The Silent Prince

The Silent Prince

Chapter 1

I yawn and can barely keep my heavy eyes open as I work on trying not to fall asleep. I had been up all night reading my favorite manga, even though I know a knight isn't supposed to be off guard and always stay strong, my lack of sleep was catching up to me. I manage to keep them open before I noticed someone coming this way. It was unusual since I was told people rarely come here. I had been given the duty of guarding the gardens since it was my first day. I was awake by now before I realized that the person was a servant rushing past to the place across the palace that was were they kept things like cloths and other fancy stuff.

I go back to guarding, and I noticed a young man with white hair and soft gray eyes that were shIning even though I was so far away. i was about to speak before I noticed that his clothes were fancy and traditional, the royal crest on the back of the silver and white outfit. He looked like a delicate flower, his petals flowing in the wind. I snap out of it and realized that he must be the silent prince, the 2nd prince in line for the thrown. He was uncomfortable speaking and just rarely spoke in general ever since he was a kid but even though he doesn't like crowds and prefers his own places, one thing was for sure. He was kind and gentle. I watched him bend down gracefully as he gently cupped and smelled the white rose growing against a tree. The scene almost freezes my brain as I watch him a moment.

He must not have realized he was being watched because he sat down against the tree before resting against it. His white hair and eyelashes looked as though he was a pure flower waiting to be loved carefully. I debate awhile before finally deciding to just watch him from afar. I served the area, trying to focus on anything but the one who was making my chest feel weird. I don't see anyone around, not even a mandatory personal guard. The prince, Cassius, was known for making his personal guard leave his side. An ordinary person who isn't a royal can't speak against or deny him, so they have no choice but to leave.

Cassius was also secret as the artist. He was amazing at drawing the most beautiful things. He draws anything that he sees inspirational, or so I hear from the staff. He's always preferred seclusion and being in nature. I could observe that much on my own though. Barley anyone had seen his drawings unless personally tending to him.

Days turn into weeks as he comes to the garden in the evening around 5 pm till around 8 pm. He seems to have probably been doing this long before I showed up. When I asked a servant about it on break I was told he has been doing it for years and no one tried stopping him anymore. He always found his way back.

I loved watching him shine in the sun and glow under the suns gentle light that surrounds him, enhancing his beauty. He always looked soft and gentle with his content smile as he draws flowers, butterflies, and other objects. Sometimes if he gets bored he'll challenge himself to draw a side of the palace that he was facing. You could tell when he's bored when his eyes narrow slightly. Even from so far away I could tell, at this point almost feel the relaxation but the wish for inspiration. I am not too into art, but I definitely appreciated it. Every time I catch a glance at his drawings I am met with a glimpse of beauty in everything he draws.

A few weeks go by, and all other positions are still full, so I stay placed in the garden. Watching him after 5 pm is always the most calm and my favorite part of the day. The rest of the day I work between 6 am to 9 pm. I'm good at working on lower sleep though, so I didn't mind any of it.

One day I arrived as usual and go through the usual day. At 5 pm though he walks out and sits at the same oak tree. He brought a pad of papers and a pencil and began to sketch a beautiful new white rose. He looked content as he sketches. He placed his things in his lap before stretching and pushing the hair from his eyes. For a moment I feel antsy inside, like something was trying to escape me. I look away, my face hot as I try and cool myself down buy repeating in my head 'don't be an idiot, he's the second prince!'. When I look back, he had returned to drawing, his silver-white hair delicate against his pale skin, just like the blooming rose he was so fixated on.

"...damn he's pretty..." I quickly covered my mouth and stare at him as he looked over to me, almost looking surprised I was even there. My face felt hot again as I hoped he hadn't heard me. His expression turns back to a gentle smile as he always did with people. I smile back awkwardly and reach behind my neck, pinching myself to contain my expression so I didn't die right then and there of embarrassment. He stares at me, his expression the same and I remember my job and who he was. I snap out of it and kneel. "f-forgive me, your highness...I didn't mean to interrupt or disturb you...!" I curse myself out in my head, knowing this wasn't exactly a good impression. I glance up at him and see that he has stood up by now and he nods before walking back to the door into the palace. Damn. I had just messed up...right in front of the second prince of all people...I'm in big trouble...



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