Boss's Secretary

Boss's Secretary

Chap 1

"Stand up and turn around!" he ordered, staring at the woman in front of the desk.

This was Vivian Deborah, a voluptuous and sexy woman who had just been called in by HR to replace Michael Yuan's former secretary. She arrived wearing a tight pencil skirt, about ten centimeters above her knees, showing off her smooth thighs and radiant skin.

"Eh? Stand up and turn around?" Vivian asked, confused.

"Yes! Are you deaf?" Michael snapped. "If you're deaf, just leave! I don't need you!"

Hearing this, Vivian immediately stood up and slowly turned around, complying with her potential boss's request. Having just graduated from secretary school at the age of twenty-two, she was a fresh graduate struggling to find a job.

"Turn around again!" Michael ordered with a sly smile, his eyes fixed on the curvaceous parts of her body.

Vivian grew more confused. What did turning around have to do with her job as a secretary? After finishing the turn, she was ordered to sit back down.

"Are you still a virgin?" Michael's next question made Vivian gasp in shock.

Her face turned pale instantly. How was she supposed to answer that? A question that had nothing to do with professionalism. "W-w-what, S-sir?"

"I won't accept virgins. Just leave now!" Michael said dismissively, turning his attention to the gadget on his desk.

Damn! Vivian cursed in her mind. For a first salary of supposedly thirty million, she decided to comply with this weirdo’s demands! "Ehm, no longer a virgin, Sir."

Michael looked up. He stared at Vivian's wide eyes sharply. "Since what age?"

"Twenty years old, Sir." Vivian gripped the edge of her skirt, holding back her emotions and anxiety. This interview was terrifying! She felt as though she was being stripped naked by the crazy questions from her potential new boss.

"Lift your skirt up a bit." Michael eyed the woman's smooth thighs.

"No, Sir. I’m embarrassed," Vivian refused, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. Instead of lifting it, she pulled her skirt down further.

"Fine. Please leave. You’re rejected!" Michael hissed harshly.

Vivian bowed her head. Tears welled up in her eyes. If her sister didn’t need hundreds of millions due to a rare disease, she would have slapped this perverted boss with her high-heeled shoe.

Feeling she had no choice, she decided to take the plunge and do whatever the boss wanted. Slowly, she lifted her pencil skirt slightly, complying with Michael's order.

"That's right. You’re beautiful, smooth, smart. Your legs are also long! I like it! Start work tomorrow!" Michael said coldly and curtly.

"My salary is really thirty million, right, Sir?" Vivian confirmed.

"Yes. Why? Not enough? How much do you want?" Michael challenged.

"Fifty million!" Vivian replied impulsively, hoping for a "yes" in return.

"For fifty million, never wear pants to work. I like seeing you work in a mini skirt. Agreed?" Michael challenged her a second time.

"Done deal, Sir!" Vivian exclaimed happily. Just wearing a mini skirt, right? Who's afraid, she thought. She often wore mini skirts everywhere. No problem!

Michael smiled in satisfaction. Starting tomorrow, he would have a new plaything in the office named Vivian.

There was something about Vivian Deborah that made Michael Yuan feel different. The woman was indeed beautiful. However, he had met women far more beautiful. Sexy? Yes, his new secretary was very sexy. But many women far sexier had been his bed partners in recent years.

He couldn't explain it. Something about Vivian, who seemed innocent and shy, challenged his desires to prove if she was indeed as innocent as she appeared, or if it was just a façade to play and tease him.

Whatever it was, Michael couldn't stop blinking as he watched Vivian's curvy figure walk away from him and out of his luxurious office.

"Hmm, I can't wait to get you in bed," Michael muttered to himself with a chuckle.

At home, Vivian hugged her mother, who was lying in the room with her sick sister, Lilian.

"I got the job, Mom!" she shouted excitedly. "My salary is fifty million! Lilian can get treatment!"

Mrs. Anin went weak, suddenly kneeling on the floor, hugging Vivian's legs, and crying. This felt like an answer to the prayers of many nights before. She sobbed, unable to speak. Lilian's treatment cost tens of millions each month. An incredibly heavy burden.

All of her late husband's inheritance - Vivian's father - had been sold. Debts to relatives had piled up. Almost all acquaintances had been asked for loans. The lives of these three women were truly below the standard of living.

"Sis Vivian is amazing. Thank you, sis," Lilian said weakly. Her only sister had been paralyzed from the soles of her feet to her knees due to a rare disease called Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).

Flooded with tears of happiness, they held hands. Vivian dared not tell them that her boss was a handsome but perverted man. A burden she would bear alone because she was now the breadwinner of the family.

Mrs. Anin couldn’t work as she had always been a housewife. The loss of their father two years ago was a heavy blow for all of them. Vivian had to be strong, taking over her father's role.

The first day of work. As per Michael's request, she wore another mini pencil skirt. Yesterday’s was black; today’s was dark blue. At eight in the morning, Michael arrived and called her into his office.

"Good morning, Sir," Vivian greeted cheerfully.

"Morning. What appointments do I have today?" Michael asked without looking up. He was busy with his smartphone.

"A meeting with the procurement department at nine. Lunch with the Jakarta Young Entrepreneurs Association. This evening, a business meeting with Mr. Robert Santosa from Pacific Holding." Vivian read out Michael’s schedule for the day.

"All boring! Work, work, work, and just work every day!" Michael snorted, exhaling roughly.

"Saturday and Sunday you don’t work, right, Sir? You can take a vacation to avoid boredom. Should I book a nice vacation package?" Vivian offered, immediately opening travel data. She wanted to prove she was a competent secretary who understood her boss's needs.

"Yes, as long as you come with me. Accompany me on the vacation. How about it? Ready?" Michael said, making Vivian's heart pound faster.

Vivian was stunned. Go on vacation? Oh, should she go? She wanted to refuse, but how? What excuse? Her mind raced, thinking as fast as possible to come up with a reason.

"Saturday and Sunday are my turn to take care of my sister, Sir. My mother is already tired—"

"Alright! Just cancel it! If you prioritize your family over me, go work for your family! Don’t work for me!" Michael interrupted angrily. He pulled out a checkbook, ready to pay her one day's salary. "I'll pay you now!"

Vivian was shocked. How was she about to be fired on the first day? This couldn't happen! She couldn't fail! "I can do it, Sir! I'll tell my mother that I—"

"Find a vacation spot with a beach. I want to see you in a bikini!" Michael interrupted again. He didn’t want to hear Vivian’s long explanation. To him, this new secretary loved to talk about this and that.

"B-b-bikini? I d-don't have one, Sir." Vivian was dumbfounded.

"Buy one!" Michael threw a debit card onto his desk. "Use that! Buy a sexy bikini!"

Vivian was dumbfounded. What was this? Why did being a secretary involve wearing a bikini? But… why was she given a debit card?


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