NovelToon NovelToon

Once Upon A Farm

01: Sexyback



The girl near about screamed, supporting her slender hand and scarlet fingered palms on the bed’s head frame as Minhyuk pounded into her with fervor.

“Sssh… keep it down, baby. It’s 12 in the fucking afternoon.” Minhyuk panted without easing the relentless pace.

The girl mumbled some incoherent words that sounded suspiciously like broken moans of Minhyuk’s name and how thankful she was. Minhyuk gripped her ample hips and maneuvered her legs, hiking one up his shoulders.

The girl had already come once from his ministrations earlier before the real deal, so she was now a weak and pliant mess begging Minhyuk to just fuck her already and Minhyuk was more than happy to oblige.

The bed creaked with the force of Minhyuk’s thrusts because he had had enough and wanted to chase his orgasm as fast as he could. The girl was an incessant talker, and although Minhyuk did enjoy dirty talk in bed, she bordered more on the sappy-life-story-during-sex-type and that was a huge turn off for him.

But since he was already balls deep in her, he had no choice but to finish what he started. The curtains of Minhyuk’s room fluttered in the afternoon wind, and birds chirped happily.

No one being the wiser about the debauchery that was currently going on in broad daylight.

“You are…oh God M-Minhyuk… so good…I…mmhh… I hung up on m-my mom’s phone call to c-come here…” She blabbered, holding her thighs up for better access and Minhyuk scrunched up his nose in distaste because what the actual fuck?

“Ashley, right? Ashley, please for god’s sake don’t talk about your mother while I’m fucking you to oblivion, seriously!” Minhyuk grunted.

God, this certainly was a huge mistake and this was also probably the longest time that he’d taken to come. And it wasn’t even like he was trying to draw out the pleasure.

Because no, at this point, he was desperately hoping for just one small push to finish and be done with it.

But every time Minhyuk thought he was close and was thanking his stars that it was finally over, she would comment odd shit like that and his boner would promptly be like “nope, that won’t do” and he’d have to push himself all over again.

It was honestly maddening.

“Ohhh…r-right there, Minhyuk, God you’re s-so good… I t-told my best friend about you… fuck!”

Minhyuk was actually considering pulling his dick out and jacking himself off at this point.

The girl was probably the most annoying person he has ever fucked, and he was scolding himself for the umpteenth time in his head for being stupid and horny and impulsively calling her over after making out with her that one time at a frat party.

“Ashley…Just, fuck… Just shut up for two seconds!” he growled, grabbing her hands that were trying to reach out to him and holding them with one hand and pressing them over her head on the mattress.

All this seemed to edge her on all the more. Great, Minhyuk thought, at least someone was enjoying this torture.

“You’re so hot, Minhyuk, oh my god…!” she moaned and Minhyuk rolled his eyes in the middle of sex.

Just when he thought that maybe he could finally let his dick have that much-needed relief, he heard some sounds from downstairs.

He was too busy groaning though, to pay attention, and also because his bedroom was the farthest in the southern wing of the house.

He squeezed her hips to elicit some reaction from her that might be the nail in his overdue coffin, because he was grasping for anything right now.

Ashley let out a frankly obnoxious moan that bordered on pornographic, but was more on the cringy kind, when he heard voices.

Minhyuk immediately halted his movements and craned his ears.

“MinKi, baby, why’d you stop?” Ashley slurred.

“Ssh… shut up! Don’t make a sound.”

Minhyuk urged and then panicked when he vaguely registered footsteps coming up the stairs

His mother must be back from her weekly shopping, which also meant an onslaught of people which included her secretary, the housekeeper, Mrs Gibbons, rushing to aid her and the valet carrying the bags.

Well, shit.

Minhyuk pulled himself out of the girl with a hiss, and Ashley was about to whine some more but Minhyuk placed his palm over her mouth.

“Listen, my mom’s back, so we’re gonna have to continue this some other time. You need to hide. Like right now!”

Ashley’s eyes widened and nearly filled with tears, and when Minhyuk removed his palm she instantly carried on with her whining, “Minghyuk, how could you say that? You can’t just not finish this!” she gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin.

Minhyuk wanted to snap at her and tell her that if anyone was not finished, it was him.

Seeing as how he was nice enough to pleasure her into coming once, while he himself hadn’t gotten that privilege yet, thanks to her big mouth.

He was steadily panicking because now he could hear his mother’s voice from the end of the corridor, talking to her secretary and he knew she would come to his room to pay a visit.

And Minhyuk didn’t even remember locking his door. Never mind the fact that he was naked right now.

“Look Ashley, just please. You need to fucking hide. My mother can’t catch us like this. She thinks I’m working on my project and quite frankly, I don’t think she’d approve the idea of her son fucking in her house while she was gone for 2 hours. So please just, put on some clothes and just… yeah.?” He implored.

Ashley looked like she was about to protest once again but when they both heard an eloquent ‘Minhyukie…’ accompanied with footsteps that got nearer, both their eyes widened and Minhyuk nearly pushed the girl off the bed where she frantically gathered her strewn clothes from the floor, searching wildly for her bra.

Minhyuk was mentally cursing himself for being stupid enough to allow the girl to give him a striptease and flinging her items of clothing at random places.

Thankfully, she found her misplaced undergarment and stood dumbly with the clothes held in her hands looking at Minhyuk for further instructions.

Minhyuk pulled on his sweatpants and his black tee shirt in lightning speed, glad that his already wilting boner was now under control and wouldn’t show off any of his shenanigans through his clothes.

He turned around to find the girl staring at him and he was this close from pulling his hair out at the sheer stupidity that the girl was displaying.

“What are you doing? Get in the fucking bathroom and don’t make a sound. GO!”

She nodded fervently and finally rushed and slammed the door shut. Minhyuk could hear his mother’s heels almost reaching the door. He looked around to see his bed was a mess and nearly had another panic attack.

He grabbed his laptop from his study table and dived into his bed like he just executed a perfect dive into the pool and then reached out for his headphones from the bedside table and put it on.

He swiftly stood up on the bed and began flailing his arms around and jumping up and down, as if dancing to some mad beat just in time for his mother to turn the door knob (which of course wasn’t locked because Minhyuk is a moron) and enter his room.

Minhyuk had his eyes closed, mouthing some random stuff and moving his hips and kicking his legs. It didn’t help considering the fact that the headphones were playing complete silence so it was difficult to coordinate his choreography.

But this was the best he could think of to explain the situation of the bed. He could feel his mother standing inside his room, the aroma of her Chanel No 5 wafting in sweet waves. But Minhyuk was a dedicated performer so he kept up his act till called out for it.

“I’m not sure what’s going on.” Mrs Jeon finally spoke up and Minghyuk, ever the drama queen pretended to jump out of his skin at the “sudden noise”, opened his eyes and yanked his headphones off.

“Mom! Jesus, you scared me!” He said placing one hand above his heart.

His mother was standing in her navy-blue dress and black kitten pumps, her brown hair done up in a low bun, with her hands across her chest, looking at Minhyuk with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

“Well, I could say the same to you, Minghyuk-ah. Wasn’t expecting my college going son to be dancing on his bed like a teenager. Weren’t you supposed to be doing your art project?” she said walking inside the room and Minhyuk began sweating a little, glancing towards his bathroom door and hoping to God that Ashley didn’t leave a stray top or something lying around somewhere.

From his position on the bed, he had a vantage point to eye the room and make sure that nothing was too out of place to give him away. He noticed the shirts that usually stay hanging from the back of his bedroom door, now scattered on the floor and he remembered that occurring when Ashley in a particularly feisty mood had slammed him against the door to suck hickeys on his neck.


Minhyuk’s hand flew up to his neck, feeling the bruised skin under his fingertips. Without another thought, he dropped flat on the bed and pulled the comforter up to his neck, praying that his mother wouldn’t find it suspicious.

Thankfully, she had her back turned towards him, picking up some fallen books off the floor, yet another collateral damage caused by the girl’s overenthusiasm.

“Why is your room always such a pigsty, Hyunki-ah? Mrs. Gibbons isn’t someone you’re supposed to burden with your irresponsibility. I expect you to keep your own room clean. You’re not a child anymore,” his mother chided in a tired voice, placing the books properly, an action she had done too many times in the past.

“Y-yes, mom,” Minhyuk meekly muttered, glancing towards the bathroom again. To his horror, he saw Ashley open the door slightly and peek her head out.

He furiously muttered and mouthed at her to get inside when her mother turned around, and he instantly whipped his head back and schooled his expression, seeing from his peripherals the door thankfully being softly closed shut.

“Do you—” his mother stopped, seeing Minhyuk lying on the bed flat on his back, comforter draped around him like an Egyptian mummy.

“Minhyuk, what happened? Are you feeling sick?” his mother hurried towards him and placed her palms on his forehead, checking his temperature.

“N-no, Mom, just felt a little l-lightheaded,” he said, smiling sheepishly, pulling the comforter to hide his neck. His mother eyed him suspiciously, and Minhyuk hoped she wouldn't call him out on his bullshit.

Knowing his mother, that wouldn’t be too surprising.

“And you’re feeling cold too?” she asked, eyeing the tightly draped comforter.

“Y-yes? I mean, y-yes!” Minhyuk said and unnecessarily cleared his throat.

“Hmm. Maybe next time shorten your dance performance and focus on your art project,” his mother said, hands on her hips, and Minhyuk knew she wasn’t buying it completely. But she still held an amused glint in her eyes.

Minhyuk nodded innocently, praying to the deities to forgive him when not a half-hour ago he was doing things that were very far removed from the parameters of innocence.

“Right. Well then, I have a meeting online,” she said consulting her gold wristwatch, “and you, young man, will get up, fix your bed and get on with your art project. Dad expects nothing but top results from you,” his mother said, brushing down invisible lint from her dress.

“Will do, mom,” Minhyuk muttered. He was beginning to feel foolish, lying there motionless and also beginning to feel hot.

“Good. And don’t be late for lunch.” She smiled and then turned on her heels and exited the room, closing it behind her.

Minhyuk lay motionless for a few more seconds until the sound of her heeled footsteps echoed off and eventually descended down the stairs and disappeared where she was headed for her study.

Then he flew off the bed, towards the door to lock it this time, and then rushed to the bathroom.

Ashley was calmly scrolling through her phone, sitting on the closed toilet seat and still semi naked, with no pants on and only in her top. She looked up as Minhyuk opened the door.

“Minki! Finally! Can we continue now?” she asked, locking her phone and standing up. Minhyuk stared at her in incredulity. The girl really must be insane.

“Are you kidding? Of course not! My mom is home and very soon my dad will be too. You need to leave right now.” He said already motioning for her to put on her pants.

“But Minki, we didn’t even finish.” She pouted which did nothing to Minhyuk except the usage of the nickname just irked him more.

“Well, you finished, Ashley. More like I didn’t.” he couldn’t help retorting.

Ashley instantly brightened up and walked closer to him and placed her palms on his chest and suggestively began inching them down south.

“How about I help you with that?” she tried in a would-be sultry tone but Minhyuk was certain that his dick had resigned for the day.

“Uh, no thank you.” he said hurriedly, grabbing her hand before she could move any further. “Seriously, Ashley, you need to leave. I’m sorry that this had to happen this way. But, yeah. I’ll see you around.” Ashley huffed, sticking her nose in the air and put on her jeans half-heartedly.

Minhyuk who was too busy formulating a plan on how to get rid of the girl without anybody seeing. He knew his mother would be busy with her meeting, so her secretary would be with her as well so there wasn’t any fear from them.

The valet wouldn’t be in the house either. The only problem was their highly perceptive housekeeper Mrs. Gibbons, and a fly had a hard time escaping her watchful eye.

“Okay listen, we’re gonna go down real quietly and then I’m gonna distract my housekeeper in the kitchen with something, you take the garden door leading out of the living room and go straight out of the back exit. The security there doesn’t arrive till evening. Got it?” Minhyuk instructed.

“Fine.” Ashley muttered, entirely unhappy.

“Please for God’s sake Ashley, do not fuck this up. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to get caught by Mrs. Gibbons. She’s scary. If she catches you, she might not want to let you in the house next time.” Minhyuk said in a conspiratorial whisper.

He knew Mrs Gibbons wasn’t heartless or mean like that, she was actually a sweetheart who cared a lot for him and his family, but Minhyuk was a little desperate here.

Ashley’s eyes widened and she gripped Minghyuk’s tee shirt again, “Oh Minghyuk! We can’t let that happen!”

Minhyuk clenched his jaw because he was about to let exactly that happen but now was not the time for truths.

“Yeah, we sure can’t. Now let’s go!” Saying so he walked out of the bathroom and out through his bedroom door and down the stairs with Ashley following close on his heels.

Distracting Mrs Gibbons was easy because she was way too fond of Minhyuk and when he bounded over to her demanding an iced tea because he was thirsty from painting so much, the woman cooed and left her duster in the living room and scurried to the kitchen, Minhyuk walking behind her but not before throwing a warning glance towards Ashley who was hiding behind a marble figurine to get the fuck out, now!

He caught Ashley obnoxiously throwing a flying kiss at his direction and then finally and thankfully dash out the garden door.

Minhyuk wholeheartedly enjoyed his delicious iced tea, listening intently all about Mrs Gibbons’ tales of her newly born multiple grandchildren.

Crisis Averted.

For now.

02: Mirrors

“So, what’s going on with you and Ashley?” Jinhoo asked, stuffing his face with the chicken burger, wiping casually at the cheese that oozed out of the burger and slid down the corner of his mouth.

Jaesung was calmly reading a book, glasses perched on his perfectly sculpted nose, about the Science of Calm Thinking because the man couldn’t drop his intellect for two minutes.

“What? Nothing’s going—how the fuck do you even know about her?” Minhyuk asked, licking the ketchup off his right pinky and then going ahead and absolutely smothering his fries with it.

It was Friday, and so they indulged in a slightly bigger amount of junk food than they usually do the whole week, which meant an extra helping of everything.

“She’s going around campus telling everyone Minhyuk invited her to his house and showed her a good time,” Youngjae said calmly, inspecting his perfectly manicured nails on his left hand by holding it in front of his face, his plate of salad, wiped clean and now resting on the table.

Minhyuk choked on a fry, reached for a napkin, and spat the offensive food item as Jaesung looked up from his book, eyeing the action with distaste.

“What? WHAT? What the fuck. I should've known that girl was trouble,” Minhyuk sputtered and then groaned, slumping back on his seat and rubbing his face with both palms.

“Apparently your knowledge wasn’t enough to keep your haywire hormones in check,” Jaesung said, eyes trained on his book once again as he delicately turned a page.

Jinhoo was licking the crumbs of the burger off his plate, having finished that humongous thing in a matter of seconds. He wiped his cheese and sauce-smeared lips with his napkin. Then brought his hands on the table and popped a French fry to idly chew. “Yeah, Minhyuk. What’s with you and your absolute inability to think with your fully functioning brain? I mean, I’m sure you have a marvellous libido, but is it really necessary to think with your dick all the time?” Jinhoo asked earnestly.

Youngjae snorted eloquently, sipping from his diet coke while Jaesung finally placed his bookmark in a strategic place and closed his book, his attention now fully on Minhyuk.

“Okay, I don’t sleep around that much!” Minhyuk said defensively, although deep down he knew that was a lie.

Because if anyone enjoyed a good fuck, it was Gwon Minhyuk. Sex was an excellent pastime, and Minhyuk liked working out. Sue him!

“Yeah right!”

“Could’ve fooled me!”

“How many times have we saved your ass from literal sticky situations before?”

All three of his friends spoke up at the same time, with varying degrees of exasperation. And Minhyuk stared at them in incredulity.

“WOW. You guys must really think I’m a fuckboy.” Minhyuk grumbled, making abstract shapes with the very napkin he threw his chewed fry in.

“Okay, first of all, can you please throw that disgusting napkin in the trash? It’s triggering my OCD,” Jaesung said, eyeing the thing with unease.

Jinhoo consolingly patted Jaesung’s back, and Minhyuk massively rolled his eyes, getting up to get rid of the incriminating paper, wondering for the hundredth time how he ended up with the most dramatic group of friends.

While he was walking to the nearest bin, his eyes caught a gingham-patterned pair of pants encasing an impressive length of legs. His eyes traveled up to meet a handsome man with dirty blonde hair in a red shirt who was already eyeing him with mischief.

Minhyuk raised an eyebrow, lingering around the bin while turning his face towards the handsome stranger.

The man was clearly throwing flirty smiles 101 and Minhyuk was a gold medallist in catching them all. Just as he was contemplating brushing past the man’s table and maybe dropping his number or something—not really his smoothest move, but sometimes one needs to make do with whatever is plausible—a hand yanked at him and he was dragged back to his table.

“Well, OW!” Minhyuk plopped back unceremoniously on his seat as a nonchalant Youngjae, who had been the one to pull him away, also sat back down beside him.

“Seriously, Minhyuk? There’s a girl literally airing your dirty laundry as we speak and which still remains to be resolved, and you’re already eyeing Mr. Chequered Pants over there?” Jinhoo said in a tired maternal voice.

“Wh- huh… what? I didn’t do anything!” Minhyuk knew damn well he’d been caught, but obviously he wasn’t going to admit it.

Youngjae rolled his eyes like his life depended on it and Jaesung sighed, again.

“Save it, Minhyuk. We know your predatory stance all too well now,” Youngjae said, smiling extra sweetly.

“Okay, do you all even bother to wonder whether all these words are going to offend me or not?” Minhyuk said, taking his chance and enhancing his pout a little. His friends weren’t buying it, of course.

“Nope!” Jinhoo exclaimed cheerfully.

Minhyuk sighed. His friends were right. He needed to deal with Ashley first. He couldn’t allow her to go around campus and spew bullshit.

It wasn’t a big secret around college just how much Minhyuk enjoyed sex, and exploring his sexuality, so he was perfectly fine with his preceding reputation.

It got him what he wanted all the more, and Minhyuk's exceptionally good looks were always an added bonus. As long as he maintained his grades, which wasn’t monumentally difficult since his major was art with a minor in literature, he was good to lead his life however he pleased.

But that’s not to say that he’d allow any random rumors being thrown around by his one-night stands that could potentially tamper with his privacy.

He sighed some more and sat up straighter at the table, eyeing the gingham-trousered man once again, who was sipping his drink in the most charming way.

Maybe after he dealt with Ashley, he could seek the dude out. It did look like he went to their college since he was visiting their campus cafe.

He stood up and stretched his hands above his head. Even though it was only 10 in the morning, he already felt like taking a nap. But then again, that was probably his ever-present procrastinating self talking.

“Fine. I’ll go deal with her. One time. It was just ONE TIME.” Minhyuk whined, bending beside his table to pick up his huge canvas painting that was due today.

“Oh honey, we all know this won’t be the last time you are in a situation like this,” Youngjae said, and Jinhoo and Jaesung nodded.

“Yeah Minhyuk. Why don’t you ever consider finding yourself a partner?” Jinhoo asked, placing his head in his palms.

“Seriously? This conversation is as common as the sun rising every day. You guys know the answer. I’m not fucking interested. I simply can’t deal with one single person’s tantrums and demands. Never mind the fact that I get bored easily.” Minhyuk said, hiking up his bag and adjusting his grip on his canvas.

“Well, when you find the right person, you’d bite back your own words, Minhyuk-ah,” Jaesung said sagely.

“Geez, thanks a lot grandpa!” Minhyuk grinned, and Jaesung made an unsuccessful attempt at throwing a leftover fry in Minhyuk’s direction, which was quite obviously dodged by a laughing Minhyuk as he made his way out of the café.

Jaesung reminded himself for the millionth time to work on his hand-eye coordination, because seriously, his clumsiness could one day be a life hazard.

03: What Goes Around, Comes Around

Minhyuk somehow managed to locate Ashley cackling away to a flock of her friends, or more like minions, consisting of two guys and a girl, all exceedingly snooty, standing in front of their sparkly lockers.

As Minhyuk approached, he groaned inwardly because the topic of conversation was himself, more precisely an elaborately fabricated version of yesterday’s lacklustre unfinished endeavour.

He withdrew the girl from her friend group who, on spotting Minhyuk, ‘ooh-ed’ and ‘aah-ed’ in a remarkable variance of pitches, clearly drawing their own fantastic conclusions.

However, Minhyuk was quick to snuff out Ashley’s raging fire at another possible hook up. Of course, the girl had whined and demanded an explanation and Minhyuk had spewed some mumbo jumbo about Mrs. Gibbons once again, silently deciding to gift the woman’s grandchildren something lavish for constantly throwing her under the bus.

Surprisingly, Ashley seemed to be actually scared of his housekeeper which worked quite well in Minhyuk’s favour. And they parted ways after Ashley left a questionable invitation for a threesome, if Minhyuk was ever interested.

Now Minhyuk did enjoy a good time, but he wasn’t about to display his nudity with more than one person at a time, thank you very much. So, he vaguely nodded at her and fled towards the art building, sighing in relief.

His professor was relatively pleased with the painting, insisting that Minhyuk had much more potential than this. She pointed out the fine details of his work, scrutinising and pointing out the brush strokes where he should have poured more emotion, should have driven home his vision.

At the outset, his work was more of an objective perfection. But it lacked subjectivity and the signature of individuality.

Minhyuk doesn’t blame her. He did complete the project after his underhand business the day before.

He promised to do better at which his professor reminded him that he must or his grades were going to slip. And Minhyuk earnestly promised her that he would do his best in the next assignment and even asked if he could work for some extra credit.

His professor assured him that she would think of one and let him know. Minhyuk attended his art history class next and after that he was free of classes for a few hours till his Modern Literature class. So, he decided to head over to the library.

Once he was settled in his designated seat towards the back of the massive room with tall, ancient bookcases, he plugged on his earphones and decided to take some notes from the latest class that he had.

His phone began pinging incessantly after a while, and Minhyuk, without even checking, knew that it was their group chat blowing up.



Hey losers listen up


I’m kinda busy with my Metaphysics lecture rn


Oh shut up Jae. Quit being a 50 year old for like 5 minutes and listen 2 me. Where r the others?


Greetings darlings💖


^^^Whats up?^^^


So we’r goin trekkin this spring break






^^^I’m down, where?^^^


See. The kid knows whats up. The other 2, stop with your queries. This isn’t up 4 debate. We’re goin to Alaska.


Idk. Isn’t that too extravagant?


🙄 don’t 4get we went to Paris last year to spend Christmas


Seems adventurous enough 2 me


^^^I cud use a break. LANDSCAPE PAINTING!^^^


3 down, 1 to go. Joon? It better b a yes


Ugh fine. At this rate m gonna exhaust all my savings


U can always ask 4 more frm ur parents, hon ❤️❤️




^^^Lemme know the deets. Spring break is in 3 weeks^^^


My dad will b accommodating us wid everything. I cant wait!!


It won’t be like too cold ryt? I don’t want my skin to get too affected




Guys I need 2 go, the prof is sayin some really interesting theories rn. Byah!


Ah, the nerd. Anyways, I need 2 head 2 class too. Byebye losers❤️



Minhyuk grinned at his phone. His friends were an oddball mix but he wouldn’t have it any other way. He had known them since high school.

Initially off to an awkward start given their varying personalities but eventually falling into a rhythm and then all trooping to the same college together.

Ever since then, they’d made it a tradition to go vacationing every year to various places more often than not, planned spontaneously by Jinhoo and considering the fact that all of them hailed from extremely well off families, being able to afford these trips were never a problem.

Last year they’d spend their Christmas and New Year’s at an Airbnb in Paris and Minhyuk had felt the thrill of hooking up with a French girl on Christmas eve and then having a great time with an Italian guy into the New Year.

Minhyuk sighed dreamily, staring at the bookshelf ahead. Maybe he’d find some nice mountain girl or boy on this hiking trip. He knew it would be yet another exciting one.

Just as Minhyuk was about to get back to his notes, he noticed someone standing behind the massive shelf across him, peeking through a gap in the books.

He looked up and was met with the familiar smirk of Mr. Striped Pants from the café, who was currently rolling a piece of hair around his forefinger accompanying his sultry smirk. Minhyuk smiled back and looked around him.

The library was relatively empty at this hour, as most were in their classes. Even if they were, Minhyuk knew a secluded area right at the very back of the huge room, where the oldest and most useless versions of books were kept and which was rarely visited by students, which is why the CCTV was absent in that particular area.

The man emerged from behind the bookshelf, lightly running his fingers along the spines of the book aimlessly, throwing a coy glance or two at Minhyuk’s direction. A clear invitation to something that Minhyuk was quite happy to accept.

He closed his books and shoved them in his bag along with his phone. The man instantly perked up, and Minhyuk subtly indicated the man to follow him.

Once they reached the dusty and dark corner of the library, he rounded on the man and walked with confident steps till the man was backed up against one of the bookshelves.

“Let’s not waste time exchanging names, shall we?” Minhyuk murmured, and nipped at the man’s earlobe gently, unleashing his full charm. He felt the man visibly shiver.

“B-but I already know your name,” the man murmured, eyes already glazing over.

Of course you do, Minhyuk thought.

“Don’t say it. A little mystery always spices things up,” Minhyuk said instead and latched onto a particular spot in the man’s neck to suck away as the man instantly let out a low groan.

“You want it rough or slow?” Minhyuk asked in a low voice, licking a little stripe on the man’s shoulder which he had exposed by pulling down his red shirt.

“R-rough,” the man panted, rapidly becoming a mess and Minhyuk smirked.



As Minhyuk headed for his Modern Literature class, fixing his hair and pulling his tan button-up, he decided libraries did indeed have quite the quaint charm that somehow amped up the pleasure.

Many of Minhyuk’s peers wondered why despite being a college student he still lived with his parents.

Well, for starters, he wouldn’t give up his mansion of a house and lavish master bedroom with a flat-screen TV for a measly college dorm, no thank you.

Minhyuk didn’t mind the slightest living with his parents. Primarily because his parents were liberal, easy-going folks who didn’t hinder or restrict Minhyuk in living his life however he wanted.

They understood Minhyuk was an adult and so gave him the necessary liberties. It never posed a problem for Minhyuk to do whatever he wanted. Except for when he forgets to lock his goddamn door or invite clingy people to his house.

Minhyuk knew he was extremely well off. His father was the CEO of a motor vehicle company, manufacturing sleek parts for well-known automobile brands while his mother was an interior designer, one of the very sought after in New York.

He never had to work for anything in life so far, being allowed a hearty amount of pocket money to spend as he pleased. And Minhyuk really didn’t have many hobbies to spend the money on, except video games and painting supplies.

However, his parents had made it clear to him that all this wealth was not supposed to get into his head or be taken for granted.

There was severity in Minhyuk’s father’s decisions when it came to Minhyuk maintaining his grades in college and doing consistently good in his major.

And Minhyuk, despite his wayward ways, tried his best to never disappoint his parents on that aspect. So, even though Minhyuk did get a lot of slack, his parents never tolerated any type of entitlement.

Minhyuk was currently sitting at dinner with his parents, eyes glued to his phone, keeping a tab of the football score of the match that was going on.

He was shifting and moving in his seat sporadically every time an interesting point came for the team that he was supporting. Mrs. Gibbons was fluttering around with trays of food till Mrs. Kim politely asked her to retire and look after her own dinner and that they would serve themselves. The woman gave a huge smile and scurried off.

“Minhyuk?” His father called out.

Minhyuk absentmindedly hummed, eyes following the quarterback with fervor.

“Son.” The authority now clear in his voice, and Minhyuk reluctantly locked his phone and looked at his father expectantly.

Mr. Kim smiled and spoke, “I have some news.”

Minhyuk perked up because usually his father’s news was always good.

“We are going home for your spring break this year. For your grandparents’ 60th marriage anniversary.” His father said, smiling wider now as his mother looked fondly at her husband.

Despite being in the States nearly all his life, except the first 10 years, Minhyuk knew that when his Dad called 'home' it always meant South Korea, more precisely a few kilometers off Busan, in a countryside where his grandparents lived and owned a huge farm replete with animals of various kinds and one which Minhyuk loved visiting when he was younger.

He vaguely remembers going to school there till he was 9 years old before moving to America, and the glitz and glamour of the west promptly erased and wrote new things in Minhyuk’s young and impressionable mind. Right now, though, he wasn’t all too thrilled about the vacation. Considering he already had plans of his own.

“Uh, but Dad…I kinda already made plans with Jinhoo and the others,” Minhyuk said sheepishly, twirling a piece of broccoli on his plate.

“Minhyuk, you tour with your friends every year. We have never stopped you before. Does your grandparents’ special occasion mean nothing to you?” his mom asked coldly.

And there it was. The emotional card. Minhyuk knew, denying would brand him as ungrateful. This was going to be a big deal because most of their extended family, his cousins, all still stayed in Korea, and all would be in attendance at this anniversary which would most certainly be a grand affair, considering his grandparents were looked up to by everyone in their small town, being the most influential family there.

But Minhyuk didn’t want to go. He wanted to scale the mountains and see the lakes and find exotic people to interact with.

He wanted to paint the spring landscapes and drink and just have fun with his friends. He loved his grandparents, but any function with family was bound to be a boring affair. And Minhyuk wasn’t even very fond of the countryside anymore, too used to the city life.

He knew escape wasn’t an option without heavily disappointing his parents, and no matter how bratty Minhyuk can be from time to time, he didn’t enjoy upsetting his mother and father. So, despite feeling angry at having his lovely holiday plans thwarted, Minhyuk found himself agreeing.

“Okay. Yeah, we should go, of course.”

“That’s my boy,” his mother said and affectionately ruffled his hair, and Minhyuk offered a tight smile. His father, seemingly pleased, continued with his dinner, discussing what gift to give his parents with his wife while Minhyuk zoned out.

He unlocked his phone, the game now long over, and his mood soured further to find his team had lost. He scowled and went to their group chat, informing them he couldn’t go. He instantly felt his phone vibrate with a barrage of texts which he chose to ignore for the time being.

Too sulky to reply.

He popped a broccoli in his mouth and grimaced at the taste.

His spring break was probably going to be one big broccoli, bland and utterly boring. And Minhyuk just knew, he had this feeling that he would have a bad time, being pestered with questions by his inquisitive relatives and pesky cousins about his life that he had no interest whatsoever in answering.

He was determined to hate every second of it.

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