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Boss's Secretary

Chap 1

"Stand up and turn around!" he ordered, staring at the woman in front of the desk.

This was Vivian Deborah, a voluptuous and sexy woman who had just been called in by HR to replace Michael Yuan's former secretary. She arrived wearing a tight pencil skirt, about ten centimeters above her knees, showing off her smooth thighs and radiant skin.

"Eh? Stand up and turn around?" Vivian asked, confused.

"Yes! Are you deaf?" Michael snapped. "If you're deaf, just leave! I don't need you!"

Hearing this, Vivian immediately stood up and slowly turned around, complying with her potential boss's request. Having just graduated from secretary school at the age of twenty-two, she was a fresh graduate struggling to find a job.

"Turn around again!" Michael ordered with a sly smile, his eyes fixed on the curvaceous parts of her body.

Vivian grew more confused. What did turning around have to do with her job as a secretary? After finishing the turn, she was ordered to sit back down.

"Are you still a virgin?" Michael's next question made Vivian gasp in shock.

Her face turned pale instantly. How was she supposed to answer that? A question that had nothing to do with professionalism. "W-w-what, S-sir?"

"I won't accept virgins. Just leave now!" Michael said dismissively, turning his attention to the gadget on his desk.

Damn! Vivian cursed in her mind. For a first salary of supposedly thirty million, she decided to comply with this weirdo’s demands! "Ehm, no longer a virgin, Sir."

Michael looked up. He stared at Vivian's wide eyes sharply. "Since what age?"

"Twenty years old, Sir." Vivian gripped the edge of her skirt, holding back her emotions and anxiety. This interview was terrifying! She felt as though she was being stripped naked by the crazy questions from her potential new boss.

"Lift your skirt up a bit." Michael eyed the woman's smooth thighs.

"No, Sir. I’m embarrassed," Vivian refused, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. Instead of lifting it, she pulled her skirt down further.

"Fine. Please leave. You’re rejected!" Michael hissed harshly.

Vivian bowed her head. Tears welled up in her eyes. If her sister didn’t need hundreds of millions due to a rare disease, she would have slapped this perverted boss with her high-heeled shoe.

Feeling she had no choice, she decided to take the plunge and do whatever the boss wanted. Slowly, she lifted her pencil skirt slightly, complying with Michael's order.

"That's right. You’re beautiful, smooth, smart. Your legs are also long! I like it! Start work tomorrow!" Michael said coldly and curtly.

"My salary is really thirty million, right, Sir?" Vivian confirmed.

"Yes. Why? Not enough? How much do you want?" Michael challenged.

"Fifty million!" Vivian replied impulsively, hoping for a "yes" in return.

"For fifty million, never wear pants to work. I like seeing you work in a mini skirt. Agreed?" Michael challenged her a second time.

"Done deal, Sir!" Vivian exclaimed happily. Just wearing a mini skirt, right? Who's afraid, she thought. She often wore mini skirts everywhere. No problem!

Michael smiled in satisfaction. Starting tomorrow, he would have a new plaything in the office named Vivian.

There was something about Vivian Deborah that made Michael Yuan feel different. The woman was indeed beautiful. However, he had met women far more beautiful. Sexy? Yes, his new secretary was very sexy. But many women far sexier had been his bed partners in recent years.

He couldn't explain it. Something about Vivian, who seemed innocent and shy, challenged his desires to prove if she was indeed as innocent as she appeared, or if it was just a façade to play and tease him.

Whatever it was, Michael couldn't stop blinking as he watched Vivian's curvy figure walk away from him and out of his luxurious office.

"Hmm, I can't wait to get you in bed," Michael muttered to himself with a chuckle.

At home, Vivian hugged her mother, who was lying in the room with her sick sister, Lilian.

"I got the job, Mom!" she shouted excitedly. "My salary is fifty million! Lilian can get treatment!"

Mrs. Anin went weak, suddenly kneeling on the floor, hugging Vivian's legs, and crying. This felt like an answer to the prayers of many nights before. She sobbed, unable to speak. Lilian's treatment cost tens of millions each month. An incredibly heavy burden.

All of her late husband's inheritance - Vivian's father - had been sold. Debts to relatives had piled up. Almost all acquaintances had been asked for loans. The lives of these three women were truly below the standard of living.

"Sis Vivian is amazing. Thank you, sis," Lilian said weakly. Her only sister had been paralyzed from the soles of her feet to her knees due to a rare disease called Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS).

Flooded with tears of happiness, they held hands. Vivian dared not tell them that her boss was a handsome but perverted man. A burden she would bear alone because she was now the breadwinner of the family.

Mrs. Anin couldn’t work as she had always been a housewife. The loss of their father two years ago was a heavy blow for all of them. Vivian had to be strong, taking over her father's role.

The first day of work. As per Michael's request, she wore another mini pencil skirt. Yesterday’s was black; today’s was dark blue. At eight in the morning, Michael arrived and called her into his office.

"Good morning, Sir," Vivian greeted cheerfully.

"Morning. What appointments do I have today?" Michael asked without looking up. He was busy with his smartphone.

"A meeting with the procurement department at nine. Lunch with the Jakarta Young Entrepreneurs Association. This evening, a business meeting with Mr. Robert Santosa from Pacific Holding." Vivian read out Michael’s schedule for the day.

"All boring! Work, work, work, and just work every day!" Michael snorted, exhaling roughly.

"Saturday and Sunday you don’t work, right, Sir? You can take a vacation to avoid boredom. Should I book a nice vacation package?" Vivian offered, immediately opening travel data. She wanted to prove she was a competent secretary who understood her boss's needs.

"Yes, as long as you come with me. Accompany me on the vacation. How about it? Ready?" Michael said, making Vivian's heart pound faster.

Vivian was stunned. Go on vacation? Oh, should she go? She wanted to refuse, but how? What excuse? Her mind raced, thinking as fast as possible to come up with a reason.

"Saturday and Sunday are my turn to take care of my sister, Sir. My mother is already tired—"

"Alright! Just cancel it! If you prioritize your family over me, go work for your family! Don’t work for me!" Michael interrupted angrily. He pulled out a checkbook, ready to pay her one day's salary. "I'll pay you now!"

Vivian was shocked. How was she about to be fired on the first day? This couldn't happen! She couldn't fail! "I can do it, Sir! I'll tell my mother that I—"

"Find a vacation spot with a beach. I want to see you in a bikini!" Michael interrupted again. He didn’t want to hear Vivian’s long explanation. To him, this new secretary loved to talk about this and that.

"B-b-bikini? I d-don't have one, Sir." Vivian was dumbfounded.

"Buy one!" Michael threw a debit card onto his desk. "Use that! Buy a sexy bikini!"

Vivian was dumbfounded. What was this? Why did being a secretary involve wearing a bikini? But… why was she given a debit card?

Chap 2

"B-buy it, Sir? Buy a bikini?" Vivian asked again, in disbelief.

"Yes! Is it so hard for you to understand me? What's your IQ?" Michael snapped harshly, looking at Vivian with annoyance. Usually, he never had to say much. The women who became his secretaries always knew what to do.

But Vivian... she was different. Michael was becoming increasingly curious if her innocence was genuine or just an act. What was the true nature of Vivian Deborah?

"The last IQ test I took was 115, Sir. Above average," Vivian answered casually, thinking Michael was genuinely asking about her IQ. "I understand all your questions, Sir. It's just a little bi-"

"Buy a sexy one! The color should be bright! I like yellow or pink. And make it skimpy! Transparent, if possible!" Michael ordered, tapping the debit card on the desk. His sharp eyes glanced intimidatingly at her.

"There's no such thing as a transparent bikini, Mr. Michael. I've never seen one for sa-"

"Talkative! You're too talkative! Fuck! Can you shut up for once?" Michael shouted, banging the desk slightly.

Vivian swallowed hard. She had never worn a bikini in her life. Her pretty face turned pale, imagining what might happen to her during the vacation.

"What are you thinking?" Michael asked, seeing his new secretary daydreaming. His hawk-like eyes narrowed sharply.

"Thinking about you, Sir," Vivian blurted out. "Oh, no, that's not what I meant," she corrected, feeling awkward. Her stomach churned. Her new boss could be both very intimidating and handsome at the same time.

Michael smiled coldly. The powerful man enjoyed playing with the feelings and bodies of his employees, especially his secretaries. Those he no longer "used" were dismissed with severance packages worth hundreds of millions.

To him, that was compensation for being his living dolls and fulfilling his immense carnal desires. He grinned harshly, convinced that Vivian was just like the other women who pretended to be innocent to seduce him, to gain his favor.

Oh, no, Vivian! Michael thought to himself. 'You can't fool me! You're just like the other cheap women! You're not a virgin, right?' he chuckled internally.

"Book only one room. You'll sleep with me!" Michael commanded again.

"Huh?" Vivian's eyes widened. "S-sleep with you, Sir?"

"Yes, why? Do you mind? Who do you think you are? Being invited to my bed should be an honor for you!" Michael sneered.

Vivian truly felt cornered. Her hands turned cold and trembled with fear.

Humiliated! Yes, she felt utterly humiliated as a woman. Her boss's behavior made her want to slap and pull Michael's hair out. But she needed money for Lilian.

"Just sleeping, right, Sir? Nothing else?" Vivian bargained. She remembered lying about her virginity. This was the consequence. She was thought of as a cheap woman who could be easily seduced.

She certainly didn't want to lose her virginity and purity to a lunatic like Michael. In her mind, she always imagined giving her virginity to her beloved husband in a very romantic setting.

"It's up to me. You're mine, right? I can do whatever I want with you, can't I? Whether I take you to bed or to the moon, it's my choice," Michael laughed freely.

God forbid! Vivian screamed internally. Since when did he own her body and soul? Be strong, Vivian!

"From now on, I'll call you Viv!" said Michael, the man with slanted eyes, giving her a naughty look.

"Okay, Sir. Call me whatever you want. I surrender," Vivian replied weakly.

"Hurry up! Buy a sexy bikini! Remember, a sexy one!" Michael reminded her once again.

Vivian finally nodded in resignation. She walked to the door, picked up the debit card from the desk, and turned to leave.

"Wait!" Michael called, stopping her.

"Yes, Sir?" Vivian turned back to face Michael.

The oriental-looking man stood up and walked slowly. His sharp eyes gazed at Vivian. Even his gaze was degrading. His smile was sinister.

"Do you know? Women everywhere are the same!" Michael whispered, now behind Vivian's ear. His fingers gently grasped her neck. "I'm sure you're the lying type. Acting sweet and innocent, like a dove. Then, once the truth is revealed, you're nothing more than a wolf," he hissed.

"W-what do you mean, Sir? I d-don't understand...," Vivian complained, her throat suddenly dry.

"We'll see how wild you are when the time comes. The time when you have to serve me. Making my nights... colorful," Michael laughed eerily.

Vivian's hair stood on end, hearing Michael's words. As she absorbed each word, it felt like the devil himself was behind her.

Something about Michael seemed very dark and dangerous to Vivian. She didn't know what it was, nor did she know why. But this man was very different from other rich men.

"Understand, Viv?" Michael whispered again, now roughly squeezing Vivian's hip.

"Y-yes, Sir!" Vivian answered, almost shouting because of the pain in her hip.

Michael chuckled, "Get used to the pain from me!"

Vivian nodded, holding back tears. Her heart was filled with fear and sadness at the same time. Did it have to go this far to make money for Lilian's recovery? She prayed for a better life than this.

When she accepted this job yesterday, she already knew her boss was different from others. No training in secretarial school taught how to deal with a boss like Michael Yuan, other than refusing and leaving.

However, refusing wasn't something she could do, right? Lilian's fate was in her hands. Therefore, she had to be strong. She held back her tears.

Her choice was to save her family, even if she had to break herself in the process. This was a choice she consciously made. Following Michael's wishes for fifty million a month was a decision she had agreed to.

"May I leave, S-Sir," she asked with a trembling voice.

"Report back once you've bought the bikini! I'm expecting it today!" Michael reminded her with a sharp glance.

Vivian nodded and tried to smile.

Spending fifteen minutes in the bathroom, Vivian continued to cry. She felt ashamed of herself. Michael's madness made her feel like a puppet.

A middle-aged woman entered the bathroom. She was Mrs. Dewi, from the HR department. Seeing Vivian's tears, she could already guess what had happened.

"Accept it or reject it, that's all. Why cry?" she said, responding to Vivian's condition.

"What do you mean, Ma'am?" Vivian asked, not understanding.

"Mr. Michael's treatment towards you. Just accept it, or reject it. If you accept it, why cry? If you reject it, why are you still here?" explained the HR manager, sighing. She was actually tired of seeing young and beautiful women continuously becoming the object of her boss's fantasies.

"For my sister's recovery, Ma'am. I don't want her to be paralyzed," Vivian sobbed.

"Hmm, okay then. Just go along with it, and enjoy it. Let the passion in your body follow Mr. Michael's game. That way, you won't feel forced."

"How can I enjoy it? I don't like him!" Vivian denied.

"Change your feelings, then. Mr. Michael is handsome and very rich. Usually, all this ends in six months at the latest, and you'll leave with hundreds of millions."

Vivian fell silent. Was her shelf life only six months? She didn't know whether to be grateful or sad hearing this. Grateful because it would all end. Sad because she wouldn't have any more income.

"That's why, in these six months, enrich yourself! So it's not all in vain! Keep asking Mr. Michael for money. As long as you satisfy him, he will be very generous!" Mrs. Dewi continued, chuckling.

"Really? What's the highest record?" Vivian asked curiously.

"There was one who managed to get a billion in six months. Impressive, right?"

Vivian nodded. Wow! Six months and getting a billion? She wanted that! Imagine what she could do for Lilian with that much money?

A smile began to form on her pretty face. She now had a new spirit and a new target. One billion!

Choosing various bikinis in a premium swimwear store. Yellow and pink, those were Mr. Michael's preferences. She picked the skimpiest bikinis, as ordered. The top was a tiny triangle that barely covered her breasts. The bottom was also a very minimal triangle.

"Good evening, Sir," she greeted when Michael answered her call.

"Yes, what is it?" Michael responded.

"Reporting in! I've bought the bikini, Sir!" Vivian joked, mimicking a soldier's report.

"Hmm, okay. Have you bought a shorter pencil skirt yet?" Michael asked.

"I'm about to, Sir. What color do you want? What's your favorite color? Red? Purple? Black? There are so many options!"

Michael was stunned on the other end. Vivian's casual and joking tone felt strange to him. How could she invite him to choose colors? What was this about? "Whatever, as long as it's short. So your triangle underwear can be seen directly. Understand what I mean?" he replied curtly.

"Okay! Will do, Sir!" Vivian chuckled, casually responding to her boss's lewd comments. "Oh, Sir. Can I go to the salon tomorrow using this debit card? I want to beautify myself. I want to wax, he he he."

"What do you want to wax?" Michael teased.

Chap 3

Friday, one day before Vivian had to accompany her eccentric boss on a trip abroad. She had prepared many items to bring, even though they were only going on a three-day, two-night vacation.

"Everything is ready, Sir. Sexy clothes and all kinds of underwear, even bunny models, I've brought it all!" Vivian exclaimed in response to Michael's question about whether she had prepared everything.

"Bunny models? What's that?" Michael asked, raising an eyebrow.

Vivian laughed. "I'm joking, Sir! You know, like in the movies, they wear bunny costumes with ears!"

Michael glared. He didn't like joking around, as it implied familiarity. Everything had to be full of fear and dominance over him.

"Why are you smiling like that? Are you sane or not?" Michael scolded, glaring at Vivian who was still smiling in front of him.

"Happy, Sir," Vivian replied calmly, continuing to smile. She was imagining the billion that could go into her savings account.

"Why are you happy?" Michael was curious. "Because tomorrow you get to vacation with me? Do you like going on trips alone with me?"

"Um, no, Sir. This morning my high school ex contacted me," Vivian lied with a giggle. "Going with you is a work matter, there's no joy in that, haha."

Michael fell silent, unsure how to respond. This woman liked to joke a lot. Her attitude was also relaxed and seemed unpretentious. In fact, Michael had hoped for resistance, rejection, or something similar. A bit of shyness would be entertaining for him. Not this relaxed situation. It wasn't thrilling enough!

"Why are you willing to let me take you abroad? Aren't you afraid I'll do something in the hotel later?" He tried to intimidate her again, to belittle Vivian, to make himself feel superior.

Vivian's heart raced hearing this question. Her smile suddenly disappeared. Of course, she was afraid of being asked to have sex by her boss.

However, she decided to hide that feeling. If she showed fear, Michael might not like her anymore.

She truly didn't know what kind of character the man wanted. Besides, she already had a plan to thwart her boss's intention of tasting her body.

"Answer!" Michael snapped. Whenever Vivian was thinking of an answer, the man always became impatient.

"Yesss, Sir! Just a moment, I'm thinking!" Vivian replied in shock, trying to catch her breath.

"I'm not afraid, Sir. What would you do in the hotel that would make me scared? You don't bite like a dog, right?" she joked, trying to appear calm.

"I like to bite. Do you want to try my bite?" Michael grinned.

"N-no, Sir. Being bitten hurts!" Vivian replied, growing more terrified at the thought of her boss's teeth sinking into her body.

"Come here! Sit on the table!" Michael patted the work table in front of his broad chest.

I'm dead! Vivian thought as she walked hesitantly. She slipped her body between Michael's legs and the edge of the table. The narrow space made her smooth thighs brush against the CEO's knees.

She stomped her feet on the floor to push her butt up and sit on the table. One push and she was perfectly seated on the table. Her super short skirt made her keep her legs tightly closed.

"Why are you silent? Afraid?" Michael hissed.

"Afraid of you, Sir," Vivian admitted weakly. She lowered her head in sorrow.

"I just want to make sure up close that you are indeed beautiful. I have many fantasies I want to fulfill while we're on vacation," Michael chuckled wickedly.

Vivian swallowed hard. Her heart pounded. The handsome oriental face in front of her knees was indeed mesmerizing. However, his behavior was far from charming. Not knowing what to say, she just remained silent.

"Get out! I don't need you for now. I'll call you when I need you!" Michael suddenly shouted, driving her away.

A madman! Vivian thought as she ran out as fast as she could.

The day came that made Vivian unable to sleep all night. The day she would go on vacation with Michael. They agreed to meet at the airport at ten in the morning. Upon arrival, she was picked up by a woman sent by Michael to take her to a VIP guest room.

Four bodyguards surrounded Michael in a very luxurious room where he was the only occupant, without any other airport visitors. Her boss looked extremely stylish even though he was only wearing a casual T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

"We're going for two nights, why are you bringing such a huge suitcase?" Michael complained, eyeing Vivian's large suitcase strangely.

"Well, you asked me to bring all sorts of things? There are bikinis, lingerie, sexy clothes, so it's a lot!" Vivian explained and then sat next to Michael.

She took out a sophisticated tablet and started opening her boss's schedule. "Tomorrow, Tuesday, Mr. Michael has an appointment with Mr. Hary from Tanri Group at ten in the morning. Then, in the afternoon at three, there’s a visit from the Ministry of Industry to the food factory. So, we have to return by Monday at-"

"Shut up!" Michael interrupted, taking the tablet and handing it to a bodyguard. "Don't you dare talk about work again! I'll whip you later!"

"Huh? What whip, Sir?" Vivian exclaimed, causing Michael to laugh heartily, his head tilting back.

"Afraid, huh?" Michael asked, satisfied. "You should be afraid of me. Because I never go halfway when I'm alone with a woman in a hotel room. Especially if it involves whips!"

"I'm still normal. Of course I'm scared!" Vivian protested. "What's with the whip? Am I a horse, Sir? Why is there a need for whipping? Don't do weird things! Vacationing makes me scared if this is how it goes!"

"Talkative! I will whip you for real!" Michael threatened. His ears were irritated by Vivian's babbling.

"Whip what, Sir?"

"The whip of pleasure!" Michael sneered, bringing his lips closer to Vivian's neck, inhaling the scent of fresh fruit from the woman. He had never smelled this scent before.

'How can Vivian smell so softly fragrant? What perfume is that? Usually, no woman uses this kind of fragrance?' Michael wondered.

A choking sound stuck in her throat. Vivian vividly remembered claiming she wasn't a virgin. In reality, the furthest she had ever gone with her past boyfriends was kissing and light touching. Never squeezing, let alone getting into bed and doing the deed.

Meanwhile, Michael's soft lips began to crawl up her neck. The four bodyguards immediately turned their backs. Giving privacy to their master.

Hugo, who was always used as a threat by Vivian, blocked the intimacy of his master with his large body. Next to Hugo was another man with slanted eyes like Michael. His name was Jiong.

The two bodyguards were sharply monitoring the surroundings. Every person who passed near them would receive special attention.

"I want you, Vivian," Michael whispered, moving his hand downward.

Suddenly, an overwhelming fear gripped her. It started deep within and began to spread throughout her body. She wanted to run. To escape all the dangerous lust and passion of Michael Yuan.

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