Collage Crush

Collage Crush

Chapter 1: First encounters

Ananya Kapoor, at 19, was the kind of girl everyone noticed.

Fl : Ananyaa

mL: harsh

Her warm smile, twinkling eyes, and kind-hearted nature made her the darling of Delhi University. As she walked through the lush green campus, her long hair flowing behind her, she exuded an aura of charm and grace that turned heads wherever she went. Ananya was in her first year of an MBA program and had already earned the title of campus beauty. But beyond her captivating looks, it was here genuine kindness’s ness and respect for every one that made her truly special.

Harsh Mehra, on the other hand, was the complete opposite in terms of social interaction. At 20, he was the quintessential nerd. He came from a wealthy family but never flaunted his riches. With his sharp intellect and introverted nature, he had earned the title of campus topper. Harsh preferred the company of books over people and was often seen engrossed in his studies in the library. His close friend Adithya was his only constant companion.

mL 2:adhithya

Fl 2 : Sarahh

Adithya was the classic playboy Handsome, with a cold heart, he was the exact opposite of Harsh in demeanor. Where Harsh was reserved, Adithya was bold and outgoing, often seen with a different girl every other week. Yet, despite his cavalier attitude towards relationships, he had a deep bond with Harsh, their friendship rooted in years of being family friends.

Ananya's best friend, Sarah, was her polar opposite in personality but shared her kind heart. Sarah was bold and confident, never shying away from speaking her mind. At 19,she was equally beautiful and had a fierce loyalty towards Ananya, often stepping in to protect her when needed.

The academic year had just begun, and the campus was buzzing with excitement.

Freshers mingled with seniors, and everyone was eager to make new friends and

experiences. Ananya and Harsh's paths were about to cross in the most unexpected


A Chance Meeting

It was a sunny Monday morning, ananya was rushing to her first class of the day. Her mischievous puppy, Bruno, had delayed her morning routine with his playful antics. As she hurried across the courtyard, she collided with Harsh, who was engrossed in a thick textbook.

Books scattered across the ground, and Harsh, taken aback, looked up to see Ananya's flustered face. She immediately bent down to help him pick up the books, her apologies spilling out in rapid succession.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. Bruned me running late," she said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Harsh, momentarily stunned by her beauty, managed a small smile. "It's alright. No harm done," he replied, his voice soft and composed.

As they gathered the books, their hands brushed briefly, sending a jolt of electricity through both of them. Ananya looked up, meeting Harsh's gaze for the first time. There was something about his calm demeanor and intense eyes that intrigued her.

"'m Anany.By the way, she said, extending her hand with a warm smile.

"Harsh," he replied, shaking her hand gently.

From that moment on, their lives became intertwined in ways neither of them could have imagined.


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