Draconic King

Draconic King

The dragon hybrid.

In the royal city, capital of Aconite, a mysterious young girl strolls quietly through the stalls of the town's small market. She stocks up on some essential goods, while kingdom guards cross the city with the princess.

The girl stared at the knights for a moment then left, the princess headed towards Coram, the barren city where significant human losses had been reported in recent times. She brought food and medicine for the residents.

Once there, she noticed an old man walking and decided to call on him.

Princess: Excuse me.

The old man stopped and the princess asked him a question.

Princess: Excuse us, could you tell us where to find the chief of this village?

The old man then replied: Sorry, we don't talk to strangers.

Without giving them the slightest indication, he continued on his way. One of the knights was surprised by this reaction.

Knight: This man is truly charming.

Princess: You shouldn't blame him, they're going through a difficult time at the moment.

During their conversation, a little girl was watching them from afar. She immediately recognized the princess and approached her to pay her respects.

Little girl: Excuse me, are you Princess Keli?

The princess turned around and saw a cute little girl, then answered her with a smile.

Keli: Yes, that’s me. To whom have I the honor ?

Little girl: My name is Mily. Please excuse my grandfather, he's a little grumpy this morning.

Keli: Don't worry, I'm not offended.

Mily: I understand that you are looking for the village chief.

Keli: Yes, that's correct.

Mily: I advise you to go to that house over there, that's where he lives.

She showed them the house, pointing at it.

Keli: Thank you.

Mily: Please.

With a smile, she continued on her way, and Keli also continued his march with his knights to her door, where he knocked.

Moments after the old man opened the door, he was surprised to see the knights before him, led by a young woman.

He realized with astonishment that the man in front of them bore an uncanny resemblance to the one they had met earlier.

Keli: Hello, please excuse us for this inconvenience. If possible, I would like to speak with you.

He agreed to listen to them. Keli then explained to him the reasons for their visit and requested the chief's authorization to assist them. After careful consideration, he finally said to them: Come with me.

He led them to where the sick and hungry were. Keli was deeply touched to see many sick people lying on the ground, women and children dying of hunger. The situation was critical. She took charge and gave her instructions.

Keli: The first division, you will take care of the sick. The second division, you will be responsible for distributing food and blankets. Execution.

The knights: At your command, princess.

The knights immediately set to work, helped by some residents not affected by illness, to unload the cargo.

Little Mily, delighted to have observed the princess's veil, approached her holding a magnificent flower bracelet in her hands. She offered it to the princess as a sign of gratitude.

Touched by her gesture, Keli put on the bracelet and took the little one in her arms. However, their joy was short-lived, as suddenly the earth began to shake. One of the knights entered the sick shelter and announced: Princess Keli, the half-dragons are approaching the village. The residents panicked. Keli then ordered: Gather the knights, erect a barrier and repel the enemy. Faced with palpable terror among the villagers, Keli tried to calm them down.

Keli reassured his interlocutor by promising to do everything possible to protect him. She then left the shelter to lend a hand to the knights, despite the significant number of losses already recorded in combat. The situation was critical, but Keli took command and participated in the assault.

Unfortunately, the battle was already lost; the semi-dragons became more and more numerous, surrounding the villages in just a few minutes.

Concerned for the safety of the residents, Keli returned to their shelter to ensure it was secure. However, upon entering the room, she discovered all the villagers dead, all disfigured.

Marcus, the knight charged with protecting Keli, found her inside. He found her sitting on the ground, holding little lifeless Mily in her arms. He approached her and said:

Marcus: Princess Keli, we have to leave.

Upset, she replied:

Keli: This kid didn't deserve to die.

Keli: She was so kind and welcoming, so why... Why did she have to die?

Not knowing what to answer, he lowered his head while remaining silent. Out of caution, he saw a ball of fire heading towards them; They took to their heels and ran towards the princess.

Marcus: Princess Keli!?

They captured the princess who, in turn, released the body of little Mily. A ball of fire set the room and the bodies of the inhabitants ablaze. Keli saw the little girl's body being consumed by the flames, despite her sadness, she was unable to hold back a single tear.

Outside, she ordered the knights to fall back and retreat. They all mounted horses to try to escape, but the half-dragons launched a collective attack that reduced the village to ashes.

Their power was so immense that they pursued the knights and eliminated half of them. Some knights were swallowed up by the earth, but thanks to the intervention of Marcus, Keli was saved from death.

She regained her senses in a forest, her equine companion having disappeared, leaving her to fend for herself. Having managed to take refuge in a cave, she could not help but be somewhat upset by the events, murmuring inwardly:

Keli: That's not possible, they were all killed, once again the semi-dragons destroyed everything.

After careful consideration, she decided to continue on her way despite the pain, but quickly found herself disoriented and completely lost, not recognizing her surroundings.

Her misfortune did not end there, as she was soon ambushed, surrounded by half-dragons.

Keli realized the desperate situation she found herself in: Oh no, an ambush.

The half-dragons had completely surrounded Keli, who said to herself: If I face these half-dragons, I won't make it. And if I run away, it won't change anything, they'll still kill me. Keli felt lost, not knowing what decision to make. The half-dragons were about to attack when suddenly, five of them cut off their heads instantly.

Keli felt disoriented, wondering who had managed to decapitate the young dragons. Before she could react, the carnage had resumed. Looking up into the sky, she saw a little girl appear out of nowhere and deliver a lightning punch to the dragon, instantly defeating it.

Stunned, Keli exclaimed: Was it magic!? Are you a dragon magician!?

The young girl then replied:

???: It would be best for you to leave this place, it is not very safe.

???: Take the left direction, there you will find guards looking for you.

After indicating the direction to follow, she disappeared into thin air.

Keli couldn't believe her eyes, seeing a dragon magician seemed impossible. She followed these instructions which turned out to be correct, because at the end of the path she found guards led by Captain Gwen.

Relieved to see them, she approached them. One of the guards spotted the princess in the distance and informed the others, while Captain Gwen walked towards her.

Gwen: Princess Keli, how are you?

Keli: I'm okay, thankfully, thanks to my valiant knights.

On her horse, she took the princess and said to her:

Gwen: Come on, you'll tell me everything at the palace.

She placed herself on horseback alongside Captain Gwen before walking again. Two days later, Keli was deep in thought while sitting in the garden. The captain approached her and asked:

You seem very concerned, Princess Keli. Is something bothering you?

Keli replied: I have already told you that we do not need formalities between us. But once again you are right.

Gwen: Do you want to tell me about it?

Keli: Yes, but not here.

Let's go for a walk instead.

Aboard the carriage, Keli reported everything that had happened during their expedition.

Gwen: Your story is particularly strange, and this little gift you speak of is even stranger.

Keli: Indeed, I would have liked to talk about it but...

Before she could finish her sentence, the carriage came to an abrupt stop.

Gwen: What's going on?

Carter: Captain, there are two men arguing on the road.

She got out of the carriage with Keli and saw the two men arguing. One accused the other of theft, while the latter denied it outright.

Suddenly, Keli spotted a fleeing figure under a hood. Despite the speed at which she walked away, she recognized the young girl she had met previously.

Deciding to pursue her, she left Captain Gwen alone and set off in pursuit of the little girl, who headed towards an alley. Keli took the same path, but the little one had strangely disappeared.

Keli wondered: Where did she go?

A voice rang out and said to her: May I know why you are following me, little princess?

Finally, Keli found the person she was looking for, standing on the roof of a house.


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