A Special Necklace

A Special Necklace


Characters name -( new characters name will be added as they appear in the story )

Female lead - Zhao Xin ye

Brother's name - Zhao lin

*Ignore my silly mistakes*

1st scene. ( At night)

Xin-ye was running on the street in school uniform while a young boy in the same school uniform was chasing her, after a while Xin-ye suddenly fell and got hurt.

The boy who was chasing her was her twin younger brother... he was only 2 mins younger than her. Lin quickly came to Xin-ye and said can't you even walk/run properly,...

Xin-ye replied in an informal way -- I am older than you, you better give respect to me otherwise I will never help you... Lin: you are just 2min older than me..

Xin-ye - so what huh !

Lin- nothing my sister come let's go home ( with a fake smile )

Xin-ye said yeah let's goo my little bro......

Xin-ye was a little injured so she was walking slowly.....while Lin was ahead of her...

Xin-ye stepped on something and checked while saying what the hack is this.... and saw a beautiful necklace ........

Xin-ye: wowwww it's so pretty... Lin-whom are you talking to... can't you just walk a little faster.

Xin-ye: bro look isn't it pretty... Lin- it is but where did you get this........It would be better if you didn't steal it from someone.

Xin-ye : do you have a death wish ( about to beat him)

I found it here under my feet.... So, it's mine now ( happily wear it and showed to lin ) how is it looking on me. Lin - it looks like a trash is wearing a diamond.....

Xin-ye: whhhaattttt you bloody ( kicked lin ) and lin run...... Xin-ye also ran to beat him,.... although Xin-ye was injured but she wanted to beat him so she didn't notice her wound.

They both reached home

Xin-ye and Lin reached home... Their mom was waiting for them so that she could ask them that...where they were at this late hour....

Mom- both of you (stared) why are you late today ?

Lin said mom Xin-ye fell on the road and was crying like a 2 year old kid (Xin-ye slapped on his head)

xin-ye: mom he is lying I didn't cry.....

Mom - Xin-ye you fell on the road ( worried ) are you hurt ?

Xin-ye - yes mom ( baby face ) my knees have been scratched,....

mom said Show me ..

Xin-ye shows her knees ---- but there were no sign of any wound/scratch ...

Mom - are you trying to fool me ( angry )

Xin ye - mom I swear that I fell on the road and I was hurt too....

lin- mom sis is not lying this time I saw that her knee was scratched

Mom- than where is the wound huh !

Xin-ye and Lin both were confused and was trying to figure out what is happening.........

Mom- I am leaving you today but it would be better if you guys stop fooling me by your lies ........

Xin-ye and Lin went to their rooms... Xin-ye was still thinking about it, how she fell and got hurt but.... now there is no sign of that.. Lin came to Xin-ye's room and asked,.....You were hurt right.... xin-ye replied hmm.

Lin: I am going to do something so please don't get angry on me pleaseeeee .......

Xin-ye: what are you going to do ( worried )

Lin shows her the knife....

Xin-ye said- what are you going to do with it,.. I thought you were going to do something crazy but......

Lin- I am sorry my sis ( use the knife to make a small cut on her hand )

Xin-ye: are you crazy or what huh and just ( kicked him ) ... Lin ( in painful voice because of her kick) hey look ( surprised and scared ) your hand is completely fine.... and the ( stammering ) b-blood where did it go and the c-cut......

They both get scared

For more stay tuned......

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