Once Upon A Farm

Once Upon A Farm

01: Sexyback



The girl near about screamed, supporting her slender hand and scarlet fingered palms on the bed’s head frame as Minhyuk pounded into her with fervor.

“Sssh… keep it down, baby. It’s 12 in the fucking afternoon.” Minhyuk panted without easing the relentless pace.

The girl mumbled some incoherent words that sounded suspiciously like broken moans of Minhyuk’s name and how thankful she was. Minhyuk gripped her ample hips and maneuvered her legs, hiking one up his shoulders.

The girl had already come once from his ministrations earlier before the real deal, so she was now a weak and pliant mess begging Minhyuk to just fuck her already and Minhyuk was more than happy to oblige.

The bed creaked with the force of Minhyuk’s thrusts because he had had enough and wanted to chase his orgasm as fast as he could. The girl was an incessant talker, and although Minhyuk did enjoy dirty talk in bed, she bordered more on the sappy-life-story-during-sex-type and that was a huge turn off for him.

But since he was already balls deep in her, he had no choice but to finish what he started. The curtains of Minhyuk’s room fluttered in the afternoon wind, and birds chirped happily.

No one being the wiser about the debauchery that was currently going on in broad daylight.

“You are…oh God M-Minhyuk… so good…I…mmhh… I hung up on m-my mom’s phone call to c-come here…” She blabbered, holding her thighs up for better access and Minhyuk scrunched up his nose in distaste because what the actual fuck?

“Ashley, right? Ashley, please for god’s sake don’t talk about your mother while I’m fucking you to oblivion, seriously!” Minhyuk grunted.

God, this certainly was a huge mistake and this was also probably the longest time that he’d taken to come. And it wasn’t even like he was trying to draw out the pleasure.

Because no, at this point, he was desperately hoping for just one small push to finish and be done with it.

But every time Minhyuk thought he was close and was thanking his stars that it was finally over, she would comment odd shit like that and his boner would promptly be like “nope, that won’t do” and he’d have to push himself all over again.

It was honestly maddening.

“Ohhh…r-right there, Minhyuk, God you’re s-so good… I t-told my best friend about you… fuck!”

Minhyuk was actually considering pulling his dick out and jacking himself off at this point.

The girl was probably the most annoying person he has ever fucked, and he was scolding himself for the umpteenth time in his head for being stupid and horny and impulsively calling her over after making out with her that one time at a frat party.

“Ashley…Just, fuck… Just shut up for two seconds!” he growled, grabbing her hands that were trying to reach out to him and holding them with one hand and pressing them over her head on the mattress.

All this seemed to edge her on all the more. Great, Minhyuk thought, at least someone was enjoying this torture.

“You’re so hot, Minhyuk, oh my god…!” she moaned and Minhyuk rolled his eyes in the middle of sex.

Just when he thought that maybe he could finally let his dick have that much-needed relief, he heard some sounds from downstairs.

He was too busy groaning though, to pay attention, and also because his bedroom was the farthest in the southern wing of the house.

He squeezed her hips to elicit some reaction from her that might be the nail in his overdue coffin, because he was grasping for anything right now.

Ashley let out a frankly obnoxious moan that bordered on pornographic, but was more on the cringy kind, when he heard voices.

Minhyuk immediately halted his movements and craned his ears.

“MinKi, baby, why’d you stop?” Ashley slurred.

“Ssh… shut up! Don’t make a sound.”

Minhyuk urged and then panicked when he vaguely registered footsteps coming up the stairs

His mother must be back from her weekly shopping, which also meant an onslaught of people which included her secretary, the housekeeper, Mrs Gibbons, rushing to aid her and the valet carrying the bags.

Well, shit.

Minhyuk pulled himself out of the girl with a hiss, and Ashley was about to whine some more but Minhyuk placed his palm over her mouth.

“Listen, my mom’s back, so we’re gonna have to continue this some other time. You need to hide. Like right now!”

Ashley’s eyes widened and nearly filled with tears, and when Minhyuk removed his palm she instantly carried on with her whining, “Minghyuk, how could you say that? You can’t just not finish this!” she gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin.

Minhyuk wanted to snap at her and tell her that if anyone was not finished, it was him.

Seeing as how he was nice enough to pleasure her into coming once, while he himself hadn’t gotten that privilege yet, thanks to her big mouth.

He was steadily panicking because now he could hear his mother’s voice from the end of the corridor, talking to her secretary and he knew she would come to his room to pay a visit.

And Minhyuk didn’t even remember locking his door. Never mind the fact that he was naked right now.

“Look Ashley, just please. You need to fucking hide. My mother can’t catch us like this. She thinks I’m working on my project and quite frankly, I don’t think she’d approve the idea of her son fucking in her house while she was gone for 2 hours. So please just, put on some clothes and just… yeah.?” He implored.

Ashley looked like she was about to protest once again but when they both heard an eloquent ‘Minhyukie…’ accompanied with footsteps that got nearer, both their eyes widened and Minhyuk nearly pushed the girl off the bed where she frantically gathered her strewn clothes from the floor, searching wildly for her bra.

Minhyuk was mentally cursing himself for being stupid enough to allow the girl to give him a striptease and flinging her items of clothing at random places.

Thankfully, she found her misplaced undergarment and stood dumbly with the clothes held in her hands looking at Minhyuk for further instructions.

Minhyuk pulled on his sweatpants and his black tee shirt in lightning speed, glad that his already wilting boner was now under control and wouldn’t show off any of his shenanigans through his clothes.

He turned around to find the girl staring at him and he was this close from pulling his hair out at the sheer stupidity that the girl was displaying.

“What are you doing? Get in the fucking bathroom and don’t make a sound. GO!”

She nodded fervently and finally rushed and slammed the door shut. Minhyuk could hear his mother’s heels almost reaching the door. He looked around to see his bed was a mess and nearly had another panic attack.

He grabbed his laptop from his study table and dived into his bed like he just executed a perfect dive into the pool and then reached out for his headphones from the bedside table and put it on.

He swiftly stood up on the bed and began flailing his arms around and jumping up and down, as if dancing to some mad beat just in time for his mother to turn the door knob (which of course wasn’t locked because Minhyuk is a moron) and enter his room.

Minhyuk had his eyes closed, mouthing some random stuff and moving his hips and kicking his legs. It didn’t help considering the fact that the headphones were playing complete silence so it was difficult to coordinate his choreography.

But this was the best he could think of to explain the situation of the bed. He could feel his mother standing inside his room, the aroma of her Chanel No 5 wafting in sweet waves. But Minhyuk was a dedicated performer so he kept up his act till called out for it.

“I’m not sure what’s going on.” Mrs Jeon finally spoke up and Minghyuk, ever the drama queen pretended to jump out of his skin at the “sudden noise”, opened his eyes and yanked his headphones off.

“Mom! Jesus, you scared me!” He said placing one hand above his heart.

His mother was standing in her navy-blue dress and black kitten pumps, her brown hair done up in a low bun, with her hands across her chest, looking at Minhyuk with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

“Well, I could say the same to you, Minghyuk-ah. Wasn’t expecting my college going son to be dancing on his bed like a teenager. Weren’t you supposed to be doing your art project?” she said walking inside the room and Minhyuk began sweating a little, glancing towards his bathroom door and hoping to God that Ashley didn’t leave a stray top or something lying around somewhere.

From his position on the bed, he had a vantage point to eye the room and make sure that nothing was too out of place to give him away. He noticed the shirts that usually stay hanging from the back of his bedroom door, now scattered on the floor and he remembered that occurring when Ashley in a particularly feisty mood had slammed him against the door to suck hickeys on his neck.


Minhyuk’s hand flew up to his neck, feeling the bruised skin under his fingertips. Without another thought, he dropped flat on the bed and pulled the comforter up to his neck, praying that his mother wouldn’t find it suspicious.

Thankfully, she had her back turned towards him, picking up some fallen books off the floor, yet another collateral damage caused by the girl’s overenthusiasm.

“Why is your room always such a pigsty, Hyunki-ah? Mrs. Gibbons isn’t someone you’re supposed to burden with your irresponsibility. I expect you to keep your own room clean. You’re not a child anymore,” his mother chided in a tired voice, placing the books properly, an action she had done too many times in the past.

“Y-yes, mom,” Minhyuk meekly muttered, glancing towards the bathroom again. To his horror, he saw Ashley open the door slightly and peek her head out.

He furiously muttered and mouthed at her to get inside when her mother turned around, and he instantly whipped his head back and schooled his expression, seeing from his peripherals the door thankfully being softly closed shut.

“Do you—” his mother stopped, seeing Minhyuk lying on the bed flat on his back, comforter draped around him like an Egyptian mummy.

“Minhyuk, what happened? Are you feeling sick?” his mother hurried towards him and placed her palms on his forehead, checking his temperature.

“N-no, Mom, just felt a little l-lightheaded,” he said, smiling sheepishly, pulling the comforter to hide his neck. His mother eyed him suspiciously, and Minhyuk hoped she wouldn't call him out on his bullshit.

Knowing his mother, that wouldn’t be too surprising.

“And you’re feeling cold too?” she asked, eyeing the tightly draped comforter.

“Y-yes? I mean, y-yes!” Minhyuk said and unnecessarily cleared his throat.

“Hmm. Maybe next time shorten your dance performance and focus on your art project,” his mother said, hands on her hips, and Minhyuk knew she wasn’t buying it completely. But she still held an amused glint in her eyes.

Minhyuk nodded innocently, praying to the deities to forgive him when not a half-hour ago he was doing things that were very far removed from the parameters of innocence.

“Right. Well then, I have a meeting online,” she said consulting her gold wristwatch, “and you, young man, will get up, fix your bed and get on with your art project. Dad expects nothing but top results from you,” his mother said, brushing down invisible lint from her dress.

“Will do, mom,” Minhyuk muttered. He was beginning to feel foolish, lying there motionless and also beginning to feel hot.

“Good. And don’t be late for lunch.” She smiled and then turned on her heels and exited the room, closing it behind her.

Minhyuk lay motionless for a few more seconds until the sound of her heeled footsteps echoed off and eventually descended down the stairs and disappeared where she was headed for her study.

Then he flew off the bed, towards the door to lock it this time, and then rushed to the bathroom.

Ashley was calmly scrolling through her phone, sitting on the closed toilet seat and still semi naked, with no pants on and only in her top. She looked up as Minhyuk opened the door.

“Minki! Finally! Can we continue now?” she asked, locking her phone and standing up. Minhyuk stared at her in incredulity. The girl really must be insane.

“Are you kidding? Of course not! My mom is home and very soon my dad will be too. You need to leave right now.” He said already motioning for her to put on her pants.

“But Minki, we didn’t even finish.” She pouted which did nothing to Minhyuk except the usage of the nickname just irked him more.

“Well, you finished, Ashley. More like I didn’t.” he couldn’t help retorting.

Ashley instantly brightened up and walked closer to him and placed her palms on his chest and suggestively began inching them down south.

“How about I help you with that?” she tried in a would-be sultry tone but Minhyuk was certain that his dick had resigned for the day.

“Uh, no thank you.” he said hurriedly, grabbing her hand before she could move any further. “Seriously, Ashley, you need to leave. I’m sorry that this had to happen this way. But, yeah. I’ll see you around.” Ashley huffed, sticking her nose in the air and put on her jeans half-heartedly.

Minhyuk who was too busy formulating a plan on how to get rid of the girl without anybody seeing. He knew his mother would be busy with her meeting, so her secretary would be with her as well so there wasn’t any fear from them.

The valet wouldn’t be in the house either. The only problem was their highly perceptive housekeeper Mrs. Gibbons, and a fly had a hard time escaping her watchful eye.

“Okay listen, we’re gonna go down real quietly and then I’m gonna distract my housekeeper in the kitchen with something, you take the garden door leading out of the living room and go straight out of the back exit. The security there doesn’t arrive till evening. Got it?” Minhyuk instructed.

“Fine.” Ashley muttered, entirely unhappy.

“Please for God’s sake Ashley, do not fuck this up. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to get caught by Mrs. Gibbons. She’s scary. If she catches you, she might not want to let you in the house next time.” Minhyuk said in a conspiratorial whisper.

He knew Mrs Gibbons wasn’t heartless or mean like that, she was actually a sweetheart who cared a lot for him and his family, but Minhyuk was a little desperate here.

Ashley’s eyes widened and she gripped Minghyuk’s tee shirt again, “Oh Minghyuk! We can’t let that happen!”

Minhyuk clenched his jaw because he was about to let exactly that happen but now was not the time for truths.

“Yeah, we sure can’t. Now let’s go!” Saying so he walked out of the bathroom and out through his bedroom door and down the stairs with Ashley following close on his heels.

Distracting Mrs Gibbons was easy because she was way too fond of Minhyuk and when he bounded over to her demanding an iced tea because he was thirsty from painting so much, the woman cooed and left her duster in the living room and scurried to the kitchen, Minhyuk walking behind her but not before throwing a warning glance towards Ashley who was hiding behind a marble figurine to get the fuck out, now!

He caught Ashley obnoxiously throwing a flying kiss at his direction and then finally and thankfully dash out the garden door.

Minhyuk wholeheartedly enjoyed his delicious iced tea, listening intently all about Mrs Gibbons’ tales of her newly born multiple grandchildren.

Crisis Averted.

For now.



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