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Collage Crush

Chapter 1: First encounters

Ananya Kapoor, at 19, was the kind of girl everyone noticed.

Fl : Ananyaa

mL: harsh

Her warm smile, twinkling eyes, and kind-hearted nature made her the darling of Delhi University. As she walked through the lush green campus, her long hair flowing behind her, she exuded an aura of charm and grace that turned heads wherever she went. Ananya was in her first year of an MBA program and had already earned the title of campus beauty. But beyond her captivating looks, it was here genuine kindness’s ness and respect for every one that made her truly special.

Harsh Mehra, on the other hand, was the complete opposite in terms of social interaction. At 20, he was the quintessential nerd. He came from a wealthy family but never flaunted his riches. With his sharp intellect and introverted nature, he had earned the title of campus topper. Harsh preferred the company of books over people and was often seen engrossed in his studies in the library. His close friend Adithya was his only constant companion.

mL 2:adhithya

Fl 2 : Sarahh

Adithya was the classic playboy Handsome, with a cold heart, he was the exact opposite of Harsh in demeanor. Where Harsh was reserved, Adithya was bold and outgoing, often seen with a different girl every other week. Yet, despite his cavalier attitude towards relationships, he had a deep bond with Harsh, their friendship rooted in years of being family friends.

Ananya's best friend, Sarah, was her polar opposite in personality but shared her kind heart. Sarah was bold and confident, never shying away from speaking her mind. At 19,she was equally beautiful and had a fierce loyalty towards Ananya, often stepping in to protect her when needed.

The academic year had just begun, and the campus was buzzing with excitement.

Freshers mingled with seniors, and everyone was eager to make new friends and

experiences. Ananya and Harsh's paths were about to cross in the most unexpected


A Chance Meeting

It was a sunny Monday morning, ananya was rushing to her first class of the day. Her mischievous puppy, Bruno, had delayed her morning routine with his playful antics. As she hurried across the courtyard, she collided with Harsh, who was engrossed in a thick textbook.

Books scattered across the ground, and Harsh, taken aback, looked up to see Ananya's flustered face. She immediately bent down to help him pick up the books, her apologies spilling out in rapid succession.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there. Bruned me running late," she said, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Harsh, momentarily stunned by her beauty, managed a small smile. "It's alright. No harm done," he replied, his voice soft and composed.

As they gathered the books, their hands brushed briefly, sending a jolt of electricity through both of them. Ananya looked up, meeting Harsh's gaze for the first time. There was something about his calm demeanor and intense eyes that intrigued her.

"'m Anany.By the way, she said, extending her hand with a warm smile.

"Harsh," he replied, shaking her hand gently.

From that moment on, their lives became intertwined in ways neither of them could have imagined.

Chapter 2 : Growing Attraction

Over the next few weeks, Ananya and Harsh found themselves bumping into each other more often. Whether it was in the library, the cafeteria, group projects, fate seemed to be pushing them together. Their interactions, though brief, were filled with a growing tension that both were acutely aware of but hesitant to acknowledge.

Sarah, ever the observant friend, noticed the subtle changes in Ananya's behavior.

"You like him, don't you?" she asked one evening as they sat in their dorm room, painting their nails.

Ananya blushed, trying to deny it. “He's just a friend, Sarah .“

"Friends don't look at each other the way you two do," Sarah retorted, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Meanwhile, Harsh was grappling with his own feelings. He had never been one to get emotionally involved, always prioritizing his studies over relationships. But Ananya was different. Her kindness and beauty

captivated him, and he found himself thinking about her more often than not.

Adithya, noticing his friend's distraction, couldn't resist teasing him. Looks like Mr.Topper has a crush," he said one evening, clapping Harsh on the back.

Harsh sighed, knowing there was no point in denying it.

"She's...different," he admitted.

Adithya's playful demeanor softened. "Just be careful, Harsh. Don't let your guard down too easily."As Ananya and Harsh's friendship blossomed into a deeper attraction, they were unaware of the shadows lurking around them. Adithya, with his playboy reputation, had enemies who envied his charm and success. One of them was Raghav, a senior known for his dark, vengeful nature.



Raghav had always harbored a grudge against Adithya and saw an opportunity to strike through Harsh and Ananya. He began to observe their interactions, waiting for the right moment to create chaos.

One evening, as Ananya and Harsh were walking back from the library, Raghav and his gang cornered them. "Well, well, if it isn't the campus nerd and his little princess," Raghav sneered.

Harsh stepped protectively in front of Ananya. "What do you want, Raghav?" he asked, his voice steady.

Raghav smirked. "Just a little fun. You see, I don't like it when people like you two think you can just live your perfect lives without any consequences."

Ananya's heart pounded in her chest as Raghav advanced.

She could see the malice in his eyes and knew they were in danger. The encounter with Raghav left Ananya shaken, but it also brought her and Harsh closer.

They spent more time together, finding solace in each other's company. Their bond deepened, and the lines between friendship and romance began to blur.

One evening, as they sat on a bench overlooking the campus, Harsh turned to Ananya, his eyes filled with intensity. "Ananya, I need to tell you something," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

Ananya's heart raced. She had been waiting for this moment, unsure of how to express her own feelings. "What is it, Harsh?" she asked softly.

"...l think I'm falling for you," he confessed, his eyes locking on to hers .

Please supportort my words guys ..

Chapter 3 : The Dark Romance begins

Ananya's breath caught in her throat. She reached out,taking his hand in hers. "| feel the same way, Harsh," she whispered.

In that moment, the world around them seemed to disappear. They leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender kiss that ignited a fire within them. It was a kiss filled with passion, longing, and the promise of something more.

As their relationship blossomed, Ananya and Harsh found themselves exploring the depths of their emotions and desires. They spent long nights talking, kissing, and discovering each other in ways they had never experienced before.

Their love was intense, a dark romance that consumed them

both. They found themselves drawn to each other in ways that were both exhilarating and frightening. The physical attraction between them was undeniable, and they soon found themselves giving in to their desires.

One night, as they lay in Harsh's bed, the moonlight casting a soft glow over their entwined bodies, Harsh looked into Ananya's eyes. "| want you, Ananya," he whispered, his voice filled with longing.

Ananya's breath hitched. She had never felt such an intense connection with anyone before. "I want you too,Harsh," she replied, her voice trembling with anticipation. Their lovemaking was passionate and intense, a culmination of their deep emotions and desires. They explored each other bodies emotions and desires. They explored each other's bodies with a fervor that left them

both breathless and wanting more. As their relationship deepened, Ananya and Harsh faced numerous challenges.

Raghav continued to lurk in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike. The pressure of their studies, combined with their intense relationship, began to take its toll. Adithya, ever the protective friend, noticed the strain on Harsh. "You need to be careful, Harsh. Raghav is dangerous," he warned.

Harsh nodded, knowing Adithya was right. "I won't let anything happen to Ananya," he promised.

Sarah, too, noticed the changes in Ananya. "Are you okay, Ananya? You seem... different," she asked one evening.

Ananya sighed. "I love Harsh, but it's all so intense. I don't know if I can handle it."Sarah hugged her friend.

"Whatever happens, l'm here for you," she reassured.

The tension between Raghav and Harsh finally came to a head one fateful night.

Raghav, fueled by jealousy and anger, confronted Harsh in a dark alley near the campus.

You think you can just take everything, don't you?Raghav sneered, his eyes filled with malice.

Harsh stood his ground, determined to protect Ananya at all costs."This isn't about taking anything, Raghav.

You're the one who can't stand to see others happy."

Raghav's face twisted in anger. "You don't deserve her.

You're just a nerd with no backbone. Ananya deserves someone better, someone like me."

Harsh's fists clenched at his sides. "Ananya is more than capable of deciding who she wants to be with," he replied, his voice steady. "And she chose me."

Before Raghav could respond,

Adithya appeared, his presence commanding and imposing. "Leave him alone, Raghav," he said, his voice cold. "You've crossed the line."

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