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Rebirth:-The Warm Breeze Is Not Warm As You

Chapter 1: Rebirth, Before the Divorce!

Chapter 1: Rebirth, Before the Divorce!


Ji Nuan lifted her head from where she was laying in the cold prison and glanced towards the guard who had thrown a plate of cold rice on the floor. She did not move to sit up.

“Acting aloof? You love to eat, and yet you’re not eating!”

The prison guard reached his foot in and cruelly crushed the rice under his feet.

He had heard that this Ji Nuan dared to attempt to murder Miss Yun from the Yun family, who had specially ordered him to torture her well in prison.

Ji Nuan sat in the corner; her eyes fixed blankly on the dirtied food on the floor.

Outside the cell, the sound of the television could suddenly be heard from the prison guard’s room.

“Shine Group’s CEO Mo Jingshen has returned to the country today. Right now, he has arrived at Hai Cheng-”

“Shine Group is Asia’s largest banking enterprise. Mo Jingshen officially took over the company seven years ago. Today his position as a corporate tycoon is unshakable…”

Ji Nuan’s silent expression froze in an instant. She rushed up to the door, trying her best to look out of it.

The prison guard turned around to see her sorry figure kneeling by the door with a frantic expression. Her hands held tightly on to the cold cell door; her red eyes fixed towards the television.

“What are you looking at? Do you even know whom the news is speaking about? A woman like you doesn’t even have the right to help such a person adjust his shoes.”

Ji Nuan lowered her head and smiled bitterly.

Indeed, the person that she was today was not even worthy of tying Mo Jingshen’s shoes.

It did not matter if this person who had become Shine Group’s CEO was once her husband ten years ago.

She was once ambitious, proud, and stubborn. All she wanted was a divorce, to completely push away this man who spoiled her and always protected her within the palm of his hand.

For a whole ten years, he never once showed up again.

But what did the television say earlier?

Mo Jingshen returned? He came back from America?

From the television came the voice of the reporter struggling to ask his question: “CEO Mo! Rumors say that the two of you married two months ago in America. Is this trip back to the country meant to bring your beloved wife-”

Ji Nuan’s eyes widened.

He… got married?

That is true. Not mentioning his status today, even ten years ago he was an influential figure. With his good looks, no one could match up to him. Countless rich ladies had lined up dreaming to one day marry him.

Right now, he must be very happy.

“CEO Mo, you don’t often speak in front of the media, but since this is a rare occasion when you’ve returned to the country, could you speak about Shine Group’s current…”

“Is the lady following behind you Mrs. Mo? Mrs. Mo is indeed very beautiful.”

A sweet female voice then spoke up. “I apologize, Mr. Mo won’t be accepting any media interviews. Everyone, please move back.”

Hearing that voice, Ji Nuan felt as though lightning struck her.

That voice… is her sister Ji Mengran!

The Ji Mengran who suddenly disappeared right before the Ji Family went bankrupt!

At that time, when she insisted on a divorce, it was this sister who encouraged her to try all sorts of incredulous methods including cutting her wrist to suicide, causing Mo Jingshen to distance from her gradually before eventually divorcing her.

Ji Nuan began to laugh. She laughed till the point where her lungs hurt.

“Since CEO Mo won’t be giving any interviews, will Mrs. Mo be willing to say a few words?”

The reporters remained persistent in their questioning. Ji Mengran followed behind Mo Jingshen; her face brightened up with a smile.

Yet, at this moment, Mo Jingshen spoke up. His voice was apathetic with no warmth whatsoever. “She is not Mrs. Mo.”

Ji Mengran’s smile stiffened. Uncomfortably, she licked her lips to hide her embarrassment.

Indeed, she is not…

The surrounding reporters fell into a weird silence until suddenly a voice rang up, “Rumours say that since CEO Mo divorced ten years ago, there has not been another woman…”

Ji Nuan suddenly could not hear the sound from the television anymore.

A sharp pain suddenly came from her abdomen, causing her to fall against the floor as blood rose up from within her chest, spurting out of her throat.

It seemed that these people had been slowly feeding her poison in the past three months.

Finally, was her life going to end here?



So hot …

Ji Nuan slowly regained consciousness and experienced a sharp pain coming from her lower body.

It was as though she was being roughly intruded upon in an instant.


It hurt to the point where her body stiffened. A whimper escaped from her lips, but was instantly quietened by the man on top of her who sealed her lips with a kiss.

The next time she regained consciousness, Ji Nuan found herself looking at an expensive chandelier hanging above her.

She laid upon silk sheets that were soft and expensive. It was as though she was laying upon a cloud—it was unbelievably comfortable.

Where was she?

She sat up, staring in disbelief at her surroundings.

This was clearly the room that she once shared with Mo Jingshen in Hai Cheng’s Yu Garden!

How did she return here?

Wasn’t the Yu Garden sealed away a few years ago due to being unoccupied for too long?

The aching pain of her lower body reminded her that this was not a dream. She glanced down at herself; the young body’s skin was soft and white as though it had not experienced the past ten years of pain and suffering. Instead, her shoulder and collarbone were littered with love bites.

She quickly pushed the blanket off herself, rushing into the bathroom to look at her reflection.

Ten years ago, Ji Nuan was Hai Cheng’s most prominent lady. With a face praised by all, she was beautiful to the point where no one could match up. Every man who met her would instantly soften deep in their bones. As long as she smiled, numerous men would offer their lives to her.

Ji Nuan could not believe the face staring back at herself in the mirror.

Had she undergone… rebirth?

Before she could recover from her shock, the room door was suddenly pushed open. A sweet voice called out, “Big sister, last night did you and Brother Jing Shen…”

Seeing the love bites on her body, that voice instantly became sharp. “You slept together?!”

Shock ran through Ji Nuan’s body. Turning around, she saw the sour face of Ji Mengran.

This scene was so familiar…

Not only had she reborn, but she had returned to ten years ago! The very month before Mo Jingshen divorced her!

Last night was the first time she shared a bed with Mo Jingshen after half a year of marriage.

She was always against this so-called family marriage alliance, willfully insisting on a divorce.

Mo Jingshen was always considerate of her feelings and had never forced her.

During the month before their divorce, he endured all of her temper outbursts, and because she said that she didn’t want to see him, he would even work at the office till late, choosing to only return when she was asleep or not at all.

Yet, everything that happened last night… was Ji Mengran’s idea.

She said that so long as Ji Nuan placed some medicine in his wine and found some woman for him, it would be sufficient evidence that he was having an affair. She could then apply for a divorce.

What kind of man was Mo Jingshen? Even if he had no defense in his own home, the moment he realized there was a problem with his wine, he instantly refused anyone from touching him and tossed Ji Nuan—who was about to escape—into their room in a fit of rage.

It was also this night that Ji Nuan saw Mo Jingshen’s other side for the first time in her life.

He was not as calm and gentle as he seemed, and he was not capable of enduring her behavior forever. He had pressed her down on the bed, ignoring her cries and slaps, fulfilling his role as a husband without a care for anything else in the world for the entire night.

Chapter 2 - She Could Not Recall Herself Ever Being the One to Initiate Contact

Chapter 2 - She Could Not Recall Herself Ever Being the One to Initiate Contact with Him

Everything that happened last night felt so clear in her memories… which meant that she had really reborn!

“Big sister, didn’t we promise that after Brother Jing Shen drank that cup of wine, I would drive him out of the Yu Garden?” Ji Mengran walked toward her, her voice hiding her unhappiness.

Ji Nuan woke up from her daze, staring at her sister who often visited her at Yu Garden ever since her marriage.

Without taking notice of the coldness that flashed by Ji Nuan’s eyes, Ji Mengran grumbled, “How did you end up sleeping in his bed instead?”

Hearing this, Ji Nuan smiled and asked, “His bed? Isn’t this our wedding room?”

“I’m just anxious for you! Now that the plan is messed up, god knows for how long your divorce will be delayed for!” Ji Mengran knitted her brows.

Ji Nuan walked towards her, looking at the suspicious transparent silk outerwear and the intricate makeup she wore.

Ji Nuan asked indifferently, “Meng Ran, why did you wear so little? Thank god I didn’t have you send him home last night. If anything had happened, how would I be able to face our family?”

“Ah? I…” Ji Mengran carefully hid the guilt in her eyes. “It was too hot last night, so I changed into a thinner set of clothes.”

“It’s the beginning of spring, is it that hot?”

“It’s not especially hot… Big sister, since the plan didn’t work, I think if this goes on you should just pretend to suicide!” Ji Mengran felt that something was off and quickly changed the topic.

“Oh? Suicide…” Ji Nuan dragged out the word.

Thinking back, from the moment Mo Jingshen and she had gotten engaged, it was as though Ji Mengran had become a different person. She often spoke of marriage failures in rich families, bringing up all sorts of examples, causing Ji Nuan who did not want to get married to become even more scared and to stay away from Mo Jingshen.

“How about cutting your wrist? If he sees that you would rather die than stay by his side, perhaps he would agree to your wish,” Meng Ran suggested innocently.

“Doing so will have risks, what if I lose too much blood and no one comes to save me?” Ji Nuan smiled, yet her smile held no warmth whatsoever.

“Aiya, what are you worrying for! Regardless of whether Brother Jing Shen rushes back, the moment it becomes dangerous I will immediately call for a doctor!”

Ji Nuan kept silent, staring suspiciously at Meng Ran who was only a year younger than her.

She could not forget that back when she slit her wrists, lying in that tub filled with hot water, she lost so much blood she could not even move. Even so, Ji Mengran did not inform the doctor or even Mo Jingshen.

Had Mo Jingshen not suddenly returned and suspected something was wrong, kicking the door down and carrying her out from that blood-filled tub, she probably would not have lived to obtain the divorce papers.

Ji Nuan’s smile had some degree of coldness; it showed both laziness and lack of care. “I’ll think about it. However, since I didn’t sleep at all last night, right now I want to get some rest.”

Hearing her say that she did not sleep at all last night, Ji Mengran hid the jealousy revealed in her eyes and bit her lip. “Then… you must consider it through. I’ll come to find you again tomorrow.”

“All right, I won’t send you off.”

Ji Nuan stood unmoving, watching Ji Mengran disappear from her line of sight.

The room was silent.

She turned to look at the room that was once deep within her memories. Her hands touched the soft blanket; it was warm as though it still retained the heat left behind by Mo Jingshen.

Everything could restart again.

Did she still want a divorce?

Of course not!

In her past life, she was naive and trusting. Her relatives bullied her, her marriage was ruined, and her father passed away tragically. She had lost everything and was even wrongly imprisoned.

In this life, not only would she be Mo Jingshen’s wife for the rest of his life, but she would also take back her pride and everything else she once lost. She would not allow herself to be used by anyone again!

But right now, the biggest difficulty was…

She remembered that in her past life, after last night, Mo Jingshen rarely returned to the Yu Garden. The last time she saw him was the day she woke up after attempting suicide. As she wished, he left the divorce papers by her bedside and completely disappeared from her life.

That cold and distant expression of his, till this day, remains in her mind.

Ji Nuan raised her hand to hold her temple.

Mo Jingshen, that man, when he spoiled her, he was limitless with his love; and when he was cold, he was completely untouchable like an ice mountain.

How would she coax him back?


In the evening, the CEO’s assistant stared in surprise at Ji Nuan who suddenly showed up and rushed forward to receive her.

“Miss Ji, why are you here?”

Ji Nuan did not bother to correct his way of addressing. After all, she once prevented anyone from addressing her as Mrs. Mo.

She glanced around, asking, “Is he in the office?”

Shen Mu understood that she was asking for CEO Mo but could not tell if she came to cause trouble for him.

“CEO Mo is currently in a meeting. He will probably need an hour or so before he finishes.”

“That’s fine. I’ll go up and wait for him.”

After being brought to the CEO office, Ji Nuan thanked Assistant Shen and walked in alone.

It was a modern office space, both large and comfortable. The design was simple yet had the effect of seeming luxurious. The most attention-grabbing portion was the 270 degrees floor-to-ceiling window. It was clear and bright.

Today’s Mo Jingshen had yet to take over the family business and was not Shine’s CEO.

A few years ago, he set up this technology company and within a short span of three years, he managed to monopolize most of the country’s technological resources. The company that was initially worth 500 thousand yuan was now worth 20 billion yuan.

Now that Mo Jingshen was already the prominent Mo Group’s CEO, four years from now when he becomes Shine International Group’s CEO, he would surely become a legend in the corporate world.

Ji Nuan waited for nearly an hour yet never once caught sight of him.

She barely rested at all last night, and the whole of today was consumed with ruminating about her rebirth. By now, her eyes could no longer remain open for long.

When Mo Jingshen returned to his office space, this was the scene he saw:

Ji Nuan—who wore a thin long dress—laying upon his dark leather sofa with her eyes closed. Her peaceful expression made her seem even more attractive under the warm office light.

Feeling someone’s eyes on her, Ji Nuan opened her eyes in alarm but quickly became lost in his dark eyes that seemed to stare deeply into hers.

She immediately sat up, gazing up at that man who stood silently in the office.

Just as she remembered he stood tall, dressed in a clean pair of suit. His figure was perfect to the point that no one could find faults, and his features were equally attractive.

“You’re back…” Ji Nuan stood up.

“En.” Mo Jingshen made a sound of agreement as he walked toward his desk.

Ji Nuan did not think through her actions and subconsciously rushed forward to grab onto his elbow.

This action not only surprised Mo Jingshen but caused Ji Nuan to feel embarrassed. It would be weird to remove her hand at this point, but keeping it there was strange as well…

She could not recall herself ever being the one to initiate contact with him.

Mo Jingshen glanced at her snow-white hand around his elbow, and then slowly and firmly removed his arm from her touch. He asked, sounding cold and light, “Do you need anything?”

Chapter 3 - You've Already Bedded Me, What More Can I Play At?

Chapter 3: You’ve Already Bedded Me, What More Can I Play At?

Ji Nuan raised her head, asking him, “Do you want to come back to the Yu Garden for dinner tonight?”

Mo Jingshen loosened his tie, keeping silent.

“I learned to make a few dishes from Auntie Chen~.”

Hearing this, Mo Jingshen finally looked her in the eye. “You? Cooking?”

The way he said it was as though she was a rich lady who would not even dip her fingers in spring water!

Even if she once was like that…

Cough, but everything was different now!

“En. Do you want to give it a taste?” Ji Nuan glanced up at him; her brows tilted with her smile.

Mo Jingshen smiled coldly. “Since medicine didn’t work, are you planning to use poison this time?”


Indeed, she had made too many mistakes. After all, the use of the medicine had only occurred yesterday.

In the past… Thinking back, Ji Nuan too felt that she had been very willful. With her new experiences in mind, the person she was in the past seemed almost ridiculous.

Ji Nuan raised her head to look at him causing the light to fall on her neck. He did not know if she did this on purpose or not, but this caused the love bites on her collarbone to come into his line of sight.

“Just using that medicine alone caused you to torture me for the whole night. If I still used poison, the first one to die will probably be me!” She spoke openly, her eyes reflecting no dishonesty whatsoever.

Mo Jingshen stared at her with his dark eyes.

Indeed, last night he did not hold back whatsoever. This morning when he looked at how she limply laid on the sheets, her body littered with the marks left behind by him, he headed for the office immediately unwilling to hear how she would once more insist on a divorce when she woke up.

“After last night, based on the hatred you hold for me, it’s not surprising if you tried to kill us both together,” Mo Jingshen said coldly.

“Killing us both together? Why don’t I just attach a time bomb to myself to come and find you! Isn’t that more straightforward?”

Mo Jingshen did not bother to pay her any mind.

Ji Nuan remained standing there for a long time; her eyes fixed on him. Even as Mo Jingshen treated her like air, focusing on his work, she stood there unmoved.

Mo Jingshen rubbed his brows. “What on earth do you want?”

“I want to have dinner with you,” Ji Nuan replied straight to the point.

Mo Jingshen frowned. “For the sake of a divorce, you really are willing to do anything. What act are you putting on?”

Soft tactics seemed not to affect this man. Did that mean she had to go hard?

She went forward and laid her head on his desk, staring at him closely as he worked.

They say that a man is the most attractive when he is working, but she felt that her husband was attractive at every moment. In the past, which screw exactly was she missing in her head that she insisted on divorcing this man?

Mo Jingshen flipped open a page of a document. Ji Nuan moved her hand forward to block him from reading it. Earlier on she already noticed that it was the company’s progress report. Even if she messed with it, there probably would not be much trouble caused.

“Removed your hand.” Mo Jingshen could no longer ignore her.

Ji Nuan leaned her face close to him, smiling brightly.”You say, do you want to go home?”

Ji Nuan indeed had an attractive face. At this moment, her smile made her look like a charming young lady.

He spoke calmly, “I’m working.”

Ji Nuan blinked, unmoved. “I can wait for you to finish your work and return home together.”

“I still have a video conference tonight. You head back first.” Just as before, his eyes did not hold much emotion.

“That’s fine! I’ll wait for you!”

Mo Jingshen closed the file in his hands and stared at her coldly. “What are you playing at this time?”

Ji Nuan’s expression was especially calm. She even fluttered her lashes at him on purpose. “I’ve already slept with you. What more can I play at?”

“…” Mo Jingshen really wanted to throw her out.


He said that he had a video conference and he really left for it. Mo Jingshen did not plan on leaving anytime to spend with her whatsoever.

Two hours passed just like that, and Mo Jingshen did not return once.

Having just fallen asleep on the sofa, Ji Nuan woke in shock once more.

Could it be that he planned to just leave her here without any care? Would he leave her here to sleep for the whole night?

After all, what she did in the past was really too much. It was not completely unlikely that he planned to leave her behind.

Thinking for a while, Ji Nuan stood up to pushed open the other door in the office. Inside was Mo Jingshen’s break room.

There was a bathroom, a bed, and some living necessities.

Ji Nuan was used to showering every night before 10 p.m. In her past life, when she was imprisoned, she was only allowed to shower once a month. As a result, she often felt that ants were crawling on her body. Now she was sensitive to the point where even the slightest bit of sweat on her body made her uncomfortable.

Should she take the chance to shower before Mo Jingshen returns?

She walked in, grabbing a random white dress shirt from the closet.

Ten minutes later, Mo Jingshen returned from his meeting to see that Ji Nuan had vanished.

The office was completely quiet, with Ji Nuan’s fresh scent faintly lingering in the air.

Mo Jingshen stared at the empty office, remaining silent for a long moment. Just as he was about to pick up his jacket from the back of the office chair, he suddenly heard movements coming from his break room.

Was she still here?

Ji Nuan walked out of the bathroom in Mo Jingshen’s white dress shirt, drying her long hair that was still dripping wet.

At the sound of the door opening, she glanced up to see Mo Jingshen by the door.

She instantly stiffened.

Mo Jingshen did not expect to see such a scene when he entered. Not only did Ji Nuan shower here, but she stood under the warm light of the room in his shirt. Her eyes seemed slightly teary and dazed.

His shirt was very large, and the collar shifted at this moment to reveal a large patch of snow-white skin.

Ji Nuan felt burned by his gaze and consciously rushed to cover her own legs, flushing red at the awareness of the skin she could not cover.

“I thought you planned to leave me here alone tonight…” She placed down the towel, finding a random excuse to explain why she was in the room without permission.

Mo Jingshen looked away. “Wear your own clothes!”

“I didn’t bring clothes to change, but I called the Yu Garden earlier. Someone should be coming to drop some off soon.” She walked towards him as she spoke, “Are you done with your work? Can we head back to the Yu Garden together now?”

Mo Jingshen stared silently at this woman who did not seem to be afraid of death, given that she dared to dress like this in front of him.

“What time is it? It should be quite late,” Ji Nuan spoke to herself while holding up his wrist to look at his Patek Philippe watch. The time was already nearing at 10 p.m.

The watch was nice to look at. It suited his noble disposition perfectly. A man with such a good taste, how on earth did he fall for her?

Ji Nuan was about to let go of his wrist when she felt his hand tighten around hers. He pulled her against the wall, directly pressing her on it with his own body.

“Ji Nuan, what exactly are you planning!” His eyes were dark, and his voice low full of warning.

Ji Nuan stared at him for a long time before speaking up, her voice firm with determination, “After last night, I decided to rethink our relationship seriously…”

Mo Jingshen stared at her coldly. “Suddenly so sensible? What’s the price? Divorce?”

In her past life, the matter of a divorce harmed her so much. Ji Nuan lifted her face to meet his gaze straight on with her bright eyes.

She bit her lips lightly, pulled down his neck with force and leaned forward to kiss those cold lips of his.

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