His Second Wife

His Second Wife

Chapter 01

A woman lost in her deep thoughts rubbing the soap on the plate tucking her eyes  on the water bubbles . She didn't even realise someone came in there calling her name " apparently  she is  too lost to feel anything around her. The way bubbles are bursting in the water "same her dreams got crashed before six months "when she got married to shivaay Singh oberoi. Simply  she couldn't say anything "when her parents had requested her for this marriage. Without thinking twice she had nodded  her head and got ready to marry a guy " who is already in love with someone deeply to his heart without having a little place in there for someone else like her. Suddenly she flinch coming out from the ocean of her thoughts "when she heard baby's cry. She immediately throw plate back in the sink which was full of soap and run out wiping her hands with the her  Scarf .

Mam listen to me. Tell me what should I make for lunch. Her maid calls her from behind but she didn't pay head to her and Climb stairs  trying to reach fast as much as she could for being near to the baby.

"Ayoo "she immediately run towards the baby" who was standing in the cradle holding the handle and carried him in her arms soothing him

Baby you alright. Shshsh it's ok mumma is here. She consoles him moving in the room around. Baby muffles and rub his face on her chest clutching her shirt ...

It's ok baby mumma is here. Mumma gonna change the nappy and then everything will be sort out. Saying this she kept him on the bed and got busy changing his nappy. Baby wriggle in her arms still crying but she somehow changed it bringing him back into the senses

Nappy is changed now. Now mumma will give her baby food. She caresses his hair and peck his forehead lovingly. Baby subsided his sobs and pushed the thumb in his mouth out of hunger. Anika immediately get up run to reach kitchen as soon as possible so that she could feed her baby. She comes inside the kitchen and grab the vessel to heat up the milk. after warming  up she made sure she cool it up enough " which doesn't burn the baby's mouth. After making sure it's fine. She made baby straight in her arms and slowly insert the nipple in his mouth which he immediately grabbed it and started sucking it resting his tiny hands on it. She sign in relief and kiss his forehead lovingly running finger on his nose . Baby gave her cheeky smile looking at her with blue ocean eyes and again started sucking his milk. After filling his tummy " she brought him back in his room and Put his tiny body back in crib. Seeing him sleeping a relief sigh left her mouth " she bend down and kissed her reason of life. After making sure he is fine she went out not before fixing the monitor near him " so that it could alert her when he cry. She comes out and decided to go and check upon her husband   Who is apparently sleeping in his room . She entered in there and found him sleeping on his stomach having nothing on his upper body. She slowly move towards him Looking at his sleepy  face. He is looking so tired and pale making her heart wrench. She so wanna sit near him and  ruffle his hair.. but then she dropped the idea thinking he won't like it. so simply she covered him with duvet and decided to leave from there without disturbing him. but before she do " he hold her hand in sleep and pulled her near him hitching her breath. She just forgot to take exhale The air being so near him. His hot breath on her neck made her weak all over her around making her feel dizzy .

Where were you going radu . Just stay with me. Do you know how much I've missed you ...!he mumbles in his sleep placing kiss on her shoulder.... anika immediately kept hand on her mouth controlling her sob after hearing the particular name from his mouth which she doesn't like to hear at all . She pressed her eyes together and let tears fell from her eyes. Simultaneously  He snuggled with her and kept his head on her shoulder hugging her waist. Feeling him so closer " she flinch and look at his face with pour hurt. The way her breath is fanning on her face  made her whole body have goosebumps.  His closeness is creating hovac inside her.  But the pain inside her made all these feeling fade away and she turned her face away feeling broken ...

I love you Radu. I love you so much. He mumbles  in sleep and peck her shoulder again passing current through her body.  She curse herself to feeling like this being in his arms. She shouldn't fall for him " which cause her hurt for life time. Better she keep good distance from him   And stay away from all these things  as much as she could!! She sniffs and slowly remove his grip from her waist and got up before he finds her near him... she Look at his face for a good minute and left from there closing the door "before he gets up.  She comes out and exhale a long breath  marching  towards  small sofa. She sat there putting whole weight on her arms and burst into tears looking towards his door.  No matter how much she try to control herself "but whenever he  takes her name "it's pierce through her heart. she can't able to disguise  the fact that " he is not seeing her "who is staying with him from last 6 months and doing everything for him whatever he wish for. and still living  in daze of Her sister's love .  Evidently He's still in so much in love with her sister that till now he didn't forget her and imagine her in the sleep even. These thoughts only churn her heart from Inside and she closed her eyes letting the tears fell down from  her brown orbs. Suddenly she   Come out from her thoughts-when she heard her husband's voice. She wipe her unnecessary tears and run back inside the room to know what happened to him. She reached in there and found him sitting on the bed holding his head.

Where were you radu ?? I was calling you from last five minutes.  He groan rubbing his eyes like a child.

It's not radhika it's Anika she  spoke  making him "realised he was again  dreaming about his  first wife  who is not with him anymore.  Lump formed in his throat thinking about it.but he control himself and got up from the bed grabbing his shirt.

I'm going to freshenup. Get me breakfast ready. Anika nods and immediately left from there for making his breakfast before he get ready.

She comes in kitchen and started cracking eggs for him.  She put veggies in there and mixed them up.   After making a good omelette" she kept in the plate and grabbed the mug of coffee for him filling it from their filter kettle. 

After some minutes "as she heard his footsteps ',,she grabbed everything and went outside. She kept infront of him on the table and  sat near him fidgeting with her fingers. He tore the omelette and put in his mouth chewing it silently.  Anika knows he liked it "that's why he didn't say anything and if won't had "then whole house he would had lifted on his head.  But he never praise it.  Always  he just silently eat and leave for office without uttering a single word.  He don't even say bye to her while going or meet his son   who needs his father the most.  After breakfast he wipe his mouth and about to go when she stopped him calling him

Err I needed to talk to you ( she  speaks stopping him

On his track)"  . Shivaay turns and look at her with his empty gaze which are carrying no emotions or any feelings which she  could read or understand.

Mom have called us for  their anniversary party today.  So I was thinking if you come early from work ??.   Shivaay first look at her sternly "but then he nods  and left from there quietly.    She sighs and decided to check on baby "who is sleeping from last 2 hours. she entered there and got amazed to seeing her child is laying in the crib sucking his thumb

Ayoo "she goes towards him and take him in her arms kissing his cheek.

How's my baby?? is he fine. When did he wake up. Why didn't you call your Mumma. but baby didn't answer and kept his head on her shoulder  sucking his thumb. Anika smiles and peck his head rubbing his back.  Baby look at her with his blue eyes and smile lazily making her aww seeing his antics. 

My baby" she kiss his forehead and hugged him tightly finding him only the person to be who  is giving her reason to smile.  Suddenly she flinch when her phone started ringing. she got her phone out from her pocket and saw her mother in law is ringing.

Hello maa. How are you.   She asked softly making her mother in law smile.

I'm good Anika.. you tell ,how are you and how's my son and grandson ?? Pinky ask nonchalantly.

They are fine maa. He went office and Ayoo is in my arms. She answered innocently.

P. When will you learn to take his name Anika.  Anika didn't speak and bend her head down taking a long sighing.

Anyways today we are having a big party. so i want you to look good. so make sure  to wear good clothes and do touch up on your face. Today I want my son to drool over you   and forget his all past.  Anika chuckle silently and didn't speak anything.

You heard what I said Anika. Pinky  said strictly stressing her words.

Yes I did maa. Anika mumbles kissing her baby cheek who is resting his chin on her chest gazing at her continuously

Hmm good.  Anyways see you soon. Bye take care. Saying this she cut the call  pushing Anika back in her thoughts.  No matter what she do " what she wear 'he  will never look at her the way he used to look at her sister. She peck her baby again and went towards her room.  She comes inside and kept baby on the bed and decided to search something good for tonight as she doesn't wanna disappoint her in laws. She hurriedly march toward the cupboard and  open it in jiffy without realising it's not her side of clothes. " but it's too late and her eyes tucked on the dresses which are Hanging there.   Tears gathered in her eyes seeing the things. If one  side is fill with the  Asian clothes then another one is filled with all the lingeries and other sex stuff.  She slowly raise her shivery hand and grabbed one of condom box which soon made her eyes welled up and she fell on the floor keeping hand on her mouth. She can really imagined him having sex with her right straight on the  bed "which is laying infront of her. She started having hiccups thinking about all this. She agreed "she was his wife and love of Life. and she shouldn't think like this. but what she can she do "when it's hurts "how much he loved His first wife and never gave a tiniest  piece of love to her. She sobs closed her eyes tightly letting the tears  roll down from  her eyes. Baby who is sitting on the bed he look at her with his blue eyes concernedly.  He twist his lips and burst into tears seeing his mother crying

Baby "she immediately run towards him and took him in her arms forgetting her own pain.

It's ok it's ok Mumma is not crying. I'm sorry baby I'm sorry. she caresses his head kissing it numerous times. Baby sobs and hide his face in her crook holding her shirt.  Anika wipe her tears and soothe her baby. After couple of seconds "when she realised he is fine she put him back on the bed and went towards cupboard. She just shut the door of it  quickly and grabbed whatever she got in her hand from her side of cupboard...


Anika he needs you. He is so tiny and can't live without you.  So me and your dad decided to make you marry with shivaay.  Moreover he is alone and he needs partner as well. If he got married with someone  else then we won't able to meet our grandson. Who is last  sign of our daughter. Please darling   try to understand us and marry him. Her parents pleads holding her hand having tears in her eyes

But how can I mean I'm still studying ... she sobs.

Yes you are but you can do this after marriage as well. I'm sure Shivaay will keep you happy and will give you love  same the way he used to love your sister.  Anika look at her parents and then the baby in her arms who is looking at her having hope in his eyes. She so wanna say no for this marriage but seeing her parents and this baby "  couldn't make her do it and she decided to marry him keeping her wishes aside.  And in no time same day  they  went in court and done simple register marriage.


Suddenly she cAme out from her thoughts when she heard door shutting voice. She look her aside and found shivaay has  got down from the car and going towards entrance leaving her behind. She sighs and got down from it carrying the baby in her arms.  


Where is Anika shivaay ??? his mother says as he entered there. 

I don't know mom. saying this he move towards some of his business associates and got busy with them. His mother shakes his head in disbeliefl and decided to check itself. but before she do "Anika cAme inside with the baby "which soon snatched by her brother in laws after greeting  her.

Anika where were you ?? I was waiting for you only.  Pinky asked  holdinh her hand.

I was here only maa. She smiles and hugged her. 

Happy anniversary. Anika says taking her in hug. 

Thanks  sweetie .  Anyways come let's go in"

Everyone are waiting for you only.  She hold her hand and took her inside.  

Pinky your  daughter in law is simple but she is so pretty.  One of lady compliment caressing anika's hair. 

Indeed she is " infect more than her sister.  Her sister  was up  to in fashion. but this one is up in the beauty in and out both. Another lady says giving smile to anika " whose eyes landed on shivaay who is glaring that woman with his blood shot eyes. .  Anika understand he didn't like the way she praised her and said radhika was not  that nice or pretty. .

Thank you mrs sharma. Anyways you enjoy the party we are coming. Pinky gave her tight  smile and took her daughter in law with her

These women are too much. anyways  Can you check if cake has arrived or not. Till then I'll check another arrangements.  Anika nods and Immediately went away from there without noticing shivaay " who followed her behind .

Hello mam. Maid greet her and left firm there leaving her alone.  as maid went" Shivaay entered there and caged Anika between him and wall making her scared hell out seeing him suddenly infront of her out of sudden.

What you were talking with those women ha. ?? Anika hissed with his so much pressure on her wrist

Woh woh nothing I just I .... She stammers.

Remember one thing girl. No matter what  you are Or what not. you can  never take place of radhika. You will be always nothing to me. I've married you for my son. otherwise I would had never done it. So stop thinking you are better than radhika.  She will be always number one in my  life. Did you understand!! and one more thing.   My radhika was pretty from inside and out both. You can never have comparison with her.  Saying this he pushed her and left from there leaving her having tears in her eyes. She hold her wrist which have got his nail Marks and burst into tears feeling so much pain in her  wrist which is bleeding with his dig. 

Anika I said to you to come but pinky stopped when she tears in her eyes.  Seeing her there Anika Immediately wipe her tears and hide her hand under the saree

You alright Anika ??? She asked worriedly moving towards her.

Yes I'm ... don't worry maa just because of this cleaning spray water started oozing out from my eyes. She smiles showing the  cleaning spray which is laying near her on the table.

Oh ok stay away from it. I don't want you to get allergy.  Pinky says caressing her face.

Yes maa she smiles and left from there hurriedly. 

Pinky felt suspicious with her behaviour but then she shrug her thoughts and went outside.

After cake cutting Anika is sitting with her parents when her mother speak.

Is shivaay taking care of you.  ??? You look so weak Anika. Her mother says caressing her hair. 

You are not my wife and would never be Anika. I just married you for my son   so just keep yourself stick with him   don't even think to come near me. Did you understand.  He yells at her making her scared hell out of her seeing him angry

I'm Asking you something Anika. You didn't answer ?? her mother spoke bringing her back from her deep thoughts.

Yes Mama .. he is taking care of me. Even more then anyone.  Don't worry.  She manage to smile hiding her wounded hand under the saree

That's why I had made you Marry with him. as I knew he is such a gentleman who would never hurt you. Her dad says kissing her head

Yes dad .. he loves me so much   she whispered looking at shivaay who's talking with some people.  

Mr oberoi what's in your finger. Did you dip you nails in some paint.  Mr Mehta says making him alert about his hand. He raise it and got confused seeing dry blood stuck in his nails.  Seeing them he  went in flashback when he had held Anika's  wrist in his grip .  He look at her and found her standing with his mother talking about something while her same particular hand is under her saree. 

Err Yh I'm going to wash it.  He gave them smile and left to clean it.

After  sometime

Erm if party is finished then shall We go.  Shivaay says coming towards Anika " who is standing with his mum

You both are not going  anywhere. I've decided you gonna stay here tonight. his mom says making him irritate thinking about staying here with his whole family.

I can't mom. I don't get sleep  anywhere else except my own home. He  said being annoyed imagining to live here.

Shivaay you have spent your whole life in this house. so stop lying you can't stay here. Anika beta go in to your room and you as well.  She orders shivaay who huffs looking at her being annoyed.

But mom he whined rubbery

Shivayy.  His mother glared him making him sigh.

Fine he huffs and left for his room  feeling hell angry on Anika  " who surely asked his mom for staying here.  

Maa it wasn't needed. He didn't like it. Though we stay few miles away. Anika says looking at Shivaay's retreated figure.

Anika I said go into your room don't take your husband's side.already you spoiled him enough. Now go. Pinky orders her in stern tone.

Ok saying this she left from there unwillingly. she so don't wanna go in his room. but now having no any other option "she has to obey her mother in law. as if she didn't then they will get suspicious about them which she really doesn't want.

In room

Baby sleep here she put the baby in his small crib and about to head towards washroom but stopped when her eyes landed on the bed. 

How will we stay here ?? she mumbles tucking her eyes on the bed realising today she has to share bed with him. as she can't stay in another room being surrounded by loads of  people here. 





keep on writing author





Absolutely brilliant! 👏



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