2nd scenario-
‘Gordobacs’ is one of the famous inn in the west of Alpere
Empire. It is always crowded with people both day and night. One night, it was
crowded as usual. Among all of the rackets a voice of a man can be heard
saying, “Hey, Aamon! Where the hell did you disappear to all this time? What
are you up to lately?”
-“Something really interesting, you bet. Remember Peretin?”
replies another voice.
-“Who was he again?”
-“Last time when we took on an aligned mission, there was
this guy with extreme strength. He was quite tall too. Did you forget that he
beat up Philip?”
-“Oh! You mean that twisted bastard who trounced our Philip
so badly that he ended up being one legged for the rest of his life. He was a
complete lunatic. What was his name again? ‘keretin’, ‘Meretin’ or whatever his
name was.”
-“Yes, it’s him. His name was Peretin.”
-“What about him now?”
-“He is dead. His lifeless body was found in an alley two
days ago. He was murdered brutally. Whoever murdered him must have taken all
their rage out on him.”
The first man gasped, “What?! Seriously? That lunatic
bastard is dead?!”
-“Yes, apparently, he wasn’t simply ‘murdered’. He was
tortured brutally to death.”
-“That’s awful. But it’s a good news. And not only to me but
to many other people. He had a lot of enemies. But, what do you find so
interesting here? He was bound to be murdered by someone with the amount of
enemies he made.”
The guy named Aamon lowers his voice and checks if anyone is
listening to their conversation before speaking, “Well, it would be better if
that was the case. But, you know the name……‘The thunder of Vesper’, right?”
-“Wha-what?! Who doesn’t know that name! But why are you
bringing the name of ‘The Vesper’ guild, and no less their leader’s at that?”
-“It is said that ‘The thunder of Vesper’ murdered him. Even
if that is a rumor, she definitely has something to do with him. The day he was
killed, he attempted an assassination on her that morning. Ofcourse, he lost
but strange enough that she let him live after catching him on the act. She
only stabbed his thigh and threatened him. But after that incident he was seen
running desperately while limping in one leg in the town. That was the last
time people saw him. Then, in that evening his dead body was found. The rest,
you know.”
-“…then it can be no one else except the thunder of Vesper.
Everyone knows she is a truculent, barbarous, merciless guild-master. She is
basically a heartless monster. Who else can it be if not her? He pissed her
off, so she finished him off.”
-“But why didn’t she kill him on the spot then? It’s not
like she cares about bad rumors spreading about her.”
-“It’s not our business. Anything is possible for her.
People call her ‘mad dog’ for not no reason, you see. Damn, I really pity her
guild members. How are they even alive after all this time despite being with
her? She must make them do all sort of dirty works.”
-“You got one thing wrong there, buddy. The Vesper guild’s
all members are-” before Aamon finishes his sentence, a mug of bear gets thrown
at their table. They barely dodge it. “Who the heck threw this?!” shouts the
first man. But they notice that a fight broke out in the inn. “Seems like the
fight is between two people of the same guild to see who is stronger” Aamon’s
voice says. Soon all the people of the inn divides in two group betting on
those two men. “It’s intense. But I feel like the fight is one-sided. That bald
dude is so weak that he can’t even stand up properly taking those punches let
alone punching his opponent.”
-“Yeah……” says Aamon. Fights like these do not faze them.
Because they are used to this.
Dark-cloudy sky. Only a faint light of the moon is visual in
the sky. Even that little light is being covered by the cloud every now and
then. Under the very faint light of the moon three figures can be seen running.
Heavy breathing, panting, light but quick footsteps. Some
may call them ‘trained assassins’. But they are just ‘mere’ guild members.
-“Halt! People are coming” says one of them with a
pale-complexion, black hair like the night sky and sharp-bright eyes. She seems
to be in her late thirties.
-“What?! Why? It’s not like we are thieves so that we have
to hide from people. What’s wrong with them seeing us?” says another young man
with short brown hair, although he seems like more of a boy rather than a young
is right. Listen to her, Fin. It’s not because of us being thieves or not. It’s
about our appearance. Do normal people or soldiers dress like this? It’s that
we do not want to attract unnecessary attention. It will also eat our time”
says the last man with big height and well built body. He has a scar in his
face. Because of his dark skinned tone the scar in his face is even more
visible. His words are true in fact. Because they are dressed in all black, even
with their mouths covered with masks. They are also carrying swords, knives and
other weapons with them. The woman named Angartha says to them, “Follow me.
Come through this way” in a commanding tone. Fin whispers to the other man
while following Angartha, “Still, don’t you think she is a bit cocky, David?
Who does she think she is to boss around us when we all are of the same guild
and with same position at that?” The man referred as David responses back, “It
is because she IS more experienced than you. And captain herself chose her as
our leader for this mission. Than much proves that she is more capable and
better than us even if we have the same position.”
-“tsk!” Fin clicks his tongue and continues talking back,
“But still-” but Angartha cuts him off and says, “Kid, if you have any problem
with my guidelines then you are free to leave at any time.” This statement
catches him off guard. He stutters and replies, “N-no! It’s not what I meant!
I-I just…”
-“Then keep moving. Come after me. We don’t have much time
left till dawn. Quick!”
-“Yes!”, “Aye!” both Fin and David replies at the same time.
And they fasten up their paces. Soon they disappear in the dark just like they
3rd scenario-
-“News! News! News! The infamous assassin Peretin Cain’s body
has been found lifeless! News! News! News! The cruel assassin Peretin Cain was
proved to be murdered!” shouts a chatty paperboy. He continues to shout the
news as he delivers newspaper from house to house. This is ultimately a
breaking news for most of the town’s people. Although they seem to be more
relieved rather than mourning over his death. While the paperboy was shouting
out the breaking news, a middle-aged man ask him, “Hey, Tom! Is there any clue
as to who the murderer is?” The paperboy dramatically says lowering his voice
as if he is giving the most important information of the empire’s that mustn’t
be known to the common folks, “That is a really secret information. But, I knew
through sources. I am telling this to only you, Mr.Hansel. So, you mustn’t
share this with anybody else.” The asker gets impatient and says, “Cut to the
chase and say who is that person.”
-“Alright, alright. The most predictable murderer is……‘The
Thunder of Vesper’” says Tom lowering his voice as if to scare the man named
Hansel. But, in reality, Tom said the same thing to both who asked or didn’t
-“That cheeky brat, I really wish I could give him a good
beating. He is spreading false rumors about master continuously” says a person
whose body is covered from head to toe by a brown cape.
-“So do I. But, if we really end up doing it then cape(
short form of captain ) will also give us a good beating. And I definitely
don’t want that. I bet, nor do you” says a man standing beside her. His he is
wearing a long hood. Actually, they have been noticing Tom from under a shade
for quite some time now.
-“Master will also be disappointed at us. But, come on! He
is being too annoying.” Says the first figure.
-“Of course you can give him a good beating or worse even
kill him to only get yourself banished from the guild. Oh, if that happens then
many other guilds or organizations will try to hire you, specially cape’s
enemies. You will even be ‘famous’ like you’ve always wanted. It’s definitely a
good idea for you, Seira” says the man beside her as he winks at her.
-“Jamie! I am not in the mood to hear your jokes!” says
Seira to him as he glares at him frowning.
-“Alright, alright. I won’t joke any more. I just wanted to
make you less angry. You are all fired up right now just like your hair color”
says Jamie shrugging his shoulders. Seira stares daggers at him. Jamie quickly
says at the sight of her staring, “I stop”.
Knock, knock. Jamie and Seira knocks on the door of a small
old house. The house is two-floored and covered in dusts from the outside. It
is situated in a really dark alley but the surrounding seems pretty remote. It
doesn’t catch the eye at first glance.
-“Sister Eve, it’s us” says Seira. She is no longer wearing
the cape. Now her appearance is visible. She has red curly-hair. Her eyes are
deep-blue like the depth of an ocean. She has freckles in her face. She is most
likely an young adult aged from 18 to 20. Jamie’s also not wearing the cloak.
He seem to have brown hair with pitch black eyes. He is 36 years old. He seems
to be quite tall comparing to Seira.
The door creaks and opens. A middle-aged woman named Eve as
Seira called, openes the door. They both enter.
-“Sister Eve, did they come back?” asks Seira.
-“Yes, all three of them are back. Angartha and Fin are resting.
And David went out somewhere.” Answers the woman named Eve. Her beauty is
outspoken. She has glimmering silver hair. They are straight and they fall upon
her waist. Her skin is pale. Her eyes are dreamy with big eyelashes. They give
off a radiant blue hue. They look like a pair of shining pearls. Her aura is
calming that soothes anyone’s mind. She is wearing a long white gown. It makes
her look even more angelic. She seems really kind and polite. She has a warm
smile on her face. She is probably 32 years old. But despite her age, she is a
rare beauty who still looks like in her teens.
-“Was the mission successful?” inquires Jamie.
-“Certainly.” Eve replies smiling. Even though she seems
really polite and kind yet she gives off a mysterious aura which is even more
intriguing for her character.
-“Where is master?” asks Seira. Eve looks at her and smiles
kindly. Then she replies, “Amethis is upstairs. She have told you guys to rest
for now. Most likely, she will hold a small meeting with us in this evening.
So, rest well, little Seira and ‘Mr. Jokester’.” Eve says as she looks at Jamie
and narrows her eyes.
-“All right then” mumbles Seira as she stretches her arms
and head towards the stairs. Jamie stares at Eve for some time before stepping
forwards to one of the rooms from the first floor. The atmosphere around them
is tense. It’s obvious that both Eve and Jamie are hostile towards each other
for some reason.
Later that evening in the same old house 7 figures can be
seen seated around a big rectangle table. Those people are Angartha, Fin,
David, Eve, Jamie, Seira and another person. She is a young lady with radiant
yellow hair blazing like the sun and dark-black eyes. Her height seems to be
around 5’9. She is wearing a white shirt and black leather pants. She looks
stronger than an average man.
-“Where the hell does he always disappears to? He is always
late and gives off a scary vibe at that” says Fin grumbling.
-“Pfft! Are you intimidated by him, Fin?” says Seira holding
back a smile.
-“Admit it. I know you also don’t like the vibe of him. I
mean, any normal person will be scared by the way he looks at them” replies Fin
-“Well, I can’t argue with that one. I also don’t like his
vibes” says Seira smirking.
-“Both of you, it’s not right to talk bad about people
behind their back” says David looking at Seira and Fin.
-“We badmouth him even in front of him” says Fin proudly.
Seira bursts into laughter and says, “Well said, Fin.” Eve sighs and Angartha
keeps her composure lifeless as ever. David frowns and Jamie smirks at Fin’s
words. Suddenly, the yellow-haired girl speaks, “It’s enough, Fin, Seira. Nox
will arrive here in 2 minutes.”
-“Can you hear his footsteps?” asks Seira.
-“Yes. Now 1 minute and 45 seconds” replies that young woman calmly.
-“Woah! You are really awesome, master” Seira exclaims with
-“Don’t call me master. I have told that to you many times”
says she sternly.
-“But, you are my maste-” before Seira can finish her sentence
a guy enters the room through the door. His face was covered by the long hood.
But once he enters the house, he takes of the hood and looks at them. He has
deep-black hair which seems like navy-blue color from different angles. His
eyes looks like a pair of deep blue pearls. They shine vigilantly. He is 25
years old. His skin is pale. He is also
quite tall, maybe 6’5. He has a slim but masculine figure with a really
beautiful face. He is an eye catcher.
-“You are later than expected, Nox” says the woman with
yellow hair as she stare at him. The young man named Nox steps towards her and
whispers something in her ear. “I see” mumbles that young woman as she focuses
and crosses her arms, “Anyway, we will talk about this later. Now, sit down
first”. Upon hearing her command, Nox sits in the chair beside her. Eve brakes
the silence first. She looks at the young woman and says, “So, Amethis, shall
we start?”
-“Yes” replies the yellow-haired girl gazing at all of them
for a moment. “We will start” Amethis says fixing her eyes on the faint moon of
the night sky which can be seen through the open window.
-“First, you did a good job, Angartha, David and Fin. You
completed your mission successfully without any problems. Mr. Viche has
received the pearl and he is pleased with you guys. He would like to pay double
the amount he said he would pay, only if you want it. So, what are your
opinions in this?” says Amethis looking at Angartha, Fin and David.
-“I will go with any decision that the captain chooses”
replies Angartha with a serious expression.
-“Before I say anything, I would like to hear your advice
first, captain” says David politely.
-“I really like that offer!” says Fin raising his voice
slightly as his demeanor brightens instantly. Amethis smiles slightly at their
replies and says, “It’s your choice, Angartha. You are the one who did it. And
Mr. Viche wanted to know your opinion,
not mine. And as for my advice, I would say you guys to accept it since I don’t
see any negative intentions.”
-“Then I would accept the offer” states Angartha calmly.
-“I also like this offer since captain thinks so too” says
I will let Mr. Viche know about your opinions” says Amethis resting her chin on
her hand. “So, let’s start. Shall we?” They all nod in agreement.
I received a new request of a very ‘special’ client. She has to cross the
border of Alpere and enter Crois safely. So, she has asked for our help to
cross the border safely.” says Amethis.
Isn’t that our biggest enemy empire?” asks Fin pondering.
indeed is. That’s exactly why she has asked for our help to cross the border.”
by your information, it seems she doesn’t have any passport or permission to
cross this empire. So, she is trespassing. And it also seems to me that she is
delivering something really secretive or perhaps she herself is someone of high
value” states Eve calmly.
Your guess is correct, Eve” Amethis looks at her and says in a softer tone.
we are basically going to be that so called ‘client’s’ bodyguard saving her
from harms of pursuers, guards, assassins or soldiers” says Nox crossing his
legs in an elegant way. Angartha frowns at his as he does so. Eve keeps a kind
smile on her face but her lips twitch slightly for a moment at his behavior.
the summary of the request more or less” Amethis says moving her gaze to all of
um, isn’t that illegal?” asks Fin stealing a quick gaze at Nox.
indeed is, Fin. But we have done worse missions than this. Have we not? And do
you really think we still belong to this empire?” says Amethis.
were banned.” Fin says lowering his head and fidgeting.
there are guild members here from other empires too.” says David.
that bastard sitting here…” mutters Seira loud enough for only her, Fin and
Jamie to hear. They discuss about various topic before finally ending their
meeting. “Let’s end this here today. You guys have been constantly carrying out
missions. Get a good rest. We have a long journey ahead of us” says Amethis as
she stands up. “Yes!” says both Fin and Seira together. Amethis leaves the room
first and go outside that house. Nox follows her behind. “Nox……are you sure you
are going to be alright?” says Amethis suddenly stopping and facing him. Nox
stays silent for some time just staring at her then he smiles only noticeable
if someone looks at him closely. He replies in a relaxed voice complete
opposite from his attitude during the meeting in front others, “I have long
abandoned all my identities and past. Those things are nothing but like dusts
to me. I chose to follow you. So, I will go along with every decision you
take.” Hearing his opinion Amethis says nothing and avoids his gaze. She looks
at the deep night shy and sighs. After some time she mumbles, “But I am not
worth that……”. She mumbles that rather for herself than him to listen.
4th scenario-
A week later. Amethis introduces the “client” that she
mentioned previously to the guild members. The “client” has Yellow hair and
ocean eyes. She is not the belle of the balls. But she doesn’t seem ugly
either. She rather seems unique somehow. She gives off a noble and gentle aura.
But there’s something off or strange about her. She seems mysterious. She
doesn’t seem to be that old either. She looks around 25 years old. Amethis
introduces her to the members as “Lyrica”. “She is without a doubt a noble
lady” says Seira after she gets out of sight with Amethis.
-“I also bet!” says Fin almost immediately. “I mean just
look at the way she talks and behaves.”
-“Even her walking resembles that of a noble. I wonder what
is a noble daughter like her doing here in a shabby place” says Seira.
-“Who knows if we have to wash her clothes or feed her” says
Fin ironically.
-“Heh! Maybe she is wrinkling her nose and washing her hands
after talking to us in disgust” says Seira ridiculing.
-“That’s enough of you two. You can’t just judge someone at
the first glance. And the way you are talking baseless things about her behind
her back is impolite and immoral” says David sternly (righteous David to the
rescue(; ).
-“Mr. David is right, little Seira and Fin. You shouldn’t
talk like that about her considering the fact that Amethis has chose her
herself. So, we also must trust her since we will be spending most of the times
with her from now on” says Eve from behind. “But there’s something off about
her. She is definitely hiding something although I can’t put my finger in it.”
She mutters thoughtfully.
a day, they left off for their journey or rather adventure at dawn. It was a
bright day with clear sky and comfortable atmosphere when they arrived at
district-3 from their district-8. They decide to spend the night in an inn from
that district.
it really ‘that’ Gordobac?!” Fin almost shouts in amazement. “I have always
wanted to come here at least once.”
it sure is different from all the other village inns you see out there” says
David inspecting the inn from outside.
isn’t that too costly, Amethis?” asks Eve with a weary look.
we can’t just have our noble client stay in the dirty and unsafe places. Also
we can cost much more than that. You know that more well than anyone else, Eve”
replies Amethis.
can’t we just enter already?” asks Seira with curious and enthusiastic tone as
she stands before the inn door with her hands on the door-knob. Amethis smiles
slightly at her behavior and says, “Yes, we can.” Soon they book three rooms
for them to stay the night
It’s not fair. How come that mere stranger get to share a room with master when
I couldn’t in all my 19 year of life?” grunts Seira.
because she is not a mere stranger. She is our precious client. And it’s one of
the part of the deal that one of us always have to stay with her to protect
her” replies Eve. Seira huffs.
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