The Thunder Of Vesper

The Thunder Of Vesper


2nd scenario-

‘Gordobacs’ is one of the famous inn in the west of Alpere

Empire. It is always crowded with people both day and night. One night, it was

crowded as usual. Among all of the rackets a voice of a man can be heard

saying, “Hey, Aamon! Where the hell did you disappear to all this time? What

are you up to lately?”

-“Something really interesting, you bet. Remember Peretin?”

replies another voice.

-“Who was he again?”

-“Last time when we took on an aligned mission, there was

this guy with extreme strength. He was quite tall too. Did you forget that he

beat up Philip?”

-“Oh! You mean that twisted bastard who trounced our Philip

so badly that he ended up being one legged for the rest of his life. He was a

complete lunatic. What was his name again? ‘keretin’, ‘Meretin’ or whatever his

name was.”

-“Yes, it’s him. His name was Peretin.”

-“What about him now?”

-“He is dead. His lifeless body was found in an alley two

days ago. He was murdered brutally. Whoever murdered him must have taken all

their rage out on him.”

The first man gasped, “What?! Seriously? That lunatic

bastard is dead?!”

-“Yes, apparently, he wasn’t simply ‘murdered’. He was

tortured brutally to death.”

-“That’s awful. But it’s a good news. And not only to me but

to many other people. He had a lot of enemies. But, what do you find so

interesting here? He was bound to be murdered by someone with the amount of

enemies he made.”

The guy named Aamon lowers his voice and checks if anyone is

listening to their conversation before speaking, “Well, it would be better if

that was the case. But, you know the name……‘The thunder of Vesper’, right?”

-“Wha-what?! Who doesn’t know that name! But why are you

bringing the name of ‘The Vesper’ guild, and no less their leader’s at that?”

-“It is said that ‘The thunder of Vesper’ murdered him. Even

if that is a rumor, she definitely has something to do with him. The day he was

killed, he attempted an assassination on her that morning. Ofcourse, he lost

but strange enough that she let him live after catching him on the act. She

only stabbed his thigh and threatened him. But after that incident he was seen

running desperately while limping in one leg in the town. That was the last

time people saw him. Then, in that evening his dead body was found. The rest,

you know.”

-“…then it can be no one else except the thunder of Vesper.

Everyone knows she is a truculent, barbarous, merciless guild-master. She is

basically a heartless monster. Who else can it be if not her? He pissed her

off, so she finished him off.”

-“But why didn’t she kill him on the spot then? It’s not

like she cares about bad rumors spreading about her.”

-“It’s not our business. Anything is possible for her.

People call her ‘mad dog’ for not no reason, you see. Damn, I really pity her

guild members. How are they even alive after all this time despite being with

her? She must make them do all sort of dirty works.”

-“You got one thing wrong there, buddy. The Vesper guild’s

all members are-” before Aamon finishes his sentence, a mug of bear gets thrown

at their table. They barely dodge it. “Who the heck threw this?!” shouts the

first man. But they notice that a fight broke out in the inn. “Seems like the

fight is between two people of the same guild to see who is stronger” Aamon’s

voice says. Soon all the people of the inn divides in two group betting on

those two men. “It’s intense. But I feel like the fight is one-sided. That bald

dude is so weak that he can’t even stand up properly taking those punches let

alone punching his opponent.”

-“Yeah……” says Aamon. Fights like these do not faze them.

Because they are used to this.

Dark-cloudy sky. Only a faint light of the moon is visual in

the sky. Even that little light is being covered by the cloud every now and

then. Under the very faint light of the moon three figures can be seen running.

Heavy breathing, panting, light but quick footsteps. Some

may call them ‘trained assassins’. But they are just ‘mere’ guild members.

-“Halt! People are coming” says one of them with a

pale-complexion, black hair like the night sky and sharp-bright eyes. She seems

to be in her late thirties.

-“What?! Why? It’s not like we are thieves so that we have

to hide from people. What’s wrong with them seeing us?” says another young man

with short brown hair, although he seems like more of a boy rather than a young



is right. Listen to her, Fin. It’s not because of us being thieves or not. It’s

about our appearance. Do normal people or soldiers dress like this? It’s that

we do not want to attract unnecessary attention. It will also eat our time”

says the last man with big height and well built body. He has a scar in his

face. Because of his dark skinned tone the scar in his face is even more

visible. His words are true in fact. Because they are dressed in all black, even

with their mouths covered with masks. They are also carrying swords, knives and

other weapons with them. The woman named Angartha says to them, “Follow me.

Come through this way” in a commanding tone. Fin whispers to the other man

while following Angartha, “Still, don’t you think she is a bit cocky, David?

Who does she think she is to boss around us when we all are of the same guild

and with same position at that?” The man referred as David responses back, “It

is because she IS more experienced than you. And captain herself chose her as

our leader for this mission. Than much proves that she is more capable and

better than us even if we have the same position.”

-“tsk!” Fin clicks his tongue and continues talking back,

“But still-” but Angartha cuts him off and says, “Kid, if you have any problem

with my guidelines then you are free to leave at any time.” This statement

catches him off guard. He stutters and replies, “N-no! It’s not what I meant!

I-I just…”

-“Then keep moving. Come after me. We don’t have much time

left till dawn. Quick!”

-“Yes!”, “Aye!” both Fin and David replies at the same time.

And they fasten up their paces. Soon they disappear in the dark just like they




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