My Life..

My Life..



Being an invisible person in everyone sight is not painful... But if a person whom you loved from a very long time.. can't understand you love him.. it hurts....

Everyone fell for someone in his or her life once... no one is like that who don't ever hate someone.. hatered is the something that everyone do with his whole heart...

But sometimes people hate you not for a reason... they just starts hating you cause you love them.. you care for them.. you can gave them anything just for their happiness... but they only see you as an annoying person... why they can't ever understand how much you love him or her.. they just say what they wants.. Even don't care about other feelings..

They treat like we are not humans.. he can't feel.. they thought they are the only one with heart.. they are the only one who hurts.. They are the only one who are suffering.. They are the only one who don't think they hurt too.. They think they are perfect.. maybe they are for someone but not for everyone.. why they don't understand it..

Yeah me...

The Miss unknown...

Within this unknown world..

Fell all these things..

I all just want is him and his love but he just look for an another girl always .. just because she is more perfect than me.. I agree she is beautiful.. I agree is intelligent.. I agree she is best in everything.. but i know one thing she is not a wifey material.. I know this much about my own sister.. All i just wanted is you and your some attention...

All i want to see is you and your smile.. All i want to feel is you and your voice.. All i want to smile for is you.. you're perfect same as like her.. you are amazing just like her.. maybe I can't be all perfect for you.. but can you just talk with me like you used to be??

Whenever I still thinks about you... your those silly jokes.. your perfect smile.. your kindness.. your love with whole class.. and most your that annoying behaviour.. for which I always scold you.. and you.. only laugh!!

I know you never love me in the same way I used to love you... even still I love you in the same way..

But if you ever saw her again go and propose her.. go and tell her how much she matters to you.. otherwise your feelings will also be stuck in your heart.. like of mine.. for forever..

I heard from somewhere first love is always incomplete... how much we love that person 90% are chances that he or she don't love you back!!

but i hope you will get it..

Dear you..

if you ever read it..

can you be able to know it's me??

Please don't ever forget me!!

all i want to say is that i LoVe YoU >3





I clearly know how you may feel cuz, it had happened to me once a long back. These were the words which I wanted to tell to that person. Unfortunately, I couldn't. 😔



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