His Beautiful Eyes On Mine

His Beautiful Eyes On Mine

First day at a new school

Hi guys!

This is my first book on MangaToon but i am sure you all are going to love it... Thanks for joining me.

Love you all...


Grinnnnn! Grinnnnn!

It was 08:00am. The sidetable alarm clock rang out loudly and continually until Mira, still sleepy and out of annoyance at the terrible noise that was disturbing her peaceful sleep, hit hard on the mute control button.

Now relieved that the terrible noise had gone away, Mira laid down with a slup on her single bed trying as hard as she could, to go back to sleep, but her mind didn't want to drift away to sleep. She felt there was something at the back of her mind that she needed to remember.

Just then, she remembered. Today was her first day at school! Glancing rapidly at the clock, 08:01am.

It was a very sunny Monday morning and she couldn't imagine herself going late on her first day.

With a gasp and a jump, Mira was off the bed as sleep slipped hurriedly away from her eye.

Within five seconds, she was out of her night dress and into her bath towel heading to the bathroom. Minutes later, she was in the bathroom naked, her body covered from head to toe in foamy leather as she rinsed off. She washed her hair carefully and rinsed again. Stepping into her bathrobe which she always left in her bathroom to dry, she left the bathroom with her bath towel on her hand.

Back into her bedroom, she dumped the bath towel into a laundry basket which stood beside her five feet tall and twenty four inches deep closet.

She opened her only little window's curtain to allow easy ventilation as bright sun rays seeped warmly into the room, making it brighter and more refreshing.

She walked to the closet and got a few clothes out, wondering which could be more appropriate to wear on a first day in a new school. She searched carefully in her closet, she later settled for a light pink short sleeved blouse with two little ribbons on each sides and a blue skirt which stopped a little above her knees.

Feeling satisfied after dressing up in them, she walked to her dressing mirror and stared more contently with what she saw on it. Applying her hair oil on her blonde hair to make it thicker and softer, Mira picked up a pink comb which had a pink handle, she gently combed her hair and made it lie flat and then picked up a little pink hair pin to hold it down more firmly.

On her dressing table were neatly arranged body oils, perfumes and roll-on's, combs and hair brushes and a mini set of feminine make-up. They were almost all pink. In fact, all the furnitures and appliances in her room were all pink ranging from her closet to her side table, to her single bed and its bedcovers and blankets, even her dressing table and mirror were all pink.

Her room was filled with different shades of pink because it was her favorite colour.

Mira had tried her best to furnish her room to it's current appearance. She had used the money she had saved last summer while she was still at the countryside to make it look decent.

She knew it wasn't perfect but she didn't mind. She had put her best into it and she was content with the result.

Her mother, Mrs Josephina Whiteley often joked that her room looked like an enchanted princess's room in a relationship fairy tale and they had always laughed over it.

Mira stared at herself on her dressing mirror, while sitting on a little pink stool which stood before the dressing mirror.

Just the previous night, she had been so excited about starting school again but not in the country school but in a city school. She, Mira was starting school in one of New York's biggest schools.

She had been so happy and excited the night before, but now, she felt scared and nervous. She just couldn't imagine walking in the midst of city students and all of them staring and gasping at her like though she was an alien or perhaps had three heads.

No! She wouldn't be laughed at. Rather, she would be applaused.

After all, she was one of the best and most intelligent students in her old school; Sun Bloom Academy but she reasoned, she was not going to Sun Bloom in the countryside.

She was going to Eagles Wings Academy, one of the biggest and most prestigious schools in the whole of New York city.

She just couldn't phantom the strange feeling.

She breathed in and out for a while as she tried to push the thoughts to the back of her head.

She applied light makeup as she always did when doing out to an important place or event to make herself look more confident and relaxed.

She stood up, quickly put on a pair of light pink snickers from her closet. She picked her pink love shaped bag and stared briefly at her dressing mirror.

She felt satisfied with her look but one thing was wrong.

She removed the little pink pin from her hair and dropped it on her dressing table. Then, picked up a pink hair band and tied her hair into a ponytail.

She looked at the mirror again and nodded, feeling more contended than ever. She walked to the bed side-table and picked up her cellphone where she had left it the night before and put it in her hand bag.

She had a final look at the time clock and it ticked; 08:45. She gasped bewilderedly as she hastily walked to the door and dashed out of the room and unto the staircase.



Katsuo r

Katsuo r

the detail in this is literally so/Sweat//Ok//Ok//Ok/



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