps at the sound of his voice, spinning around. "I-I thought everyone was gone."

His lips curl into a knowing smile. 'Not quite. I wanted to finish up some paperwork.' He leaned back in his chair, his gaze lingering on her.

"Oh," She looks around nervously pushing back her hair. "I'm suppose to clean this office."

He chuckles softly. 'You don't have to do that. But I wouldn't mind a few moments of your company.'

Toya smiled and turned to her cleaning supplies, took out the broom and started sweeping.

Listan watched her with a gentle expression, the silence broken by the sound of her broom. 'May I ask you something?'

She pauses in her cleaning and looks at him. "Uhm, sure."

He leans forward, his voice low and intimate. 'Why do you seem so nervous around me?'

"Am I? Sorry, this is my first time coming across someone while cleaning." Toya starts cleaning again but the broom falls out her hand and she quickly grabs it up, glancing quickly at him and then away.

His eyebrow rises in amusement. 'Oh? I've never been the cause of such a flustered reaction.' Listan laughs softly.

"Oh you think this funny." She frowned. "How would you feel if its 10pm at night and you're in a huge building that's normally empty and you bounce up a starage guy? Two of you all alone here."

She doesn't say anything and continues sweeping quickly.

He leans back again, seeming content to just observe her. 'Are you sure you don't want to sit down? You seem a bit tense.'

"No, this is my last area. I want to be done by a certain time."

Listan tilts his head, his tone becoming gentle. 'I could always let you off the hook. It's late.'

"No, they'll come and check in the morning. I don't want to get in trouble."

He smiles, his eyes flickering with a hint of amusement. 'You're very dedicated to your work. But, if it's alright with you, I'd like to talk to you for a moment.'

She nervously glanced at him still behind the desk in his expensive suit.

His expression softens, his voice dropping to a whisper. 'You don't need to be so nervous. It's just me. I didn’t tell you my name, it's Listan.' He gestures to the empty chair next to him.

"My name's Toya. Look I just need to finish this and I have to go." She sweeps up the dust in the scope and takes the duster.

He notices the slight shift in your demeanor, your expression becoming more reserved. Listan frowns, getting up from his chair and coming over to you. 'You're not uncomfortable are you? I swear I'm not going to bite.'

Toya jumps when he gets up and back away.

He pauses, noticing her reaction. His tone becomes gentle once again. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just thought we could have a conversation.'

She looks around nervously again, and starts to dust quickly again, this time his desk. "I can't." She said feeling confused as she dust not understanding why he was insisting he talked to her...

Listan raises an eyebrow, his eyes narrowing slightly, as he moved around from behind the table but stood far from her. She turned her body to keep him in her view while she worked. He watched her for a moment before finally speaking. "You know, you're a very difficult person to read." His tone is teasing, but there's an underlying seriousness to his words.

Toya paused mid dust. "Why do you want to read me? I'm just a cleaner."

He shrugs, leaning back against the wall. "Everyone has their own story, don't they? And, if I'm being honest, I'm curious about yours."

"Please don't be." She continued dusting again turning her back to him dusting and wiping down a cabinet. "It's not a pleasant story, and I don't want to share."

He's quiet for a moment, his eyes never leaving her, studying her movement, the way she kept avoiding his gaze. Finally, he speaks again, his voice softer now. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up something uncomfortable.'

She doesn't say anything. "I think I'm done." She wasn't really, but he was getting too personal and she didn't want to get into certain conversations.

He notices the subtle shift in her tone. He steps forward and gently places a hand on Toya's arm, stopping her. 'Toya, I apologize for overstepping. But, if there's anything you need to talk about, I'm here.'

"Don't!" She squeaked jumping back eyes wide, looking like she was ready to bolt for the door leaving all her equipment.

His hand falls to his side as he takes a step back, his expression softening again. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, but I'd like to present an offer to you."

"An offer?" She looks at him confused.


"Yes. I'm attracted to you. There will be no strings attached, and considering the type of job you do, I'm sure you'd appreciate having some extra cash."

Toya's eyes widen in surprise, her mouth fell open and she stared at him in disbelief." Are you serious?' She blinked and her jaw clenched.

"$50, 000, for one night."

She's stunned, her eyes narrowing, staring blindly off  as she processed what he'd just said. Toya really needed the money. It would help her get out of debt and buy some clothes and probably do a short course to get a better job. It was tempting. It would be only one night. Could she do something like that. She took a while deciding and he remained quiet letting her.

"I have never done something like this before. I'm not a wh*o*r*e."

"I know you're not." Listan said patiently.

I'll  do it." She said it quickly as if not to change her mind and looked down in shame.

Listan's face softens, he puts his hand under her chin and makes her look at him. "I won't  hurt you or do anything you don't  want to. You'll  be in control and can stop at anytime."

She nods, meeting his gaze. "Are we staying here?"

"No, we'll  go to my place." He grabbed his keys and mug from the table.

"Let me just pack up my cleaning supplies."

Listan nods as well. He gave her some time to put her cleaning supplies away while he followed, and then they went to his car.

Listan was silent as she gathered her things, his expression unreadable. She couldn't help glancing at him as they went to the car park. He was tall over six feet towering over her 5'2 frame. Dark and overwhelmingly handsome with full thick lips, confident straight gait, and an air of dominance.

So caught up was she in her thoughts of him, that Toya passed the sporty, expensive looking car, not really paying attention to where Listan  was going.

"Toya here."

She turned and saw him standing by the same expensive, sporty car. "That's your's?"

Listan nods, his voice proud and confident. "Yes, it's one of my favorite cars. It's quite the beauty, isn't it?"

Her eyes travelled along it's sleek, aerodynamic body. It was beautiful, in a magnectic grey and when he opened the door for her, with no handles attached, Toya realized it was a two seater. She got in, her eyes widening at the luxury, her expression filled with awe. "Yes it is, what's the name of this vehicle?"

"A Gordon Murray T.33 or Spider supercharged." Listan replied.

"Oh," She said simply not really knowing much of the model of cars and she definitely hadn't heard about this one. "The interior was sleek and modern, with comfortable leather seats and a sophisticated dashboard. He turns the key in the ignition, and the car roared to life.

Listan glances at her, noticing her nervousness. He gave her a reassuring smile. 'No, it's only a few minutes away."

"One night, right?" Toya said wringing her hands again.

He nods, his tone becoming soft. "That's right. One night, and then it's over."

When they got to his house her mouth fell open.

Listan notices the look of surprise on her face, and he smiled again. "I know, it's a bit much. But it's home."

He couldn't help but notice her reaction, and he smiled. The house was an impressive estate, with a long driveway and perfectly manicured gardens. There was a feeling of luxury and elegance that was hard to describe.

As she steps out the car the breeze blew gently filling the air with the scent of the flowers nearby. Listan's house was a large, two-story and the interior was just as luxurious as the exterior, with expensive furniture and artwork.


"Welcome to my home?" Listan says resting down his keys.

"Thanks." she stands awkwardly waiting on him.

He leads you through the hallway into a stunning living room with marble floors and fine art on the walls and sulptures nearby. It was elegant and sophisticated " Do you want something to eat?"

"Thank you." Toya said humbly.

"Come." He said turning towards the kitchen.

Again the room was amazing,  with state-of-the-art appliances and a large island in the center. He smiles at you. 'What would you like to eat?"

"You have a beautiful home."

Listan smiles at her compliment. 'Thank you. I've put a lot of time and effort into making it perfect for me. But......I think you've probably figured out by now that I'm not the typical person.'

"Do you need help?" Toya felt awkward just standing there watching him prepare something for them to eat. Listan was presently setting out some plates and wine glasses.

"No I can manage, but you can tell me what you want to eat."

"What do you have?" Toya asked and he chuckled while she came close peering into the fridge when he opened it.

Listan pulled out a selection of different dishes. 'I have everything from pasta to steak. I also have some wine, if you'd like some."

Is there anything else?" Her brows furrowed a bit."

Listan pauses, his expression becoming thoughtful. "I could make you something if you'd like. I'm quite the chef. What are you in the mood for?"

"No, I don't  want you to go out of your way for me."

His thick, full lips turned up into a smile. "Don't worry, it's no trouble." He said his tone gentle

"Don't  cook anything Listan. Do you have like bread and..?"

He nods pulling out a bag of bread, bagels, croissants with a raised brow watching her. "There's cheesepaste, eggs, ham, sausage, tomatoes, grapes, and bananas." Listan said calling out a few more items.

" Sorry to be picky but I don't  eat  meat, I'm  a vegan. So I'll  just take a bagel with some tomatoes, grapes and a banana thanks."

His eyebrows raise in surprise. "You're a vegan? But......why?"

Listan handed her a plate with what she asked for.

"Why?" Toya repeated, watching him grab up a few cheese filled croissants and followed him to the living room.

He sits down on the couch, taking a bite of his croissant. He glances at you, his expression curious. "I'm just curious. Most people who are vegan have a reason for doing it, right?"

"You're  right." Toya sits opposite him and begins eating. " I grew up on a farm with cows chickens goats and every animal you can think of. Some of them were my pets and I can't  see myself eating meat now."

He nods, listening intently as she verbalized her passion for animals, his eyes dark and smouldering, lingering on her mouth. It was clear that she cared deeply about them. "That's admirable. I'm glad you have such a strong sense of compassion."

"Listan the animals to be slaughtered live in such inhumane conditions." Her voice broke. "It's  just a pain filled journey for them to become food."

He watches her with a sympathetic expression, his eyes still smothering, trailing over her pretty, delicate face. Not wanting to miss a single expression. She captivated him. Listan  could see how much this subject meant to her. It was clear that she had a deep connection to animals, and he respects that. 'I understand. It's not a pleasant thought, is it?'

"It's  not." Toya finshed eating and set the plate on the table and her pulse picked up when he came and sat next to her.

He noticed her nervousness, but doesn't comment on it. Instead, he leans in slightly, his voice soft and gentle. "I want to kiss you?'

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