She died in the middle of Wendy's dinner, in front of everyone.
Other nurse
The people said she started screaming, and looked like she was afraid of something.
Other nurse
And the weirdest part is there was nothing in front of her, she just kept screaming "get away from me."
Oh my god!!?
Did she have an illness, or take anything that could cause her to have illusions.
Other nurse
No.She was very stable.
Poor thing she was only 16 years old.
Other nurse
I mean if you think about it something good came out of her death.
Seriously, thats sad that you think her death was a good thing.
Other nurse
No of course I don't think her death was good, any death isn't, but if you think about it this is the first death to happen in public, and not in a dark alley or a bedroom.
Other nurse
Your so slow, now that we know what happens before the person dies, the police could start working on a plan to stop what is happening and save the lives of all these girls that could be taken.
Yeah, i guess. Wait but how are they supposed to know who is next, they only know that the people being taken are between 16 to 25 years old, and there all females. There is no other relation between them.
Other nurse
True. I guess there will need to have alot of cops on patrol. I mean no two case has happened at the same time.
Huhhhh.... Well at least we won't have to worry about the next death until 3 days from now. It's a good thing the deaths happen with a break time in between.