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The Silent Prince

Chapter 1

I yawn and can barely keep my heavy eyes open as I work on trying not to fall asleep. I had been up all night reading my favorite manga, even though I know a knight isn't supposed to be off guard and always stay strong, my lack of sleep was catching up to me. I manage to keep them open before I noticed someone coming this way. It was unusual since I was told people rarely come here. I had been given the duty of guarding the gardens since it was my first day. I was awake by now before I realized that the person was a servant rushing past to the place across the palace that was were they kept things like cloths and other fancy stuff.

I go back to guarding, and I noticed a young man with white hair and soft gray eyes that were shIning even though I was so far away. i was about to speak before I noticed that his clothes were fancy and traditional, the royal crest on the back of the silver and white outfit. He looked like a delicate flower, his petals flowing in the wind. I snap out of it and realized that he must be the silent prince, the 2nd prince in line for the thrown. He was uncomfortable speaking and just rarely spoke in general ever since he was a kid but even though he doesn't like crowds and prefers his own places, one thing was for sure. He was kind and gentle. I watched him bend down gracefully as he gently cupped and smelled the white rose growing against a tree. The scene almost freezes my brain as I watch him a moment.

He must not have realized he was being watched because he sat down against the tree before resting against it. His white hair and eyelashes looked as though he was a pure flower waiting to be loved carefully. I debate awhile before finally deciding to just watch him from afar. I served the area, trying to focus on anything but the one who was making my chest feel weird. I don't see anyone around, not even a mandatory personal guard. The prince, Cassius, was known for making his personal guard leave his side. An ordinary person who isn't a royal can't speak against or deny him, so they have no choice but to leave.

Cassius was also secret as the artist. He was amazing at drawing the most beautiful things. He draws anything that he sees inspirational, or so I hear from the staff. He's always preferred seclusion and being in nature. I could observe that much on my own though. Barley anyone had seen his drawings unless personally tending to him.

Days turn into weeks as he comes to the garden in the evening around 5 pm till around 8 pm. He seems to have probably been doing this long before I showed up. When I asked a servant about it on break I was told he has been doing it for years and no one tried stopping him anymore. He always found his way back.

I loved watching him shine in the sun and glow under the suns gentle light that surrounds him, enhancing his beauty. He always looked soft and gentle with his content smile as he draws flowers, butterflies, and other objects. Sometimes if he gets bored he'll challenge himself to draw a side of the palace that he was facing. You could tell when he's bored when his eyes narrow slightly. Even from so far away I could tell, at this point almost feel the relaxation but the wish for inspiration. I am not too into art, but I definitely appreciated it. Every time I catch a glance at his drawings I am met with a glimpse of beauty in everything he draws.

A few weeks go by, and all other positions are still full, so I stay placed in the garden. Watching him after 5 pm is always the most calm and my favorite part of the day. The rest of the day I work between 6 am to 9 pm. I'm good at working on lower sleep though, so I didn't mind any of it.

One day I arrived as usual and go through the usual day. At 5 pm though he walks out and sits at the same oak tree. He brought a pad of papers and a pencil and began to sketch a beautiful new white rose. He looked content as he sketches. He placed his things in his lap before stretching and pushing the hair from his eyes. For a moment I feel antsy inside, like something was trying to escape me. I look away, my face hot as I try and cool myself down buy repeating in my head 'don't be an idiot, he's the second prince!'. When I look back, he had returned to drawing, his silver-white hair delicate against his pale skin, just like the blooming rose he was so fixated on.

"...damn he's pretty..." I quickly covered my mouth and stare at him as he looked over to me, almost looking surprised I was even there. My face felt hot again as I hoped he hadn't heard me. His expression turns back to a gentle smile as he always did with people. I smile back awkwardly and reach behind my neck, pinching myself to contain my expression so I didn't die right then and there of embarrassment. He stares at me, his expression the same and I remember my job and who he was. I snap out of it and kneel. "f-forgive me, your highness...I didn't mean to interrupt or disturb you...!" I curse myself out in my head, knowing this wasn't exactly a good impression. I glance up at him and see that he has stood up by now and he nods before walking back to the door into the palace. Damn. I had just messed up...right in front of the second prince of all people...I'm in big trouble...

Chapter 2

By the next day I had already been stuck with anxiety all night as I remember the embarrassing thing I had said. I sigh as I lay in bed and look at the bland ceiling. Would he fire me? He's quite nice and doesn't seem the type...then again a random guard complimenting his looks, leg alone a guy, must have made him uncomfortable...damn. I groan as I hear the alarm clock go off. It was time for my shift.... I had to spend the whole day at the garden again. He probably wouldn't even come today after what I said yesterday... I need to get myself together.

I get out of bed and get dressed in my outfit and put on the necessary armor. Why a garden guard needs that? I have no idea. It looks cool though and makes me feel hot. Literally and the other way. I give myself a bit of coffee to keep my sanity before I have to rush off to start my 'shift'. I walk out of the knights quarters which were on the far side of the palace and on the opposite of the garden. I pass a few others in the halls who were either caffeinated up and ready or clearly hating every life decision they have ever made. However I was easily energized however, the coffee simply helped my brain speed up the process.

I hum slightly, focusing on anything other than what deprived me of sleep last night and I hurry slightly off to the garden and nod halfheartedly to the guard who had night shift. I felt slightly envious that they hadn't had to watch the second prince everyday like a forbidden fruit they could never touch. I sigh and stand at my post as every other day.

Part of me hoped he wouldn't show up again in case he heard what I had said and thought I was gross or creepy. Although he had always been kind, he never spoke or took any particular liking to anyone. At least from what I hear. Unlike the rest of the royal family, no scandals ever showed up, there's not really an opportunity when he is always kind to everyone but never shows any real interest in anyone other than professionally.

I subconsciously regularly look at the doors entering the palace that were connected to the garden, my brain so used to awaiting his arrival. The hours pass a lot longer, and I start to fall back into my overthinking state. Was he too creeped out? Uncomfortable? Grossed out? Would he ever come back? It took a few hours but later that day he finally comes out, with his notepad and pencil as always and sits down at the base of his tree. He had his light smile as always and looked as delicate and lively as ever. So I overthought everything again. Damn my anxiety.

I sigh and lean partially against the palace wall as if to support myself after finding out someone just got saved from death. I stand back up and watch him as I normally do, a small smile escaping me as I feel a warmth in my chest realizing that I hadn't just messed everything up and my little light was still there. I watch in amusement as he draws a butterfly before it flies to him and lands on his finger that rested on the pencil. He chuckles lightly like a child's, innocent and soft. The white little butterfly flew around him before flying away from him.

I started to realize however, it was flying towards me...and the princes eyes followed it before both the butterfly and the princes eyes land on me. His smile falls slightly, before he looks at me curiously. I was still startled and simply bow quickly, the butterfly fluttering away softly into the evening. Flustered after his soft grey eyes had locked with mine, I blush slightly. "Y-your highness..." I glance up and he smiles as always. I felt a flutter in my chest a moment. That smile was for me this time....

I finally get enough courage to speak forward, seeing this as the only opportunity to apologize for yesterday. " apologies for yesterday by the way your highness... It was wrong of me to interrupt and make your highness uncomfortable..I beg of you to forgive my mistake...." I blush slightly, still bowing. I take another peek up to see him nodding and I take that as my cue to stand again.

I stand awkwardly, unsure what to say. He was still a bit away, but he seemed to have heard fine. He stands up and wipes himself off before walking over to me with his paper and pencil. I was nervous and puzzled about what would happen next. He stands a few feet away from me and his pale eyelashes were so pretty against his pale eyes and skin.

He works diligently in his notebook and I watch, unsure whether to speak or to stay still. I just stand awkwardly for a while. I was distracted by his innocent and content expression as he draws. Occasionally he glances at me. He eventually turned the notebook to me, so I could see it. If was a basic but amazing drawing of me drawn in around 5 minutes. It looked amazing, and I blush slightly, enjoying the fact he had placed his attention solely on me for a few minutes. I snap myself out of obsessive land quickly and smile happily. "Wow your highness! That looks amazing! How did you draw that so fast?" a sparkly shown in his eyes and he smiled brighter. He seems happy I complimented him, and he turned the notebook back over and began to wright on the paper more. I wait patiently, Happy to share a moment and be able to see him so close to me.

When he turned it back around the drawing of me was smiling as I just had, and I had a flower crown. I feel the flutter again as I look at the prince again, he looked like an excited child, showing their parents something and waiting for approval. I chuckle slightly. "It looks even better, your highness. You should sell your drawings, I know I would definitely buy them." he seems even more happy, and I can't help but smile. He was glowing like a beautiful star in a night sky.

After a few hours of him drawing as he sat next to me, he shows me his drawings happily, and I watch him flutter around with excitement as if he's never been praised before. My smile falters slightly as I realize I wasn't the only one to fancy the prince... probably the one with the least possibility of getting a future with him though. I was just a knight, a male commoner. He was the amazing and beautiful 'silent prince' that everyone adores. I didn't exactly have a chance, did I?

I push the thoughts away. Staying at the moment is the only thing I need. His gentle and delicate beauty is all that I need to consume my thoughts. I continue to compliment his work and found the rose he had drawn the other day. Its lively beauty illustrated through the sketch. "That one's my favorite, it's a simple yet beautiful drawing." I point to the page that he has stopped at. "Forgive me for my blunt words but.... could I perhaps keep this one? I-its ok of course if not I just really like it...." because it reminds me of you I thought. He pauses a moment before nodding and gently ripped the paper out and handing it to me.

I felt surprised he actually gave it to me and slightly blush. "T-thank you your highness..... could you perhaps sign it…?" he smiles gently and nods before taking it back and signing the top right corner with his first name. "Thank you...I promise to take good care on this" I take it back from him and stare down at the name I'm the corner. I felt my heart fill and I blush realizing what I had asked of the prince, and not only that, I had gotten the drawing! Signed personally by the prince!

he stood up and I checked my watch. "oh, it's time for you to go?" he nods while smiling and then walks back to the doors as usual. I look down to the picture and blush. "...fuck." I had a crush. on the second prince. Damnit.

Chapter 3

At 9 pm I finally finished my very, very long shift, already tired and trying my hardest to not stare at and only think about what was placed in my back pocket. I sigh, knowing that I'm not letting my poor heart go down the better path, anything but liking a prince, even though he's the second in line he could never be with anyone with such a low status plus, who says he's even gay? For all I know he's already got a crush or that the king and queen already have someone arranged to marry him, not to mention that if we even dated we couldn't marry anyway.

My thoughts were consumed by him so even though I should get some sleep, I decided to go to the training grounds and get some air to cool my head and hopefully get Cassius and his drawing out of my mind.

The training grounds were pretty big with little stall like structures around the outside that held our weapons and armory hung on stands and each person normally engraved their name in the wood near the stand and each time someone took their place, they would cross out the name and wright their own but of course not everyone does it and still there are a lot of conflicts every year over someone using someone else's stuff or placing it in their spot, but it's usually the same knights that are just the fighting over anything type.

Normally there's people here throughout the day due to the different shifts and stuff making most people train in the morning and few train at night unless they have the night shift, but even then mostly they don't in other times of the day. Tonight though I only past two people leaving the training grounds, exhausted and sweating.

I go to where I keep my things, on the left side of the training grounds and in the corner of the stall. I remove all my armor and place them on their stands, so they stay less dirty and out of the way and then grab my sword and head out to where the dummy's and targets were, spread around in the circle of the lifeless stalls. The training grounds at night was pretty creepy even though there were lights from the palace on the outside, the dummy's and armor's on their stands were always creepy too me every time I go out alone, witch is practically every time since I don't socialize too much.

After attacking a dummy for a while I felt really sweaty and gross, so I decided to take a break. I check my watch, and it says it's 10: 49. I was growing exhausted but knew as soon as I stop and decide to go back to the knights quarters, I would be flooded with the mixed emotions again, so I kept training in various ways. After doing a bunch of swings at the dummy my arms felt like they were burning, and I plop down on the ground, breathing unevenly. I place my sword at my side and lay back on the dirt ground.

The night sky shown as beautiful as ever as the stars sparkle like a million little diamonds. I take a deep breath, calming my heart and breathing as I focus on the beauty of the night. The wind drifts softly over my arms and cooled my sweat making my once hot body, much more comfortable, like a cold pool on a hot day. Dipping into the cool waters after running in the heat. It was surprisingly a good feeling. Normally I wasn't one to enjoy the outdoors in such a calming way since I was always on duty or training. But no other night was as refreshing and quiet as this one. I relax against it as best I can.

In the morning I get out of bed and yawn, exhausted. I had been out till midnight last night and only woke up at 5:49 am. I get out of bed and change into my outfit once again and brush my teeth, my two bottom teeth as sharp as always. They remind me of a new vampires fangs, but of course smaller and at the bottom row rather than the top. I always loved reading manga with fantasy characters, so I often saw things or thought in ways others think is childish, but it didn't matter to me. Manga was my lifeline, normally I'd fall asleep reading one, but last night was an exception.

The night before I had taken out the paper from my pocket and unfolded it before placing it on my table side desk, the drawing of the rose still sparking something in me almost as strongly as the name signed in the right corner at the top. As I button up my shirt, fixing the top button, I noticed it and walk over to it, smiling softly to myself like a teenage girl who got flowers from her boyfriend for the first time. Dammit, why did I think of it that way?! I'm long gone...

I brush my black hair swiftly, not giving much effort since I didn't care too much, I don't normally hang out with anyone, and it's normally a maid or servant that comes around to all the nights during duty and bring us a sandwich and some fruit during lunch and bread, a butter knife, and butter for the main thing and usually an apple or banana as the side. We weren't given too much, but it was free, and the people would come back in maybe 10 minutes and take the plates or silverware. It didn't really bother me what I ate, it was more of the weather that bothered me.

Days that it stormed I was ok since I always stood under a ledge for a window on the palace's side, but sometimes the wind would lead the rain at a slant and my legs or feet would get wet. Those days sucked because I couldn't sit and would have to eat standing up witch just felt depressing. Worse of all on those days Cassius wouldn't come outside due to the fact it's raining, and he wouldn't draw in such conditions. That made it worse since the only part I look forward to through all my hours was mostly being able to see him, even more now since he knows of my presence and he's already talked, well, interacted with me more like, but it still changes things.

On days that were hot it sucked because in all that armor we had to keep on it really got sweaty and bad. The scent would be quite bad but at the same time the servants would bring extra water bottles around and would give you a cup of ice if you wanted. You would just have to return the cup after your shift to the kitchen. Those days were terrible also, but Cassius would still come outside those days, just not for as long. I didn't have to worry about the sun since my skin is normally a little darker. It was very hard to get even a little sunburned and even then it never hurt.

However, in the winter, everyone's job and was a bit effected if not very. Many of the servants that brought us the food would struggle a little more because of course they wouldn't give us water that would freeze, they had to give us hot chocolate (which was delicious btw) and that would of course take a lot longer but was much better to us. On those days in the winter when there was heavy snow we were normally given little hand heaters to keep in our armor that could be traded out a few times in every shift. those were hard days. On those types of day Cassius wouldn't come but less snowy day's he would still be out, bundled up but his pale cheeks colored a cute shade of pink. I did like that about those days but of course he couldn't stay very long outside.

Regardless of the weather though, I didn't change my shift or ask for a switch since I couldn't bare the thought of missing a day with him in it. I know, it's really cheesy, but I can't help it. Plus I don't like the thought of someone else seeing how he looks so content while outside in the fresh air, the way his silver hair and gray eyes look in the winter. Like he belongs to the wind, a delicate snowflake. His pink cheeks making him look even prettier.

Another reason I don't though is because we get paid based on our job and hours. I'm not in a hard shift, but I am the only one stationed in the garden witch makes my pay higher than it would be. It was about 165 a day, but I was fine with that. I only really came here because I was so fond of the palace and thought out of my respect and love for the kingdom and all it did to help me well after my parents died, that I should repay it with my life. So I went after the job of knighthood, though I planned to be one to help fight against others, that was normally a job for people with exceptional strength or those who have worked for them for a while, and since I'm neither, I was placed in this job, but I was fine with it. I mostly talk to myself while keeping my eyes on any movement within the garden.

So far I haven't caught anyone or anything other than a few rodents and snakes that I reported for people that were trained for this type of job to work on. I felt bad for the rodents but wasn't a fan of snakes since I was bitten when I was young and was bedridden for a while until the fever passed. Luckily it wasn't that venomous but still traumatized a 5-year-old. I lived in the orphanage around that time and was even more scared since I had just arrived. The orphanage took good care of me and showed me good affection with my time there. The royal family is the one that funds the good medical care and food and room necessities witch made me forever in debt to them. They were the only reason I survived and even got such a good education and bed and food even though I had nothing to offer, a small kid that can't repay them.from then on I had vowed to repay them any way I could.

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