Rebirth:-The Warm Breeze Is Not Warm As You

Rebirth:-The Warm Breeze Is Not Warm As You

Chapter 1: Rebirth, Before the Divorce!

Chapter 1: Rebirth, Before the Divorce!


Ji Nuan lifted her head from where she was laying in the cold prison and glanced towards the guard who had thrown a plate of cold rice on the floor. She did not move to sit up.

“Acting aloof? You love to eat, and yet you’re not eating!”

The prison guard reached his foot in and cruelly crushed the rice under his feet.

He had heard that this Ji Nuan dared to attempt to murder Miss Yun from the Yun family, who had specially ordered him to torture her well in prison.

Ji Nuan sat in the corner; her eyes fixed blankly on the dirtied food on the floor.

Outside the cell, the sound of the television could suddenly be heard from the prison guard’s room.

“Shine Group’s CEO Mo Jingshen has returned to the country today. Right now, he has arrived at Hai Cheng-”

“Shine Group is Asia’s largest banking enterprise. Mo Jingshen officially took over the company seven years ago. Today his position as a corporate tycoon is unshakable…”

Ji Nuan’s silent expression froze in an instant. She rushed up to the door, trying her best to look out of it.

The prison guard turned around to see her sorry figure kneeling by the door with a frantic expression. Her hands held tightly on to the cold cell door; her red eyes fixed towards the television.

“What are you looking at? Do you even know whom the news is speaking about? A woman like you doesn’t even have the right to help such a person adjust his shoes.”

Ji Nuan lowered her head and smiled bitterly.

Indeed, the person that she was today was not even worthy of tying Mo Jingshen’s shoes.

It did not matter if this person who had become Shine Group’s CEO was once her husband ten years ago.

She was once ambitious, proud, and stubborn. All she wanted was a divorce, to completely push away this man who spoiled her and always protected her within the palm of his hand.

For a whole ten years, he never once showed up again.

But what did the television say earlier?

Mo Jingshen returned? He came back from America?

From the television came the voice of the reporter struggling to ask his question: “CEO Mo! Rumors say that the two of you married two months ago in America. Is this trip back to the country meant to bring your beloved wife-”

Ji Nuan’s eyes widened.

He… got married?

That is true. Not mentioning his status today, even ten years ago he was an influential figure. With his good looks, no one could match up to him. Countless rich ladies had lined up dreaming to one day marry him.

Right now, he must be very happy.

“CEO Mo, you don’t often speak in front of the media, but since this is a rare occasion when you’ve returned to the country, could you speak about Shine Group’s current…”

“Is the lady following behind you Mrs. Mo? Mrs. Mo is indeed very beautiful.”

A sweet female voice then spoke up. “I apologize, Mr. Mo won’t be accepting any media interviews. Everyone, please move back.”

Hearing that voice, Ji Nuan felt as though lightning struck her.

That voice… is her sister Ji Mengran!

The Ji Mengran who suddenly disappeared right before the Ji Family went bankrupt!

At that time, when she insisted on a divorce, it was this sister who encouraged her to try all sorts of incredulous methods including cutting her wrist to suicide, causing Mo Jingshen to distance from her gradually before eventually divorcing her.

Ji Nuan began to laugh. She laughed till the point where her lungs hurt.

“Since CEO Mo won’t be giving any interviews, will Mrs. Mo be willing to say a few words?”

The reporters remained persistent in their questioning. Ji Mengran followed behind Mo Jingshen; her face brightened up with a smile.

Yet, at this moment, Mo Jingshen spoke up. His voice was apathetic with no warmth whatsoever. “She is not Mrs. Mo.”

Ji Mengran’s smile stiffened. Uncomfortably, she licked her lips to hide her embarrassment.

Indeed, she is not…

The surrounding reporters fell into a weird silence until suddenly a voice rang up, “Rumours say that since CEO Mo divorced ten years ago, there has not been another woman…”

Ji Nuan suddenly could not hear the sound from the television anymore.

A sharp pain suddenly came from her abdomen, causing her to fall against the floor as blood rose up from within her chest, spurting out of her throat.

It seemed that these people had been slowly feeding her poison in the past three months.

Finally, was her life going to end here?



So hot …

Ji Nuan slowly regained consciousness and experienced a sharp pain coming from her lower body.

It was as though she was being roughly intruded upon in an instant.


It hurt to the point where her body stiffened. A whimper escaped from her lips, but was instantly quietened by the man on top of her who sealed her lips with a kiss.

The next time she regained consciousness, Ji Nuan found herself looking at an expensive chandelier hanging above her.

She laid upon silk sheets that were soft and expensive. It was as though she was laying upon a cloud—it was unbelievably comfortable.

Where was she?

She sat up, staring in disbelief at her surroundings.

This was clearly the room that she once shared with Mo Jingshen in Hai Cheng’s Yu Garden!

How did she return here?

Wasn’t the Yu Garden sealed away a few years ago due to being unoccupied for too long?

The aching pain of her lower body reminded her that this was not a dream. She glanced down at herself; the young body’s skin was soft and white as though it had not experienced the past ten years of pain and suffering. Instead, her shoulder and collarbone were littered with love bites.

She quickly pushed the blanket off herself, rushing into the bathroom to look at her reflection.

Ten years ago, Ji Nuan was Hai Cheng’s most prominent lady. With a face praised by all, she was beautiful to the point where no one could match up. Every man who met her would instantly soften deep in their bones. As long as she smiled, numerous men would offer their lives to her.

Ji Nuan could not believe the face staring back at herself in the mirror.

Had she undergone… rebirth?

Before she could recover from her shock, the room door was suddenly pushed open. A sweet voice called out, “Big sister, last night did you and Brother Jing Shen…”

Seeing the love bites on her body, that voice instantly became sharp. “You slept together?!”

Shock ran through Ji Nuan’s body. Turning around, she saw the sour face of Ji Mengran.

This scene was so familiar…

Not only had she reborn, but she had returned to ten years ago! The very month before Mo Jingshen divorced her!

Last night was the first time she shared a bed with Mo Jingshen after half a year of marriage.

She was always against this so-called family marriage alliance, willfully insisting on a divorce.

Mo Jingshen was always considerate of her feelings and had never forced her.

During the month before their divorce, he endured all of her temper outbursts, and because she said that she didn’t want to see him, he would even work at the office till late, choosing to only return when she was asleep or not at all.

Yet, everything that happened last night… was Ji Mengran’s idea.

She said that so long as Ji Nuan placed some medicine in his wine and found some woman for him, it would be sufficient evidence that he was having an affair. She could then apply for a divorce.

What kind of man was Mo Jingshen? Even if he had no defense in his own home, the moment he realized there was a problem with his wine, he instantly refused anyone from touching him and tossed Ji Nuan—who was about to escape—into their room in a fit of rage.

It was also this night that Ji Nuan saw Mo Jingshen’s other side for the first time in her life.

He was not as calm and gentle as he seemed, and he was not capable of enduring her behavior forever. He had pressed her down on the bed, ignoring her cries and slaps, fulfilling his role as a husband without a care for anything else in the world for the entire night.

1 Chapter 1: Rebirth, Before the Divorce!
2 Chapter 2 - She Could Not Recall Herself Ever Being the One to Initiate Contact
3 Chapter 3 - You've Already Bedded Me, What More Can I Play At?
4 Chapter 4: Clearly, Still Angry
5 Chapter 5: Mrs. Mo, You Are Playing with Fire
6 Chapter 6 - If You Still Don’t Go to Sleep, Then Don't Think About Sleeping Toni
7 Chapter 7: You Like Looking at Me So Much?
8 Chapter 8 - One Kiss Was Sufficient to Make Him Want to Press Her Down
9 Chapter 9: A Man Like This, Would You Not Like?
10 Chapter 10 - Did You Act Dead in Front of Mo Jingshen Again?
11 Chapter 11 - Mrs. Mo only in Name? Oh?
12 Chapter 12 - She Suffered a Shock After Being Deserted By the Mo Family
13 Chapter 13: Don’t Want to Dirty His Hands
14 Chapter 14: Ji Nuan, This Little Lady, What on Earth Is She Planning
15 Chapter 15 - Don't Be Scared, I Won't Leave
16 Chapter 16: Do You Want Me to Change the Method to Feed You?
17 Chapter 17: I Don’t Mind Accompanying You to Shower for a Whole Night
18 Chapter 18: Mr. Mo Is Taking Care of Madam
19 Chapter 19: We Actually Saw the Male God in Such a Place
20 Chapter 20: Feed Her Full
21 Chapter 21: This Is the Yu Garden, Not the Mo Family Home
22 Chapter 22: The Pavilion Closest to The Water Enjoys Moonlight First
23 Chapter 23: After All, the Woman That He Truly Keeps in His Heart Has Already…
24 Chapter 24: Sleep on the Bed or Sleep with Me, Choose One
25 Chapter 25: There Must Be Something Wrong with This Medicine
26 Chapter 26: Father-Daughter Relationship Has Broken Ice
27 Chapter 27: After Returning This Time, Nuan Nuan Has Really Changed Quite a Bit
28 Chapter 28: Who Said That Mo Jingshen Was the Only One Who Could Tease Her
29 Chapter 29: Send the Charming One Out, and the Mortal World Is Covered with Smok
30 Chapter 30: Mo Jingshen Directly Placed Her on His Lap
31 Chapter 31: Eat What Supper? Eating You Alone Is Enough
32 Chapter 32: Was the Courage You Had When You Talked About Stripping Me Eaten by
33 Chapter 33: Are You Sure You Only Felt Pain That Night?
34 Chapter 34: Don’t Even Think About Sleeping Tonight
35 Chapter 35: He Bullied Her so Much Last Night
36 Chapter 36: Treat It as Accompanying Big CEO Mo to Experience the Ways of Simple
37 Chapter 37: Would Anyone Dare to Spread Rumors About Mo Jingshen?
38 Chapter 38: Giving Mo Jingshen a Child
39 Chapter 39: If This Woman Isn’t Disciplined, She Really Will Soar to the Skies
40 Chapter 40: Earlier on, Her Heart Was Moved to the Point Where She Was Scared
41 Chapter 41: The Car Door Has Been Locked!
42 Chapter 42: If You Yell Another Line of Nonsense, I’ll Strangle You to Death
43 Chapter 43: Carrying Her Up and Stuffing Her Into the Blanket
44 Chapter 44: You Actually Still Have Energy?
45 Chapter 45: The Smiling Fox, Young Master Qin and the King of Hell, Mo Jingshen
46 Chapter 46: Toward This Ji Nuan, Have You Become Serious?
47 Chapter 47: Acting Spoiled so Naturally
48 Chapter 48: There Are Countless Useful Medicines to Deal with Disobedient Women
49 Chapter 49: Jing Shen! Save Me—
50 Chapter 50: Mo… Jing Shen? Wasn’t He Out of the Country?
51 Chapter 51: Mo Jingshen Kicked Open the Door to Walk in
52 Chapter 52: Sot Hot, It’s Unbearable…
53 Chapter 53: Very Good, That Glass of Water Was for Nothing
54 Chapter 54: She Wanted to, Bed… Him…p
55 Chapter 55: Her Gaze Was Shiny, Passionate, Quivering…
56 Chapter 56: Mo Jingshen Stood There, Watching for a Long While
57 Chapter 57: M-M-M-Mo… Mrs. Mo?
58 Chapter 58: Could It Be That the Threatening Power of a Wedding Certificate is
59 Chapter 59- When Mo Jingshen Spoils a Woman, He Completely Loses All Reason
60 Chapter 60: Boss Mo’s Black Card
61 Chapter 61: Mo Jingshen, Do I Look Very Tasty?
62 Chapter 62: If I Don’t Kiss Here, Shall I Change the Spot to Kiss? En?
63 Chapter 63: Even If You Cry, We Can’t Stop Now
64 Chapter 64: She Clearly Couldn’t Stand Properly Because Her Legs Were Weak, Okay
65 Chapter 65: This Man Is Mine, Understood?
66 Chapter 66: Is It Because You Like Her…
67 Chapter 67: En? The Office, What About It?
68 Chapter 68: En? The Office, What About It?
69 Chapter 69: Diving into Mo Jingshen’s Office Desk Under His Gaze
70 Chapter 70: Why Are You Hiding All the Way There, Come Here
71 Chapter 71: The Entire Office Is Filled with the Sour Scent of Your Jealousy.
72 Chapter 72: Mo Jingshen, Mine!
73 Chapter 73: What If My Husband Gets Snatched Away By Someone Else?
74 Chapter 74: High Definition… Un, Censored Boss Mo
75 Chapter 75: When Mo Jingshen Showed Up, the Hall Suddenly…
76 Chapter 76: Ji Nuan Has Been Preparing to Have a Child?
77 Chapter 77: A Flawless, Good Show
78 Chapter 78: Tearing Down an Innocent Act
79 Chapter 79: Staying Overnight
80 Chapter 80: Nuan Nuan, Did Your Husband Tie You to the Bed?
81 Chapter 81: The Ice-Cold Eyes Were Amazingly Sharp!
82 Chapter 82: Hearing This, Her Face Instantly Turned Green
83 Chapter 83: Did You Think That Any Fiancée the Mo Family Forces on Me Would…
84 Chapter 84: Did Mo Jingshen Really Love Ji Nuan so Much?
85 Chapter 85 - Hai Cheng's Number One Warmth [1. Nuan means warmth]
86 Chapter 86: I Heard This Is CEO Mo’s Car
87 Chapter 87: He Said Huskily: En, I Won’t Bully You Here.
88 Chapter 88: Your Husband Is Already Impatient…
89 Chapter 89: Did I Lose My Lipstick on CEO Mo’s Car?
90 Chapter 90: Mo Jingshen’s Voice By Her Ear Was Extremely Low
91 Chapter 91: When He Becomes Passionate, It’s Impossible to Fend Him Off
92 Chapter 92: Your Ability to Bite People Can Also Be Used on Others?
93 Chapter 93: Why Don’t You Just Say That I Convinced You on the Bed
94 Chapter 94: Watching You and Ji Nuan Show Off Your Affection Every Day, I’m Real
95 Chapter 95: I Won’t Change! Open the Door!
96 Chapter 96: It Was Mo Jingshen’s Face, Handsome to the Point of Drawing People’s
97 Chapter 97: If It Were Right Now, I Definitely Wouldn’t Bite You
98 Chapter 98: Lock Ji Nuan inside. Don’t Let Her Out Before The Party Ends
99 Chapter 99: Mo Jingshen’s Composed Mild Smile Was Hiding…
100 Chapter 100: Two Pairs of Eyes Met, Like an Explosion Caused by the Collision
101 Chapter 101: Mo Jingshen Removed His Suit Jacket and Carried Ji Nuan Out
102 Chapter 102: Ji Nuan Had Poor Alcohol Tolerance…
103 Chapter 103: With One Tug, He Brought Ji Nuan Into His Embrace

Updated 103 Episodes

Chapter 1: Rebirth, Before the Divorce!
Chapter 2 - She Could Not Recall Herself Ever Being the One to Initiate Contact
Chapter 3 - You've Already Bedded Me, What More Can I Play At?
Chapter 4: Clearly, Still Angry
Chapter 5: Mrs. Mo, You Are Playing with Fire
Chapter 6 - If You Still Don’t Go to Sleep, Then Don't Think About Sleeping Toni
Chapter 7: You Like Looking at Me So Much?
Chapter 8 - One Kiss Was Sufficient to Make Him Want to Press Her Down
Chapter 9: A Man Like This, Would You Not Like?
Chapter 10 - Did You Act Dead in Front of Mo Jingshen Again?
Chapter 11 - Mrs. Mo only in Name? Oh?
Chapter 12 - She Suffered a Shock After Being Deserted By the Mo Family
Chapter 13: Don’t Want to Dirty His Hands
Chapter 14: Ji Nuan, This Little Lady, What on Earth Is She Planning
Chapter 15 - Don't Be Scared, I Won't Leave
Chapter 16: Do You Want Me to Change the Method to Feed You?
Chapter 17: I Don’t Mind Accompanying You to Shower for a Whole Night
Chapter 18: Mr. Mo Is Taking Care of Madam
Chapter 19: We Actually Saw the Male God in Such a Place
Chapter 20: Feed Her Full
Chapter 21: This Is the Yu Garden, Not the Mo Family Home
Chapter 22: The Pavilion Closest to The Water Enjoys Moonlight First
Chapter 23: After All, the Woman That He Truly Keeps in His Heart Has Already…
Chapter 24: Sleep on the Bed or Sleep with Me, Choose One
Chapter 25: There Must Be Something Wrong with This Medicine
Chapter 26: Father-Daughter Relationship Has Broken Ice
Chapter 27: After Returning This Time, Nuan Nuan Has Really Changed Quite a Bit
Chapter 28: Who Said That Mo Jingshen Was the Only One Who Could Tease Her
Chapter 29: Send the Charming One Out, and the Mortal World Is Covered with Smok
Chapter 30: Mo Jingshen Directly Placed Her on His Lap
Chapter 31: Eat What Supper? Eating You Alone Is Enough
Chapter 32: Was the Courage You Had When You Talked About Stripping Me Eaten by
Chapter 33: Are You Sure You Only Felt Pain That Night?
Chapter 34: Don’t Even Think About Sleeping Tonight
Chapter 35: He Bullied Her so Much Last Night
Chapter 36: Treat It as Accompanying Big CEO Mo to Experience the Ways of Simple
Chapter 37: Would Anyone Dare to Spread Rumors About Mo Jingshen?
Chapter 38: Giving Mo Jingshen a Child
Chapter 39: If This Woman Isn’t Disciplined, She Really Will Soar to the Skies
Chapter 40: Earlier on, Her Heart Was Moved to the Point Where She Was Scared
Chapter 41: The Car Door Has Been Locked!
Chapter 42: If You Yell Another Line of Nonsense, I’ll Strangle You to Death
Chapter 43: Carrying Her Up and Stuffing Her Into the Blanket
Chapter 44: You Actually Still Have Energy?
Chapter 45: The Smiling Fox, Young Master Qin and the King of Hell, Mo Jingshen
Chapter 46: Toward This Ji Nuan, Have You Become Serious?
Chapter 47: Acting Spoiled so Naturally
Chapter 48: There Are Countless Useful Medicines to Deal with Disobedient Women
Chapter 49: Jing Shen! Save Me—
Chapter 50: Mo… Jing Shen? Wasn’t He Out of the Country?
Chapter 51: Mo Jingshen Kicked Open the Door to Walk in
Chapter 52: Sot Hot, It’s Unbearable…
Chapter 53: Very Good, That Glass of Water Was for Nothing
Chapter 54: She Wanted to, Bed… Him…p
Chapter 55: Her Gaze Was Shiny, Passionate, Quivering…
Chapter 56: Mo Jingshen Stood There, Watching for a Long While
Chapter 57: M-M-M-Mo… Mrs. Mo?
Chapter 58: Could It Be That the Threatening Power of a Wedding Certificate is
Chapter 59- When Mo Jingshen Spoils a Woman, He Completely Loses All Reason
Chapter 60: Boss Mo’s Black Card
Chapter 61: Mo Jingshen, Do I Look Very Tasty?
Chapter 62: If I Don’t Kiss Here, Shall I Change the Spot to Kiss? En?
Chapter 63: Even If You Cry, We Can’t Stop Now
Chapter 64: She Clearly Couldn’t Stand Properly Because Her Legs Were Weak, Okay
Chapter 65: This Man Is Mine, Understood?
Chapter 66: Is It Because You Like Her…
Chapter 67: En? The Office, What About It?
Chapter 68: En? The Office, What About It?
Chapter 69: Diving into Mo Jingshen’s Office Desk Under His Gaze
Chapter 70: Why Are You Hiding All the Way There, Come Here
Chapter 71: The Entire Office Is Filled with the Sour Scent of Your Jealousy.
Chapter 72: Mo Jingshen, Mine!
Chapter 73: What If My Husband Gets Snatched Away By Someone Else?
Chapter 74: High Definition… Un, Censored Boss Mo
Chapter 75: When Mo Jingshen Showed Up, the Hall Suddenly…
Chapter 76: Ji Nuan Has Been Preparing to Have a Child?
Chapter 77: A Flawless, Good Show
Chapter 78: Tearing Down an Innocent Act
Chapter 79: Staying Overnight
Chapter 80: Nuan Nuan, Did Your Husband Tie You to the Bed?
Chapter 81: The Ice-Cold Eyes Were Amazingly Sharp!
Chapter 82: Hearing This, Her Face Instantly Turned Green
Chapter 83: Did You Think That Any Fiancée the Mo Family Forces on Me Would…
Chapter 84: Did Mo Jingshen Really Love Ji Nuan so Much?
Chapter 85 - Hai Cheng's Number One Warmth [1. Nuan means warmth]
Chapter 86: I Heard This Is CEO Mo’s Car
Chapter 87: He Said Huskily: En, I Won’t Bully You Here.
Chapter 88: Your Husband Is Already Impatient…
Chapter 89: Did I Lose My Lipstick on CEO Mo’s Car?
Chapter 90: Mo Jingshen’s Voice By Her Ear Was Extremely Low
Chapter 91: When He Becomes Passionate, It’s Impossible to Fend Him Off
Chapter 92: Your Ability to Bite People Can Also Be Used on Others?
Chapter 93: Why Don’t You Just Say That I Convinced You on the Bed
Chapter 94: Watching You and Ji Nuan Show Off Your Affection Every Day, I’m Real
Chapter 95: I Won’t Change! Open the Door!
Chapter 96: It Was Mo Jingshen’s Face, Handsome to the Point of Drawing People’s
Chapter 97: If It Were Right Now, I Definitely Wouldn’t Bite You
Chapter 98: Lock Ji Nuan inside. Don’t Let Her Out Before The Party Ends
Chapter 99: Mo Jingshen’s Composed Mild Smile Was Hiding…
Chapter 100: Two Pairs of Eyes Met, Like an Explosion Caused by the Collision
Chapter 101: Mo Jingshen Removed His Suit Jacket and Carried Ji Nuan Out
Chapter 102: Ji Nuan Had Poor Alcohol Tolerance…
Chapter 103: With One Tug, He Brought Ji Nuan Into His Embrace


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