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His Beautiful Eyes On Mine

First day at a new school

Hi guys!

This is my first book on MangaToon but i am sure you all are going to love it... Thanks for joining me.

Love you all...


Grinnnnn! Grinnnnn!

It was 08:00am. The sidetable alarm clock rang out loudly and continually until Mira, still sleepy and out of annoyance at the terrible noise that was disturbing her peaceful sleep, hit hard on the mute control button.

Now relieved that the terrible noise had gone away, Mira laid down with a slup on her single bed trying as hard as she could, to go back to sleep, but her mind didn't want to drift away to sleep. She felt there was something at the back of her mind that she needed to remember.

Just then, she remembered. Today was her first day at school! Glancing rapidly at the clock, 08:01am.

It was a very sunny Monday morning and she couldn't imagine herself going late on her first day.

With a gasp and a jump, Mira was off the bed as sleep slipped hurriedly away from her eye.

Within five seconds, she was out of her night dress and into her bath towel heading to the bathroom. Minutes later, she was in the bathroom naked, her body covered from head to toe in foamy leather as she rinsed off. She washed her hair carefully and rinsed again. Stepping into her bathrobe which she always left in her bathroom to dry, she left the bathroom with her bath towel on her hand.

Back into her bedroom, she dumped the bath towel into a laundry basket which stood beside her five feet tall and twenty four inches deep closet.

She opened her only little window's curtain to allow easy ventilation as bright sun rays seeped warmly into the room, making it brighter and more refreshing.

She walked to the closet and got a few clothes out, wondering which could be more appropriate to wear on a first day in a new school. She searched carefully in her closet, she later settled for a light pink short sleeved blouse with two little ribbons on each sides and a blue skirt which stopped a little above her knees.

Feeling satisfied after dressing up in them, she walked to her dressing mirror and stared more contently with what she saw on it. Applying her hair oil on her blonde hair to make it thicker and softer, Mira picked up a pink comb which had a pink handle, she gently combed her hair and made it lie flat and then picked up a little pink hair pin to hold it down more firmly.

On her dressing table were neatly arranged body oils, perfumes and roll-on's, combs and hair brushes and a mini set of feminine make-up. They were almost all pink. In fact, all the furnitures and appliances in her room were all pink ranging from her closet to her side table, to her single bed and its bedcovers and blankets, even her dressing table and mirror were all pink.

Her room was filled with different shades of pink because it was her favorite colour.

Mira had tried her best to furnish her room to it's current appearance. She had used the money she had saved last summer while she was still at the countryside to make it look decent.

She knew it wasn't perfect but she didn't mind. She had put her best into it and she was content with the result.

Her mother, Mrs Josephina Whiteley often joked that her room looked like an enchanted princess's room in a relationship fairy tale and they had always laughed over it.

Mira stared at herself on her dressing mirror, while sitting on a little pink stool which stood before the dressing mirror.

Just the previous night, she had been so excited about starting school again but not in the country school but in a city school. She, Mira was starting school in one of New York's biggest schools.

She had been so happy and excited the night before, but now, she felt scared and nervous. She just couldn't imagine walking in the midst of city students and all of them staring and gasping at her like though she was an alien or perhaps had three heads.

No! She wouldn't be laughed at. Rather, she would be applaused.

After all, she was one of the best and most intelligent students in her old school; Sun Bloom Academy but she reasoned, she was not going to Sun Bloom in the countryside.

She was going to Eagles Wings Academy, one of the biggest and most prestigious schools in the whole of New York city.

She just couldn't phantom the strange feeling.

She breathed in and out for a while as she tried to push the thoughts to the back of her head.

She applied light makeup as she always did when doing out to an important place or event to make herself look more confident and relaxed.

She stood up, quickly put on a pair of light pink snickers from her closet. She picked her pink love shaped bag and stared briefly at her dressing mirror.

She felt satisfied with her look but one thing was wrong.

She removed the little pink pin from her hair and dropped it on her dressing table. Then, picked up a pink hair band and tied her hair into a ponytail.

She looked at the mirror again and nodded, feeling more contended than ever. She walked to the bed side-table and picked up her cellphone where she had left it the night before and put it in her hand bag.

She had a final look at the time clock and it ticked; 08:45. She gasped bewilderedly as she hastily walked to the door and dashed out of the room and unto the staircase.

Hurry up or you will be late

Mira got into the sitting room and got past it into the kitchen.

'' Hi mum'' Mira whistled smiling ''Good morning"she added in a sweet voice.

"Good morning to you too Mira, how was your night?" Josephina replied as her face formed a warm smile.

"Great as always, mum" Mira said you beaming even more widely.

Breakfast was already prepared and set on the little dining table and Josephina was rinsing dishes at the kitchen sink, just below the shelves.

"I can see breakfast is ready mum" Mira said sitting on one of the chairs facing her mum.

Josephina sensed her daughter's lateness and quickly left the half done dishes in the sink, rinsed and dried her hands and hurriedly came to the table.

She drew out one of the chairs and sat down directly opposite Mira and smiled. They held hands as they said a short prayer before digging into the bacon and eggs which Josephina had just prepared that morning.

They each had a glass of warm milk to go down with it. After About five minutes of eating, Mira glanced at her wrist watch.

"I am almost late mum, it's 8:50 and I'm supposed to be at school before 9:00am" Mira said grasping her bag from the table and running to the door.

"... But can't you at least get done with your breakfast "Josephina called in a worried but persuasive voice.

" I am afraid I can't mum. I can't risk going late to school on my first day" Mira replied back.

"Alright, be careful sweetie" Josephina called in a loud voice.

"Okay mum. I love you mum" Mira said unlocking the door and dashing out of the house in a hurry.

"I love you too baby" Josephina called after her with a smile.

Mira ran down the stairs of the front porch in two steps and retrieving a little bunch of keys from her bag, she unlocked the long chain that held her beautiful pink bicycle to the steel iron rods of the front porch stairs.

In a haste, she clambered unto it and sped away hurriedly.

Thank goodness, the traffic in New York that Monday morning wasn't that slow and she easily got away from it on her bicycle.

It was a twenty minutes walk from her home to the school and she hoped she could get there on time on her bicycle.

Her hair flew in all directions as she paddled away hurriedly. She was thankful, she had tied it in a ponytail because it would have gotten worse or even entered her eyes, if she had left it held down with a pin.

Mira was a very beautiful girl for she had taken the god looks of her parents,especially her mum, Josephina. Her green eyes which she had gotten from her father glistened in the already risen sun and her mini full pink glossy lips shivered as she paddled harder. She had light blonde hair which she had taken from her mother, including her clear and snowy skin.

Her mother, Josephina, had dark brown chocolate eyes and attractive thin lips. She had a very pointed and attractive nose which Mira had also luckily gotten from her. Josephina looked very young and was often mistaken as Mira's sister whenever they went on an outing or were seen together, for she looked way younger than her actual age.

Josephina had a very tight likeness to neatness which she taught Mira and the young girl had maintained till date.

Mira was eighteen years old but looked a little behind her age. She had lost her father about a year ago during the winter break.

Her father, Mr John Whiteley had been a very dutiful and dedicated soldier and had served in the state army at the countryside.

He had been whisked away to duty when there was a severe attack by a group of bandits who were terrorizing the countryside at that time. Mr John had died a very brave and fearless man because he had fought fervently to the very end but was unfortunately shot dead when everything seemed to be almost over.

It had been a very shocking and dreadful news to Mira and Josephina when they had heard it.

His corpse was returned two days after his death for a befitting funeral. Mr John was buried and his wife and daughter mourned ceaselessly for him, for weeks and months, but now all of it seemed almost hopefully forgotten.

A few weeks after his sorrowful funeral, Mira had received a scholarship grant from the state.

They had decided to send Mira, the only child and heir of Mr Whiteley, to Eagles Wings, one of New York's biggest school on a scholarship fund in honour of her father's bravery and sincere dedication in the military while he was alive.

The state had also sent a huge sum of money to Josephina and Mira for a comfortable accommodation and other basic necessities.

Mira and Josephina had also received funds from Mr John's life insurance company with which they had used to buy a house in New York very near to the school, where Mira was to be enrolled in.

When Mira received a letter of transfer from her old school's principal in Alaska to be assigned to the principal of her new school in New York, she knew, she  had to leave their farmilar home where almost all her live's memories had been built to build another in an entirely new and strange world but this time without their sweet father.

They were sad to leave but off they went.

Mira paddled harder as excitement and nervousness fought against each other inside her.


Hello guys!

Enjoying the story so far? You are still guessing right?... But don't worry I have a lot of wonders and discoveries to share with you.

See you all in the next chapter...

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Love you all...

Unexpectedly bewildered

Mira got in to the school gates within ten  minutes, feeling very tired and exhausted but when she rode in through the big iron entrance gates, excitement took over her and her fatigue was immediately forgotten.

On each side of the wide driveway , just after the gate were neat rows of flowers in magnificent colour's and beyond the rows of flowers  was an open garage almost as big as the soccer field in her old school in the countryside. On one side was neat rows of posh and fancy cars parked in an orderly manner. Opposite the neat rows of cars, was another row of gas bikes and motorcycles almost all expensive looking.

She rode further down and just beyond it, was another neat long rows of bicycles in different colours and differing littlely in sizes.

Mira came down from her bike and moved it gently to occupy one of the vacant spaces on the bicycle row. She stared down and saw a thin chain and a lock already set and wound around iron rods engraved into the tarred floor behind the bicycles.

Mira was awed, she had never seen anything more magnificent and orderly in her life before.

In her previous school, students who were fortunate enough to have bikes parked them at the entrance of the little gate and would give the security man on duty a penny or two to get it watched after because they had no garage or even enough spaces for bicycles in the school compound.

She chained her bicycle with ease and put the key into her skirt's side pocket.

Students clattered about talking, laughing, texting on their cellphones and some even ate while the others seemed to just be strolling about without doing anything.

Mira stared around in curiosity as she saw students in flashy cars motorcycles driving into the school while others parked properly on the vacant spaces that were still available.

All this were done in a very orderly manner and she wondered if the students were the ones who actually owned the vehicles.

Mira walked further beyond the driveway and what she saw greatly perplexed her.

There was a stainless white marble fountain moulded expertly in the shape of an eagle with it's wings raised in the air, in the middle of the very large and beautiful compound.

Colorless water seeped in an orderly spray from the beak of the eagle's mouth into a deep moulded bowl around it.

About eight to ten beautiful brown rosewood benches surrounded it and students were seen sitting on a few of them going about their activities. Some stood beside the fountain throwing coins and making silent wishes.

Mira had never seen a fountain before in her life because there was absolutely none in Alaska where she had grown up. She felt intrigued to go towards it to feel it but she didn't have time at all on her side.

So she moved forward and past the vast compound and within a short while, she got to a very huge building which looked like the school itself.

At the high top of it, engraved into the wall was 'Eagle Wings Academy' and a little drawing of an eagle with it's outstretched wings just like the fountain. She had also seen this engraved eagle title on the huge iron gate and it looked so artistic and wonderful.

There were shorter rows of beautiful flowers on each side of the direct entrance of the huge building, all spitting out their different sweet-smelling scent as the sun shone on them.

Mira walked between them and climbed up a short flight of marble tiled steps. She stood before the widely open huge iron door, clutching tightly to the handles of school bag as she slowly walked in to the building.

Mira gasped in awe when she entered the huge and mysteriously looking hall. It was very huge and richly furnished.

There wee rows of beautifully decorated benches at the left and a vast staircase by the right.

A huge electric bell rang itself at the far end of the hall and students who had been clambering about all suddenly seemed in a haste to get to somewhere.

Perhaps lectures! Mira thought.

Mira stopped a meek looking boy and pleadingly asked him for directions to the principal's office but the boy only stared at her like though she was a ghost and walked away without saying a word.

She felt nervous and scared as her previous excitement immediately dried out.

Was this how she would be treated in this strange school?

She walked slowly to a corner almost drawn to tears as students ran up and down the stairs seeming quite oblivious of her presence.

Mira observed that the most of the girls either had on short, tight, revealing or transparent clothes. She also noticed their heavy makeups too and their fancy and expensive high boots or shoes.

She wondered and guessed that their family's must be really wealthy. After all, this was a school for the kids of the rich and mighty.

After over two minutes of standing there, Mira saw an innocent-looking girl who  dressed more decently and had no makeup on or jewelry at all.

She rushed quickly to her. The girl wore a pair of transparent medicated glasses and it seemed like she probably had some eye issues.

"Hi. Please could you give me directions to the principal's office? I am sort of lost here." Mira asked with pleading eyes.

"I can see you are new here, right?" the girl asked in a tiny feminine voice.

"Yes I am, I sort of arrived this morning. I am a newly transferred student and don't know my way about" Mira replied


The girl seemed to be contemplating inwardly  as she stared silently at Mira for a while.

"okay follow me". She said calmly before she turned and began walking away.

Mira smiled and muttered thanks as she followed the girl closely behind.


Hi guys!

I am sorry if I am too descriptive but I just wanted to give you a bit insight of Mira's new school.

Thanks a bundle for reading this chapter and don't forget to support!

Love you all...

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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