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A Special Necklace


Characters name -( new characters name will be added as they appear in the story )

Female lead - Zhao Xin ye

Brother's name - Zhao lin

*Ignore my silly mistakes*

1st scene. ( At night)

Xin-ye was running on the street in school uniform while a young boy in the same school uniform was chasing her, after a while Xin-ye suddenly fell and got hurt.

The boy who was chasing her was her twin younger brother... he was only 2 mins younger than her. Lin quickly came to Xin-ye and said can't you even walk/run properly,...

Xin-ye replied in an informal way -- I am older than you, you better give respect to me otherwise I will never help you... Lin: you are just 2min older than me..

Xin-ye - so what huh !

Lin- nothing my sister come let's go home ( with a fake smile )

Xin-ye said yeah let's goo my little bro......

Xin-ye was a little injured so she was walking slowly.....while Lin was ahead of her...

Xin-ye stepped on something and checked while saying what the hack is this.... and saw a beautiful necklace ........

Xin-ye: wowwww it's so pretty... Lin-whom are you talking to... can't you just walk a little faster.

Xin-ye: bro look isn't it pretty... Lin- it is but where did you get this........It would be better if you didn't steal it from someone.

Xin-ye : do you have a death wish ( about to beat him)

I found it here under my feet.... So, it's mine now ( happily wear it and showed to lin ) how is it looking on me. Lin - it looks like a trash is wearing a diamond.....

Xin-ye: whhhaattttt you bloody ( kicked lin ) and lin run...... Xin-ye also ran to beat him,.... although Xin-ye was injured but she wanted to beat him so she didn't notice her wound.

They both reached home

Xin-ye and Lin reached home... Their mom was waiting for them so that she could ask them that...where they were at this late hour....

Mom- both of you (stared) why are you late today ?

Lin said mom Xin-ye fell on the road and was crying like a 2 year old kid (Xin-ye slapped on his head)

xin-ye: mom he is lying I didn't cry.....

Mom - Xin-ye you fell on the road ( worried ) are you hurt ?

Xin-ye - yes mom ( baby face ) my knees have been scratched,....

mom said Show me ..

Xin-ye shows her knees ---- but there were no sign of any wound/scratch ...

Mom - are you trying to fool me ( angry )

Xin ye - mom I swear that I fell on the road and I was hurt too....

lin- mom sis is not lying this time I saw that her knee was scratched

Mom- than where is the wound huh !

Xin-ye and Lin both were confused and was trying to figure out what is happening.........

Mom- I am leaving you today but it would be better if you guys stop fooling me by your lies ........

Xin-ye and Lin went to their rooms... Xin-ye was still thinking about it, how she fell and got hurt but.... now there is no sign of that.. Lin came to Xin-ye's room and asked,.....You were hurt right.... xin-ye replied hmm.

Lin: I am going to do something so please don't get angry on me pleaseeeee .......

Xin-ye: what are you going to do ( worried )

Lin shows her the knife....

Xin-ye said- what are you going to do with it,.. I thought you were going to do something crazy but......

Lin- I am sorry my sis ( use the knife to make a small cut on her hand )

Xin-ye: are you crazy or what huh and just ( kicked him ) ... Lin ( in painful voice because of her kick) hey look ( surprised and scared ) your hand is completely fine.... and the ( stammering ) b-blood where did it go and the c-cut......

They both get scared

For more stay tuned......

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New Characters

Bestie - Yang Ximi

New classmate - Lu Jing

Class teacher - Miss Zeng

*Ignore my silly mistakes*

Short recap [ Lin made a small cut on xin-ye's hand and was shocked to see that the cut and blood disappeared ]

Xin-ye: You wanted to kill me huh!..

Lin : xin-ye look at your hand.......

Xin ( looked and got shocked ) and shouted ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......

Their mother came into the room and asked them: why are you making so much noise.....

Lin covering Xin's mouth.... And said- mom she just saw a lizard and got scared..... Xin-ye bites Lin's hand and says-- yes mom, he is right ( giving devil look to lin ) there was a lizard but now it's gone.....

Mom- If you both make more noise then, I will throw you out of the house...... Okkkkk ( angry )

Mom leaves.......

Xin-ye gives a deadly stare to lin.......

Lin got scared and said s-sorry....... I didn't do it to harm you.......

Xin- what if i would have died...

Lin( bothered )- stop overreacting it was just a little cut....

Xin -First you cut me with knife and now you are shouting at me.....

( Lin in his mind : she is behaving like i have cut her into 100 pieces )

Lin ( in a calm voice ) my dear sister, I am really very sorry it's all my fault ( fake smile )........

( Confused ) But how did you gain this kind to ability........ They both started thinking

Xin-ye and Lin started making different weird faces while thinking about how did she gain this kind of strange ability......

After 5-10 minutes

Suddenly Lin - I think I got it..( excitedly )

Xin-ye :-what tell me ( curiously ).... Lin smiled and said today you got hurt..... and then you got that necklace ( pointing at the necklace on xin's neck )........

Xin-ye - do you really think that this necklace has this much capability huh!...... Xin-ye after thinking for a while : ummm Why don't we test it ( smirked )

Lin scaredy asked what are you going to dooo......

Xin-ye: I will do the same thing and smiles.....

[ Xin give him that necklace and make a cut on his hand ]

Lin - you did it on purpose right ( angry + annoyed )....... Xin ( childish face ) didn't you just said that this necklace give me that weird ability.... And start laughing.....

A voice came from next door ( mom ) - do you wanna sleep on the road tonight........if not then sleep early....


Xin-ye and Lin leave for school early in the morning........

[ Xin-ye and Lin's classrooms are different ]

Lin- don't cause any kind of problem and don't ever tell anyone about your weird ability......... Xin-ye as an obedient child nodded hmm....... They both leave for their classes...

Xin-ye seats with her bestie Yang Ximi, Xin wanted to share this secret with her but she controlled herself.......

Class teacher ( miss Zeng ) comes in the class and everyone greets her - Good morning teacher..........

Miss zeng - Good morning........ so, class Today we have a new tranfered students who will be your classmate from today onwards.........

A boy enters from the entrance of the class...

( Everyone started appreciating his looks )

Miss zeng - Introduce yourself to your new classmates......

BOY : My name is Lu Jing..... ( He isn't happy at all ).... I hope you guys will not bother me........

( Some girls : is he a rude person..... making annoyed faces but admiring his looks )

Miss zeng : Lu Jing, you can seat on the second last seat.....

Lu Jing goes and sits on that seat..........

Ximi : hey look... he is so handsome.......

Xin : ummmmmm he is handsome but very rude..... so, let's stay away from him Okie......

Stay tuned for next parts.......

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PART - 3

*Ignore my silly mistakes*

Few days later

Xin-ye and Lin were going to school and a man came and showed them a knife and said whatever you have just give it to me.........( In a scary voice )

Lin ( Attitude ) : we are students..... what do you think we have to give you.....

Xin ( in low voice ) : yaaaaa..... Do you want us to die right now....

Man: stop whispering and give me whatever you have.... And .... also the thing that this girl is wearing ( Pointing at the necklace)......

Lin : We are not scared of you.... Do whatever you can...... ( He was scared to death but still was trying to be brave )...

Xin-ye: Bro you are really my bro ( overacting ) yeah you thief or whatever he will fight with you....... ( Smile )

Lin gets more scared after hearing her words and looked at her ( in mind - I am sure you are not my sister........ You want me to die.... You have powers but you want me to fight with a man who has a knife.... )

Suddenly a brick hit the head of the thief/man....and the man fell on the ground.....

Xin and Lin were shocked and looking at the brick...... And then looked at the boy who was standing behind the thief/man.....

He was Lu Jing.......

After hitting the man he left...... Xin-ye and Lin were just looking at him and were standing like a statue for a moment.....


Xin-ye wanted to say Thanks to him/Lu Jing.... but Lu Jing wasn't paying any attention to her....

She knocked at his desk and said...... you didn't have to help us but still thank you so much ( Xin wanted to say it with some respect but it sounded a bit rude )......

Lu Jing: If you want to thank me then come with me.....

Xin-ye: Whatt ( goes behind him ) where are we going????......

Xin-ye followed him......

Lu Jing and Xin-Ye come to the backyard......

Lu Jing : you wanted to thank me right...... ( Coming closer to her )

He was staring at the necklace on her neck and was about to snatch it...

Xin-ye : can't you talk from a distance... ( giving wierd look ).....

Lu Jing: ummm I can't........ and tries to touch the necklace... The necklace flashed......

Lu Jing: So, you are the new owner......

Xin-ye: what are you talking about.....huh!.... And why did you touched my necklace......( In mind - why did the necklace flashed just now )

Lu Jing: I know you have some powers right now.... Like -- you can't get hurt..... You can move things with your powers.....

Xin: w-wait what do you mean.... I can move things. ( Surprised+happy ) ...... How can I move things ( curiously )....... And how do you know all this things ( suspicious )

Lu Jing: so you don't know much about your powers..... And you don't know, what you are right now.....

Xin-ye: What do you mean by that?..... can't you just explain it in an easy way..... (Pleasing face)

Lu Jing: Why should I?... Didn't you have your letter??...

Xin-ye (confused): Huh! Letter.... What letter.....

Lu Jing: Don't tell me that you didn't get your Letter..... ( He started scarying her )..... If you didn't get the letter- that means you are going to die very soon.....

Xin-ye : yaaa I am not a kid, you better not scare me... ( She was scared after hearing all this but was trying to be brave )

Lu Jing smiled mischievously after seeing her scared face.....

[ This was the first time when Xin-ye saw him smiling ]

Lu Jing : If don't want to die... Then find your letter so, that you can know everything about your powers.....

Xin : wait.. You know so much about me and powers..( suspicious ).... That means you also have this kind of powers right???

Lu Jing didn't reply to her...... But she was very curious to know about his powers.....

Lu Jing was about to leave.......

Xin-ye saw a piece of glass and tried to make a cut on Lu Jing's hand.....

And got shocked to see his blood.....

Xin-ye: y-you ..... W-who are you??...

Stay tuned for more parts......

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